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The use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube has increased substantially ov

er the past decade, coinciding with the global adoption of such channels as a form of entertainment and 
social interaction. As a result of the ubiquity of apps on mobile devices, social media platforms have
gradually been incorporated into many facets of the daily activities of people(Mihailidis,
2014)Individuals also brought their mental health awareness to social media (McClellan, Ali, Mutter,
Kroutil, and Landwehr, 2017). Nonetheless, several personal wellness posts contain disturbing suicidal
messages, particularly those that youth produced and shared.UNESCO (2016) describes youth as the
population group of between the ages of 15 and 35.They're the most vulnerable age group to commit
suicide in communities across societies and cultures (World Health Organization, 2017). During their
identity development and quest for autonomy, transitioning through this stage of life requires that
young people cope with changes during hormones, physical state, mood and social behavior. Many
groups of young people face higher suicide risks as they face all those transitional obstacles as well as
other challenges such as a broken family, romantic break-up relationships, violence, sexual abuse, and
vulnerability(Intachomphoo, 2018).

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