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Nonviolent Action and Its Misconceptions:

Insights for Social Scientists
Kurt Schock, Rutgers University

Prior to the wave of people power political channels, and it is indetermi- of laws. Although institutional methods of
movements that erupted across the globe nate, i.e., the procedures for determining political action often accompany nonvio-
in the late twentieth century, scholars of the outcome of the conflict are not lent struggles, nonviolent action occurs
social movements and revolution rarely specified in advance (Bond 1994). Non- outside the bounds of institutional politi-
addressed nonviolent action as a strategy violent action occurs through: (1) acts cal channels. Contrary to regular and in-
for political change in non-democratic of omission, whereby people refuse to stitutionalized political activity, there is
contexts. By the beginning of the perform acts expected by norms, cus- always an element of risk involved for
twenty-first century this changed, as in- tom, law, or decree; (2) acts of commis- those implementing nonviolent action
creasingly more social scientists began sion, whereby people perform acts since it presents a direct challenge to
turning their attention to a topic once which they do not usually perform, are authorities. Thus, nonviolent action is
addressed primarily by peace studies not expected by norms or customs to context-specific. Displaying anti-regime
scholars.1 The analysis of nonviolent ac- perform, or are forbidden by law, regu- posters in democracies would be consid-
tion by social scientists other than peace lation, or decree to perform; or (3) a ered a low risk and regular form of polit-
studies scholars should be welcomed. combination of acts of omission and ical action, whereas the same activity in
Yet, since popular and scholarly miscon- commission (Sharp 1973, 1999). Rather non-democracies would be considered
ceptions about nonviolence abound, it than viewing nonviolent action as one- irregular and would involve a substantial
would be useful to examine some of half of a rigid violent-nonviolent di- amount of risk. It would therefore be
these in the hope that biases in the chotomy, nonviolent action may be bet- considered a method of nonviolent action
social scientific analysis of nonviolent ter understood as a set of methods with in a non-democratic context. Similarly,
action can be attenuated.2 special features that are different from strikes in democracies that occur within
both violent resistance and institutional the bounds of institutionalized labor rela-
politics (McCarthy 1990). That said, let tions cannot be considered nonviolent ac-
Nonviolent Action and its us look at some common misconcep- tion, since they are not non-institutional
Misconceptions tions about nonviolent action. or indeterminate. However, a wildcat
What is nonviolent action? As the strike in a democracy and most strikes
name implies, nonviolent action is 1. Nonviolent action is not inaction in non-democracies would be instances
active—it involves activity in the collec- (although it may involve the refusal to of nonviolent action given their non-
tive pursuit of social or political carry out an action that is expected, i.e., institutionalized, indeterminate, and high-
objectives—and it is non-violent—it does an act of omission), it is not submissive- risk features.
not involve physical force or the threat ness, it is not the avoidance of conflict, 5. Nonviolent action is not a form of
of physical force against human beings. and it is not passive resistance. In fact, negotiation or compromise. Negotiation
More specifically, nonviolent action in- nonviolent action is a direct means for and compromise may or may not accom-
volves an active process of bringing po- prosecuting conflicts with opponents and pany conflicts prosecuted through nonvio-
litical, economic, social, emotional, or an explicit rejection of inaction, submis- lent action, just as they may or may not
moral pressure to bear in the wielding sion, and passivity. accompany conflicts prosecuted through
of power in contentious interactions be- 2. Anything that is not violent is not con- violent action. In other words, nonviolent
tween collective actors (McCarthy 1990; sidered to be nonviolent action. Nonviolent action is a means for prosecuting a con-
1998; Sharp 1973, 1999). Nonviolent ac- action refers to specific actions that involve flict and it should be distinguished from
tion is non-institutional, i.e., it operates risk and that invoke non-physical pressure means of conflict resolution (Ackerman
outside the bounds of institutionalized or nonviolent coercion in contentious inter- and Kruegler 1994, 5).
actions between opposing groups. 6. Participation in nonviolent action
3. Nonviolent action is not limited to does not require that activists hold any
state sanctioned political activities. Nonvi- sort of ideological, religious, or metaphys-
Kurt Schock is associate professor of soci- olent action may be legal or illegal. Civil ical beliefs. Contrary to popular and
ology and a member of the graduate faculty in disobedience, i.e., the open and deliberate scholarly assumptions, those who engage
global affairs at Rutgers University, Newark. violation of the law for a collective social in nonviolent action are rarely pacifists.
