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Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

A systematic review of cytogenetic studies conducted
in human populations exposed to cadmium compounds
Violaine Verougstraete a,∗ , Dominique Lison a , Philippe Hotz a,b
aIndustrial Toxicology and Occupational Medicine Unit, School of Public Health, Université Catholique de Louvain,
Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 3054, 1200 Brussels, Belgium
b Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Zürich, Sumatrastrasse 30, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Received 18 May 2001; received in revised form 13 October 2001; accepted 13 October 2001

Background: Exposure to cadmium fumes or dusts has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and the
characterisation of the genotoxic potential of cadmium compounds is, among other possible mechanisms, an important
element in the assessment of the carcinogenic hazard of the element. While there is some evidence that in experimental
systems, cadmium compounds may exert genotoxic effects, the results of the epidemiological studies having examined
cytogenetic endpoints in humans exposed to cadmium appear conflicting. Therefore, a systematic review was undertaken to
assess whether a cytogenetic effect of cadmium exposure is supported by the studies with the strongest design. Methods:
The relevant literature was identified through several databases and assessed with a check-list by two reviewers. Causes of
heterogeneity between studies were looked for. Results were extracted and the strength of the evidence was evaluated with
causality criteria. Results: No studies met the criteria for being considered as very convincing. Several factors were identified
that could explain contradictory findings (small sample size, selection bias, insufficient characterisation of exposure, lack
of consideration of confounders) but their actual impact could not be conclusively assessed with the published information.
Importantly, it should be recognised that the absence of a clear mechanism for the cytogenetic action of cadmium compounds
did not allow to select the most appropriate endpoint to be examined. Conclusions: No clear association between cadmium
exposure and cytogenetic endpoint appeared but no definite conclusion can be drawn from the existing studies in humans.
Future research efforts should mainly focus on experimental studies to understand how cadmium compounds could produce
genotoxic/carcinogenic effects, in order to target the most relevant endpoint to be examined in humans. © 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cadmium; Mutagenicity; Occupational exposure; Metals; Itai–Itai

1. Introduction

Cadmium (Cd) (CAS Reg. no.: 7440-43-9) is a

naturally occurring component of the earth’s crust.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-2-764-3220;
Its physicochemical characteristics (e.g. low melting
fax: +32-2-764-3228.
point, malleability, . . . ) explain why it has been widely
E-mail address: used in industry and extensively dispersed in the en-
(V. Verougstraete). vironment. Human exposure to Cd can result from the

1383-5742/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 8 3 - 5 7 4 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 7 0 - 9
16 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

consumption of contaminated food or drinking wa- thoroughly re-evaluated by International Agency for
ter, from smoking as Cd is taken up by the tobacco Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1993 [8]. Cadmium
plants from the contaminated soil and from inhalation and its compounds were classified in group 1 as
of air polluted by Cd. In the non-smoking members being carcinogenic to humans (lung cancer). Indeed,
of the general population, ingestion is the main route the Working Group of the IARC considered that there
of entry for Cd (1.4–25 ␮g per day). Smoking typi- was sufficient evidence in humans and experimental
cally doubles the total daily absorption of Cd by in- animals for the carcinogenicity of cadmium and cad-
halation of cadmium oxide fumes [1]. In occupational mium compounds. There was limited evidence for
settings, workers may be exposed to Cd through the the carcinogenicity of cadmium metal in animals. In
inhalation of cadmium oxide fumes (CAS Reg. no.: making the overall evaluation, the evidence that ionic
1306-19-0) generated during heating or welding of cadmium caused genotoxic effects in a variety of
cadmium-containing materials, or inhalation of parti- types of eukaryotic cells, including human cells, was,
cles of metal, oxide and pigment dust. Major sources together with other possible non-genotoxic mecha-
of occupational exposure are the zinc smelting indus- nisms, taken into consideration [8].
try where the pure metal is produced, the manufacture Further work was published since this evaluation.
of nickel–cadmium batteries, cadmium pigments, sta- Follow-up of some of the cohorts considered by the
bilisers and coatings and the production of alloys [2,3]. IARC Working Group concluded that although an in-
Cadmium has a long biological half-life and in creased risk of lung cancer was observed in cadmium-
humans is mainly stored in the liver and kidneys. The exposed workers, a confounding effect of smoking and
kidney is generally considered to be the critical organ. arsenic exposure could not be ruled out [9]. Järup et al.
A tubular dysfunction with increased proteinuria and [10] could not confirm a dose–effect relationship for
calciuria is one of the first manifestations of Cd expo- lung cancer in nickel–cadmium-exposed workers, as
sure. Long-term exposure to Cd has also been asso- it followed a pattern which was the contrary of that
ciated with bone disease such as osteomalacia and/or expected.
osteoporosis. A severe clinical manifestation of these Among other possible pathogenic mechanisms,
effects is the so-called Itai–Itai disease, diagnosed in clarifying the cytogenetic potential of cadmium should
the sixties [4]. Main features of this disease included contribute to better characterise its carcinogenic prop-
severe bone pain and pathological fractures because of erties. However, the results of the human cytogenetic
osteomalacia, waddling gait, aminoaciduria and gly- studies are conflicting as well. Some authors did find
cosuria. As this severe form of the disease occurred cytogenetic damage in environmentally or occupa-
in a specific region, during a limited time period and tionally exposed subjects, while others did not. Three
in women with unusual characteristics, other factors additional papers [11–13] were published since the
than Cd (such as nutritional carences) may also have IARC evaluation [8], which do not lead to a more
played a role in the etiology of Itai–Itai disease [5]. In definitive conclusion. Reasons for the divergences
workers, cadmium has moreover been associated with between the human results have hitherto not been
an alteration of the lung function and has been sus- identified and it is unclear whether the heterogeneity
pected to cause lung and possibly prostate cancer. At of study populations, differences in exposure levels
low-level exposure, cadmium in urine (U-Cd) is con- or outcome measures, or methodological aspects are
sidered to mainly reflect the body burden, while under the cause of the discrepancies.
high-exposure conditions and without kidney damage, Therefore, a systematic approach of the human
it is also significantly influenced by current exposure. cytogenetic data was undertaken in an attempt to
Cadmium in blood (B-Cd) reflects mainly the last few answer three questions:
months of exposure under moderate exposure condi-
tions [6]. In the general population, B-Cd is generally 1. Could a source of error explain the contradictory
<1 ␮g/l (<5 ␮g/l in smokers) and U-Cd is typically findings between the results?
<2 ␮g/g creatinine in non-smoking subjects [7]. 2. Is it possible to reach more convincing conclusions
The possible influence of occupational exposure if studies are weighted by the strengths of the desi-
to cadmium on the development of cancer has been gn and evaluated according to causality criteria?
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 17

