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Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques

in Reactive Power/Voltage Control of Power System
Gehao Sheng*, Guangyu Tu and Yi Luo
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China

ABSTRACT As one of the important constituents of power system automation, reac- KEYWORDS
tive power/voltage control possesses inherent characteristics of complexity, nonlinear- Artificial intelligence
ity, inaccuracy and high requirement for control speed, parts of which are hard to be Reactive power
described by the traditional mathematical models or to be realized by routine control Voltage control
methods. The artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have intelligence feature which tra- Power system
ditional method does not bear, so special attentions are paid to the application of AI
techniques in reactive voltage control and a lot of results in this field are obtained. In
this paper the main results and methods of applying the AI techniques, such as Expert
System (ES), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Fuzzy Theory (FT), Genetic Algorithm
(GA) and Multi-Agent System (MAS), etc., to reactive voltage control in power systems
are summarized, the respective application features of these techniques are analyzed and
compared and some problems to be solved are pointed out.

1. Introduction1 power system control has inherent complexity, nonlinear-

Voltage and reactive power is closely related to the mainte- ity, inaccuracies and control requirements of real-time per-
nance of the voltage level of the whole system, it must have formance and other characteristics, so that some of them
sufficient reactive power to meet the system load demand difficult to use traditional mathematical terms model and
for reactive power and reactive power compensation of control methods to describe and implement, so researchers
losses and voltage control of power systems are mainly by have begun to address these challenges by means of artifi-
controlling the reactive power generation, flow and con- cial intelligence methods, and promote intelligent control
sumption to achieve. technology in the field of power system voltage and reac-
In recent years, a variety of intelligent control meth- tive power control is widely used. This article describes
ods based on artificial intelligence technology has some several major AI technologies such as expert systems (Ex-
conventional control do not have the intelligence, experi- pert System, ES), artificial neural networks (Artificial Neu-
ence and knowledge can be introduced as experts, we can ral Network, ANN), fuzzy theory (Fuzzy Theory, FT), ge-
deal with uncertainty, with self-learning and knowledge netic algorithm (Genetic Algorithm, GA) and Multi-Agent
acquisition function, appropriate nonlinear problems to, Systems (Multi–Agent System, MAS) and other basic con-
in the power system has been widely attention, get a lot cepts, and on this basis to related methods proposed in the
of research, become a power system in an important area literature in recent years, application of voltage and reac-
of ​​research [1]. Power system voltage and reactive power tive power control are reviewed, analyzed and compared
control as an important part of power system automation, the characteristics of their applications, but also the prob-
lems raised, hope some inspiration for further research.
Copyright © 2014 Gehao Sheng et al.
doi: 10.18686/esta.v1i1.2 2. Expert system in reactive power and voltage control
Received: March 12, 2014; Accepted: May 22, 2014; Published online:
Expert Systems (ES) is the older and more mature is a
July 26, 2014
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative class of artificial intelligence techniques. Expert system is
Commons Attribution Unported License ( mainly made of knowledge and reasoning mechanism that
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reasoning based on specific areas of expert knowledge in a
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
field provided to simulate a human expert decision-mak-
*Corresponding author: Huazhong University of Science and Technol- ing process, to provide answers have expert level. At pres-
ogy, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China. E-mail: ent, power system operation and control by experienced