His research interests include comparative po- or political purpose, is a fundamental type Those who engage in nonviolent action
litical sociology and social movements. His
book, Unarmed Insurrections: The Power of
of nonviolent action. hold a variety of different beliefs, one of
Nonviolent Action in Non-Democracies, will 4. Nonviolent action is not composed which may be pacifism, but pacifism is
be published by the University of Minnesota of regular or institutionalized techniques not prevalent among those engaged in
Press. He can be reached at kschock@ of political action such as litigation, letter nonviolent action. As noted by George writing, lobbying, voting, or the passage Lakey, “most pacifists do not practice

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nonviolent resistance, and most people sistance is based on misguided assump- over 20 years before they assumed power
who do practice nonviolent resistance are tions that nonviolent action is ‘passive in 1949, and the Vietnamese were engaged
not pacifists” (Lakey 1973, 57). resistance’ and that nonviolent action in armed combat against French, Japanese,
7. There are also significant misconcep- produces change through the conversion and American imperialists for over three
tions concerning the role of activists’ per- of the oppressor’s views (Martin 1997). decades before national liberation. Simi-
ceptions about the methods used in strug- While nonviolent challenges should expect larly, numerous campaigns of terror, such
gles. Those who implement methods of a violent response by the government, as the Basque ETA in Spain and the IRA
nonviolent action may not recognize them they should also prepare to mute the im- in Northern Ireland, have been operating
as ‘methods of nonviolent action,’ and pact of the opponent’s violence. That is, for decades without meeting their objec-
they certainly do not have to adhere to a they should, as stated by Peter Ackerman tives. By contrast, the nonviolent Solidar-
theory of nonviolence or a moral code to and Christopher Kruegler, “get out of ity movement in Poland took office about
successfully implement them. harms way, take the sting out of the a decade after its emergence, and it took a
8. Nonviolent action does not depend agents of violence, disable the weapons, mere 30 months, following the assassina-
on moral authority, the ‘mobilization of prepare people for the worst effects of tion of Benigno Aquino in August, 1983,
shame,’ or the conversion of the views of violence, and reduce the strategic impor- for the people power movement in the
opponents in order to succeed. Conversion tance of what may be lost to violence” Philippines to topple Ferdinand Marcos—
of the oppressor’s views, whereby the (Ackerman and Kruegler 1994, 38). Non- something the Filipino Communists had
challenge effectively alters the view of the violent resistance is much more sophisti- been trying to do through armed methods
oppressors thereby resulting in the accept- cated than the widespread conception of since 1969.
ance of the challenger’s aims and an alter- activists meekly accepting physical attacks. 16. The occurrence of nonviolent action
ation in the oppressor’s policies, is com- 11. Nonviolent action is not a method of is not structurally determined. While there
monly assumed to be the only mechanism contention that is used only as a last re- are empirical relationships in geographi-
by which nonviolent action promotes po- sort, when the means of violence are un- cally and temporally bound places and
litical change.3 In fact, conversion is only available. Although nonviolent action may time periods between political contexts
one of four mechanisms through which be used when no weapons are available, it and the use of a given strategy for re-
nonviolent action can promote change and may also be used instead of violence. sponding to grievances, the method used
it is the least likely of the four to promote 12. Nonviolent action is not a method of to challenge unjust or oppressive political
change. The other more common mecha- the ‘middle class’ or a ‘bourgeois’ approach relations is not determined by political
nisms are accommodation, nonviolent co- to political contention. Nonviolent action context. Processes of learning, diffusion,
ercion, and disintegration. Through accom- can and has been implemented by groups and social change may result in the imple-
modation, the challenge effectively from all classes and castes, from slaves to mentation of nonviolent action in contexts
produces changes in the oppressor’s poli- members of the upper-class (McCarthy and or situations historically characterized by
cies even though the oppressor’s views Kruegler 1993). For obvious reasons, it is violent contention. Conflicts involving
have not changed. Through nonviolent co- used more frequently by the less-powerful, land, separatism, autonomy, or self-
ercion, change is achieved against the op- i.e., those without regular access to power- determination, for example, are generally
pressor’s will as a result of successfully holders, than by the powerful. assumed to be—and have historically
undermining its resources, legitimacy, and 13. The use of nonviolent action is not been—violent. However, nonviolent strate-
ability to control the situation. Through limited to the pursuit of ‘moderate’ or ‘re- gies are increasingly being used in such
disintegration, the oppressor’s ruling appa- formist’ goals. It is just as appropriate for conflicts (e.g., see Cooper 1999). Certainly
ratus falls apart in the face of mass nonvi- the pursuit of ‘radical’ goals. Anders Corr, the context of the struggle and the
olent action (Sharp 1973; 1990). Thus, for example, has documented the extensive issues at stake influence the strategies
while conversion of the opponent’s views use of nonviolent action in land and hous- used by challengers, but not in a deter-
may occur, more often than not, nonvio- ing struggles across the developed and ministic manner.
lent action succeeds through nonviolent less-developed worlds (Corr 1999). Chal- 17. The effectiveness of nonviolent ac-
coercion, i.e., it forces the opponent to lenges to private property relations can tion is not a function of the ideology of
make changes by undermining its power. hardly be considered ‘reformist,’ ‘moder- the oppressors. It is often claimed that
Of course, moral pressure may be mobi- ate,’ or ‘bourgeois.’ Similarly, the feminist nonviolent action can only succeed in
lized, but in the absence of political and movement has radically challenged patriar- democracies or when it is used against be-
economic pressure, it is unlikely to pro- chal gender relations—almost entirely nign or ‘universalist’ oppressors. Certainly
duce change. through methods that do not involve vio- the beliefs of the oppressors influences the
9. Those who implement nonviolent ac- lence. Challenging groups can be militant, dynamics of nonviolent struggles, but it is
tion do not assume that the state will not radical, and nonviolent. not the sole determinant of their outcomes.
