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ELT in Asia in the Digital Era:

Global Citizenship and Identity



R. Ilma
Tridinanti University, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstract: Translation as one of the ways to achieve the

understanding of English has experienced significant change,
importantly influenced by the development of internet. The
introduction of internet would create two side effects. One
refers to all the advantages of using it and other tends to bear
some human hindrance in applying it. This study aimed to give
information about students’ perception of machine translation
application in enhancing English literacy at Tridinanti
University. The method used in this study was a mixed method
by combining qualitative and quantitative method. Then, thirty-
-seven sixth semester students of English at Tridinanti
University Palembang became the sample. Questionnaire and
interview were the instruments to collect the data. The result
showed that majority of the students had used machine
translation to improve their English skill and the lectures should
about students’ needs and their behaviors of using machine
translation to enhance their English literacy.

Technology has strengthened its grasp at the very core of human life.
It gives not only comfort and convenience, but it also assists human beings
in such a way that living without it would be hard to imagine. In education,
where technology has originated, it is a certainty that everyone, especially
students, should be technology-literate.
Reality today proves the fact that, information technologies are more
and more often used in the higher education system. According to Geladze
(2015), it is apparent that nowadays information technologies are used not
only as additional tools in the sphere of education, but represent new
functional rules and priorities of institutional structure in the process of
higher education development.
In 2014, China was in ranked first internet users in the world with
total number 692,152,618 people. Then, India and the United States was the
second and third rank with total number 340,873,137 and 239,882,242

Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th
TEFLIN International Conference 2017

users. Indonesia as a developing country was in the eleventh rank with a

total number of 56,612,52 users better than France and Vietnam which were
in the rank of twelfth and thirteenth (Global Internet Usage 2015). It has
given Indonesian people a big opportunity to access all information as much
as possible in order to broaden their horizons.
The internet is a global system of connections between millions of
computers that allows almost instant access to and dissemination of
information (Ruzgar 2005). The use of the internet as an instructional tool in
higher education is rapidly increasing. Today, there is an increase in the
development of academic course websites with huge amounts of learning
materials imbedded within them. The internet’s ability to provide students
quick access to government documents, scholarly list serves, and databases
located at geographically-removed institutions makes it a valuable
information source for students.
As stated by Catford (1965), translation is the replacement of textual
material in one language (second language) by equivalent textual material in
another language (target language). In other words, translation is the process
of transferring the meaning of one language into the target language. Based
on the writer’s experience in teaching students translation in English study
program, Tridinanti University, the students had difficulties in transferring
one language into the target language because of the lack of vocabulary and
knowledge about grammar which caused the students got difficulties in
constructing sentences into the target language. They also were interested in
using technology to help them in the translation process, but they did not
use it properly, they tended to copy and paste the result of machine
translation without considering the grammar and diction. Therefore, the
writer tried to investigate the students’ perception related to the use of
machine translation either online or offline in enhancing their English
literacy in Tridinanti University.

Roles of technology in education

Technology is becoming increasingly important in both teachers’
personal and professional lives, and the learners are using technology more
and more (Dudeney & Hockly 2007). It pushes teachers to improve their
skills in mastering technology in order to deliver their materials effectively.
However, technology itself is not running in place. It develops fast in
line with the demands of people or as the improvement of the previous one.
It is such a dynamic process which leaves no space for stagnancy. UNESCO
the United Nations Education, Social and Cultural Organization in
Kievening (2009) declared the definition of technology as "...the know-how
and creative processes that may assist people to utilize tools, resources and
systems to solve problems and to enhance control over the natural and made
environment in an endeavor to improve the human condition." In short,
technology has the major goal of assisting human beings in every aspect of
their life.

