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AI MID I sets


1. Define Artificial Intelligence. Explain the techniques of A.I. Also describe the
characteristics of Artificial Intelligence. [10M] [BT-2]
2. Analyze various Blind searches with example. [10M] [BT-4]
3. What is predicate logic? Explain the predicate logic representation with reference to
suitable example[10M] [BT-2]

1. Explain the state space representation of Water – Jug problem. [10M]
2. Define Heuristic search? What are the advantages of Heuristic search? [10M] [BT-4]
3. Explain about Propositional Calculus. [10M] [BT-2]


1. Explain about Applications components and foundations of AI. [10M] [BT-2]

2. Describe the mini max algorithm ,Alpha-Beta Pruning with an example. [10M] [BT-1]
3. Explain about Natural Deduction Systems. [10M] [BT-2]


1. Define Tic-Tac –Toe game? Explain various approaches to solve the game. [10M] [BT-5]
2. Explain A* algorithm with example.[10M] [BT-2]
3. Explain about Propositional Logic with example.. [10M] [BT-2]

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