react with violence. Violence is to be ex- 14. The mass mobilization of people into 18. The effectiveness of nonviolent ac-
pected from governments, especially non- campaigns of nonviolent action in non- tion is not a function of the repressiveness
democratic governments. The violent reac- democracies does not depend on coercion. of the oppressors. In fact, nonviolent ac-
tion of governments is not an indication While some campaigns of nonviolent action tion has been effective in brutally repres-
of the failure of nonviolent action. In fact, in non-democracies have involved coercion sive contexts, and it has been ineffective
governments respond with violence pre- to promote mass mobilization, it is not a in open democratic polities. Repression, of
cisely because nonviolent action presents a necessary feature. course, constrains the ability of chal-
serious threat to their power. To dismiss 15. While nonviolent action by its very lengers to organize, communicate, mobi-
the use of nonviolent action because peo- nature requires patience, it is not inher- lize, and engage in collective action, and
ple are killed is no more logical than dis- ently slow compared to violent action in magnifies the risk of participation in col-
missing armed resistance for the same rea- producing political change (Shepard 2001). lective action. Nevertheless, repression is
sons (Zunes 1999b, 130). Armed insurgencies that served as models only one of many factors that influence
10. That said, suffering is not an essen- for a generation of revolutionaries took the trajectories of campaigns of nonviolent
tial part of nonviolent resistance. The view decades to succeed: the Communists in action, not the sole determinant of their
that suffering is central to nonviolent re- China were engaged in armed combat for trajectories.

706 PS October 2003

Blurred Lines? Of course, there is a class of actions Third, the use of coercion to promote
that do not involve violence and tend to participation in mass campaigns in
To illustrate how some of these mis- be passive: everyday forms of resist- South Africa varied across the type of
conceptions may influence the work of ance. These actions are informal, unde- non-cooperation that was implemented.
social scientists, I will briefly examine clared, disguised forms of resistance by While consumer boycotts sometimes
Gay Seidman’s essay “Blurred Lines: oppressed individuals that do not require involved coercion in order to promote
Nonviolence in South Africa” (PS: Polit- formal coordination or organization mass mobilization, mass participation
ical Science and Politics, June 2000). (Scott 1985; 1987). In empirical in- in rent boycotts in South Africa did
This is not meant to be a personal at- stances of contention, there is likely to not involve coercive mobilization
tack on the work of Seidman. She is a be transgression across everyday forms (Seekings 2000, 179). Thus social sci-
respected scholar who has published of resistance and methods of nonviolent entists should attempt to identify the
path-breaking work on social movement action. But clearly, everyday forms of contextual factors that influence
unionism in Brazil and South Africa resistance should be distinguished from whether or not coercive mass mobiliza-
(Seidman 1994). Moreover, we agree on nonviolent action, and ‘passive resist- tion occurs, such as the tactic being
many points in her essay. We agree that ance’ should not be confused with non- implemented, the solidarity of the
the anti-apartheid struggle in South violent action. community, and whether or not mem-
Africa stands as a monument to the bers of the community know that a
power of nonviolent action in challeng- mass campaign has been called for,
ing systems of injustice, exploitation, Coercive Mobilization
rather than assuming that coercion is
and oppression. We agree that social sci- Seidman suggests that mass cam- an inherent component of mass mobi-
entists must not glorify the use of nonvi- paigns of non-cooperation that occur in lization into nonviolent campaigns in
olent action in the anti-apartheid move- non-democratic contexts may involve an non-democratic contexts.
ment, or in any other predominantly ‘inherent sociological logic of coercion’
nonviolent struggle. We agree that social (Seidman 2000, 166). To support this
scientists should develop historically nu- ‘Universalist’ Oppressors and Moral
assertion, Seidman correctly notes that Conversion
anced and empirically accurate analyses township activists sometimes created a
of predominantly nonviolent struggles. situation of fear in which people knew Seidman maintains that, “. . . at-
Nevertheless, since more and more so- that they could not ignore calls for tempts to use passive resistance [i.e.,
cial scientists are beginning to study mass mobilization without risking physi- nonviolent action] in South Africa
nonviolence, and since Seidman’s essay cal harm or perhaps death. But is coer- demonstrate how deeply such strategies
may be representative of some of the cive behavior embedded in the sociolog- rely on the oppressor’s response—and
general biases that social scientists bring ical logic of campaigns of mass illustrate the limits of such a strategy
to the table when turning their attention mobilization and disruption in non- when the oppressor rejects universalist
to the study of nonviolence, it is hoped democracies, or is it something that principles” (Seidman 2000, 161). Fur-
that by offering a constructive criticism varies across campaigns and contexts? thermore, quoting Leo Kuper (1971),
of these misconceptions, biases in the First, there are numerous examples Seidman suggests that for nonviolent ac-
social scientific analysis of nonviolence of mass mobilization into campaigns of tion to succeed, it must convert the
can be attenuated. nonviolent action in non-democracies views of the oppressors through extreme
that did not involve coercive behavior, suffering (Seidman 2000, 162). A prob-
Passive Resistance which suggests that mass mobilization lem with these assumptions is that they
does not involve an ‘inherent sociologi- lead to post hoc explanations of the
Seidman uses the term “passive resist- cal logic of coercion.’ The ‘people outcomes of nonviolent struggles as a
ance” to describe nonviolent action (Sei- power’ movement in the Philippines function of whether or not the oppressor
dman 2000, 161). This is a misnomer. and the challenges to communist rule held ‘universalist’ views or whether or
There is nothing passive or evasive about in Eastern Europe come to mind as not the oppressors were morally con-
nonviolent resistance, as it is an active examples where mass mobilization oc- verted to the views of their opponents.
