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A Correlation of the Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Data of Gaseous and Liquid Propane P.M, Helland* end H. J. M. Hanley Tharmaphysicel Proves Dien, inl Engnerng Lebrtry, National Barons of Stoners, Nolet, terace wots K. E. Gubbing ‘Sehoa of Chemical Engineering, Ota Hal, Coral! Universi, Tacs, New York 14858 end 4. M. Holle Department of Chemieat Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, Seuth Corolne 29631 ata forthe vsosty and thermal conductivity of gaseous and liguidpropane have been vale tied and represented by spitialfunetons developed in previous werk. Tables of values ate pre Slate ire tenge 1-900 tr preseues ww 30 SaPe (900 mums Te vos ate tae te have uncraaties of about 56, with corresponding neritic ofthe thermal condetvitie ‘of about 20%, It treed thatthe database shoald be improved. Av ir our work with other uid the anomalous conibtin tothe thermal condsctity f the veaty of the etilal point ep word: Crital point enhancement; coveted date: date evaluation; ropenes thermal con: Aectnys voy. Contents viscosity, wg/(om*s)* be vomit, Nomenclature . 559, Vloonsley Seve dancity com 1. Intodution 500 feo eet 2 Corelating Equations 500 ey 21. The Equation of Sate 2c citi ron ez con 8. Data eee: 560 viscosity equation parameters 3.1, The Dilute Gas 560, ‘ilute gas viscosity equation parameters 38. The owe son La we {ermal eonauevys a/R) tial iat gos thermal conductivity 4, Tables of Values . : 568, thermal conductivity first density corree- 4.1. Uncertainty ofthe Tables» 58 a Scene eae 568 ay exon thermal conductivity 6, enone 50 ay dene gs and liquid thera conductivity References 5% aa, critical region excess thermal conductivity Thermal condoctvty equation parameters Nomenclature dilute gas thermal conductivity equation eters rT terpertare, K ” Pacierseer P pressure, MPa x IRvogadre consent ‘ i Bolumann constant ° intenmleclar pir poet] meet de peti paremetere ABC Soot density correction eqaton pram {8107 bythe US, Sertary of Commerce on bbl of he Une eters Sure Taconite ete Anant af Pes ined te Amen Chal Sosy yore ae aw Pan mb o4r-2609/79 0889-17 /$0880 559 1. Phys. Chem, Bo. Boo, Vol No.2, 1979 560 HOLLAND ET AL, ° viscosity and thermal conductivity equa- tien variable o reduced variable superscript . critical point variable subscript 4B, Bs,Bs, scaling parameters for the compressibility by in the exitcal region R length parameter in the eritical point equation » hemical potentil 1. Introduction ‘This work is part of «series of papers, published in this Journal, on the transport properties of pure uids, We have ‘iscuseed argon (with krypton and xenon), oxygen and nitrogen [1], methane [2] and ethane [3]. Propane is now included and tables of the viscosity (q) and the thermal conductivity (2) are presented. ‘The creluation and corrclation of the experimental deta for propane followed closely the procedure described in reference [3] for ethane. The data base for these uid is milar; several authors report measurements for both fsfactory by present day measurement standards, Neverthe- less, we thought it worthwhile to present tables for both the and thermal conductivity over a wide range of experimental conditions with the reservation that the tables will probably have to be revised when more accurate date become available, particularly for the thermal conductivity Other correlations are in the literature [4], but they are ‘most often restricted to one of the coeficients and/or cover 1 Timited experimental range. There are also quite large ‘aserepancies between corresponding tabulatea values arom the various corzelated sts, Since we repeated essentially the procedure of reference [3], the disenesion in this paper ie ahheevintd Fuether, wwe refer to reference [1] for details on our eriteria for the critical evaluation of transport data 2. Correlating Equations ‘The correlation for propane was based on the behavior ‘of the transport properties with Fespect to temperature (I) ‘and density (p) according tthe equations He Tha glT) LylT et AGM T) thy TY OD Alp T) = A(T) HALT) PF ANT) +B HT) (2) 9 aud tera wd these equations, yy(7) and Xy(7}) are the dilute gas values; u(T) and A(T) represent frst density corrections for the moderately dense gas: while An'(o.T) and AX'(o.T) are remainders. The term 9, (7) is given by the empirical ex- pression aT) A+B [C=In (1/F)}* 3) 1h, Chom, af Da, Vo: 8, No, 2,19 and similarly for d,(T). The confcients A, B, C, and F eam be found from fit of dats, but we set