Electronics Science Technology and Application Volume 1 | December 2014 | 5

dispatchers complete with automated technology. This is power systems based on expert knowledge automatic par-
because on the one hand the traditional numerical analysis titioning algorithm to adjust and optimize the results, to
method lacks heuristic reasoning ability, but also cannot further ensure the rationality of the system partition and
be the accumulation of knowledge, on the other hand the sub-regional voltage controllable [10].
complexity of the power system itself to make some nec- For large substation voltage control, designed an expert
essary mathematical model and the state quantity are dif- system applied to substation voltage and reactive power
ficult to obtain, a simple numerical method is difficult to automatic control [11]. The system is based on hierarchical
meet power system requirements, therefore, the introduc- thinking the whole control process is divided into multiple
tion of empirical knowledge power experts in the power levels, their knowledge corresponding to the rule base into
automation system is essential [1]. a tiered storage. Its inference engine and knowledge base
Expert System in Power System wide range of applica- each form module; simply the corresponding rule base tar-
tions, in reactive power and voltage control also has more get library can be modified for different substations, which
application of the results [2‒11]. Expert systems are typi- has versatility. In addition, also describes a distribution
cally used in voltage and reactive power control is to ex- system for reactive power control expert system [9].
perience or prior knowledge of voltage and reactive power In recent years, foreign and domestic have a lot of power
control with rules that out, forming a knowledge base of system voltage and reactive power control related expert
expert system, and then according to the above rules by system put into trial operation or entered the practical
the reactive power and voltage in real time to strike a volt- stage of promotion, and achieved good results, but there
age change value control means to regulate the. Proposed are still some issues worthy of study and exploration: (1)
the use of equivalent static networks and expert systems When the large size of the system, when the rules are more
for large-scale power system voltage and reactive power complete inference speed is limited, so there are expert
control method, the expert system knowledge base in- systems are mostly used for offline or online problem-
cludes upper and lower limits for each bus voltage, the solving part of the system analysis, and real-time control
controller controls the amount of each upper and lower in terms of voltage and reactive power Application has
limits, Each bus voltage and controls the amount of sensi- just started, pending further study; (2) The existing ex-
tivity and control flow logic rules and other information, pert systems lack effective learning mechanisms to deal
the inference engine in accordance of the rules described with the limited capacity of the new situation, and poor
in the knowledge base [2‒8], in turn seek and select the fault tolerance, when the system fails or network structure,
most effective elimination of bus voltage deviation of the system parameters, reactive voltage equipment when the
controller until the bus voltage recovery is set Value. The controller configuration changes, the result may not be ob-
expert describes decision support system for a power sys- tained or give wrong results. How ANN, fuzzy reasoning
tem grid voltage control [5]. The system uses a centralized and other artificial intelligence methods in combination
control strategy, control measures include adjusting the PV to enhance self-learning ability and fault tolerance expert
node voltage, transformers taps, and shunt capacitors, etc., system is worthy of study; (3) Long construction period of
depending on the control measures related to bus volt- large expert systems, knowledge acquisition more difficult
age control sensitivity and margin selection control step, and verification, to establish a comprehensive knowledge
the grid can correct abnormal voltage conditions. The text base maintenance more difficult, before the construction
of the test results show that this method is more accurate of the expert system must fully consider these issues.
than the decentralized control method, and the required
control step less. The conventional methods and expert 3. Artificial neural network in the application of the
systems [6,7] combining heuristic methods for system reactive voltage control
voltage and reactive power control. Where describes an in- Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a simulation of human
tegrated approach to running an auxiliary staff scheduling transmission and processing of the basic characteristics of
reactive voltage, the method using numerical method and information by a large number of simple imitation artifi-
expert system control variables to strike their respective cial neurons connected together in a certain way. Single
advantages, can effectively eliminate the offset voltage, and artificial neuron is as an input to the output of non-linear
improve the voltage characteristic minimum power loss [6]. relationship. The connection between them is important
Paper, according to the voltage on the control variables and so that the combinations of ANN have complex nonlinear
the current-voltage curve of the sensitivity measurement characteristics. Compared with ES, ANN is characterized
of the effectiveness of the method, and describes its prac- by neurons and between them have to deal with weight
tical application in the control center. for more advanced problems to tacit knowledge and has the following advan-
hierarchical power system voltage control mode to opti- tages: information distributed storage, there is a strong
mize system partitioning method under study in the pro- fault tolerance; ability to learn, can be achieved knowledge
posed algorithm partitioning basis based on the concept of of self-organization, to meet the requirements of different
electrical distance on the upward grade classification, and information processing; calculating between neurons with

6 | Volume 1 | December 2014 Gehao Sheng et al.

