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Good night

Good my daily occupation is to get up at 5 in the morning to get my day to day

work I work in a fuel station my daily schedule is 6 in the morning at 3 in the
afternoon so I move my house so whwn I arrive I get to relax for a while
because I start studying then I start todialogue with my family.

I really like sharing with my family and my friend.

Well, my responsabilitiesare to go to my jobs, study,take care of my son and my

husband and do all the housework.


Expressing myself with all sincerit, l do not think that weth an exam the
knowledge acquired can be evaluated since most of the students have nerve
problems at the time of the exam and they can be confusedin their answers
very easily and not precisely because they do not know, but because they have
to pass the matter. I consider myself to be a good student but just by thinking
about the final exam l get anxious and that does not mean that l have not
studied or that l am no ready. As for the study techniques of video,they seem
very good to me, lhave tried some of them and others l did not know, such as
chewng gum.

My occupation is an undertaking that I carry out at times I am afraid of how I am

going to go but trusting God I will go ahead with this, I dedicate my mornings to
this, then my other occupations are home taking care of my children, cooking,
cleaning the house and studying my displeasure is that I am taking little time for
my tastes, which is to share, go out and get to know different places, although
with the pandemic they are things that are thrown aside a bit.


The exams are tests that make me a little nervous so I must feel sure of what I
have learned so that I can be calm, to prepare for the exams I do the following
every week that I have a unit I make a summary and I learn it later the day
before exam I read the summary and I do not have to force myself much since I
know the topics, a recommendation for nervous and anxious people is to drink a
tea of linden an hour before the exam and this helps a lot.

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