3. Could a systematic review of the studies give useful persons and 40 controls; 102 women and 74 men).
clues for further research? Sixteen women were diagnosed with Itai–Itai disease.
The two remaining environmental studies [11,14]
examined Cd effects in 632 children and 762 adults
2. Methods (516 men, gender not given in 92 cases). No cohort
or case–control study was found.
All original papers reporting studies that were
Regarding the seven occupational studies, they were
published in English, French or German and assessed
all cross-sectional and included primarily exposed
the cytogenetic effects of cadmium in environmentally
men (172 exposed workers and 102 controls; 218
and/or occupationally exposed subjects were sought
men, gender not given in 52 cases).
(see Appendix A). Both peer- and non-peer reviewed
journals were included. No study was excluded a
3.1. Environmental exposure
Since letters, abstracts, governmental reports do
3.1.1. Endpoint: chromosome aberrations
usually not offer a full account on a survey, this
Two studies dealt with Itai–Itai patients exposed to
type of reference was non-eligible. However, as non-
cadmium via the diet (water, rice, fish), and reported
publication in scientific journals may also introduce
contradictory results (Tables 2–11).
a bias, clues to grey literature were searched for
Shiraishi [15] examined 12 female patients diag-
(Appendix A) and its impact on the conclusions
nosed with Itai–Itai disease and 9 control subjects.
was crudely estimated. The studies not published in
Seven patients had already been included in the paper
English, French or German were dealt in a similar
of Shiraishi and Yosida [16] which, therefore, is not
way. Impact of the excluded studies is assessed in
considered separately. As part of the study population
Section 4. In case of duplicate studies, information
was examined more than once in 1972 and again in
from all publications were taken into account.
1973, the number of exposed subjects and analyses
Each article was independently assessed by two
are not always the same. Exposure was defined only
readers with a check-list (see Appendix B) considering
by the diagnosis of Itai–Itai disease (Table 2). Cells
time period and place, study design, selection criteria,
with chromosomal aberrations were classified accord-
selection and characteristics of the study population,
ing to the type of aberration found. Methods used to
exposure assessment, definition of outcome and meth-
detect chromosomal aberrations varied between 1972
ods used to determine it, biases, and confounding
and 1973. Overall, the authors reported a remarkably
factors. Divergences were resolved by consensus.
high frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in the
Selected studies were grouped according to type of
cells of the patients as compared with control sub-
exposure (environmental, occupational) and measured
jects. Frequency of aneuploidy was also significantly
cytogenetic endpoint. For each selected study, an
higher than in the controls (Table 3). In their conclu-
overview on study population, exposure assessment
sion, the authors stressed the possibility that chronic
and confounders and a summary of the methods, ma-
cadmium poisoning is not the direct cause of the
jor results and dose–effect relationship are reported
observed abnormalities and suggested that chromo-
in tables. Additional information is given in the text.
somes of Itai–Itai patients may present an unusually
It was not possible to find information on the
high susceptibility to cadmium.
involved Cd compound in each study. The most useful
Some selection bias is likely as five patients were
information given by the authors was used.
selected for the 1973 follow-up because of their “high
frequency of aberrations in the examination of 1972”
3. Results and two patients had stomach cancer, a disease not
associated with Cd exposure. Information on possible
Fourteen apparently independent studies were eli- confounding factors such as anaemia, intake of chro-
gible (Table 1). Among the seven environmental mosome damaging drugs or exposure to X-rays is very
studies, five were typical cross-sectional studies. They scarce or absent and could have distorted the results
included primarily exposed women (136 exposed [17–20].
18 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 1
Located studies
Reference Design of the study Exposed population (N) Endpointa Selected study
(yes/no/main reason)b

[15,16] Mainly cross-sectional Itai–Itai patients (7–12) Chromosome aberrations Yes
(some longitudinal
[21] Cross-sectional Itai–Itai patients (4) Chromosome aberrations Yes
[19] Cross-sectional People with kidney disease living Sister-chromatid exchanges Yes
in Cd-polluted area in Japan (24)
[14] Descriptive study Greenlandic Eskimos (92) Sister-chromatid exchanges Yes
[22] Cross-sectional People living in Cd-polluted Chromosome aberrations Yes
region in China (40)
[40] Cross-sectional People living in Cd-polluted Sister-chromatid exchanges No (language)
region in China (38)
[11] Descriptive study General Czech population from Chromosome aberrations Yes
four districts (two urban, two
rural) (N = 1302) + umbilical
cord (549 samples)
[12] Cross-sectional People environmentally exposed Chromosome aberrations, Yes
to Cd in China (56) Micronuclei
[23] Cross-sectional 14 workers of a zinc industry Chromosome aberrations Yes
[24] Cross-sectional 35 workers of a cadmium plant Chromosome aberrations Yes
[21] Cross-sectional 5 workers of an alkaline battery Chromosome aberrations Yes
[25] Cross-sectional 24 workers of a zinc smelting Chromosome aberrations Yes
[18] Cross-sectional 40 workers involved in the Chromosome aberrations Yes
manufacture of cadmium
[41] Cross-sectional 11 workers of a smelter Chromosome aberrations, No (language)
sister-chromatid exchange
[27] Cross-sectional 14 workers involved in the Chromosome aberrations Yes
manufacture of cadmium
pigments and stabilisers
[13,17,28] Cross-sectional 40 workers involved in the Chromosome aberrations Yes
production of cadmium, zinc,
silver and copper alloys
All studies examined circulating lymphocytes (PBL).
Selected: relevant studies were identified, selected and included. The possible influence of excluding one study is considered in
Section 4.

These positive results were not confirmed in the the patients and the control subjects for the frequency
study carried out by Bui et al. [21], who examined of cells with structural aberrations (Tables 4 and 5).
peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) from Itai–Itai The significance of these negative results may also
female patients and controls living in an area of be questioned as both Itai–Itai patients and their con-
Japan reported as “known not to be contaminated by trols had much higher rates of structural aberrations
cadmium”. Mean age was higher in the control group. than those encountered in most series for controls
Haemolysis justified the exclusion of two samples (generally, <1%). This was stressed by Forni [17]
from the initial exposed group (six Itai–Itai patients). who suggested that this might be due to (a) a technical
Authors reported no significant difference between problem that may have raised at transportation or cell
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 19

Table 2
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Study population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[15,16] Final population Type of exposure: environmental Age: yes

E: 7–12 (F only) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: no
Age: 52–73 years Duration of exposure: N.I. Drugs: ± (see text)
C: 6 (F)–9 (6F/3M) Environmental and biological monitoring: N.I. X-rays: N.I. but possible (see text)
Age: 58–78 years Other simultaneous exposures: N.I. Viral diseases: N.I.
Selected from Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
E: Itai–Itai patient Anaemia: N.I. but possible
C: subjects of similar age Smoking: N.I.
Selection procedure: N.I. Other diseases: yes (see text)
Lost subjects: N.I.
Previous poisoning/
osteomalacia/kidney disease:
Itai–Itai disease
a E: Cd-exposed subjects, C: non-exposed subjects, M: male, F: female, N.I.: no information available in this publication, B-Cd: blood

cadmium U-Cd: urinary cadmium. Column confounders: yes/no means that this confounder was/was not considered in the selection of the
population and/or the discussion, ± means that some attempt to consider this factor was made.

