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Moura, Mansur, Parente


Neuropsychology as a specialty in
Speech Language and Hearing Sciences:
Consensus of Brazilian Speech
Language Pathologists and Audiologists

Neuropsicologia como especialidade

na Fonoaudiologia: Consenso
de Fonoaudiólogos Brasileiros

Neuropsicología como especialidad

en Fonoaudiología: Consenso
de Fonoaudiólogos Brasileños

Lenisa Brandão*
Rochele Paz Fonseca**
Karin Zazo Ortiz***
Deborah Azambuja****
Jerusa Fumagalli de Salles*
Ana Luíza Navas*****
Maria Teresa Carthery-Goulart******
Maria Isabel d’Ávila Freitas*******
Karina Carlesso Pagliarin********
Denise Ren da Fontoura*********
Sheilla de Medeiros Correia Marin**********
Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves Bianchini***********
Jaime Luiz Zorzi************
Bianca Arruda Manchester de Queiroga*************
Maria Cecília de Moura***********
Letícia Lessa Mansur**********
Maria Alice de Mattos Pimenta Parente******

*Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

** Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
***Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
****Instituto de Neurologia de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
*****Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
******Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo, Brazil.

378 Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016

Neuropsychology as a specialty in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences: Consensus of Brazilian Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists


In January, 2015, the Federal Council of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences in Brazil published
a resolution which describes the competences and roles of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
with Specialty in Neuropsychology. This article aims to present the history of professional’s participation
in the area and to reflect on the importance of this specialty. It is estimated that the recognition of
speech pathologists in the field of neuropsychology will produce greater investment in the development
of professional practices compatible with the high performance of neuropsychological assessment and
intervention of cognitive communicative disorders in our country.
Keywords: Neuropsychology; Speech Language and Hearing Sciences; Communication;
Cognition; Brain.


Em janeiro de 2015 o Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia publicou a resolução que dispõe sobre
as atribuições e competências relativas ao Fonoaudiólogo Especialista em Neuropsicologia. Dada à
importância do reconhecimento dessa especialidade, faz-se necessário divulgar o histórico da atuação do
fonoaudiólogo na área e refletir sobre seu papel na Neuropsicologia. Estima-se que o reconhecimento da
atuação fonoaudiológica na área da Neuropsicologia produzirá maior investimento no desenvolvimento de
práticas profissionais compatíveis com o alto desempenho em avaliação e intervenção neuropsicológicas
para a saúde da comunicação em nosso país.
Palavras-chave: Neuropsicologia; Fonoaudiologia; Comunicação; Cognição; Encéfalo.


En enero de 2015 el Consejo Federal de Fonoaudiología en Brasil publicó la resolución que prevé
las competencias y misiones del Fonoaudiólogo especialista en Neuropsicología. Este artículo tiene
como objetivo presentar el historial de participación de los fonoaudiólogos en el área y reflexionar sobre
sus roles en Neuropsicología. Se estima que el reconocimiento de los fonoaudiólogos en el campo de la
Neuropsicología producirá mayor investimento en el desarrollo de prácticas profesionales compatibles
con la alta performance de la evaluación y intervención neuropsicologica para pacientes con trastornos
cognitivo comunicativos en nuestro país.
Palabras claves: Neuropsicología; Fonoaudiología; Comunicación; Cognición; Encéfalo.

******* Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

******** Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
********* Hospital Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
********** Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
*********** Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
************ CEFAC - Pós-Graduação, São Paulo, Brazil.
************* Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Authors’ contributions: LB design, writing, critical review and final approval of content. RPF writing. KZO writing. DA wri-
ting. JFS writing. ALN critical review. MTCG critical review. MIDF critical review. KCP critical review. DRF critical review.
SMCM critical review. EMGB critical review. JLZ critical review. BAMQ critical review and final approval of content. MCM
critical review and final approval of content. LLM critical review and final approval of content. MAMPP - critical review and
final approval of content.

