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 Key Word List:   

1. AMCP 
2. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy  
3. Susan Cantrell  
4. AMCP Foundation
5. Digital Therapeutics  
6. Prior Authorization 
7. Quantity Limitations 
8. Step Therapy  
9. Health Disparities
10. Racial Health Disparities
11. Managed Care  
12. Managed Care Organization (MCO) 
13. Managed Care Pharmacy  
14. Utilization Management  
15. Health Plan  
16. Electronic Prescribing  
17. Drug Utilization Review  
18. Membership  
19. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)  
20. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) 
21. Thought Leadership  
22. Member Engagement  
23. Build the Brand  
24. Operational Excellence  
25. JMCP  
26. COVID-19 
27. Doug Long  
28. Nexus  
29. Pharmaceutical Care  
30. AMCP membership  
31. Pharmacy Education  
32. Quality of Care  
33. Health Technology  
34. Legislation & Regulation  
35. BBCIC  
36. Biosimilars  
38. Fundamentals of Managed Care Pharmacy 
39. Prescription Drugs  
40. Pharmacy Benefit 
41. Drug Pricing
42. Drug Price 
43. Preapproval information exchange
44. Pharmaceutical information exchange
45. AMCP Format
46. AMCP Dossier
47. Medicare Star Ratings
48. Medication adherence
49. Health care economic information
50. Institute for clinical and economic research (ICER)
51. Medicaid Best Price
52. Value-based Contracting
53. Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) Fees
54. Any Willing Provider
55. Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Pricing
56. Formulary
57. Gene Therapy
58. Cell Therapy
59. Breakthrough Therapy

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