Table 3
Methods, endpoints and results
References 1972 1975

[15,16] Methods and endpoints

Heparinised and “freshly drawn” blood
Incubation time (h) 72 72 50
Number of cells observed 50 155–700 200–300
Number of endpoints ±5b ±12b ±14b
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blind: N.I.
Total cells with E: 50.6 (14–64)% E: 19.9 (8.9–30.8)%c E: 23.5 (19–34)%d
structural aberrations C: 0.6 (0–2)% C: 2.7 (1.6–3.8)% (endpoint: C: 2.5 (1.5–4.0)% (endpoint:
(mean and range) total abnormal cells) total cells with structural
Total aneuploid cells N.I.a E: 4 (0–7.7)%c E: 11.7 (6.5–15)%
(mean and range) C: 0.6 (0.1–2%) C: 2.1 (1–3)%
Dose–effect or dose–response relation not explored
a N.I.: No information available, E: Cd-exposed subjects, C: non-exposed subjects.
b Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): 1972: single chromatid breaks, isochromatid breaks or gaps, chromatid translocations, dicentric or dicentric
like chromosomes, acentric fragments 1975 72 h: chromatid break, isochromatid break, chromatid exchange, dicentric chromosome,
acentric fragment, ring chromosome, stable cells with translocation, G(21) long arm deletion, G(21) short arm large/aneuploid cells
(hypo-hyperdiploid), polyploid cells, total abnormal cells 1975 50 h: chromatid break, isochromatid break, chromatid exchange, dicentric
chromosome, acentric fragment, ring chromosome, stable cells with translocation, G(21) long arm deletion, G(21) short arm large, total
structural aberrations/aneuploid cells, polyploid cells, endomitoses, total numerical aberrations.
c Examination of 1972.
d Examination of 1973.
20 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 4
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[21] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: ±

E: 4 (F only) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: no
Age: 55–71 years Exposure duration: N.I. Drugs: no subject with chromosome-damaging
drugs (not detailed)
C: 4 (3F, 1M) Environmental and biological X-rays: no subject with X-ray therapy
Age: 65–94 years U-Cd (␮g/g creatinine, mean Viral diseases: no subject with viral disease
and range)
Selected from: E: 20.0 (12.4–31.2) Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
E: Itai–Itai patients from C: 7.9 (5.3–10.9) Anaemia: N.I.
Fuchu (endemic Smoking: N.I.
cadmium-polluted area) Other diseases: N.I.
C: living in an area known N =4
not to be contaminated by
Selection procedure: N.I. B-Cd (ng/g wet weight, mean
and range)
Lost subjects: 2 E: 19.5 (15.5–28.8)
Previous poisoning/ C: 5.05 (4.4–6.1)
osteomalacia/kidney disease: N =4
Itai–Itai disease Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 5
Methods, endpoints and results
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[21] Time between sampling and initiation of cell cultures was about 96 h (air mail, Total cells with structural
temperature isolated box) aberrations (mean ± S.D.)
Incubation time: 72 h E: 6.6 ± 3.11%a
Number of cells observed: 82–100 metaphase cells in each case C: 6.0 ± 1.41%
Technical problems: haemolysis and failed cell culture was noticed in two samples of Prevalence of aneuploidy
the Itai–Itai patients (2/6) (mean ± S.D.)
Number of endpoints: 8b E: 2.3 ± 2.63%
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blind: yes C: 4.5 ± 2.38%
Dose–effect or dose–response
relation not explored
E: exposed subjects C: non-exposed subjects.
Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): an/euploidy, endoreplication, structural aberrations, chromatid-type damage (breaks, exchange figures),
chromosome-type damage (breaks, exchange figures).

culture as suggested by the exclusion of two samples, 5.3–10.9 ␮g/g creatinine). Moreover, two of the four
and/or (b) the fact that the controls may have had controls had a possible tubular dysfunction, according
some cadmium exposure from the environment too. to the authors’ classification of the electrophoretic
Indeed, the four Japanese controls had higher values pattern of urinary proteins, which might be indicative
of U-Cd than could be expected in a non-exposed of an effect of Cd exposure on the kidney. Finally, as
general population (mean: 7.9 ␮g/g creatinine, range: for the study of Shiraishi and Yosida [16], it is not
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 21

Table 6
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[22] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: yes

E: 40 (21M/19F) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: no
Age: 36.8 ± 17.6 years Exposure duration: 11–62 years Drugs: no subject with chromosome-
C: 11 (9M/2F) Environmental and biological monitoring damaging drugs (not detailed)
Age: 41.9 ± 14.5 years U-Cd (␮g/l, mean ± S.D.) X-rays: no subject with X-ray therapy
Viral diseases: no subject with viral
Selected from: E: 3.32 ± 1.46 (M) and 3.83 ± 1.82 (F) Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
E: lived in Cd-polluted area of C: 2.34 ± 1.59 (M) and 1.85 ± 0.65 (F) Anaemia: N.I.
Suichang (Cd-soil: 1.103 ppm)
C: lived in unpolluted region of Other simultaneous exposures: N.I. Smoking: partial data (see text)
the same general area (Cd-soil:
0.20 ppm)
Selection procedure: N.I. Other diseases: N.I.
Lost subjects: 7
Previous poisoning/
osteomalacia/kidney disease: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 7
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[22] Blood drawn 3–5 h before initiation of cell cultures Total cells with structural aberrations
Incubation time: 72 h E: 5.53 ± 3.11%
Number of cells observed: 100 cells per subject C: 2.73 ± 2.05%
Technical problems: coagulation of blood in several Prevalence of aneuploidy
samples, only in controls (7/18)
Number of endpoints: 12b E: 0.1 ± 0.38%
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: yes C: 0
Dose–effects relationship between chromosomal aberration
frequency (%, y) and U-Cd (␮g/l, x) with linear regression
equation: y = 1.960 + 0.949x; r = 0.463, P < 0.001
In whole study population
a E: Cd-exposed subjects, C: non-exposed subjects, N.I.: no information available.
b Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available information
in the publication): aneuploidy, endoduplication, cells with structural aberration, gap, chromatid gap, isochromatid gap, chromatid breaks,
chromosomal fragment, dicentric chromosome, translocations, multiradial, total abnormal cells.

excluded that Itai–Itai patients had undergone diag- uang Province, China). Exposure was estimated by the
nostic X-ray irradiation and a potential confounding cadmium content of the soil and by the measurement
effect of drugs or individual susceptibility factors of U-Cd. Main outcome was chromosomal aberration
such as micronutrient status (e.g. Vitamin B12 or frequency (Tables 6 and 7).
folate deficiency) remains possible [17]. The frequency of abnormal cells, including structu-
More recently, three other groups studied the ral aberrations, aneuploidy and endoduplication was
cytogenetic effects of dietary exposure to cadmium, not significantly different in exposed and√control
outside Japan. subjects. However, transformed data (arcsin P , not
Tang et al. [22] investigated 40 subjects (19 women) further detailed) differed in a statistically significant
from a cadmium-polluted region of Suichang (Zhej- way between the groups and U-Cd correlated with
22 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 8
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[11] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: yes