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era:
Global Citizenship and Identity

Nowadays, people ride on technology to arrive at whatever destination

they have in life. As long as they are not intentionally leading a life of
ignorance of the world’s current development, technology is their daily
consumption. Oak (2011) corroborates this by stating that technology is the
need of the day. The technological advancements have made society take a
leap towards success. Every technological reform is a small step towards
advancement. Every invention in technology is a step towards the progress
of mankind. In other words, people would not have enjoyed this comfort
and luxury of life without technology stepping in and doing all the work
which humans are physically unable to handle.

Machine translation
Machine translation (MT) is automated translation or translation
carried out by a computer, as defined in Simpson & Weiner (2017). It is a
process, sometimes referred to as Natural Language Processing which uses a
bilingual data set and other language assets to build language and phrase
models used to translate text. On a basic level, MT performs simple
substitution of words in one language for words in another, but that alone
usually cannot produce a good translation of a text because recognition of
whole phrases and their closest counterparts in the target language is
Gen (2017) also defines that Machine Translation is the use of
software programs which have been specifically designed to translate both
verbal and written texts from one language to another. Therefore, people as
the users of MT would get both benefits and problems to get the result of
translation. As they know that it become challenges for MT which programs
the computer could understand a text as a people wanted and it would be
very difficult to create a new text in the target language that sounds as if it
has been written by people.

Benefits of machine translation in enhancing English literacy

Since the use of Machine Translation in the teaching and learning
process of English is so popular nowadays, there are a lot of students who
use machine translation to enhance their literacy. According to Syntrasoft
(2017), there are a lot of benefits of using Machine Translation, they are:

Improve communication in multiple languages

The students can improve their ability to use many languages by
translating the source language to the target language which they did not
know before to bridge the multilingual communications gap both internally
and externally.

Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th
TEFLIN International Conference 2017

Deliver information in multiple languages

The students can broaden their horizon by accessing a lot of
information in many languages and translate them by using Machine

Translate More for Less

The students can get two big benefits in using Machine Translation;
cost and capacity. A translator usually translates 2,000 words per day for 20
cents per word. As the volume of information grows, it surpasses the
capacity of human translators and enterprise budgets.

The writer used a mixed method to describe the students’ perception
related to the use of Machine Translation in enhancing their English literacy.
She combined quantitative and quantitative method in this study. The
analysis of questionnaires would be in quantitative and the interview would
be in qualitative. The sample of the study consisted of thirty--seven sixth
semester students of English study program at Tridinanti University
Palembang. Then, questionnaires and interviews were the instruments used
to collect the data. The questionnaires consisted of twenty questions and the
writer also interviewed the students in order to know their opinion about the
use of Machine Translation.
This study aimed to know the students’ perceptions about the use of
machine translation in enhancing their English literacy; to know their
perceptions considering the advantages and disadvantages of Machine
Translation; and to reveal students’ views on effectiveness and their
satisfaction toward the use of Machine Translation.


The writer highlighted the results of the study into two parts; (1) The
results of the questionnaire and (2) The results of the interview. The
questionnaire was divided into seven parts; operating techniques, simplicity,
effectiveness, advantages, satisfaction, editing techniques, and motivation.
Table 1 shows the result of students’ perception about the implementation of
machine translation.

Table 1. Students’ Perception about the Implementation of Machine


No Statements SA A U D SD
1 Operating Techniques
a I use Machine Translation in translating 29.7% 48.6% 21.7% - -
from English into Indonesian vice versa.
b I am able to operate Machine Translation 35.1% 45.9% 13.5% 5.5% -