Correspondence address: Lenisa Brandão. E-mail:

Received: 02/13/2016
Accepted: 23/04/2016

Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016 379

Brandão, Fonseca, Ortiz, Azambuja, Salles, Navas, Carthery-Goulart , Freitas, Pagliarin, Fontoura, Marin, Bianchini, Zorzi, Queiroga, Moura, Mansur, Parente

Introduction Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

with expertise and training in the area of Neuro-
Neuropsychology is the interdisciplinary field psychology could receive the title of “Specialist in
that deals with the relationship between brain and Neuropsychology”. The study was based on criteria
cognition, and with the study of neuropsychological of the Brazilian Classification of Occupations.
functions throughout life. The interest in neurop- Many well known and respected Speech-Language
sychological functions involves both biological and Pathologists who worked with communication
psychosocial factors. These functions are mediated disorders as clinicians and researchers in the area
by context and are capable of development and of Neuropsychology were consulted in this pro-
rehabilitation through stimulation and learning. cess. In 2014, Speech-Language Pathologists and
The notion that Neuropsychology is an interdis- Audiologists also opined in forums that took place
ciplinary field is evidenced by classical works of in the different regions of Brazil. In addition, the
proposal was submitted to public consultation in
aphasia in the second half of the 1800’s. This idea
an online survey to Brazilian speech-language pa-
is later emphasized during the two World Wars,
thologists and audiologists. The consultations with
due to the large number of victims who survived
speech-language pathologists who had expertise in
with brain damage and needed neuropsychological
neuropsychology, the votes on regional forums and
rehabilitation. The main approaches of cognitive
the results of the survey showed agreement upon
rehabilitation in that time focused in the treatment
the creation of the Neuropsychology specialty,
of aphasia. In Russia, for example, the language
gaining wide approval of the Speech-Language
of such patients was rehabilitated based in neurop-
Pathology and Audiology professional class. The
sychological studies which investigated cognitive
recognition of the specialty was then published in
functions represented in the human brain1.
the resolution CFFa of 466/20153.
The base of knowledge which formed neurop-
sychology comes from several areas, particularly
Speech-Language Pathology and
Neuroscience, Linguistics, and Psychology. Un-
Audiology’s scope of practice in
doubtedly, these fields of study represent important
stones in the foundation of Speech Language and
The Brazilian Speech-Language Pathologist
Hearing Sciences. Speech-Language Pathology and
and Audiologist’s title of specialist in Neurop-
Audiology represent young professional fields whi-
sychology confirms expertise at the interface
ch in Brazil are studied in the same course, dating
between human communication, cognition and
from the decade of 1960. The fact that the profes-
its relation to brain function. Such specialist is
sion is new somehow justifies the little knowledge
entitled to work in the prevention, assessment,
of much of the Brazilian population and even of
treatment, and management of communication
other professions about the depth of its relationship disorders affected by cognition and brain functio-
with neuropsychology. The construction of speech- ning. Therefore, he or she may work with people
-language pathology was based on several sources, who have any communication needs, complaints
which form the knowledge essential for a broad or difficulties associated with neuropsychological
understanding of human communication. Surely deficits resulting from neurological, psychiatric,
this is why there is consensus in the field that the neuropsychiatric and developmental disorders3.
understanding of human communication necessari- It is possible to identify the study of brain-mind
ly involves a thorough knowledge of brain function relationship, which lies within the scope of Neu-
and cognition, requiring interdisciplinary training2. ropsychology, not only in the area of language,
but in all areas of speech-language pathology and
The specialty recognition process audiology2.