At the most 670 adult blood donors, Type of compound: N.I. Sex: yes
about 77% men with a mean age of 32
years (range: 20–45)
At the most 632 children, about 51% of Exposure duration: approximate mean Drugs: yes, at least for adults
the boys with an approximate mean age length of residence in the district of about
of 9.3 years 24 and 8 years for adults and children,
At the most 411 samples of umbilical Environmental and biological monitoring X-rays: yes, at least for
blood adults
Selected from: U-Cd (␮g/g creatinine, P50 and range) Viral diseases: yes, at least
for adults
Population examined in the frame of E: adults, 0.59 (0.005–10.7) and children, Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
a monitoring system 0.37 (0.005–10.4)
Selection procedure: B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, P50 and range) Anaemia: N.I., but unlikely
in adult blood donors
Adults: blood donors E: adults, 0.090 (0.001–1.54); children, Smoking: yes (children:
0.070 (0.015–1.30); umbilical blood, 0.06 passive smoking)
Children: contacted through schools Other simultaneous exposures: N.I. Other diseases: N.I. but
Lost subjects: not exactly known (moreover, unlikely in adult blood
fairly large variations according to the donors
determination taken into consideration)
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney
disease: N.I. but unlikely in adult blood
donors and in children from the general
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 9
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and Endpoints Results

[11] Time between sampling and initiation of cell cultures: N.I. Total cells with chromosomal aberrations (mean and range)
Incubation time: 52 h Adults: 1.71% (0–8)
Number of cells observed: 100 well-spread metaphase Children: 1.27% (0–11)
cells per subject containing 46 centromeres
Technical problems: N.I. Umbilical blood: 1.11% (0–7)
Number of endpoints: 4b Prevalence of aneuploidy: N.I.
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blind: slides coded and Dose–effect or dose–response relation: not explored
a N.I.: no information available.
b Endpoints considered in this study: chromatid breaks, chromosome breaks, chromatid exchanges, chromosome exchanges.

chromosomal aberration frequency (r = 0.46). More high- and low-cadmium subgroups according to a
individuals in the exposed group had a high aberration U-Cd cut-off of 3 ␮g/l), there were more individu-
prevalence (defined as >5% aberration frequency) als in the high cadmium group with high aberration
than in the control group (62.5 and 18.2%, respec- frequencies and with severe types than in the low
tively). When the whole population was divided into cadmium group. Some methodological aspects limit,
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 23

Table 10
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[12] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: no

E: 56 (26M/30F) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: no
Age: 36.8 ± 17.6 years Exposure duration: 33.6 ± 13.0 Drugs: no subject with
years chromosome-damaging drugs
Divided in four groups according to Environmental and biological X-rays: no subject with X-ray
U-Cd monitoring examinations
C: 10 (4M/6F) U-Cd (␮g/l, corrected for specific Viral diseases: N.I.
Age: 41.0 ± 10.6 years E: total group: GM: 3.96 Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
Selected from: <2.5 (N = 15) Anaemia: N.I.
E: people environmentally exposed to Cd 2.5 to <5 (N = 17) Smoking: said to be comparable
in Suichang county of Zhejiang province in the control and exposed
group (no details given)
C: living in areas known to be 5.0 to <10 (N = 16) Other diseases: N.I.
uncontaminated by Cd
Selection procedure: N.I. ≥10.0 (N = 8)
Lost subjects: N.I. (seven subjects lost for C: GM (GSM): 1.83 (1.49)
examination of chromosome aberrations) (see text)
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
disease: possible (scarce information)
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 11
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[12] Time between sampling and Total cells with structural aberrations
initiation of cell cultures: N.I.
Incubation time: 72 h E:
Number of cells observed: 100 U-Cd <2.5: 3.07%
metaphase cells per subject
Technical problems: N.I. 2.5 to <5.0: 5.21%
Number of endpoints: 10b 5.0 to <10.0: 7.21%
Slides coded, mixed, analysed ≥10.0: 8.50%
blind: blind-method C: 2.33%
Prevalence of aneuploidy
Differences in numerical aberrations were not significant
Dose–effect or dose–response relation: linear regression equation between
chromosome aberration rate (%, y) and U-Cd (␮g/l, x): y = 2.884 + 0.490x;
r = 0.63, P < 0.01
aN.I.: no information available.
bChromatid gaps, chromatid breaks, chromosome gaps, chromosome breaks, fragments, dicentrics, translocations, multiradial, chromo-
some aberration rate, chromosome aberration cell rate.

however, the interpretation of these results: selection exposed and unexposed groups, effect of smoking is
procedure and representativeness of the study pop- only crudely assessed, potential influence of previous
ulation are only partly known, the small size of the occupational exposure is unknown (the subjects may
control group (N = 11, only two women) makes esti- have worked in the gold mine responsible for pollu-
mate quite imprecise, sex ratio is quite different in the tion), and subgroup analyses are based on arbitrary
24 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

cut-offs which might have been suggested by the diagnosed as having renal damage by the Research
results. Committee of Ishikawa Health Authority (Table 12).
Cerna et al. [11] examined subjects from the gen- Renal damage was ascertained by elevated excre-
eral Czech population. The study presents the results tion of ␤2-microglobulin in urine, and alterations
of population monitoring (no comparison between of other parameters of renal function as creatinine
Cd-exposed subjects and a non-exposed control clearance, percentage tubular reabsorption of phos-
group). Exposure was assessed by urine and blood phate (TRP), serum creatinine and serum inorganic
concentration (measurements carried out with quality phosphorus. Authors noted that the U-Cd and B-Cd
control) (Table 8). The frequency of chromosomal (measurements with quality control) values in the
aberrations was according to the authors “in line with Cd-exposed group were lower than those reported
reference values for the Czech population” (Table 9). for Itai–Itai patients. There were no significant dif-
The exact size and characteristics of the study pop- ferences in SCE rates between the Cd-polluted group
ulation having both a cadmium determination and and their controls (Table 13). No significant correla-
a cytogenetic analysis cannot be determined exactly tion could be found between SCE rates, the individ-
because the number of examined subjects differed ual renal function expressed as creatinine clearance
considerably according to the endpoint taken into or amount of ␤2-microglobulin, or the individual
consideration. Moreover, most subjects examined blood and urinary Cd level. Men had smoked in
were young, male blood donors and the represen- both groups, but the women had not and there were
tativeness of this subgroup in regard to the general no differences between exposed and non-exposed
Czech population may be questioned. women.
In the study by Fu et al. [12] people were exam- These results contrast with those of Shiraishi [15]
ined for chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei. who found an increased prevalence of chromosomal
Data were analysed statistically after application of aberrations in Itai–Itai patients in Japan. Several expla-
an arcsin and square root transformation. Chromoso- nations are possible: low power, less intense exposure
mal aberration frequencies were significantly elevated to Cd and/or lower prevalence of confounding factors
when U-Cd, corrected for specific gravity, exceeded than in the population studied by Shiraishi, as well as
2.5 ␮g/l and correlated with U-Cd (Tables 10 and 11). a possible lower sensitivity of the SCE test to detect
Authors claimed that this study demonstrates that Cd-induced cytogenetic effects in an environmentally
chromosomal aberrations might be more sensitive to exposed population.
environmental Cd exposure than renal function tests Wulf et al. [14] investigated the association between
as only 3 of the 17 exposed subjects belonging to sub- sister-chromatid exchange and several factors (diet,
groups with chromosome aberrations had some ab- residence, smoking, some metals including cadmium,
normalities in their urine samples (“abnormal in total etc.) in 92 Greenlandic Eskimos. B-Cd was associ-
protein, low-molecular protein or ␤2-microglobulin”, ated with a statistically significant increased number
not detailed). of sister-chromatid exchanges pro cell (Tables 14
However, U-Cd concentrations did not confirm the and 15).
exposure status of the low-level exposure group whose It is unclear whether cadmium was the cause of
U-Cd was lower than that of the control group (1.46 ± sister-chromatid exchanges or associated with some
1.47 versus 1.80 ± 1.49 for low-exposed and con- other measured agents present in the food or in the
trol subjects, respectively). Moreover, no multivariate environment that would be responsible for the cyto-
analysis was conducted and representativeness of the genetic effect.
population is unknown.
3.1.3. Endpoint: micronucleus
3.1.2. Endpoint: sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) In the aforementioned study by Fu et al. [12] (see
Sister-chromatid exchanges were analysed in two under chromosome aberrations) micronuclei were
groups of Japanese men and women by Nogawa determined as well. There was a linear relationship
et al. [19] The exposed group included people living between micronucleus rates (or micronucleus cell
in a cadmium-polluted area and all of them were rates) and U-Cd (r = 0.7).
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 25

