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“Making a Paper Bag using News Paper”

I choose this product, because this will decrease the waste from News Paper. We all know
that the news or the other types of paper became a popular waste in our environment. The news
paper spread in land that make our environment dirty, and sometimes people burn it and the
smoke will affect the ozone layer that hurt our environment. I choose this product so that the
newspaper will be useful to our society instead of using it in bad way. I choose a paper bag,
because nowadays people tend to use some plastic product instead of paper bag, but the plastic
product is more harmful to our environment than the news paper, so instead of using plastic
products I think of an idea using paper and this come to my mind.

-News Paper -Yarn/Rope
-Scissor -Cardboard

-You need to flip a 1 page of the news paper into half
-When you flip it into half, flip the tip (Just a inch)
-Then flip the half of it in the Tip the you flip, then glue it
-Rotate it vertically
-Then fold it crosswise
-When you fold it, open and make a two pyramid in the two sides
-When it’s done fold the two remaining rectangles in the bottom and top then glue it
-Then open the box inside, then you have the bottom of it, Make sure you will put a piece of
cardboard inside so it will be strong enough.
-Put a two strip of newspaper in the both sides for the handles.
- Lastly ,Put some holes on the both sides for the handles the put a yarn or a small rope on the
two holes.

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