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era:
Global Citizenship and Identity

c I do not have difficulties in using Machine 37.8% 45.9% 13.5% 2.8% -

2 Simplicity
a When I get difficulties in reading 24.3% 54% 18.9% 2.8% -
academic texts, I use Machine translation
to help me solve my problems.
b When I translate difficult words adopted 29.7% 51.3% 16.2% 2.8% -
from English to Indonesian, I use
Machine Translation.
c Machine translation is really helpful for 35.1% 54% 10.9% - -
d Beside translating, Machine Translation 37.8% 62.2% - - -
helps me to learn English.
e I am able to access Machine Translation 48.6% 40.5% 10.9% - -
through my mobile phone well.
3 Effectiveness
a I am able to save my time by using 37.8% 32.4% 27% 2.8% -
Machine Translation.
b Machine Translation can help me 24.3% 43.2% 24.3% 8.2% -
translating some unknown words
4 Advantages
a I hope that Machine Translation can help 24.3% 45.9% 18.9% 5.4% 5.5%
me to improve my score in the classroom.
b I hope that Machine Translation can help 18.9% 27% 37.8% 13.5% 2.8%
me to improve my TOEFL score.
c I use Machine Translation in doing my 5.4% 54% 40.6% - -
English assignment.
d I use Machine Translation in order to 13.5% 45.9% 35.1% 5.5% -
improve my English skill.
5 Satisfaction
a I feel satisfied to the result of Machine 8.1% 35.1% 40.5% 13.5% 2.8%
b Machine Translation can work properly - 40.5% 40.5% 16.3% 2.7%
6 Needs of Editing
a I feel confident with the accuracy of result - 13.5% 56.7% 21.6% 8.2%
from Machine Translation.
b I usually revise the result from Machine 51.3% 32.4% 10.8% 5.5% -
7 Motivation
a I feel more perceptive in operating - 13.5% 56.7% 21.6% 8.2%
communication and information device
since I often use Machine Translation.
b I feel more motivated to learn English 51.3% 32.4% 10.8% 5.5% -
with the existence of Machine
SA: Strongly Agree, A: Agree, U: Undecided, D : Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree

From the above table, it showed from the first aspect which was about
operating technique, the first question described that 29.7% of students
answered strongly agree and 48.6% agree that Machine Translation was
used to help them translate English into Indonesian and vice versa. 21.7 %
felt undecided to use Machine Translation. There were no students who

Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th
TEFLIN International Conference 2017

answered disagree and strongly disagree. In other words, there were no

students who never use Machine Translation. It showed that most of the
students had used Machine Translation in translating from English into
Indonesian and vice versa.
Next, the second question showed 35.1% answered strongly agree and
45.9% agree. Meanwhile, 13.5% answered undecided 5.5% disagree. There
were no students who answered strongly disagree. It means that the majority
of the students had been using Machine Translation properly, even though
some of the students could not operate Machine Translation well.
Then, the third question showed that 37.8% answered strongly agree
and 45.9% agree. 13.5% felt undecided in answering that statement. 2.8 %
of the students answered disagree, and none of the students answered
disagree. It showed that most of the students had good capabilities in
operating Machine Translation; they had had enough information to operate
The second aspect was about simplicity, first question showed that
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree, 54% agree that they used
Machine Translation when they had difficulties in reading academic text.
18.9% answered undecided, 2.8 % disagree, and none of the students
answered strongly disagree. Hence, Machine Translation really helped the
students when they had difficulties in reading academic texts.
The second question showed that 29.7% answered strongly agree and
51.3% agree. Besides, 16.2% felt undecided and 2.8% disagree, and there
were no students who answered strongly disagree. Therefore, Machine
Translation helped the students when they wanted to translate difficult
words adapted from English to Indonesian.
Third question showed 35.1% of students answered strongly agree,
54% agree and only 10.9% felt undecided. Luckily, none of the students
answered disagree and strongly disagree. In fact, Machine Translation really
helped the students overall.
Then, 37.8% of students answered strongly agree and 62.2% agree.
There were no students who answered undecided, disagree, and strongly
agree. In other words, Machine Translation also gave benefits to the
students in learning English.
The last question showed that 48.6% of the students answered
strongly agree, 40.5% agree, and 10.9% undecided. It means that most of
the students are able to access Machine Translation through their mobile
The third aspect was about effectiveness, first question showed that
37.8% of the students answered strongly agree and 32.4% agree. On the
other hand, 27% of the students felt undecided, 2.8% answered disagree,
and none of them answered strongly disagree. Briefly, the students could
save their time in the process of translation if they use Machine Translation.

