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In the beginning of the novel when the time traveller first arrives into the future before he is greeted

by the Eloi he questions

whether humans had given into their primal instincts and had turned into savages and humanity had dissolved. He states that
he wondered whether humans had turned into “a foul creature to be incontinently slain”. The description suggests that the
creatures he would be slaying would not be human as the powerful adverb “incontinently” suggests that when slaying the foul
being no remorse or moral restraint will be shown much similarly to when killing vermin. The verb “slain” is also an act of killing
something inhumane or someone of significance, in this context it would be inhumane as the Time traveller believes the world
has descended into chaos and humans may have devolved into savages. When he first meets the Eloi his previous theory is
wrong as the Eloi are humanoid, weak creatures. He describes them as being “ indescribably frail” and that the Eloi have “
hectic beauty” which he heard so much of. He later describes them as having a “Dresden-china type of prettiness.”. “Dresden-
China” perfectly describes the Eloi as it is extremely beautiful and elegant, however, is frail and fragile.

When he first tries to communicate and receives a feeble response he starts to question the intellectual capacity fo the Eloi as
he wonders whether they are “fools”. He later states what he had thought future human society would be like before he had
actually reached the future; he believed that the human race would have evolved and progressed far beyond his present. He
was left with extreme disappointment and wondered whether he had built the time machine in vain as one of them asked him
a question “that showed him to be on the intellectual level” of one of his five year old children. The theme of the Eloi being
similar to children persisted as later when eating with the Eloi he felt like he was “schoolmaster amidst children”.
The time traveler also found later within the fourth chapter that the Eloi were strictly vegetarian as all domestic animals had
gone extinct as they ate fruit like “hypertrophied rasberry”.

The Time Traveller notices the structure of the Eloi society as it is in addition to everyone benefitting, it is classless
and there is no inequality. He compares it to a structure present in his society and labels it “Communism”. He later
discovers the Morlocks as he is face to face with one in chapter five and describes it as a “human spider” which
“forearms held very low”. He then realized that the wells were actually acting as a form of a ventilation system. The
time traveller realized his idea of communism was wrong as the Eloi were benefitting from the labour of the Morlocks
as they had large industrial machinery which could be making their clothes and shoes. This societal ideology is much
closer to capitalism than communism as class is present as the Eloi are the upper class over worlders and the
Morlocks are the lower class labourers. However, another perspective is that they do follow a communistic structure
and that the Eloi are actually the population and the Morlocks are the government as they provide the Eloi with goods
when they need it, are hardly present as they are nocturnal, and benefit by eating the Elois.

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