Pece/i where ‘is the energy parameter of the propane pair potential function and k ie Boltzmann's constant. ‘The terms Ay'(p,7) and aX"(p, 7) are expressed em- pirically by the relations ‘yf pT) =Bexpliet dT] (explo iat id") +0, MietivT+idTN-10), | (4) sand AN'(p.7) =D exp [ht k/T) (explo (hehe Fob tk/T+h/TI-10). (6) ‘The parameter © is included to account specially for the high density behavior of the transport coefcients and is @ function of the density with respect to the critical density, A 0= (Pe) /pe (6) ‘The coeficients, E, Dy js ‘rom experimental date. Finally, equations (1) and (2) include the terms A. (eT) and Ste(n7)y reepentively, to cccount for the known enhancement of the coeficients in the vicinity of the critical point (although ne willbe set equal to zero inthis work) i hy «dy are obtained 2.1. The Equation of State ‘We have argued thet the transport properties should be correlated an terms of temperature and density. A thermo- dynamic equation of state ie thus an integral part of the correlation scheme: The equation of stte used for propane wae that proposed hy Gondwin and reported in reference 15). 3. Date ‘The following references which reported experimental ata were examined: viscosity, references [635]; and thermal conductivity, references [17, 36-48]. The literature data were evaluated a8 4ar as possible by the same criteria discussed in reference [1], ‘As indicated by the form of equations (1) and (2), we Sd it som and liquid, and the critical region separately. nt te sonetcer the dita gue, the dona ge 3, |. The Dilute Gas Following our usual procedure, the dilute gus viscosity and thermal conductivity data were fitted by least squares to the expansions y= GP (NTF GY (2)T-24 GV (3) T+ 67 (4) FOV (SIT HEV (OMA SGV (DT FOV (8)TH+ GV (OT, m TRANSPORT PROPERTIES FOR PROPANE Ae GTO)T-?+GP(2)T-9"+CT(3)T- +67 (4) FEMS) THALETOTALCMDT ¥GT(8)THOHETINTA, (8) respectively. GV(1) ... GV(9) and CTU)... GY) are empirical coeficiente, References for the data selected forthe fits are shown in table 1 together with the temper ite of the accuracy. Coofcints for equations (7) and (8) are given in table 2 ‘The data base forthe dilute gas viscoity is satisfactory ‘over a limited temperature range: the modern data from references [18] and [19] cover 296-878 K and we have extended this range slightly by including adjusted data from references [14] and [15]. As discussed in reference LJ, there are strong arguments thar the daca from these references are subject to a small systematic error, but that this error can be accounted for. See, also figure I of refer. sonra [401 ‘The fit was veighted slightly to the data of references {28) and [19}. Theoretical points st 150 K and at 1200 K. ‘were included in the ft. These theoretical points were ob tained trom kinetic theory with the m-6-8 potential func: tion (coe below) and were considered only to ensure thet the function (7) is well behaved outside the dat ture range end our cs 50 Figure 1 shows the deviation pot, where percent devie tion, here and in the other figures, i given by nlexp) ~ nce, 99 a ‘(ep) : (One observes theft so within 0.5% Th contact, the dilute ges thermal conductivity tes tation isnot very good. The date are often not internally Consitont end diffrent dta ete differ by wp to 856 at corresponding temperatures, We assessed the data to 6% accuracy and fitted all the date Fisted in table 1 ‘equal weight t0 all points, The deviation curve in igure 2 and i selt-explanatory* Fit of the m-6-8 potential to the viscosity da ‘The uiilty of statisti mechanical expressions, with realistic intermolecular potential function, to represent the repertice of a dilia ges har hoon omporined hy we and by other authors, We have had considerable success with the m6 potential [1,49]. a) pepe neem Sem nec {Sis Soe ea dea 0 9-08 - oi ep a 7 as na pre) 2 ee =a Be : mm meme = 2 nts nt ait eee tte ore abt 2 Phys Chem, ata Wo AA sea HOLLAND ET AL, ‘The m-64 potential is given by the expression 2 aoe weg lOt ay arty [m=y(m=8) ]d/")*—y(d/r*)*, (10) where d=rq/e and r*=r/e. The distance parameters (@ ‘and rg) and the energy parameter («), are defined by the ‘The dilute gas viseosity data were used to obtain m-68 parameters via the slandard kinetic theory expression for sie Values of the m-68 parameters are given in table 3. ‘The potential is used specifically in the study to extend the tiv caleulete the thermal conductivity in the vicinity of the al point (section 33). 