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Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring = LS-BACH Liltingly — Grr. by A.HALL o2 To] - ° ofa Toa] a] 2 4 2] o] Oe r Pe eer 4)2) ale ale lase) slat \ ned: \ 7 o 2° fe re 1 count 13 so Mas | = oF: - oF - : - ae MAA tT FT ue oe eh ege ‘This famous cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is in 8 time. This means that there are nine quavers in each bar, and they are grouped into three groups of three quavers. Remember to count three quaver beats on each bass note in bars nine, ten and eleven, It is in the key of G major where every F is made F#. Follow the fingering given, otherwise you may get tied in knots! This anrengement ©) Copyright 1972 by.B. FELDMAN & CO. LTD.

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