Table 12
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[19] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: yes

E: 24 (8M/16F) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: yes
Age: 76.7 ± 5.9 years Exposure duration: N.I. Drugs: no subject with chromosome-
(mean ± S.D.) damaging drugs (not detailed)
C: 6 (2M/4F) Environmental and biological X-rays: no subject with X-ray
monitoring therapy
Age: 68.3 ± 3.8 years U-Cd (␮g/g creatinine, GM, GSM) Viral diseases: no viral infection at
the time of the examination
Selected from: E: 9.1 ± 2.8 Alimentation/vitamins: N.I.
E: lived in Cd-polluted area C: 2.7 ± 2.0 (N = 4) Anaemia: N.I.
(Kakehashi River Basin) + diagnosed
as having Cd-induced renal damage
C: lived in an unpolluted area B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, mean ± S.D.) Smoking: in both groups men had
(Uchinada–Machi) smoked whereas women were non-
smokers (no further information)
Selection procedure: partially known E: 0.96 ± 0.58 Other diseases: N.I.
Lost subjects: N.I. C: not available for these six
controls (see text); for other
controls (five men from the
unpolluted area): 0.12 ± 0.06
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
disease: possible Itai–Itai
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

3.2. Occupational exposure exposure combining one very similar to that of sub-
group III with one of the two other exposure patterns
3.2.1. Endpoint: chromosomal aberrations (Table 16). The observed aberrations were dicentrics,
Deknudt et al. [23] reported observations per- rings, chromatid exchanges as well as gaps and frag-
formed in 14 workers and 5 controls employed in a ments. The prevalence of “more complex aberrations”
zinc factory who presented different degrees of lead such as chromatid exchange, disturbance of spirali-
(Pb) poisoning. Information on the control subjects sation, ring and dicentrics was significantly different
is very scarce. Three exposure classes were defined between the exposed workers and the controls and
on the basis of duration of employment and three appeared to be also increased in the workers exposed
different exposure patterns or combination thereof. to low levels of Cd and Pb compared to the work-
Groups I and III represented homogeneous expo- ers exposed to high levels of Cd, Pb, and zinc (Zn)
sure patterns. In group II, all workers had mixed (Table 17).

Table 13
Methods, endpoints and results
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[19] Whole blood Sister-chromatid exchanges rates

Incubation time: 72 h E: 7.97 ± 0.94%
Number of cells observed: 21–115 metaphases per subject C: 9.00 ± 3.13%
Technical problems: two subjects had preparations with very Dose–effect, dose–response relations: no significant
few metaphases correlations between SCE rates and individual renal
Number of endpoints: 1 (sister-chromatid exchanges) function, or B-Cd or U-Cd
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blind: coded
26 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 14
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[14] Final population: Type of exposure: environmental Age: yes

92 (M/F: N.I.) Type of compound: N.I. Sex: yes
Age: 29.8 years (mean) Exposure duration: N.I. Drugs: no medication except
Selected from: Environmental and biological X-rays: N.I.
Genetically pure Greenlandic Eskimos, monitoring
level of heavy metals in one subgroup
already known as rather high
Selection procedure: partially known U-Cd (␮g/g creatinine, GM, GSM): Viral diseases: only healthy
not performed subjects
Lost subjects: N.I. B-Cd (␮g/100 ml) Alimentation/vitamins:
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney E: 0.16–0.24 (range of mean values Anaemia: N.I.
disease: only healthy subjects in the different subgroups)
Other simultaneous exposures: Pb, Hg, Smoking: yes (expressed in
Se measured in blood (preliminary g per day)
results available for DDT) Other diseases: only healthy
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

A major problem in this study is the subjective tural anomalies was found in the subgroup with the
exposure assessment procedure. Indeed, group I was supposedly low lead and cadmium exposure, i.e. in
considered as having a low level of lead exposure subgroup I. This finding was unexplained.
(223.6 (155–305) ␮g/l, mean and range) but all those Deknudt and Léonard [24] carried out a further
workers had clinical signs of lead poisoning and their study in workers exposed to cadmium, lead and zinc.
maximum urinary lead concentrations were very sim- Thirty-five workers (classified in two subgroups,
ilar to those of group II (260.2 (183–351) ␮g/l, mean “cadmium-service” and “rolling-mill”) were com-
and range). However, the lead exposure in the latter pared with a small group of 12 controls from the
group was considered to be “high”. This strongly same plant (Table 18). Exposure subgroups were de-
suggests a similar contamination of all workplaces fined according to type and duration of exposure.
by lead and/or job rotation. Whether such misclassi- A biological monitoring for cadmium and lead was
fications also occurred for cadmium remains an open done in the exposed workers only. In contrast to the
question as no cadmium measurements were avail- previous study, the cytogenetic analyses were appar-
able. Thus, conclusions drawn from the comparison ently not done by two independent observers. No
of subgroups are questionable. Another inconsistency clear definition of the endpoint “severe chromosome
is that the highest percentage of cells with struc- anomalies” was given in the publication. The lowest

Table 15
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[14] Time between sampling and cell culture: 3–7 days Sister-chromatid exchange rates: only regression analyses shown
Incubation time: 72 h Dose–effect, dose–response relations: a linear correlation was
Number of cells observed: 30 found between SCE and B-Cd
Technical problems: N.I.
Number of endpoints: 1 (sister-chromatid exchanges)
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: yes
a N.I.: no information available.
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 27

Table 16
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[23] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: yes

