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Executive summary

NUST humanitarian society had always focused upon conducting philanthropic activities
in such a way that students beside their studies can contribute in the rehabilitation of
society. The activities held range from arranging blood plasma for the sick to arranging
food for the needy. Students voluntarily participate in all these activities and the team
consists of various students from different educational background joined together for
one reason that is to help the people.
Considering the current pandemic situation of COVID-19 due to the rising cases in
southern region of Punjab emergency has been appointed in the hospitals but the
condition of hospitals is bad in such a way that there is no capacity in order to treat the
new critical corona patients, although Government has allowed the establishment of
Corona case units but require an efficient model that could help them in establishing it
as soon as possible so NUST humanitarian society is focusing upon the building of a
business plan focused on fast track establishment of Urgency Corona Case Unit for the
Government in order to deal with the Corona patients.

With the expertise of our engineering and business students we aim to come up with the
unique model of Corona Unit that focus upon saving construction time and efficiently
using space that could serve more people at same time with all the equipment available
at the site. Also, as in this pandemic situation as the government would be providing the
funding so we also aim to reduce the construction and operating cost in order to provide
the saving of funds that could be used in adverse scenarios.
The location of site for the Corona Unit is decided in such a way that would be easily
approached by the people if not then ambulance would be used that would response on
the call of people living in far from the Unit.
The urgent center will be designed to accommodate urgent patients who must be
continually monitored by the staff. Also, the waiting area will remain in the line of sight to
a receptionist to quickly respond to patient needs. The exam room will be located
around the central nursing/physician station to allow for continual monitoring.
Additionally, the central workstation will provide our staff the opportunity to remain in
constant contact, promoting communication and teamwork. A single-entry point will be
available at the front of the facility with a separate exit point. An ambulance entrance will
also be provided for quick exit at the unit.
The Corona care unit consists of ambulatory center which is specialized for people
with disabilities in the Cities and are also suspected as a corona patients. People with
critical condition require healthcare. So emergency rooms will be available with all the
medical equipment which are necessary in treating the patients.
Industrial Analysis
In Southern region of Punjab either the hospitals didn’t had enough means to treat the
Corona critical patients or the capacity is enough to treat more corona patients so in
order to avoid this urgent corona care unit would provide enough space to the patients
with all the medical facilities to deal with the patients.
Collaboration will be done with the district hospitals and rural clinics to have some extra
wards and will be provided enough medical facilities to treat patients who are showing
mild symptoms and are not in a critical state due to not only there would be extra
excessive space available but also the Corona care unit will only be indulged in dealing
with patients with critical conditions.
As there were many hotspot areas appeared in major cities of South Punjab due to
which Corona Care Units would most probably be established over there in order to
deal and reduce the rising number of Corona infected patients.
Since COVID-19 testing kits were provided in very small quantities and was only
available in few parts of cities so people would have to go in either different cities for
testing and the number of infected people would be high than expected due to which
implementation of corona care unit turned out to be the best option in order to deal with
the rising number of expected people and also in these care units testing facility would
be available readily in large quantities hence this could prove to be a greater solution in
decreasing the number of infected patients.
As recovered patient plasma turned out to disinfect the patient from virus so such idea
can be used in the Corona care unit as very few hospitals in that regions have such
facility so this unit can turn out to be a great turning point for the patients in region of
Southern Punjab.

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