relative independence, ease of parallel processing, execu- but does not provide information to help run personnel
tion speed. It is precisely because there are strong nonlin- inferred abnormal data, is not conducive to understand-
ear fitting ANN ability and self-learning ability, associative ing its output. The way to use the advantages of ANN and
memory and has a robust and strong performance, making overcome its shortcomings, to achieve better results, it is
ANN power system for the presence of a large number of one of the important research directions ANN applica-
complex nonlinear systems are very large potential appli- tions. In short, ANN applied research in the field of reac-
cations. tive power and voltage control of power system is still in
Currently, ANN in the automatic control of voltage and the preliminary stage, there are a lot of artificial neural
reactive power has been good application [12‒17]. Pro- network model and algorithm with the characteristics
posed the use of two-stage ANN reactive power voltage have not been put to good use. With further research on
control system. The first stage ANN system for detecting the theory of ANN, this will have a broader application in
reactive power and voltage-limit node, the second stage voltage and reactive power control.
gives ANN calibration strategy. In order to accelerate the
convergence speed sample training, the paper also pro- 4. The fuzzy theory in the application of the reactive
posed an accelerated BP algorithm [16]. For a 34-node 50 voltage control
branches to simplify the system tests show that the results Fuzzy Theory (FT) is the classic fuzzy set theory, and the
are satisfactory [17]. For solving the reactive power with introduction of linguistic variables and fuzzy logic ap-
continuous Hopfield ANN model of the optimal distribu- proximate reasoning, complete with intelligent reasoning
tion and economic dispatch, and were verified by numeri- technology system. Fuzzy control is a practical method of
cal examples [12‒15]. controlling simulate human fuzzy reasoning and decision-
It will be used ANN substation automatic voltage con- making process and its control according to the known
trol, also achieved good results. Constructed before feed- rules and data, is derived from the fuzzy input output fuzzy
forward neural network for voltage and reactive power control including fuzzy, fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy judg-
control of decision-making, the input of the neural net- ment of three parts. With the development and improve-
work comprises a main transformer through active and ment of fuzzy theory, some of the advantages of fuzzy con-
reactive power, high side and low side of the real-time trol has been widely acknowledged, such as: suitable for
voltage, output includes shunt capacitor switching state dealing with uncertainty, imprecision and noise problems
and the main transformer tap position, training samples caused by; fuzzy knowledge to use language variables to
of relevant historical data with power plant supervisory express the experience of experts, closer to people's expres-
system [12,14]. This method has practical application in sion, easy to implement and express knowledge extraction;
the power plant, the application can achieve better results robust, impact of changes in the controlled object param-
indicate voltage and power factor control, and reduce the eter fuzzy control not obvious. In recent years, increasing
capacitor and primary transformer tap adjustment times. fuzzy theory in the study of power system applications and
In addition to ANN for voltage and reactive power control encouraging research results show the potential of fuzzy
decisions, but taking into account the substation reactive theory in solving power system problems.
load is not as stable as active load, will ANN for reactive System voltage and reactive power control by the power
power load forecasting based on ANN presents a reactive system degeneration, operating conditions, and network
power prediction and optimization strategy of combining parameters often change the characteristics of power and
integrated automatic voltage and reactive power control reactive load under a number of conditions cannot be ac-
scheme. ANN prediction input reactive load of the first curately given the impact is difficult to establish a precise
three weeks, the output is predicted reactive load. The text mathematical model, in this case, blurred Study of voltage
of the simulation results and compared the results of con- and reactive power control theory is introduced. There are
ventional methods based on field control, the advantages many good fuzzy technology [18] currently used in the re-
are obvious [15]. active planning in the system voltage and reactive power
Currently, ANN applications there are still some prob- control, there are many related research reports [19‒28].
lems, such as learning algorithm speed is generally slow- Taking into account the actual operation of power system
er, longer training time and difficult to converge or may voltage and reactive power limits are not static, allowing
converge to local minima. Some researchers working to a small amount of the more limited this case, the voltage
improve the learning algorithm, greatly improved conver- limits fuzzy [19,20], proposed a fuzzy linear programming
gence performance. However, ANN some inherent flaws method the goal is to determine the voltage required to
still not fully compensate, for example, the establishment maintain a minimum increase of reactive power. The ex-
of the model ANN lack of adequate theoretical guidance, ample shows that the method more practical than the usu-
when the system configuration changes need to add a new al linear programming methods. According to those nodes
sample re-learning. In addition, the working process ANN for fault-point control of the formation of a strong local
is a black box, so despite ANN has some fault tolerance, control of voltage and reactive power domain requirements