In 2013, the commission responsible for ana- Language and human communication
lyzing specialist titles and specialization courses Cognitive-communicative disorders include
(CATECE) of the Brazilian Federal Speech- difficulties in any aspect of communication affected
Language and Audiology Council began a sys- by cognitive deficits. Communication includes ver-
tematic study with the goal of deciding whether bal and nonverbal aspects and processing of audi-

380 Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016

Neuropsychology as a specialty in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences: Consensus of Brazilian Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists

tory input, speech, gestures, reading and writing, as Swallowing and Orofacial Sensory-
well as different linguistic domains (phonological, motor disorders
morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and The cognitive status of the patient should be
discursive)2. considered both in evaluation/diagnosis and in
Cognition is traditionally defined as the set of rehabilitation processes of Orofacial sensory-motor
unequivocally intelligent processes and products of functions and Swallowing. Conditions that affect
the human mind4. Higher mental processes include: cognition, such as depression, dementia and even
the aging process can impact in orofacial motor
knowledge, consciousness, intelligence, thought,
function, especially in chewing, swallowing,
imagination, creation of plans and strategies,
speaking and using facial expressions. The iden-
reasoning, inferences, problem solving. Systems
tification of atypical myofunctional tonus, poor
such as perception, attention, memory, executive facial expression, oral functioning disorders as
functions and language are the most investigated. well as speech motor difficulties can signal certain
Functional communication aspects affected by neurological disorders, especially in older adults.
cognition include social interaction, learning and The early detection of these signs can contribute to
academic and vocational performance4. differential diagnosis of neurological pathologies.
The relationship between language and In addition, the knowledge that Speech-Language
other neuropsychological functions is robustly Pathology has accumulated in the understanding of
demonstrated in the literature5,6,7,8. It is a fact that certain dissociations, for example, between men-
effectively communicating necessarily involves the tal processes related to the production of speech
development of attention9. Language development movements and those related to the production of
in children is closely related to global motor de- non speech oral motor praxis, can be very useful in
velopment, integrity of auditory and neurological neuropsychology10. There is also evidence that the
neuropsychological profile of patients with demen-
pathways, sensory integration of auditory and
tia is closely related to the prognosis of treatment
visual systems and cognitive development. The
for oral motor and swallowing difficulties11.
field of Developmental Neuropsychology is closely Neuropsychological models of speech pro-
related to speech-language pathology, especially in cessing help to understand the distinction between
view of the importance of language to cognitive language and speech10. Given the complexity of
function. It is well known that language plays a the relationship between language and speech,
key role throughout the development of learning9. an integrated vision that considers neuropsycho-
The relationship between adult communication logical processing is essential, allowing not only
and cognition is also evident. Discourse coherence a clear differentiation between disorders, but an
and informativeness in Alzheimer’s disease is rela- understanding of the role of cognitive systems
ted to executive functioning and memory6. Working such as attention and working memory in the motor
memory is a key skill both in the acquisition and in planning of speech12. There is evidence that one of
the processing of oral and written language, being the properties of the language system is the ability
considered in most speech therapy interventions5. to maintain a production plan for an extended pe-
riod of time through multiple levels of linguistic
Today it is known that a large number of disorders
representation. The brain regions responsible for
which were once regarded as purely linguistic or
phonological coding are also responsible for short-
related to speech, such as stuttering, for example,
-duration retention of speech in working memory.
involve attention, auditory processing and working The language system benefits from the fact that
memory deficits7. Another example lies in the representations of working memory and long term
study of the interrelationship between language memory are coupled and share long term memory
and numerical processing and calculation. The representations13,14.
discussion about the interference of language in
numerical processing and calculation is old and Voice disorders
there is evidence that numeracy and language The relationship between voice production
overlap, considering individual variability’s in and perception with certain cognitive skills, such
neurological impairment8. as the ability to self monitor voice production, has

