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Colombians lead a totally different lifestyle than other people in other countries,
Colombians have customs that no one else in the world can have. Colombia is known as
the happiest country in the world and of course Colombians are responsible for this title,
nothing destroys or breaks their happiness thanks to cultural traditions, the unique flavor
and the bawdiness that they have to get ahead no matter what.

One of the most special and beloved traditions for Colombians is Christmas. They don't
care about anything else when December comes. Within their customs in this festivity
they are preparing the Christmas tree before time. This time is usually too much before
Christmas, everything to have the preparations ready.

Colombians have another beautiful tradition in the month of December, as they light
many candles in front of their houses on December 7. Everywhere this beautiful tradition
is celebrated, it has a religious meaning and it is already commemorated on the day of the
Immaculate Conception. Too many Colombians participate in this tradition without
knowing its meaning.

Another of the customs of the Colombians in terms of rest and sharing in family is to travel
the festive bridges to any place, a little far from their houses to distract themselves from
some things that they live day by day.

Nowhere in Colombia will you find someone who does not greet you with a big smile and
a wonderful energy as the average Colombian expresses cordiality with everyone. They
manage to generate an atmosphere of comfort no matter where you are. Usually
someone in Colombia has the habit of greeting everyone with a kiss on the cheek.
Everywhere in Colombia someone always offers you a red or coffee, it is the most
common custom for Colombians in the region.
When a Colombian wants to buy something, somewhere, he usually asks for it as a gift
(Lady gives me two pounds of flour) but when they have to pay they ask for a discount for
everything. It doesn't matter what it can be and where it can be, but anyone can do it.
This happens because the money for the Colombians is never enough, no matter what
field they work in, for them, they never earn too much money and for this reason they
save too much. Only a few people are not thrifty and waste their money.

Most Colombians in terms of health treat their illnesses quite lightly, as they like to use
naturist remedies too much, very few when they get sick go to the doctor first. Most
choose to drink herbal water or follow naturist remedies on the internet.

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