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For IGCSE ESL Exercise 6 Trip Report, there is an example of a report for your

teacher about a trip to a large recycling centre. You have to read it and put a word
in the correct gap.

This exercise gives you valuable practice for the IGCSE ESL Examinations. You
have to write approximately 150–200 words of continuous prose, in response to a
short stimulus, which may take the form of pictures and/or short prompts.

A Trip Report about a Recycling Centre

In this example, your teacher has asked you to write a review of a novel that you
have read for the school magazine. Below you can find an example of this task.

School Trip Report

The recent trip to the recycling centre was a very useful experience as it helped
our IGCSE class with their course work. The main aim of the visit was to find out
about the systems put in place to recycle waste in a large city.

The presentation at the beginning by the centre manager and the video afterwards
helped us get a better understanding of how materials are processed at the centre.
It was interesting to find out that the centre operates 24 hours a day all year round.
However, it was surprising to learn that the centre only collects 50% of waste as a
lot of it is used as landfill.

The best part of the trip was when we visited the sorting room. There was an
important safety briefing and we were told to put on a bright orange jacket and
wear a safety helmet at all times. It took a while, but everyone understood the
importance of remaining safe

Overall the trip was very well organized and I have a better understanding of how
different materials are sorted. The manager was very friendly and I wish we had
had more time to ask him questions. I would suggest that the video is shown at
school ,which would give more time at the centre next year.

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