and overt means for prosecuting conflicts curred without coercion. Second, evi- From this perspective, the characteristics
with opponents. While Mohandas Gandhi dence from the very case examined by of the challenge and the dynamics of
at first used the term ‘passive resistance,’ Seidman suggests that coercion was not the interactions between challengers and
he subsequently rejected the term due to inherent to mass mobilization, but the state become superfluous to explana-
its inaccurate connotations. Similarly, rather it was something that varied, de- tions of the outcome of the struggle
Martin Luther King rejected the term pending on the consensus within the since the outcome is assumed to depend
‘passive resistance’ and used words such community and the extent to which on the views of the oppressors. But, is
as ‘aggressive,’ ‘militant,’ ‘confronta- there was knowledge about the cam- it possible, for example, that the nonvi-
tional,’ and ‘coercive’ to describe his paign throughout the community. With olent campaign in South Africa in the
campaigns of nonviolent action. The term regard to consumer boycotts, for exam- 1950s failed and that the nonviolent
‘passive resistance’ has not been used by ple, when the political loyalties of a campaign in South Africa in the 1980s
activists or scholars of nonviolent action community were sharply divided or and 1990s succeeded in contributing to
for decades, yet social scientists continue when the campaigns were not ade- political change due, at least in part, to
to use the term when addressing nonvio- quately publicized, coercion was more the characteristics of the challenges?
lent action. Like Gandhi and King, social likely to be used to enforce the con- The trajectories and outcomes of chal-
scientists should abandon the term ‘pas- sumer boycotts. However, when there lenges are determined by a variety of
sive resistance’ and use the more accu- was solidarity within the community factors, some within and some outside
rate and precise term ‘nonviolent action.’ and people were well aware that a con- of the movement’s control. But given
This is not a mere semantic distinction, sumer boycott was to be implemented the assumption that the outcomes of
but rather is critical to the understanding and how long it was supposed to last, nonviolent challenges depend on the
of nonviolent resistance. then coercion was less likely to occur. views of the oppressors and whether or

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not the oppressors are morally converted Seidman also refers to the struggle a corporatist system. Non-cooperation in
to the views of the challengers, there is for national liberation in India as a case Denmark through tactics such as work
no reason to examine movement charac- where nonviolent action succeeded be- slowdowns and strikes severely hindered
teristics such as organization and strat- cause of the views of the oppressors the German effort to extract resources
egy or even the broader political context (Seidman 2000, 161). In the case of the and exert control over the country.5
such as international support for the Indian independence struggle, the attri- Generally, the Nazi military machine
challenge or international pressure on bution of ‘universalist’ views to the was dumbfounded in the face of
the regime. British is questionable. British rulers widespread nonviolent resistance. B. H.
Regardless, South Africa was ruled hardly believed that Indians were their Liddell Hart, a British military strategist
by P. W. Botha and the ‘securocrat’ equal. They viewed non-whites in a who interrogated Nazi generals after the
segment of the political elite for most racist and exclusionary, rather than in war, found that “they were experts in
of the 1980s—not exactly exemplars of an universalist, manner. Seidman also violence, and had been trained to deal
universalist principles. Botha and the suggests that Britain’s commitment to with opponents who used that method.
securocrats implemented a ‘total strat- the Atlantic Charter contributed to the But other forms of resistance baffled
egy’ against perceived enemies of the success of the national liberation move- them . . . It was a relief to them when
apartheid regime, and imposed two ment in India.4 But, if Britain was com- resistance became violent, and when
brutal states of emergency within South mitted to the Atlantic Charter, then why non-violent forms were mixed with
Africa, the first from July 1985 to weren’t they compelled to grant inde- guerrilla action, thus making it easier to
March 1986, and a second, more com- pendence to their other colonies in the combine drastic suppressive action
prehensive one beginning in June 1986 1940s as well? against both at the same time” (Liddell
(Price 1991). Botha was subsequently A closer examination of the Indian Hart 1968, 205).
replaced by F. W. De Klerk in 1989, struggle for national liberation suggests More recently, of course, nonviolent
but what was the likelihood that the that it worked because it made India action worked with unprecedented ef-
securocrat segment of the elite would ungovernable for the British and it ren- fectiveness against communist
have been dislodged at the end of the dered Britain’s military might useless. regimes—regimes that although were no
1980s by the ‘internationalist-reformers’ The Indian struggle for national libera- longer Stalinist, could not be character-
were it not for sustained campaigns of tion succeeded, not because of the hu- ized as soft or embracing of universal-
nonviolent action? While elite divisions manitarian views of the British, but be- ist principles. The nonviolent Solidarity
can ultimately be traced back to long- cause the force of nonviolent action movement in Poland seriously chal-
term economic and political trends, the undermined the power of British rule, lenged the communist regime well be-
proximate mechanism that exacerbated showed that Great Britain’s rule in India fore Gorbachev implemented reforms.
