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In my opinion,i totally support the man’s deeds as he had practised for a
new lifestyle that someone never try for it.Rob Greenfield,who lives in Orlando
own a garden which planted with a various kinds of vegetables and fruits.More
surprising,for the past one year,he didn't buy any food or ingredients from the
restaurant or grocery.He almost spends all of his daily lives with the nature.In
another words,nature had been his garden,pantry and pharmacy.At first,it was
just a lawn when he started,thus, he met with neighbours and turned their
yards into garden.He grew over 100 different foods such as
potato,tomato,onion,banana and ginger.At the same time,he raised bees too to
produced homemade honey and candy. His neighbours always gave the
support to him.They shared their front yard with him and enjoyed for the fresh
vegetables and fruits.This was really showed that Rob’s neighbour were kind
and always appreciated to his work.

For the past 1 year,he prepared all the food by himself.He didn’t spend any
money in grocery or restaurant.Besides,he even produced beer by himself
through honey and ginger.It was so-called a perfect daily lives.His time was
full with gardening and he enjoyed the moment when he was in the
nature.More,he also had a healthy lifestyle as all of his food was grew by
himself and it was fresh and without any chemical substance used.It was

In my opinion,Rob’deeds are cherishable and invaluable.He spent one year

time to design a garden and put in many efforts to green the earth .It was a
effective way to break the industrialized food system .Furthermore, I earn a lot
from him as we should not too depend on the thing that is already exists but
try to create it by yourself in order to lead to a better life.Thank you.

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