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International LightWorkerS

Cougar Medicine Empowerment

Channeled by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center

Manual written by Lisa Center
Latout by Jens Søeborg
LW Cougar Medicine Empowerment
The LightWorker™ Cougar Medicine Empowerment is a part of LightWorker™ Animal
Empowerments, mainly channelled and written by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center:

LightWorker™ Animal Empowerments (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)

LightWorker™ Bear Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Cougar Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Coyote Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Fox Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Hawk Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Racoon Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Turkey Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Turtle Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Wolf Empowerment (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg)

You also find empowerments and healing from Lisa “Ladywolf” Center in

LightWorker™ Animal Healing Series (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center & Jens Söeborg)
LightWorker™ Bear Reiki (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg)
LightWorker™ Orca Reiki (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg)
LightWorker™ Tiger Reiki (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg) and

LightWorker™ Mythological Lairs (mostly originals from Andrea Baginski)

LightWorker™ Centaurs Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Chimeras Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Dragon Attunement - Dragon Attunement SE (Roger T. Hill)
LightWorker™ Dragons Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Dwarfs and Gnoms Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Fairies Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Firebirds Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Gryphons Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Mermaids Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Ouroboros Healing (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center)
LightWorker™ Pegasus Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Phoenix Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Salamanders Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Satyrs Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Sphinx Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Sylphs Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Undines Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Unicorns Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)
LightWorker™ Wodwoses Lair (Andrea “Chisara” Baginski)

And more to come ……

Puma or
Mountain Lion
“You can never walk with Cougar
until you stop running with the sheep”

Spirit of the Mountain

Artwork by Brigitte Lopez
LW Cougar Medicine Empowerment
Cougar calls and it is time to stop
questioning who you are. You are a person of
power and your power calls to you with this
appearance. Cougar is called by many other
names but the power remains the same.
They are some of the largest of the big
cats. They are also known as Puma, puma
concolor, mountain lion, Florida panther,
screamer and catamount which means cat of
the mountain.

There are 15 subspecies of cougar. They are built for speed with powerful
large hind legs that give them the ability to jump as high as 20 feet onto
ridges or into trees. They can jump from up to 60 feet and land safely.
Though they are fast their endurance is limited. Stalking prey until they are
close enough to pounce is the preferred mode of hunting.

There is no particular mating season but

the litters tend to be born in the late
winter and early spring. There are usually
1-6 kittens in a litter. The gestation
period is around 90-96 days. The kittens
will have spots which disappear around six
months and blue eyes which will turn to
green at four months. Mother Cougar has
to kill three times more than usual once
her litter is born to sustain herself and
the babies.

The kittens will nurse for 3-4 months but they will be introduced to meat at
the age of six weeks. They tend to stay with the Mother for 1-2 years and
the males face a higher mortality rate. The adult males will kill the young
males or chase them from territories where they have grown up. Siblings will
stay together for a few months after they have set out on their own. The life
span in captivity can be as much as 20 years but in the wild they live only 8-
10. These large cats only join together with others for mating. They are a
solitary animal.
The eyes are round and the ears are small and
rounded. The tails are long and are an essential part of
balance; Males are 40% larger than females. The
muzzles are outlined in black on each side. Their prints
can be as large as 4” and there is no sign of the
retractable claws in the paw print. Claws and teeth are
strong and lethal. The cougar is well known for the
ability to kill effectively, quietly and quickly. Favorite
prey seems to be deer and elk. Cougar will eat almost all other small animals
though and have a reputation for being able to stalk, kill and dine on
porcupine. Somehow cougar learned how to flip this little guy over and go for
the soft underbelly.

There is a Native American legend that tells how

Cougar had to learn to kill without emotion. He could not
hesitate or he’d loose his prey and later he had no time
for wasted energies like guilt. One can learn to free
themselves from guilt through practicing and calling
cougar medicine. The Gatekeeper of the South is
disconnected from destructive, wasted emotions and
energies. When things go wrong, there is no one to blame but self. Cougar will
not play the victim role and anyone who walks with this medicine will have
challenging lessons until they learn to detach from emotion.

Cougar teaches with diligence and focus,

opportunities will present themselves. With the help of
Cougar you may find new avenues of prosperity. He asks
that you remain ready, so you can move quickly when the
right doors open. If there is more than one path
presenting itself to you, cougar reminds you to follow
your instinct. The important thing to remember is all
good things come to those who wait. You may have to be
patient and remain hidden in the grass until your prey
presents itself.

Legend tells of Poshaianka, the father of Medicine Societies, who gave

cougar the duty of emissary between man and the Divine. Cougars
communicate through little whistles and chirps. Instead of a roar, they are
capable of a high pitched scream that sounds much like a human. When
humans are learning to balance their Cougar power, people will often ask them
to stop yelling. The person is always surprised because they don’t realize they
are loud or that their unbalanced power is pushing people away. Until that
power is acknowledged and accepted, there could be many misunderstandings
with communication.

Use your intuition. Cougars have tremendous insight and perception. Many
Mediums and psychotherapist have a Cougar totem. Cougar must learn to hold
his strength and power with compassion before he can walk a higher plane.

Cougar is much like the Hermit card from the Tarot. The Hermit could
indicate that you have been lonely. Cougar can teach you how to use your
Hermit time wisely; He can teach you how to live alone. So many people are
afraid of being alone. That fear is one that we must let go of. It is the kind
of fear that blurs our decisions for our future. The Hermit card alerts you to
this possibility. Take the time to ask yourself…am I in a situation where I
would be better off alone but I am afraid? Am I basing a decision for my
future based on fear of being left behind or alone? Hermit alerts you that
the solution should not be a quick one. Take your time. Cougar medicine
teaches you to wait.

Legend and lore states “when cougar selects you, you will loose all
identity, until you are put back together with pure heart and Divine purpose.”

Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:

• Using leadership power wisely and without ego
• Balancing power, intention, strength
• Gaining self-confidence
• Freedom from guilt
• Cunning
Cougar ceremony
You can begin this meditation by calling
whatever guides you may want present. You can
burn candles or oil and if you are inclined smudge
the area before you begin. If you do not practice
smudging, you can cleanse and raise the vibration of
the space around you in a manner known to you. This
could be through the use of healing symbols, calling
Ascended Masters and guides to assist or calling
special rays and flames that can cleanse and trans-
mute the energy.

Continue with your individual meditation practice. Once you have taken
some deep breaths and grounded yourself, you can state your intention to
meet and work with Cougar. Give thanks to the four directions ending with
facing the south. Remove your bias and ask to remain open to any possible
encounters with this Wise strong powerful being. Remember to thank him for
whatever lessons he brings.

May you find your place of power and embrace it with perfect compassion.


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