elite divisions and led to the displace- was based on force rather than legiti- In fact, the Solidarity movement made
ment of the securocrats was the anti- macy, reduced the justification for vio- it clear to the more enlightened seg-
apartheid challenge. The dismantling of lent repression, influenced reference ments of the Soviet political elite, like
the apartheid state did not occur be- publics in Great Britain, and illuminated Gorbachev, that reforms had to be im-
cause proponents of apartheid were the futility of trying to violently repress plemented. The success of the Solidar-
converted to universalist principles, it a nationwide movement of nonviolent ity movement subsequently set the stage
occurred because the anti-apartheid action with military force (Dalton 1993; for successful nonviolent challenges
movement undermined the power of Sharp 1973). Claims that the nonviolent throughout the Soviet sphere, from East
the state (directly through strikes and struggle in India contributed to political Germany to Mongolia. The Soviet
noncooperation, and indirectly by pro- change because the British were soft, Union itself disintegrated in the face of
moting capital flight and international humanitarian, or universalist are simply predominantly nonviolent secessionist
sanctions), diminished the government’s inaccurate. movements from the Baltic states to
capacity to control the political situa- Even if the British were less brutal Central Asia.6
tion, and made it clear that those who or more universalist than the ‘typical’ Moreover, in instances where violent
held racist (i.e., non-universalist) prin- oppressor, there are a number of histori- action failed against brutal oppressors
ciples would not be able to hold office. cal cases where nonviolent challenges lacking universalist views, nonviolent
That is not to say that moral pres- worked against ruthless oppressors. action succeeded. The Shah of Iran did
sure was not operating in the anti- Moreover, nonviolent action worked not not hold ‘universalist’ beliefs and his
apartheid challenge, but it was not the because the oppressor’s views were con- regime was supported by a ruthless mil-
only or the main type of pressure; far verted as a result of extreme suffering, itary and internal security apparatus,
more important than moral pressure but because it undermined the oppres- SAVAK. Iran’s two underground armed
was economic and political pressure. sor’s ability to rule and rendered their guerrilla movements, the Fedayeen and
Did white middle-class business people repressive capacities ineffective. Nonvio- the Mujahhadin, were small and ineffec-
desegregate their stores and pressure lent action, for example, worked when tive in challenging the state. Their
the state for political change due to it was implemented against the Nazis, membership did not surpass 300 at their
their sudden moral conversion to racial undoubtedly one of the most brutal peak, and they were infiltrated by the
equality, or because boycotts were driv- regimes in recent history. Nonviolent SAVAK. While there were armed battles
ing them out of business? Did white protest demonstrations by German between military forces loyal to the
capitalists urge the government to re- wives against the imprisonment of their Shah and soldiers who deserted the
form because they were moved by the Jewish husbands in Berlin led to their regime immediately prior to the transfer
extreme suffering of blacks engaged in release. Nonviolent resistance to Nazis of power, the Shah was not toppled by
nonviolent action, or because they in Norway, Finland, Denmark, the an armed insurgency, but rather by an
realized that endemic strikes and civil Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Romania unarmed insurrection whereby ordinary
disobedience, along with capital flight saved the lives of countless Jews. Non- citizens engaged in nonviolent action,
and international isolation, made violent resistance to Nazi occupation in such as protests demonstrations, strikes,
economic growth impossible? Norway prevented the implementation of boycotts, and civil disobedience.7

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Moral Logic Sustained nonviolent resistance in the that they could generate greater pressure
face of violent repression may invoke a against the state through methods of
No assumptions that “nonviolent ac- dynamic whereby the suppression of un- nonviolent action than through methods
tivists hold a higher moral ground” or armed protesters merely fuels the deter- of violence.