3.2. The Dense Gas and Liquid Having values for y(T) and seting Aye(p,7) equal to sores dance gas ond gui date were ited hy the mthed of least square [1] tothe tems [na(T)o-+d9'(p7)] of equation (1) References forthe data selected are given in table 1 ‘Qualitatiely, the data seem very zeasonale and no serious discrepancies exist between the selected data sets. Equal weight was given tall data and am acuracy of 2°59 was teigned. The experimental range sovered ie Fairy extn sve except that data forthe moderately dente gas (densi- T PERCENT DEVIATION. 2 % dot 250 300360 400 460 600 660 600 TEMPERATURE, K © i8asts @ 20 Ficune. Dilte gas vise: deviations between experimental data avalos fom equation (7) ‘TANGPORT PROPERTIES FOR PROPANE 563 8 7 T T T T T ° e 4 z 2b a 4 Bo = B2p i 4 L L L L L ay ey et ‘TEMPERATURE, K Pele nites mate Hate HET, Ole: O19 WNT: OE A CT Ficuee?, Dilute gas therm) conductivity: deviations between experimental equation (8). aes from Pecans for eputiens 06 a 4 Phys Chem. Rt: ate, Vel. 8, No.2, 1979 564 HOLLAND ET AL, Table 4, Parameters for Equations (3)-(5)- Unite ~ Temperature én i Véscontty in up/(cnrs) and Thermal Conductivity 41 al/(wX) ties less than % pe, where pe isthe critical density) are relatively sparse and scattered. Because of their scarcity in this region we found that the data were best fitted if the term n,(7) was set equal to zero, Values of the coeficients A(-=0), B(=0), C, F, and J, ZT, ate given in table 4. Representative deviation curves 855. It is seen that these data points about 2%, which is inside our er fin themeelors "gure 6 gives the plot of the excess thermal conduc- tivity coeficient, AA, versus density for some of the date noted in table 1. The excess is defined by aN(p,T) = MoT) ~RolT)5 ti A%p, 1), the experimental vale, lest the corresponding value ofthe dilute gas. fe shown as agures Fe fitted to within estimate for the 4. Cham. Rt Dat. Val 8 Mo. 2 1979 For the temperature ranges reported (although not in general) a plot of aA versus p should be essentially ‘smooth eurve, independent of temperature. This observa tion is based on the experimental behavior of simple fiuide (N,,0., CH ee.) [1]. From the plot, therefore, one ob- tains an idea of the internal consistency of the data from 4 paruculer author, and the aliferences beiween suhors which, in this case, are quite large, even ignoring the ter of the date around the criteal density. ‘The seattr around the eitcal density represents points close to the critical temperature. This scatter is of interest since it demonstrates qualitatively the anom: in the thermal conductivity coefficient, 2, in this region. ropane was one of the first fluids for which this phenom. ‘enon was noticed, However, here iti clear that the anom- ‘TRANSPORT PROPERTIES FOR PROPANE aly is only erudely r not included in the it ‘As for the viscosity, the contzibution A(T) was ex tracted from the selected data which were then fitted to the terms [A,(T)p-+ax'(e,7)] of equation (2). Slight weight was given to the data of reference [40]. The co- ficients for the it are given in table 4. Sample de plots ate given in figures 7.9 and one sees that the data are fitted to within the experimental accuracy resented and these data points were 3.3. The Critical Region Following the precedent set in our previous work (1-3), wwe feel confident in neglecting the propane thermal con Auetivty data in the vicinity ofthe critical point and esti- mating A%<(p,) by ealeulation. This approach has been feinforeed recenly since we have shown that she ele procedure cen represent the anomaly AA, for methane to within about 2159 extremely close to the critical point Ga T—T.=10-?K at the critical isochore 1501). The procedure is discussed in Section 3.2 of reference (1) and in reference [51] Accoranng to reference (51, auienr= (an) EG), eNET) GuRVOT) 5 (Kp) exp (—18.66 57°) exp (—425 5991, (11) where TTT a2) om |p~ pel /re In equation (11) NV is Avogadro's constant, Ke=p~ (2p/@P) (the compressibility), R is a length parameter and IM is the molecular weight. R is given by: YELP sT 0 where T*=T/(«/h), m, 7', tm and e/k are the m-6-8 pa: rameters of equation (10), ‘One can see that the calculation of AA, at a given den- sty and temperature requires the viscosity, the derivative (QP/2T), and Kx. The viscosity is obtained from our eor- relation, and (QP/Q7)p and Ky can be obtained from the ‘equation of eteto [S]. Howover, it turne out tht, while the determination of (2P/QT)p presets no real difeuty, the determination of Ky does: it is now well-known that the

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