E: 14 (M) classified into three groups Type of compound: fumes and dust at a zinc Sex: N.I. about controls
melting and refining and cadmium
manufacturing plant
Group I: high level of Zn, low levels of Duration (mean and range) Drugs: N.I.
Cd and Pb (N = 5)
Group II: high levels of Zn, Cd, Pb (N = 5) Group I: 15.6 (7–26) years X-rays: N.I.
Group III: high levels of Cd and Pb, no Group II: 11.9 (2–26) years Viral diseases: N.I.
Zn (N = 4)
Age: 27–56 years Group III: 3.3 (0.5–11) years Smoking: N.I.
C: 5 (M only) Environmental and biological monitoring Previous work: ±
Age: 31–55 years Air-Cd: N.I. Other diseases: N.I.
Selected from: U-Cd: N.I.
E: workers in a Zn industry classified into B-Cd: N.I.
three groups according to the type and
duration of exposure
C: N.I. Other simultaneous exposures: lead, zinc
Selection procedure: N.I.
Lost subjects: N.I.
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney
disease: all workers have presented clinical
symptoms of saturnism, otherwise N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

mean percentage of cells with structural abnormalities in the “cadmium group” but three aberrations also
was found in workers from the “cadmium-service” occurred in the control group (Table 19). These results
subgroup. No obvious relationships between type are difficult to interpret because they were influenced
of exposure and chromatid gaps and chromosome by an obvious outlier with 5% severe abnormalities
fragments were found. “More complex chromosome and possibly by previous potentially mutagenic occu-
aberrations” such as chromatid exchange, disturbance pational exposures such as mining, foundry work or
of spiralisation, dicentrics, . . . were more frequent industrial plumbing. Since an occupational history

Table 17
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[23] Time between sampling and cell culture: N.I. Total cells with structural aberrations (means)
Incubation time: 48 h E: 3.87% in group I, 1.60% in group II, 2.76% in group III
Number of cells observed: 300–400 cells examined C: 1.55%
from each worker, 100–400 from each control
Technical problems: N.I. Prevalence of aneuploidy: only euploid cells were analysed
Number of endpoints: ±10b Dose–response, dose–effects relation: not explored
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: analysed Prevalence of more complex aberrations increased in the
independently by two persons exposed group when compared to the controls
a N.I.: no information.
b Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available information
in the publication): chromatid gaps, chromatid breaks, chromatid exchange, chromosome gaps, chromosome fragments, disturbance of
spiralisation, ring chromosome, dicentrics, cells with structural abnormalities, presence of “more complex chromosome aberrations”
(see text).
28 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 18
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[24] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: ±

E: 35 (M only) classified into two Type of compound: Cd fumes and dust Sex: ±
groups at a cadmium plant
Cd-service: high levels of Pb and Duration (mean and range) Drugs: N.I.
Cd, no Zn (N = 23)
Rolling-mill: exposed mostly to Cd-service: 12 (3–26) years X-rays: N.I.
Zn, lower levels of Pb and
Cd (N = 12)
Age (mean) Rolling-mill: 11 (2–42) years Viral diseases: N.I.
Cd-service: 40.2 years Environmental and biological Smoking: N.I.
Rolling-mill: 34.8 years Air-Cd: N.I. Previous work: known for part
of the population (see text)
C: 12 (M only) U-Cd: N.I. Other diseases: N.I.
Age (mean): 32.2 years B-Cd: (␮g/100 ml, mean and range)
Selected from: E: Cd-service: 3.17 (0.6–17.9) and
rolling-mill: 0.62 (<0.05–1.45)
E: workers in a Cd plant classified C: N.I.
into two groups according to the
type and duration of exposure
C: people from the administration Other simultaneous exposures
department of the same plant
Selection procedure: N.I. Cd-Service:
Lost subjects: N.I. B-Pb (␮g/100 ml, mean and
range): 44.62 (23.5–75.9)
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney Zn: N.I.
disease: 3/23 workers of the Cd-service Rolling-Mill:
presented signs of lead poisoning (no B-Pb (␮g/100 ml, mean and
more information) range): 20.78 (12.8–27.6)
Zn: N.I.
Pb: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 19
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[24] Time between sampling and cell culture was about 2 or 3 h Total cells with structural aberrations (means)
Incubation time: 48 h E: 2.0% in group I, 3.96% in group II
Number of cells observed: 200 cells examined from each C: 3.04%
Technical problems: N.I. Prevalence of aneuploidy: N.I.
Number of endpoints: ±12b Dose–response, dose–effects relation: not explored
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: N.I. Prevalence of more complex chromosome aberrations:
increased when compared to the control workers (see text)
N.I.: no information available.
Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): chromatid gaps, chromatid breaks, chromatid deletion, chromatid exchange, chromosome gaps, chromosome
fragments, disturbance of spiralisation, translocations, ring chromosomes, dicentrics, cells with structural abnormalities, prevalence of “more
complex aberrations”.
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 29

Table 20
Study population, occupational exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[21] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: ±

E: 5 (M only) Type of compound: N.I. (alkaline battery Sex: yes
Age: 44–57 years Duration (mean and range): 12 (5–24) years Drugs: no subject with
chromosome-damaging drugs
(not detailed)
C: 3 (M only) Environmental and biological monitoring X-rays: no subject with
X-ray therapy
Age: 52–54 years Air-Cd (␮g/m3 ) Viral diseases: no subject
with viral diseases
Selected from: Area sampler Smoking: N.I.
E: electrode department of an <1961: higher than 35 Previous work: N.I.
alkaline battery factory
C: office workers of about the 1969–1972: 35 Other diseases: N.I.
same age, from the same factory
Selection procedure: N.I. Exposure probably similar between
1961 and 1968
Lost subjects: N.I. Personal sampler average of about 70
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/ U-Cd (␮g/g creatinine, mean and range)
kidney disease: two workers with E: 11.4 (5.4–31.4)
suspected tubular pattern at C: 2.5 (1.0–3.1)
electrophoresis B-Cd (ng/g wet weight, mean and range)
E: 37.7 (24.7–61.0)
C: 2.3 (1.4–3.2)
Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

was available for part of the study population only, 1961, there were exposures to somewhat higher
a detailed analysis is impossible. The fact that the cadmium concentrations (data not available). Mean
study was mainly hypothesis-generating may explain cadmium concentrations were reported for urine and
the discrepancies with the previous investigation by whole blood for both groups. Electrophoretic exami-
the same authors [23]. nation of urinary proteins and determination of total
Since there is for these two studies a combined urinary protein were also performed to allow an es-
exposure to high levels of cadmium and lead, it is timation of renal tubular damage: two workers had a
difficult to conclude on which metal might be res- suspected tubular pattern. No increased frequency of
ponsible for the increase in aberrations. Bauchinger chromosome aberrations was found (Table 21). How-
et al. [25], citing Deknudt et al. [23], suggested a ever, interpretation of these negative results should
possible synergistic effect of several metallic and take into account the fact that three of the five work-
other compounds that may influence the induction ers had low U-Cd: 2.4, 5.4, 7.4 ␮g Cd/g creatinine,
of chromosome aberrations. This hypothesis remains despite of the elevated cadmium concentrations in air
presently quite speculative. and tubular findings.
Bui et al. [21] examined chromosomal aberrations Bauchinger et al. [25] compared chromosomes in
in men employed in the electrode department of an workers exposed to fumes and dust containing zinc,
alkaline battery factory (Table 20). Area sampling cadmium and lead from a cadmium–zinc smelter with
reported average cadmium concentrations of 35 ␮g/m3 chromosomes obtained from controls of the general
for the years 1969–1972, but concentrations measured population (Table 22). Workers had no clinical sign of
by personal air samplers amounted to about twice this metal toxicity. B-Cd and B-Pb levels were not deter-
general air value in the electrode department. Before mined in the 15 persons selected as controls as they
30 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 21
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[21] Time between sampling and cell culture was about 24 h Total cells with structural aberrations (mean ± S.D.)
Incubation time: 48–72 h E: 2.4 ± 1.52% (48 h), 2.0 ± 0.71% (72 h)
Number of cells observed: 100 metaphases from each worker C: 3.3 ± 3.51% (48h), 2.4 ± 1.52% (72 h)
Technical problems: N.I. Prevalence of aneuploidy (mean ± S.D.)
Number of endpoints: ±8b E: 2.2 ± 2.39% (48 h), 1.0 ± 0.71% (72h)
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: yes C: 1.0 ± 0.73% (48 h), 0.7 ± 1.15% (72 h)
Dose–response, dose–effects relation: not explored
N.I.: no information available.
Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): an/euploidy, endoduplication, structural aberrations, chromatid-type damage (breaks and exchange figures),
chromosome-type damage (breaks, exchange figures).