have the “sole proprietorship of the mination of the activists, catalyzes the I suspect that some of the misconcep-
moral high ground” (Seidman 2000, support of reference publics, and re- tions that social scientists have about
164) are necessary for nonviolent action duces the effectiveness of further violent nonviolent action are that nonviolent ac-
to work. The operation of nonviolent repression. This dynamic has been vari- tion is principled nonviolence, or that
action does not have to be based on any ously referred to as “political jiu-jitsu,” those promoting nonviolent struggle ad-
moral logic, hidden or otherwise. While the “paradox of repression,” and the here to principled nonviolence. Scholars
some major proponents of nonviolent “critical dynamic.”8 In South Africa, the of nonviolent action, however, have tra-
action have been morally committed to sustained campaign of nonviolent action ditionally made clear distinctions be-
nonviolence, nonviolent action per se in the face of repression had the effect tween principled and pragmatic nonvio-
does not require proponents or activists of “eroding the state’s capacity and will lent action. Those who practice
to be morally committed to nonviolence, to govern through repression. . . . In the principled nonviolent action view nonvi-
or hold any sort of ideological, reli- meantime, the capacity and will of olence as a way of life and assume that
gious, or metaphysical beliefs. black South Africans to reject their con- violence is inherently wrong. Those
Morality aside, there may be prag- tinued domination grew more quickly” who practice pragmatic nonviolent ac-
matic reasons for proponents of nonvio- (Marx 1992, 162). Significantly, this dy- tion view nonviolent action as effica-
lent action to encourage non- cious or convenient for attain-
violent discipline, i.e., the ing their goal in a given
strict adherence to nonviolent
methods. While responding to
I suspect that some of the context, and do not reject the
possibility that violent action
state violence with violence misconceptions that social sci- may be a practical means for
seems appropriate and justified alleviating oppression under
to most people, it permits the entists have about nonviolent some conditions. Thus, meth-
state, not the challenging
group to choose the means by action are that nonviolent ac- ods of nonviolent action are
used without any objection to
which the conflict will be
prosecuted. This takes the
tion is principled nonviolence, violence in principle. Most
campaigns of nonviolent action
comparative advantage away
from the challengers and gives
or that those promoting (including the struggle in
South Africa) are pragmatic
it to the state, as the ability of nonviolent struggle adhere to rather than principled. Yet
governments to use violence when mainstream social scien-
almost always exceeds the principled nonviolence. tists turn their attention to
ability of challengers. In fact, nonviolent action they fail to
violent rebellion by chal- distinguish between principled
lengers often strengthens regimes since namic has absolutely nothing to do with and pragmatic nonviolence, or make
it justifies the government’s use of vio- what assumptions the proponents of (hidden?) assumptions that it is princi-
lence in the name of ‘law and order,’ nonviolent action hold about the ‘moral pled nonviolent action. A more nuanced
‘political stability,’ or a ‘stable business purity’ of nonviolence. The dynamic understanding of struggles implementing
climate.’ may operate even when the proponents nonviolent action must recognize the
Thus, nonviolent discipline is useful of nonviolent action are as Machiavel- difference between pragmatic and prin-
for very pragmatic reasons, such as lian as the targets of their dissent. cipled nonviolent action.
keeping the movement and reference In South Africa, for example, numer-
publics focused on the issues rather ous UDF-affiliated street and area com- Blurred Vision?
than on acts of violence, and attenuating mittees attempted to make a clear dis-
fears that reference publics may have tinction between the nonviolence and Are the lines between violence and
about the challengers. The exposure of accountability of ‘people power’ and the nonviolence blurred—in the case of the
state violence in contrast to the un- undisciplined violent action of ‘ultra- anti-apartheid movement in South
armed methods of the challengers re- militant’ youth, and promoted highly or- Africa—or in any other challenge that
veals that the state’s rule is based on ganized forms of contention that would involves nonviolent action? We can look
force, not legitimacy, and this may lead not lead to unnecessary violence. ‘Peo- at this from two points of view: that of
to shifts in public and international ple’s courts’ were organized to maintain observers and that of parties to the con-
opinion that ultimately reshape the bal- order and justice within the townships flict. With regard to observers, Seidman
ance of power (Galtung 1989; Lakey and to promote nonviolent discipline, as writes “. . . a careful observer of South
1973; Sharp 1973; Summy 1994). What violence threatened the support that had Africa’s anti-apartheid resistance will
is the likelihood that the United States been cultivated among South Africa’s find it difficult to draw bright lines be-
Congress, during the Cold War, would churches, whites, and the international tween violent and nonviolent strategies
have passed sanctions against South community (Marx 1992; Price 1991; during the uprisings of the 1980s” (Sei-
Africa if the challenge to apartheid oc- Seekings 2000). The calls for nonviolent dman 2000, 165). I disagree. In fact, a
curred primarily through an armed in- discipline were not based on principled careful observer of the anti-apartheid
surgency? What is the likelihood that nonviolent action; i.e., those calling for movement—or any other challenge—
American churches and universities nonviolent action were not concerned should be able to do just that: provide
would have imposed sanctions and di- that violence would ‘sully’ their strug- nominal and operational definitions of
vested if the challenge to apartheid was gle. The calls were based on pragmatic violent and nonviolent action, apply
primarily armed and violent? nonviolent action; i.e., the realization them to empirical cases, and differentiate

PSOnline 709

between various forms of contentious way left’” (Wink 1987, 4). Yet, when confused with implementing violent ac-
activities. There is a long and distin- Wink pressed them to identify the tactics tion. A toyi-toyi dancing, mock AK-47
guished tradition in the social sciences that were most effective in challenging toting thug who marches in protest
that does exactly this (e.g., Ackerman the state over the past two years, demonstrations and participates in boy-
and Kruegler 1994; Gurr 1993; cotts is engaging in acts of nonviolent
they produced a remarkably long list of
McAdam 1999; Taylor and Jodice 1983; action.10 An avowed pacifist who gets
nonviolent actions: labor strikes, slow-
Tilly 1978). Clearly distinguishing be- caught up in the heat of the moment
downs, sit-downs, stoppages, and stay-
tween various forms of contention is not and participates in the ‘necklacing’ of
aways; bus boycotts, consumer boycotts,
a simplification of history, it is a clarifi- an alleged apartheid collaborator is en-
and school boycotts; funeral demonstra-
cation of history. Of course, empirical gaging in violent action. Rhetoric must
tions; noncooperation with government
instances of political contention are be distinguished from action.11 In any
appointed functionaries; non-payment of
rarely pure; i.e., they rarely involve one challenge, activists draw on existing cul-
rent; violation of government bans on
and only one strategy of resistance. In- tures of resistance. The use of nonvio-
peaceful meetings; defiance of segrega-
stead they transgress between institu- lent action does not require the creation
tion orders on beaches and restaurants,
tional politics and non-institutional poli- of an entirely new culture of resist-
theaters, and hotels; and the shunning
tics, and they transgress between ance—if it were possible to do so—nor
of black police and soldiers. This
everyday forms of resistance, nonviolent does it require activists to reject all
amounts to what is probably the largest
action, and violence. Nevertheless, con- forms of violence. Whether or not ‘non-
grassroots eruption of diverse nonvio-
ceptually it is necessary for the careful violence’ is identified by name as a
lent strategies in a single struggle in
observer to clearly distinguish different method of struggle by activists, social
human history! Yet these students, and
types of resistance in order to better un- scientists should be able to differentiate
many others we interviewed, both black
derstand the dynamics of contention. nonviolent action from violent action.
