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Chilly Day Cowl By Melivia Mutch Materials 270 yards- (5) Bulky yarn * | used Yarn BeeTender Touch from Hobby Lobby, which does not feel bulky at all, just soft and fuzzy. 9mm Hook 1 Large Button (2") Abbreviations Ch - chain Hdc - half double crochet Slst - slip stitch Fphdc - front post half double crochet Bphdc - back post half double crochet To Begin Ch 65 and join with a sist to first ch, be careful not to twist. Row 1 - ch 1, hdc in same st as join and around. Join with a sist to first hdc made. Row 2 - ch 1, fphdc in first st and around. Join with a slst to first fphdc. Row 3 - ch 1, bphdc in first st and around. Join with a sist to first bphdc. Rows 4-34 - repeat rows 2 & 3. Finish off and weave ends. Band (Optional) Chg Row 1 - Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and across. Row 2 - ch 1, hdc into bottom loop (that is under front and back loop of first stitch) and across. 8hdc's in (that loop that is under front and back loop). Rows 3-11 Repeat Row 2. Row 12 - ch 1, hdc into bottom loop of first 3 sts, ch 2, sk 2 sts, hdc into bottom loops of next 3 sts. Row 13 - ch 1, hdc in first three bottom loops, 2 hdc in ch 2 space, hdc in bottom of last 3 sts. Row 14 - ch 1, hdc into bottom loop of first st and across. Finish and weave ends. Sew large button on opposite end of band and wrap around cowl and enjoy! | hope that you enjoy making this cowl! You may sell any finished products made from this pattern, however selling or sharing this pattern as your own is not permitted. Linking back to this pattern is very appreciated when posting your products. Thank you, Melivia Mutch

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