were assumed to be identical to the “normal values lead) may well be responsible for the increase in aber-
for an adult population of industrial workers not ex- rations observed in this last study (Table 23).
posed to such heavy metals”. The percentage of cells Exposure to cadmium does no appear to have
with structural aberrations was significantly increased been very significant since B-Cd levels were of
in the exposed group (1.35±0.99% for exposed work- 0.4±0.3 ␮g/100 ml (in comparison with the American
ers versus 0.47 ± 0.92% for the controls, P < 0.001). Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
No relationship was detected between the individual (ACGIH) biological exposure index of 5 ␮g/100 ml
prevalence of aberrations and B-Pb, B-Cd or the du- [26] or to the mean concentration the authors reported
ration of exposure. Bauchinger et al. [25] suggested for the general population).
from their other existing cytogenetic data on heavy No significant increase in chromosome aberrations
metals (subjects environmentally exposed to lead) that was reported by O’Riordan et al. [18] in workers ex-
cadmium alone or in synergism with other metals (e.g. posed to cadmium salts in a manufacture of cadmium

Table 22
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the sample Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[25] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: ±

E: 24 (M only) Type of compound: Cd dust and fumes at Sex: no
a zinc smelting plant in zinc electrolysis
Age (range): 25–53 years Duration of exposure (range): 3–6.5 years Drugs: no subject previously treated
with cytostatic drugs
C: 15 (11M/4F) Environmental and biological monitoring X-rays: no subject previously irradiated
Age (range): 26–60 years Air-Cd: N.I. Viral diseases: N.I.
Selected from: U-Cd: N.I. Smoking: N.I.
E: workers at a smelting plant B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, mean ± S.D.) Previous work: N.I.
C: unexposed, healthy controls E: 0.395 ± 0.27 Other diseases: N.I.
from the general population
Selection procedure: N.I. C: N.I. for the selected controls Others: no subject with clinical
Lost subjects: N.I. Other simultaneous exposures: zinc, lead symptoms due to excessive exposure to
(B-Pb (␮g/100 ml, mean ± S.D.): Pb, Cd, Zn
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/ E: 19.29 ± 6.62
kidney disease: no C: N.I. for the selected controls
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 31

Table 23
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[25] Time between sampling and cell culture: N.I. Total cells with structural aberrations
Incubation time: 48 h E: 1.35 ± 0.99%
Number of cells observed: 200 metaphases C: 0.47 ± 0.92%
from each Cd worker, 100 metaphases from Prevalence of aneuploidy: only cells with a complete number of
each control (in one case, 250 cells) chromosomes were scored
Technical problems: N.I. No relationship detected between the prevalence of aberrations
Number of endpoints: ±8b per person and Cd-B or Pb-B or length of exposure
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: N.I.
a N.I.: no information available.
b Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): gaps per cell, chromatid breaks, acentric fragments, dicentrics, atypical chromosomes, chromatid exchanges,
breaks per cell, structural aberrations.

pigments when they were compared with 13 on-site phenomenon then it can only be a negligible one”
controls. Two subjects had “clinical proteinuria which (Tables 24 and 25).
proved to be tubular in origin”, what might suggest However, B-Cd values in the exposed subjects
that cadmium toxicity had occurred. Four individual presented a non-normal distribution which suggests
cells (out of 3740 examined in total) with chromatid definitely that about half of the exposed group could
interchanges were observed in the exposed group but have been exposed to low levels of cadmium (B-Cd
the authors stated that “if such an increase was a real <0.5 ␮g/100 ml; no further details). In contrast, 5

Table 24
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[18] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: ±

E: 40 (M only) Type of compound: cadmium salts, Sex: yes
pigments (not detailed) in a
manufacture of cadmium pigments
Age: 17–61 years Duration of exposure: 6 weeks–34 Drugs: no subject with
years chromosome-damaging drugs
C: 13 (M only) Environmental and biological X-rays: no subject with X-ray
monitoring therapy (exposure to diagnostic
irradiation in some workers)
Age: 20–58 years Air-Cd (␮g/m3 ) Viral diseases: N.I.
Selected from: 1964–1968: 600–1000 Smoking: N.I.
E: workers employed in the manufacture Since 1968: 200 Previous work: ±
of cadmium pigments, actively engaged
in the processing of pigments
C: same plant on site controls, employed U-Cd: N.I. Other diseases: N.I.
as laboratory and administrative staff
Selection procedure: N.I. B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, mean and range)
Lost subjects: N.I. E: 1.95 (<0.2–14.0)
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney C: <0.2 for eight men, 0.6–2.9 for
disease: two exposed subjects had clinical the remaining five
proteinuria (proved tubular origin), no
further information Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.
32 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 25
Methods, results and endpointsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[18] Time between sampling and cell culture: N.I. Total cells with structural aberrations (number of structurally
abnormal chromosomes)
Incubation time: 45–48 h E: 0.24%
Number of cells observed: 100–102 cells from each C: 0.482%
subject (102 cells in the majority of the cases)
Technical problems: N.I. Prevalence of aneuploidy: N.I.
Number of endpoints: ±7b Dose–response, dose–effect relation: no relation with duration of
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: yes pigment processing (≥15 years) or Cd-B (>2.0 ␮g/100 ml)
N.I.: no information available.
Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): chromatid gaps, chromatid breaks, chromatid interchanges, total number of cells with chromatid aberrations,
dicentrics, free fragments, number of structurally abnormal chromosomes.

of the 13 on-site controls had unusually high B-Cd exposed and the control group versus 3.4% in the
values for unexposed persons (between 0.6 and general population), which might raise some doubt
2.9 ␮g/100 ml), what might also reduce the possible on the quality of the selection of the control subjects.
differences between exposed and controls. Finally, Negative findings were reported by Fleig et al. [27]
exposed and control groups working in the plant in workers exposed to cadmium (compound not spec-
showed a higher overall frequency of aberrations than ified), used as the initial basic substance for the pro-
“general population controls”, selected by the authors duction of pigments and stabilisers (Tables 26 and 27).
from earlier studies (6.6 and 7.6% for workers of the No significant difference in the percentage of aberrant