and white, failed to identify these tac-
From the point of view of the parties Certainly social scientists are capable of
tics as nonviolent and even bridled at
to the conflict Seidman writes, “ . . . it distinguishing between violent rhetoric
the word (Wink 1987, 4).
must also be recognized that, just as se- and nonviolent action.
curity police insisted on blurring the The point being that those who imple-
line between different kinds of anti- ment methods of nonviolent action may Conclusion
apartheid resistance, most activists over not recognize them as ‘methods of non-
the years viewed violent and nonviolent violent action’ or they may believe that Let me reiterate that the purpose of
strategies as more intertwined and com- violent methods and nonviolent methods this essay is not to attack Seidman’s
plementary than contradictory” (Seidman are intertwined and complementary. Non- work, but to raise issues that social sci-
2000, 165). Did security forces respond violent methods can work regardless of entists should be aware of when study-
to nonviolent challenges with force be- whether or not activists make the sharp ing struggles that implement nonviolent
cause their vision was blurred, or be- distinctions between violent and nonvio- action, particularly in non-democratic
cause those giving the orders clearly re- lent action that careful observers can.9 contexts. Seidman is correct in suggest-
alized that nonviolent action represented As another example of the allegedly ing that proponents of nonviolent ac-
a serious threat to the interests of the blurred lines between violence and non- tion—as well as those who have tradi-
regime? Referring to the intensified re- violence, Seidman notes that the ANC tionally studied nonviolent action (e.g.,
pression imposed during a state of helped to coordinate mass protests in see Sørenson 1992)—need to be aware
emergency, American theologian Walter the 1980s and funneled resources to of their ‘hidden assumptions.’ But social
Wink, who was in South Africa in trade unions, student groups, and civic scientists need to be aware of the ‘hid-
1986, states “in an eloquent tribute to associations (Seidman 2000, 165). But den assumptions’ and misconceptions
the power of nonviolence, the govern- is this a reflection of the ANC’s blurred about nonviolent action that may bias
ment has decided, in effect, to treat vision concerning violence and nonvio- their analyses as well.
nonviolence as the equivalent of vio- lence, or is it an indication that by the Nor do I mean to marginalize or be-
lence” (Wink 1987, 79). 1980s the ANC clearly perceived that little the role of violence in the anti-
Does this ‘blurred vision’ on the part nonviolent tactics were more effective apartheid struggle, but rather to help
of activists influence the dynamics of than violent ones in undermining state clarify thinking about the role of nonvi-
nonviolent action? The literature on non- power and that their time, energy, and olent action. The anti-apartheid move-
violent action suggests that nonviolent resources would be better spent on ment certainly had its share of violence,
struggles can succeed regardless of the nonviolent action rather than guerrilla including the necklacing of alleged
views of the activists. Those who imple- warfare? regime collaborators, instances of coer-
ment nonviolent action may not even be As noted by Seidman, anti-apartheid cive mass mobilization, gun battles with
aware that they are implementing a par- activists drew on the songs, symbols, security forces, and the acts of sabotage
ticular class of methods. Wink inter- and slogans of the ANC’s armed strug- by the ANC (not to mention the brutal
viewed participants in the anti-apartheid gle to construct identities and promote state violence and terrorism). Scholars
movement in South Africa in 1986. He solidarity and mobilization (Seidman will continue to study and uncover in-
writes, “What we found most surprising 2000, 165). This included, for example, formation about the anti-apartheid
is that a great many of the people sim- the toyi-toyi, a dance imitating the phys- movement. While we are aware of the
ply do not know how to name their ac- ical training of guerrilla insurgents, and important symbolic role that the armed
tual experiences with nonviolence” the carrying of mock wooden AK-47s. struggle played in the mobilization of
(Wink 1987, 4). When asked about However, as suggested above, those who the challenge to apartheid, we still
methods of nonviolent action, a common organize or participate in nonviolent know little about the underground net-
response of participants was “‘We tried campaigns are not required to make any works, the roles of guerrillas, how the
that [nonviolent action] for fifty years moral pledges or renounce all things re- ANC funneled resources to the unarmed
and it didn’t work. Sharpeville in 1960 lated to violence, and adhering to the urban insurrection, and how the threat
proved to us that violence is the only rhetoric of armed rebellion must not be of violence influenced the calculations

710 PS October 2003

on both sides of the struggle (but see should not prevent social scientists from stand what nonviolent action is and
the insightful work of Seekings 2000 attempting to disentangle and under- how it operates.
