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Subject Software Engineering Subject Code CS8494

Branch CSE Semester IV
Duration 3 hours Max Marks 100

Part – A (8 x 3 = 24 marks)
(Any 8 questions)

1. Write the IEEE definition of software engineering.

2. What are the characteristics of software?
3. Draw a use case diagram for an online shopping which should provide provisions for
registering, authenticating the customers an also for online payment through and payment
gateway like PayPal.
4. What are the processes involved in requirement engineering?
5. Write a note on FURPS model
6. List four design principles of a good design.
7. What is the difference between verification and validation?
8. Mention the purpose of stub and driver use for testing
9. List out the principle of project scheduling.
10. What is Risk? Give an example of risk

Part – B (4 x 19 = 76 marks)
(Any 4 questions)

1. Explain the following:

(i) waterfall model (ii) Spiral model (iii) RAD model (iv) Prototyping model

2. What are the components of the standard structure for the software requirements
document with an example?

3. (i)Explain the architectural styles used with neat sketch.(10)

(ii) Explain the core activities and golden rules involved in user interface design process
with necessary block diagrams.(9)

4. (i)Explain about unit testing with neat diagram.(9)

(ii)What is white box testing? Explain how basis path testing helps to derive test cases(10)
Consider the following program segment.
/* num is the number of the function searches in a presorted integer array arr */
int bin_search (int num)
int min, max;min=0;max=100;
max = (min + max)/2;
else if(arr[min + max)/2]
min =(min +max)/2;
else return ((min + max)/2);

5. i)An application has the following:10 low external inputs ,8 high external outputs,13 low
internal logical files,17 high external interface files,11 average external inquiries and
complexity adjustment factor of 1.10.What are the unadjusted and adjusted function point
counts? (7)

ii) State the need for Risk Management and Explain the 4 activities of risk Management (12)

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