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Brandão, Fonseca, Ortiz, Azambuja, Salles, Navas, Carthery-Goulart , Freitas, Pagliarin, Fontoura, Marin, Bianchini, Zorzi, Queiroga, Moura, Mansur, Parente

been increasingly studied for the benefit of patients tegrated view of language and cognitive functions
with or without neurological disorders15,16. Often, for intervention6.
patients with neurological and cognitive disorders In the last decades, health professionals have
present vocal and prosodic changes and require experienced a growth of awareness about the need
treatment that considers these aspects along with to avoid fragmentation of the patient. How can
cognition15,16. we accept a segmentation of the brain, when it is
known that an injury or dysfunction carried out
Hearing disorders by nature will rarely affect exclusively language,
The field of audiology has excelled in the or memory or attention? A person with communi-
study of processing auditory stimuli, whether lin- cation disorders resulting from various cognitive
guistic or not, and understanding the involvement deficits should be examined from an integrated
of neuropsychological functions in this process17. perspective. The fundamentals of Neuropsychology
Auditory processing studies were driven by the offer a transdisciplinary basis for health professio-
description of Broadbent18 of hemispheric laterali- nals working with the population with neurologi-
zation for verbal stimuli and since then there have cal disorders. It is a consensus that a perspective
been many developments in the investigation of that promotes isolated attendance of numerous
the relations between central processing, unders- experts, each using their own terminology within
tanding (language) and other cognitive domains, their unique fields of knowledge is totally obsolete
particularly memory and attention. Research and inadequate. Health professionals must act to-
shows that the audiologist should consider skills wards the construction of interdisciplinary work.
such as attention and working memory to design The adoption of this approach is ethical and even
intervention programs and auditory training19,20. economical in terms of health for the population.
The importance of cognitive assessment for the
intervention of children and adults with auditory
processing disorders is evident. Understanding the of Neuropsychology
interrelationship between auditory processing and
other neuropsychological aspects is fundamental to Although only recently the title of specialist
the process of adapting to the use of a hearing aid21. in neuropsychology has been recognized, research
and clinical practice of Brazilian speech-language
Public health pathologists and audiologists in this area has been
According to the College of Audiologists and developed for more than four decades23. The crea-
Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario, Cana- tion of the specialty is, therefore, first of all, due to
da22, at least 80% of people suffering from neurolo- the great engagement of Brazilian speech-language
gical disorders such as traumatic brain injury, have pathologists and audiologists in the area.
cognitive-communicative disorders. Given the high Speech-language pathologists have been and
incidence of neurological injury in the population, still are represented through active participation in
and considering the presence of these communi- pioneering interdisciplinary groups which study
cation disorders, the need for service in this area and practice neuropsychology in the country and
is evident. To ignore the needs of the population even in the foundation of the Brazilian Society of
and disregard the importance of speech-language Neuropsychology (SBNp)24. Since its foundation,
pathologists with expertise in Neuropsychology is for over 25 years, this society has emphasized the
to put interests that target market reserve ahead of interdisciplinary nature of Neuropsychology. In
public health2. 2007, SBNp held the Multidisciplinary Forum to
The increase of dementia in the population discuss the performance of different professional
and the continuous growth of life expectancy de- areas in neuropsychology, respecting their interfa-
mands interdisciplinary health care programs for ces and the limits established for each area of know-
older adults. Language disorders are frequently ledge and training. The respect for interdisciplinary
accompanied by disturbances in other domains of ethics has been expressed over the years by the
cognition and, therefore, patients with dementia recognition of the contribution of speech-language
need the service of professionals who have an in- pathology and audiology to the field.

382 Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016

Neuropsychology as a specialty in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences: Consensus of Brazilian Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists

