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Easy Chair Conference Management System

User Type:


Admin is the main responsible person to manage the whole system. In this context, admin will be
able to create a conference, subsequently can manage the user’s role and so on.

Goal 1: Login Verification

1. User will be asked to enter the email and password to login to the system.
2. After the successful login, the user will be able to view the admin dashboard to manage
the whole system.

Goal 2: Add New Conference

1. This option will enable the admin user to add a new conference into the system.
2. This will also create or make available other options associated with the conference.

Goal 3: Assign Editor

1. After the successful creation of a conference, admin user can assign editors to the system.
2. Multiple editors can be assigned and the role permission can also be managed by the

Goal 4: Search

1. Admin has the access to all the conference paper submitted through the system, and can
search for any specific paper by using the search option.

Goal 4: Download

1. Admin has the access to all the conference paper submitted through the system, and can
view and download any specific paper.


Editors are added by the admin. So, without approving the credentials beforehand by the admin,
a user can not login to the system as an editor.
Goal 1: Login Verification

1. User will be asked to enter the email and password to login to the system.
2. After the successful login, the user will be able to view the editor dashboard.

Goal 2: Assign Reviewers

1. Editors will be able to assign reviewers who can review the conference paper.

Goal 2: Paper Review Status

1. Editors can view the status of the paper to check if it has been reviewed or not.
2. If the reviews have not been provided yet into the system, then the editor can send
notification to the reviewers.

Goal 2: Message

1. Editors can communicate with the reviewers through the message regarding the paper
review status.

Goal 2: Release Reviews

1. After the reviews of the conference paper is completed, the editors will now be able to
release the reviews by using this option.

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