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MARINHA DO BRASIL DIRETORIA DE ENSINO DA MARINHA | (PROCESSO SELETIVO PARA INGRESSO NO} CORPO DE ENGENHEIROS DA MARINHA /} PS-EngNav/2008) (TEXTO EM INGLES TECNICO) TEXTO EM INGLES PARA TRADUGAO Engineers are responsible for the unsustainable environmental degradation that we are currently experiencing. At first reading, this seems a harsh statement. Yet, a review of the nightly news suggests otherwise. How many of the environmental disasters, social disruptions and economic dislocations of recent times have direct or indirect technological origins and, by default, engineering input. If the engineer's role is to act as the interface between society and scientific developments, and to ensure that new technology is applied in a sustainable and positive way, then it is our responsibility to change our approach to correct these mistakes, and to put the world back on a viable path namely that of sustainable development. Sustainable development demands that we seek ways of living, working and being that enable all peoples of the world to lead healthy, fulfilling and economically secure lives, without destroying the environment and without endangering the future welfare of the planet. It requires fundamental structural and behavioral transformation in all aspects of life to ensure equitable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems Sustainable development, therefore, goes beyond simple environmental protection and improvement. From a technological perspective, it requires that we explore the values underpinning our technologies and technological decision-making processes, both within engineering and within society as a whole, to determine what role technology has in our future, not simply as the ‘saviour’ or ‘villain’ of our problems, but as a beneficial, integral part of our lives. Lu] Sustainable development demands a holistic approach to the analysis of the problems the world faces and to the development cf solutions to these urgent concerns. This perspective goes beyond the systems thinking methods traditionally used in the development of technology and adopted by most engineering disciplines. It includes the social, ethical, economic, political and cultural systems that technology is embedded in and shaped by and it suggests a need to redefine the boundaries of the problems that engineering addresses. It is no longer sufficient simply to consider a technical system without wider and deeper considerations of the values and views of a diversity of stakeholders (environmentalists, politicians, the public, interest groups, the media) and the interaction of technology with these different elements in society. Thus, for example, the Prova: TRADUCKO DE TEXTO EM INGLES Concurso: PS-EngNav/08 1 de 2 focus moves from the design of cars to the formulation of integrated transport systems that may or may not rely on the car as their central technology. Extraido, com adaptagSes, de Clarke, S. F. et al. “Managing engineering for a sustainable future”, Engineering Management Journal, December 2000, pp. 275-280. Prova: TRADUGO DE TEXTO EM INGLES Concurso: PS-EngNav/o8 2 de 2

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