Electronics Science Technology and Application Volume 1 | December 2014 | 7

[26], taking into account the strong and weak control itself systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms and integra-
has a certain degree of ambiguity, we propose a member- tion of traditional control methods, can enhance the ability
ship characterized by controlling the intensity, the next lo- to deal with uncertainty, to some extent, solve the problem
cal emergency voltage and reactive power control method of fuzzy control simple existence, which is one of the focus
Fenwick with fuzzy clustering analysis. In the substation in recent years, Fuzzy theory is applied also to the power
voltage control [27], proposed fuzzy control algorithm for voltage and reactive power control system has brought new
the integrated control parallel capacitor switching and load vitality. With further study of fuzzy control theory, relevant
tap tap switching, given fuzzy, fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy research results will gradually move towards practical. In
judgment implementation method. Comparison with addition, the structure of fuzzy system identification has
traditional control algorithms show that the algorithm is not yet formed a sound theory, how to choose the appro-
small, easy to use single-chip real-time control, not only priate structure of fuzzy system voltage and reactive power
can effectively maintain the voltage within a certain range, control is also worthwhile research, the current preferred
and is conducive to rapid recovery fault system voltage sta- method is to control and optimization of fuzzy theory
bility, improved synchronization system stability. combined.
In order to solve the system reactive power optimization
control problems, there will be no power loss is minimized, 5. Conclusion
to be balanced to improve voltage quality and reduce the This article describes the expert systems, artificial neural
number of multiple target control etc. [25], to limit these networks, fuzzy theory, genetic algorithms and multi-agent
goals and voltage state variables fuzzy, a fuzzy multi-objec- system, artificial intelligence technology application in
tive optimization methods. Real-time data acquisition in power system voltage and reactive power control. Artificial
real regional power grid model for digital tested the effec- intelligence technology to achieve the above-mentioned
tiveness and flexibility of the method. It is used in conjunc- ways from different voltage and reactive power control,
tion linear programming optimization principle of fuzzy have their own strengths, but also there is a corresponding
mathematics integrated approach [28], it gives no power shortage. How will these technologies combine to form an
optimization and linear programming related to each ob- integrated intelligent control system, the control system
jective function optimal membership function problem to can be complementary advantages of different methods,
arrive at a satisfactory multi-objective problem the result. weaknesses, is the question now researchers concerned.
Fuzzy technology exists self-learning ability is poor, Currently, more comprehensive artificial intelligence
fuzzy modeling difficulties and other issues, in order to technology has been applied in the power system. In terms
overcome these shortcomings, there are many studies of voltage and reactive power control, the paper also men-
fuzzy theory combined with other artificial intelligence tioned a number of related research results, but in general
techniques, and achieved good results. Consider the case research in this area is not deep enough, nor needs the for-
of reactive load cannot be accurately determined, the fuzzy mation of systems analysis and design methods, practical
theory and ANN, expert system to achieve optimal control research also to be further strengthened. From the current
of reactive power [21]. In this paper fuzzy neural network research trends and existing experience, combined with
determines the membership of the control variables, fuzzy modern control theory fuzzy technology and ANN, com-
neural network input of reactive power load, the out- bined with adaptive control and intelligent method of ex-
put fuzzy control variables, then strike through heuristic pert system has a great potential for application.
knowledge expert system the control variable to adjust the With further research on a variety of artificial intel-
minimum amount of control mode, so that this method ligence, artificial intelligence technology and integrated
has better real-time performance. Digital simulation re- intelligence technology will play a more important role in
sults show that the method can be applied to the online the field of electric power voltage and reactive power con-
system voltage and reactive power control. trol system.
The main problem of fuzzy technology to control the
presence of voltage and reactive power are: (1) Simple Conflicts of interest
fuzzy information processing will cause the control ac- These authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
curacy of the system is reduced to improve the accuracy
of the quantization levels will increase, causing the rule to Authors’ contributions
expand the scope of the search, reduce the speed of deci- These authors contributed equally to this work.
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