and Seidman 2001). Nevertheless, those stand the impact of different strategies In the end, the goals of Gay Seidman
who label as ‘revisionist’ studies of the and tactics of contention. Social scien- and myself are the same: the dispassion-
anti-apartheid movement that emphasize tists do not have to idealize nonvio- ate social scientific analysis of nonvio-
the role of nonviolent action most likely lence or make the (faulty) assumption lence. Seidman is correct in pointing out
do so from a position that has miscon- that the anti-apartheid movement in that social scientists must clearly under-
ceptions about nonviolent action. South Africa followed a similar logic to stand the limits of nonviolent resistance.
Empirically, political contention is the America civil rights movement in But social scientists must clearly under-
transgressive and there are rarely cases order to analyze the crucial role of stand its potential as well. In doing so,
of purely nonviolent struggle, especially nonviolent action in the toppling of the power of nonviolence will not be
in non-democratic contexts. Yet, this apartheid. But they do have to under- glorified. Nor will it be underestimated.

1. E.g., see the symposium in PS: Political pared to the study of how social movements re- dynamic by which efforts to violently repress
Science and Politics (June 2000) where a num- spond to the political context. See Goodwin nonviolent challenges backfires and leads to in-
ber of prominent social scientists address the and Jasper 1999. creased support for the challengers, as occurred
strategy of nonviolence. 5. For discussions of nonviolent struggles in in the Soviet Bloc between 1988 and 1991. Ac-
2. Also see “Correcting Common Misconcep- and against Nazi Germany, see Ackerman and cording to McAdam (1999), the critical dy-
tions About Nonviolent Action,” by the Albert DuVall 2000; Ackerman and Kruegler 1994; namic of the civil rights movement in the
Einstein Institution (n.d.), Mahatma Gandhi and Semelin 1993; Sharp 1973; and Summy 1994. American South in the 1950s and 1960s was
His Myths, by Mark Shepard (2001), and the 6. Violent exceptions, of course, include the that the challengers broadened the conflict by
works of Ackerman and Kruegler 1994; Acker- revolution in Romania and the separatist move- inducing local and state authorities to disrupt
man and DuVall 2000; Martin 1997; Sharp ment in Chechnya. public order by violently repressing the nonvio-
1973; and Zunes 1999a; 1999b; Zunes et al., 7. See Shivers 1980; 1997. Also see Zunes lent challenge. The result was third party inter-
1999. 1994. Nonviolent action contributed to a revolu- vention by the federal government, the sustain-
3. Part of the confusion results from the fact tionary outcome in Iran, which is defined as a ing of activist commitment, the generation of
that Gandhi believed that conversion was the “transfer of state power from those who held it public sympathy, and the mobilization of finan-
mechanism through which nonviolent action before the start of multiple sovereignty to a new cial support.
worked. See Shepard 2001. ruling coalition” (Tilly 1993: 14). Of course, the 9. While nonviolent action can be effective
4. Since Gandhi’s campaign of nonviolent ac- consolidation of the rule of the Ayatollahs in- without this knowledge, theorists of nonviolent
tion in India emerged in the 1920s and 1930s volved substantial violence and coercion. action suggest that campaigns of nonviolent ac-
and the Atlantic Charter was declared in 1941, 8. According to Sharp (1973), political jiu- tion are likely to be more effective if people
it could be argued that the national liberation jitsu refers to the dynamic by which a sustained understand what the methods are and how they
movement in India was one of the factors con- nonviolent challenge in the face of repression operate (e.g., Ackerman and Kruegler 1994;
tributing to the declaration of the Atlantic Char- highlights the stark brutality of the regime, pro- Burrowes 1996; Lakey 1973; McCarthy 1990;
ter, which contained a statement on the right of duces dissension within the government, and and Sharp 1973; 1990).
people to choose their own form of govern- mobilizes support for the challengers among the 10. Smuts and Westcott (1991) correctly list
ment. By assuming that the Atlantic Charter general population, the regime’s usual support- toyi-toyi dancing as one of the methods of non-
provided the opportunity for the Indian struggle ers, and third parties that would not have oc- violent action implemented by anti-apartheid ac-
to succeed, without considering that the strug- curred during the course of a violent challenge. tivists in their book, The Purple Shall Govern:
gle in India and in other colonies may have In effect, the use of violent repression against A South African A to Z of Nonviolent Action.
contributed to the formulation of the Charter re- persistent nonviolent challenges rebounds 11. When George W. Bush announced air
flects a structural bias in the social movement against the states’ sources of strength. This dy- strikes against Afghanistan on October 7,
literature. That is, the study of how social namic has been observed in a variety of empiri- 2001, he proclaimed “We’re a peaceful na-
movements alter the political context and create cal contexts. According to Smithey and Kurtz tion.” Does his peaceful rhetoric make his ac-
opportunities is woefully under-examined com- (1999), the paradox of repression refers to the tions less violent?

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