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era:
Global Citizenship and Identity

The next question showed that the highest percentage points given by
the students (43.2%) or strongly agree was the fact that Machine Translation
could help them in translating some unknown words effectively. Then,
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree and unde-cided.8.3%
answered disagree and none of them answered strongly disagree. In a word,
the students could get benefits from the effectiveness of Machine
The fourth aspect was about advantages, the first question showed that
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree, 45.9% agree and 18.9% felt
undecided. Only 5.4% of the students answered disagree and 5.5% strongly
disagree. In a word, almost all of the students hoped that Machine
Translation could help them to improve their score in the classroom.
The second question showed that 18.9% of the students answered
strongly agree, 27% agree that the students enabled them to improve their
TOEFL score through Machine Translation. Nevertheless, 37.8% felt
undecided as they thought that TOEFL score could not be improved only by
the use of Machine Translation. In fact, 13.5% of the students answered
disagree, and 2.8% strongly disagree.
The third question showed that 5.4 % of the students answered
strongly agree and 54% agree that it could help them in doing their English
assignment. Moreover, 40.6% answered undecided From the above table, it
showed from the first aspect which was about operating technique, the first
question described that 29.7% of students answered strongly agree and
48.6% agree that Machine Translation was used to help them translate
English into Indonesian and vice versa. 21.7 % felt undecided to use
Machine Translation. There were no students who answered disagree and
strongly disagree. In other words, there were no students who never use
Machine Translation. It showed that most of the students had used Machine
Translation in translating from English into Indonesian and vice versa.
Next, the second question showed 35.1% answered strongly agree and
45.9% agree. Meanwhile, 13.5% answered undecided 5.5% disagree. There
were no students who answered strongly disagree. It means that the majority
of the students had been using Machine Translation properly, even though
some of the students could not operate Machine Translation well.
Then, the third question showed that 37.8% answered strongly agree
and 45.9% agree. 13.5% felt undecided in answering that statement. 2.8 %
of the students answered disagree, and none of the students answered
disagree. It showed that most of the students had good capabilities in
operating Machine Translation; they had had enough information to operate
The second aspect was about simplicity, first question showed that
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree, 54% agree that they used
Machine Translation when they had difficulties in reading academic text.
18.9% answered undecided, 2.8 % disagree, and none of the students

Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th
TEFLIN International Conference 2017

answered strongly disagree. Hence, Machine Translation really helped the

students when they had difficulties in reading academic texts.
The second question showed that 29.7% answered strongly agree and
51.3% agree. Besides, 16.2% felt undecided and 2.8% disagree, and there
were no students who answered strongly disagree. Therefore, Machine
Translation helped the students when they wanted to translate difficult
words adapted from English to Indonesian.
Third question showed 35.1% of students answered strongly agree,
54% agree and only 10.9% felt undecided. Luckily, none of the students
answered disagree and strongly disagree. In fact, Machine Translation really
helped the students overall.
Then, 37.8% of students answered strongly agree and 62.2% agree.
There were no students who answered undecided, disagree, and strongly
agree. In other words, Machine Translation also gave benefits to the
students in learning English.
The last question showed that 48.6% of the students answered
strongly agree, 40.5% agree, and 10.9% undecided. It means that most of
the students are able to access Machine Translation through their mobile
The third aspect was about effectiveness, first question showed that
37.8% of the students answered strongly agree and 32.4% agree. On the
other hand, 27% of the students felt undecided, 2.8% answered disagree,
and none of them answered strongly disagree. Briefly, the students could
save their time in the process of translation if they use Machine Translation.
The next question showed that the highest percentage points given by
the students (43.2%) or strongly agree was the fact that Machine Translation
could help them in translating some unknown words effectively. Then,
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree and unde-cided.8.3%
answered disagree and none of them answered strongly disagree. In a word,
the students could get benefits from the effectiveness of Machine
The fourth aspect was about advantages, the first question showed that
24.3% of the students answered strongly agree, 45.9% agree and 18.9% felt
undecided. Only 5.4% of the students answered disagree and 5.5% strongly
disagree. In a word, almost all of the students hoped that Machine
Translation could help them to improve their score in the classroom.
The second question showed that 18.9% of the students answered
strongly agree, 27% agree that the students enabled them to improve their
TOEFL score through Machine Translation. Nevertheless, 37.8% felt
undecided as they thought that TOEFL score could not be improved only by
the use of Machine Translation. In fact, 13.5% of the students answered
disagree, and 2.8% strongly disagree.
The third question showed that 5.4 % of the students answered
strongly agree and 54% agree that it could help them in doing their English

