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Unfulfilled Needs

Physiological Needs
 To shave the beard and to maintain basic hygiene.
Psychogenic Needs
 For showing the manliness and strength, soldiers need not to be tough all the time,
they also can shed some tears to show the pain.
 Crying is not associated with women only, sometimes it is fine for men to cry.
 Shaving is not just what men can do, girls can also adopt the barber profession. This
shows power to gender equality.
 Daughters are not just meant for household chores; they can also carry forward the
legacy by coming into father’s profession.

Murray’s psychogenic needs

1. Achievement:
 Lt Col Manoj Kumar Sinha was awarded the Sena Medal for Gallantry.
2. Power and Dominance:
 Lt Col M K Sinha is a part of ‘Gillette Achievers Academy’ and he is showing
leadership by inspiring men to rethink their notions of manliness.
 Barbershop Girls of India and the village of Banwari Tola are together
inspiring the next generation of men by breaking the stereotypes.
3. Change:
 Gillette believes that even if you express your pain through tears, you are
 Two small town girls are bringing the change in the society by breaking the
 Daughters can also carry forward their father’s business and legacy of the
4. Order:
 In #ManEnough ad, he was able to shave his beard smoothly like always, even
after suffering from face injuries. This shows the disciplined and organized
personality of army men.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

1. Physiological Needs: To maintain basic hygiene and prevent ourselves from
infections, shaving is a basic need.
2. Safety and Security Needs: To support the family, the girls are working in their
father’s barbershop and providing financial stability to the family.
3. Social Needs: Father of Lt. Col. M K Sinha showing love and affection to him after
seeing his injury and telling him not to wipe his tears off.
4. Ego Needs: The barbershop girls started running their father’s barbershop achieving
personal satisfaction and recognition from others.
5. Self-Actualization Needs: Lt. Col. M K Sinha in #ManEnough ad was awarded the
Sena medal for Gallantry. It is the best moment for a soldier.

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