The academic participation of speech-language The role of Speech-Language
pathologists in the area is undeniable. In Brazil, Pathologists in Neuropsychology
until about ten years ago, the largest number of
doctoral theses defended by speech-language According to the Brazilian Law 6.965 and to
pathologists concentrated in the area of langua- the Decree 87.218 of 1982, the three key roles of
ge25. The tradition of Brazilian speech-language the Speech-Language Pathologist are: to assess,
pathology in the study of language was influenced to prevent and to rehabilitate communication and
both by approaches which value standardized as- swallowing disorders. The practice of these roles
sessment and by discourse theoretical models. The may be supported by Neuropsychology, which is
neuropsychological tradition appeared in Brazilian interested in the neurobiological phenomena related
Speech-language Pathology and Audiology shortly to functional recovery and seeks to identify princi-
after the start of undergraduate courses in the 1970s ples that can optimize rehabilitation.
and early 1980s. During this period, standardized
instruments of language evaluation, such as the Neuropsychological assessment and
Minnesota, the Boston, and the Montreal-Toulouse Speech-Language Pathology
batteries, were first introduced in Brazil thanks to Speech-language pathologists may use assess-
the commitment of speech-language pathologists ment tools of oral and written language, cognition
to the profession23. In recent decades, the contribu- and learning. The assessment of cognitive skills is
tion of speech-language pathologists persists and among the large areas of competence of the Speech-
increases. The evolution of neuropsychological -Language Pathologist registered in the Brazilian
models that demonstrate the role of extra-linguistic Classification of Occupations. Speech-language
functions in communication produces a growing pathologists have recognized competence in neu-
panorama of neuropsychological evaluations adap- ropsychological assessment in many countries.
ted and validated through the scientific leadership For instance, the Academy of Neurological Disor-
of speech-language pathologists (23.26). ders and Communication Science (ANCDS) has
Fidelity to the interdisciplinary nature of the published evidence-based practice guidelines for
area led speech-language pathologists to teach in speech-language pathologists in scientific perio-
many different academic areas. Some are profes- dicals specializing in Neuropsychology2.
sors in Neuroscience and Psychology departments The main goal of a speech-language patholo-
of different Brazilian universities. The active gist carrying out neuropsychological assessment
participation and academic recognition of speech- should be to find and characterize cognitive
-language pathologists also contributed to the crea- associations and dissociations for the diagnosis,
tion of specialized courses in neuropsychology that prognosis and intervention plan. Patients who seek
include speech-language pathologists as students speech-language therapy with suspected aphasia,
and teachers. dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysphonia, auditory
On the international scene, the role of speech- processing disorder, specific language impairment,
-language pathologists in neuropsychological reha- dysphagia, among other cognitive-communicative
bilitation goes back to the great wars, when there disorders, need to have their complaints contex-
was an effort to develop therapeutic approaches tualized and investigated considering the broad
aimed at treating soldiers with brain injuries. Much spectrum of cognitive skills that may be related
of the cognitive rehabilitation approaches emerged to communication impairments. Thus, speech-
from concepts that had their origin in the treatment -language pathologist serving individuals in the
of aphasia, area in which there was particularly gre- areas of language, orofacial motor function, audio-
ater contribution from speech-language pathology logy, dysphagia, educational speech therapy, public
worldwide1. This movement influenced Brazilian health, voice, neurofuncionnal speech therapy,
speech-language pathology and today there is a occupational speech therapy and gerontology, may
growing concern with the development and the consider the relationship between communication
effectiveness of cognitive intervention programs and other cognitive functions throughout the diag-
for communication, applied both for the prevention nostic process of communication disorders3.
and rehabilitation of cognitive-communicative The use of neuropsychological tests by diffe-
disorders27. rent professionals has been discussed deeply in the

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Brandão, Fonseca, Ortiz, Azambuja, Salles, Navas, Carthery-Goulart , Freitas, Pagliarin, Fontoura, Marin, Bianchini, Zorzi, Queiroga, Moura, Mansur, Parente

