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How much exercise do you do?


t" In pairs, ask and answer.

1 How often do you fee[ stressed? 4 How do you fight stress?
2 Name three things that stress you. 5 Do you think stress is a big danger for health?

3 When was the last time you felt stressed?

* :.* Listen and read the Stress: a ious
article. Underline any "lt's ProbablYjust stfess,"
words with difficult Working out is a great way to fight
How often do You hear (or saY) this
pronunciation. Find: stress. But for some PeoPle, simPle
when PeoPle have a minor health
activities can also help a lot, like
1 five probtems caused problem? But stress is not just
l'minor." The American l!¡l*dical playing with children, watching a
by stress
favorite TV show, or taking a hot
Association saYS stress is verY
2 bath. The AMA saYs it is essential
four ways to fight stress
serious and can be a lr{or d§nger
to focus on fighting stress every day'
to health. lt can cause heart atiftlti§'
and notjust on weekends'
dei:rtssion, and cancer' Stress can
also affect your sleeping and causes
bad habits like eating a lot, smoking'
and drinking too much'

3 Rea¿ the sentences 1-10 in the quiz in Exercise 4 aloud. Pronounce the pink letters in at, about, and, of as lel .
How do you pronounce items A-E?
A B c D E


& tu
4 ;.+ Take the quiz, then listen and check your answers. How many did you get right?

A quiz by Jill Woods, M.D., author oÍ Live Well. know what's good for you? Write /,

X, or = in the boxes.
/ lt's good adví*e. X lt's bad advice. = lt makes no difference,

L Drink about six glasses rf water * day. 6 Eat ¡ box of cirrolates ; week.
2 Sleep *t least eight hours I day. 7 Drink ; cup r:f coffee ; day.
3 Have ;t least three meals ; day. I Work out once n week.
4 Read about two books ; month. 9 Have ; Ooitle *t wine with dinner every evening
5 Watch ¡bout two good movies e month 1O Smoke ; pack *f cigarettes a week.

5 Are you a healthy pair? Askyour partner the ten quiz questions.
A: Do you drink... ?

B: Yes, ... / No, ...

...: Speaking
' .:, I(ate's asking Leo about his health. Listen, 9 Change partners. Ask what your new partner had
answer, and check in pairs. yesterday. Use Ilow much or How many and qtuiz
L Does Leo think he's heatthy?
photos A-E. Did you both have healthy days?
3 Does Ana agree with att Leo's answers? A: How much coffee did you hove yesterday?

3 Does Leo drink atcohol and smoke? or How many cups of coffee ... ?

B: I think I just had one cup. / None.

4 Did Leo enjoy the conversation?
10 Survey. Choose three IIow many / How much ...?
i¡ lálY? fY?&r questions to ask the class about their habits.
Who's very healthy? Who's the "Leo" of your
7 Listen again. Read and circle the correct option class?

Kate: Are you a healthy person, Leo?

A: How much posta do you usually eatt a week?
Leo: Ofcoursel Veryl
Kate: Are you sure? How much owork / exercise do
'l do?
Ana: Ve/y littte.
Leo: fna! Um, some, but, er, not a lot ...
Katgl Hmmm ... I see. How much @coffee / woter do
you drink a day?
Ana: Gallons.
Leo: At least three (3)cups / times a day, I think.
Kate: OK. And how many (4)sbries I books do you
read a month?
Leo: None! I don't have time to read, you know.
Kate: Rea[[y? How much (5)wine / alcohol do you
drink, Leo?
Leo: I sometimes drink one or r*o (o)glasses
/ cups
of wine at
Ana: No, you don'tl Come on, Leo! you drink a
/ bottle of wine a day! Especiatty when
you're cooking!
Tim: And how many @packs / cigarettes do you
smoke a day, Leo?
Ana: He smokes a lotl He bou§htthree packs
Leo: But I only smoked four. Come on, guys, please!

8 Complete the Grammarbox vnth much or many.

None. (= no exercise)
Some. (= not a lot) /
Three cups.

None. (:
no books)
Some. (= not a tot) /

Use How-.-? with , , , table nouns (pluratform)

Use How _? with un tabte nouns (no pturat)

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