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era:
Global Citizenship and Identity

assignment. Moreover, 40.6% answered undecided the lecturers and their

institution to provide the good machine to help the students in translation
process. It would be also the idea of programmers who intended to improve
the quality result of Machine Translation by developing this program or
application which gave the best result of translation. To sum up, sixth
semester students of English study program at Tridinanti University
Palembang had agreed that Machine Translation had helped them in
improving their English literacy, even though they used to revise the result,
it means that they had been careful enough to use the result of machine


The use of Machine Translation has given a lot of benefits to the
students. It has been drawn from the results of questionnaires and interviews
given to the students. The majority of the students had used Machine
Translation in the process of translating from the source language to the
target language. Most of them already had good capabilities to operate it.
Machine translation also could help them in reading academic texts or
translating difficult words adapted from English to Indonesian. In addition,
the students could save their time to do their assignment when they used
Machine Translation. Besides improving their grades in English, Machine
Translation could improve their TOEFL score and their English skill.
In contrast, the students hoped that the result of Machine Translation
had a high accuracy because of it lack of grammar correction and proper
diction. Another pitfall of Machine Translation is its inability to translate
non-standard language with the same accuracy as standard language, as it
only cope the vocabulary stock of formal language. Despite of the
weakness of Machine Translation, the students still put it as a big help to do
their English assignments. The students intended to improve they
knowledge about structural sentences and word choices in order to choose
and select words/sentences from source language and construct them into
proper target language. Knowing the facts found by the writer, the lecturers
should consider about students’ difficulties in translation process. The
lecturers are suggested train the students a lot to have more practices in
translation. The lecturers also should motivate the students to cultivate the
awareness of reading habit in order to broaden their knowledge and enrich
their vocabulary stock so that the students will have good capability in
translation both manually and using Machine Translation.

Catford, J.C. 1965. A linguistic theory of translation. London: Oxford
University Press.
Dudeney, G. & Hockly, N. 2007. How to teach English with technology.
Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th
TEFLIN International Conference 2017

Geladze, D. 2015. Using the internet and computer technologies in learning/

teaching process. Journal of Education and Practice 16(2): 67-70.
Gen, I.T. 2017. The advantages and disadvantages of machine translation.
Retrieved from
Accessed on May 17, 2017.
Global Internet Usage. 2015. Internet society global internet report 2015.
Retrieved from
oad/IS_web.pdf. Accessed on March 13, 2017.
Kievening. 2009. Theoretical definition of technology & technology
education. Retrieved from
htttp:// Accessed on
March 19, 2017.
Oak. 2011. Technology and human rights. Retrieved from Accessed on March 11, 2017.
Ruzgar, N.S. 2005. A research on the purpose of internet usage and learning
via Internet. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
4(4): 56-65.
Simpson, J. & Weiner, E. 2017. Oxford online dictionary. Retrieved from Accessed on March 10, 2017.
Syntrasoft. 2017. What is machine translation?. Retrieved from
machine-translation/. Accessed on May 17, 2017.


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