consensus paper about the interdisciplinary nature It is important to understand basic principles
of Neuropsychology led by Haase24. This consensus of neuroplasticity that govern learning both in the
written by many recognized Brazilian researchers healthy brain and in the brain that has been dama-
in the field clarifies that neuropsychological as- ged in order to identify behavior and neurobiolo-
sessment is not synonymous with application of gical signs that may lead to recovery. Research in
psychometric tests. According to Haase and colle- neuroscience has accumulated information about
agues, the use of neuropsychological tests requires how neural plasticity depends on the experience
interpretation in terms of neurocognitive models and it is no exaggeration to bet that this knowledge
and the goals of neuropsychological assessment are can be incorporated into various areas of speech-
different from those of psychological evaluation. -language pathology. There is enough evidence,
Psychological evaluation originated from the first recognized from neuroimaging technology that
studies and development of psychological tests in speech-language pathology practices lead to struc-
the late nineteenth century with the introduction tural and functional reorganization of the brain28.
of the psychometric approach. Although neurop- Regarding the promotion of cognitive health,
sychological assessment has received very useful an example of speech therapy in this scope is the
contributions from the psychometric approach, this cognitive training in healthy elderly people. The use
knowledge is complementary and not at all the main of preserved skills, teaching compensatory strate-
basis of Neuropsychological assessment. Neurop- gies and stimulation of deficient cognitive abilities
sychological assessment exceeds the concept of benefit greatly communication elderly, particularly
psychometrics, and is not therefore synonymous the narrative skills. This field of activity has grown
with psychological evaluation. considerably in Brazil and worldwide.
According to the College of Audiologists It is worth mentioning some examples of how
and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario, neuropsychology can contribute to the work of
Canada22, speech-language pathologists should speech-language pathologists in rehabilitation.
evaluate neuropsychological functions which In the area of dysphagia, there is evidence that
impact on communication. It is noted that the the effective treatment of swallowing disorders in
focus of the speech-language pathologist in using demented patients requires the therapist to consider
neuropsychological assessment is in the determi- memory rehabilitation principles in order for the
nation of the impact of possible cognitive deficits patient to learn maneuvers that facilitate swallo-
in communication. These should be considered in wing. The use of the spaced retrieval technique is
planning the intervention. In addition, the Canadian efficient for learning strategies that help people with
agency recommends that, whenever the patient has dementia to swallow more safely11. There are also
previously been assessed by a psychologist, the findings that motor orofacial therapy requires sus-
speech-language pathologist should contact this tained attention and that this cognitive function is
professional, contribute to interdisciplinary practice greatly recruited during speech-language therapy14.
and avoid unnecessary duplication of assessments. In the area of auditory processing, there is
evidence of neural correlates that appear to be
Promoting cognitive health and related to the reversal of central processing diffi-
neuropsychological rehabilitation culties29. In the area of voice, the widely used Lee
In recent decades multidisciplinary studies Silverman method for rehabilitation of patients
have investigated the adaptive capacity of the with Parkinson’s disease30 is based on principles of
central nervous system (plasticity) and examined plasticity of motor learning and achieves success
how neurons and other brain cells, have the ability through practices based on top-down processes and
to change structure and function in response to a remodeling of phonation. In the area of aphasia
variety of internal and external pressures, including rehabilitation, neuroimaging studies and rehabili-
cognitive training. In other words, the brain can tation are to the point that many researchers and
encode experience, learn and develop new skills. scholars28 held consensus to discuss criteria for
It may also be stimulated to promote cognitive determining treatment effects and mechanisms
health. In the presence of a neurological injury or associated with neural recovery of aphasia induced
disease, neuroplasticity can promote the relearning by language therapy. In any of the above specialties,
of skills28. the speech-language pathologist needs to develop

384 Distúrb Comun, São Paulo, 28(2): 378-386, junho, 2016

Neuropsychology as a specialty in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences: Consensus of Brazilian Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists

research and apply models that promote learning 3. Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. Resolução CFFa nº
466, de 22 de janeiro de 2015. Dispõe sobre as atribuições
or relearning cognitive skills while considering
e competências relativas ao profissional Fonoaudiólogo
brain function. Especialista em Neuropsicologia, e dá outras providências.
Retirado de:
Conclusion 4.
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