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sorry figures dangerous the sad fact that accidents often do to

this type of risk are the most common cause of death for cars falling in love with the wrong
people falling in

Shakespeare writes an adolescent's refusing to go to school, fall in love with the wrong people,
getting into fights or familias problems today. obviosly

adolescentes couldn't go speeding parent's car these but all of these kinds of behavior we're
about breaking the rules. Adolescents is primarily about turning away from parents and other
authority figures and

this often about to deliverily doing

it's a sad fact that accident often do this types of risk's behaviour are the most common cause
of death for the 18 to 24 age group. In recent Studies have for the first time study teenage
brains to try to discovery what causes this kind behaviour and why decreases as we became
adults, the first interesting discover was how the brain changes during the teenager years, we
use to think the brain continue to grow into our early twenties, but now we know that isn't
true. In fact, the brain changes very little inside after the age of say twelve over.

main your changes are going on but it's not a matter of growing new brain cells it's more about
developing conections between different parts of the brain and this process isn't complete
until around the age to 25, so in fact we still have what the scientists call an adolescent brain in
our early twenties, this process of conection helps us to put together memory and experience
when we make decision, so although i don't to start more experience they help the make good

their brain are able to take advantage that you longer life too.

many parents think that teenagers underestimate risks.

altouhgh in fact, researchs show the opposite to be true, just look, teenagers tend to
overestimate how dangerous thing will be, however and this is an important difference, if
teenagers balance the dangers of an activity againts the rewards they might gain from it.

they will value the reward far more highly than adult would, this is particularly true if the
reward is social such as been popular maner friends, the frightening example of this is the fact
young drivers are much more likely do drive too fast and obviously risk behaviour if they have
their friends in the car and think they will impressed

this of course this is worrying for parents but it's a problem for scientists too, why are we built
this way?

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