Table 26
Study population, exposure and confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[27] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: yes

E: 14 (M only) Type of compound: Sex: yes
cadmium-containing dusts
Age (range): 25–56 years Duration of exposure (mean and Drugs: no subject with
range): 10.1 (6–25) years chromosome-damaging drugs
C: 14 (M only) Environmental and biological X-rays: no subject with X-ray
monitoring therapy (exposure to diagnostic
irradiation in some workers)
Age (range): 24–58 years Air-Cd (␮g/m3 ): currently about 50 Viral diseases: N.I.
(TWA), higher in former years
Selected from: U-Cd (␮g/l, range) Smoking: N.I.
E: engaged in the manufacturing of E: 18.3–66.9 (1980) Previous work: N.I.
cadmium stabilisers and cadmium
C: employed as administrative or C: N.I. Other diseases: transaminases
office staff above normal in some workers
Selection procedure: N.I. B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, range)
Lost subjects: N.I. E: 0.3–2.9 (1980 for 13 workers)
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney C: N.I.
disease: some workers with U-Cd,
B-Cd, urinary ␤2-microglobulin,
creatinine values above normal Other simultaneous exposures: N.I.
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 33

Table 27
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[27] Time between sampling and cell culture: N.I. Total cells with structural aberrations (means)
Incubation time: 70–72 h E: 4.0% (including gaps) 1.5% (excluding gaps)
Number of cells observed: 150 metaphases from each Cd C: 3.6% (including gaps) 1.3% (excluding gaps)
worker, 100 metaphases from each control
Technical problems: N.I. Prevalence of aneuploidy: N.I.
Number of endpoints: ±10b Dose–response, dose–effect relation not explored
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: N.I.
a N.I.: no information available.
b Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication): chromatid gaps, isochromatid gaps, breaks, fragments, deletions, chromatid interchanges, rings, dicentric
chromosomes, percentage aberrant cells including cells, percentage aberrant cells excluding gaps.

cells, including or excluding gaps, was found. No ex- 501–1000, >1000 ␮g/m3 year), only high-intensity,
planation is given for the fact that biological monitor- long-term exposure (>1000 ␮g/m3 year) was associ-
ing showed clearly increased U-Cd values despite the ated with a significant increase in the frequency of
wearing of masks and the filtering of room air. chromosome-type aberrations. There was no correla-
In his comments, Forni noted the rather low values tion between U-Cd and chromosome aberration rates.
for aberrant cells excluding gaps, both for the exposed The mean rate of chromosome-type aberrations in
group and for the controls (1.5 and 1.3% for exposed the control group corresponded well to that of a larger
and controls, respectively) [17]. control group (N = 67) examined later by the same
Forni et al. [28] compared male workers exposed author [13].
to fumes and dusts emitted through the production of A healthy worker effect may have biased the results
cadmium, zinc, copper and silver alloys in a single because workers with increased blood or urine cad-
factory with the same number of controls matched for mium concentrations were transferred to workplaces
age, sex and smoking habits. Exposed workers were without cadmium exposure.
selected from a larger group monitored by Ghezzi
et al. [29]. Subjects with signs of cadmium poisoning 3.2.2. Endpoint: micronucleus
were excluded and none of the subjects included in Micronuclei were evaluated in PBL of the 40 cad-
the statistical analyses suffered from kidney disease. mium workers previously tested for chromosome
Atmospheric cadmium concentrations in the factory aberrations by Forni [13]. Rates of micronuclei in
reached 1500 ␮g/m3 in 1975, and then progressively the exposed group did not differ from those of the
decreased to <50 ␮g/m3 . Mean urinary cadmium 40 healthy, unexposed controls matched for age and
values were reported for the exposed workers but smoking, not even in the subgroup with the highest
not for controls. Concentrations of zinc and lead had cumulative exposure index or with the higher U-Cd
always been negligible and exposure data regarding values for whom chromosomal aberrations were
copper and silver were not reported (Table 28). Rates previously observed [28].
of abnormal metaphases excluding gaps were signif- The author related the negative finding with MN
icantly higher in PBL of the 40 exposed men than in cadmium workers who had positive findings for
in the controls, whereas the total rates of abnormal chromosomal aberrations to the stronger age effect
metaphases including gaps did not differ between the (also present in the controls) on micronuclei than on
two groups. Chromosome-type aberrations accounted chromosomal aberrations [13]. These results are in
for most of the observed increase (Table 29). When sharp contrast with those reported by Fu et al. [12]
a cumulative exposure index was calculated for each who found markedly increased MN rates in Chinese
subject (mean yearly atmospheric cadmium concen- environmentally exposed people. Since MN rate is
tration times years of exposure: <100, 101–500, dependent on age [30], it should be considered that the
34 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

Table 28
Study population, exposure, confoundersa
Reference Main characteristics of the population Exposure assessment Considered confounders

[13,17,28] Final population: Type of exposure: occupational Age: yes

E: 40 (M only) Type of compound: cadmium fumes Sex: yes
and dust in the alloys production
Age: 23–58 years Duration of exposure: NI Drugs: subjects who had taken
cytotoxic drugs (not detailed) were
C: 40 (M only) Environmental and biological X-rays: subjects with X-ray therapy
monitoring were excluded
Age: 23–63 years Air-Cd (␮g/m3 ) Viral diseases: subjects with recent
viral disease were excluded
Selected from: Very high up to 1975 Smoking: yes
E: workers in a single factory <50 in 1982 Previous work: subjects with
producing cadmium, zinc, copper previous occupational exposure to
and silver alloys clastogens excluded
C: matched for age, sex and smoking U-Cd (␮g/l) Other diseases: N.I.
Selection procedure: N.I. E:
Lost subjects: N.I. 22 workers with U-Cd >10
Previous poisoning/osteomalacia/kidney 18 workers with U-Cd <10
disease: no Range: 1.5–31.6
C: N.I.
B-Cd (␮g/100 ml, range)
E: 0.03–2.83
C: N.I.
Cumulative exposure index (CEI):
mean yearly airborne Cd concentration
× number of years of exposure
Other simultaneous exposures: Cu, Zn,
Ag (concentrations of Zn and Pb
considered as negligible)
a For the abbreviations, refer to Table 2.

Table 29
Methods, endpoints and resultsa
Reference Methods and endpoints Results

[13,17,28] Time between sampling and cell culture: N.I. Abnormal metaphases
Incubation time: 48 h E: 2.6% (excluding gaps)
Number of cells observed: 100 metaphases C: 1.7% (excluding gaps)
from each subject
Technical problems: N.I. Total rates of abnormal metaphases including gaps not different in the
two groups
Number of endpoints: ±8b Prevalence of aneuploidy: N.I.
Slides coded, mixed, analysed blindly: N.I. Dose–response, dose–effect relationship: long-term exposure associated
with significant increase in frequency of chromosome-type aberrations
(2.37% in workers with CEI > 1000 versus 0.8 in workers with CEI <
100, versus 0.5% in controls. No association with current U-Cd
N.I: no information available, CEI: cumulative exposure index.
Endpoints considered in this study (exact number of endpoints cannot always be determined with precision with the available
information in the publication: total abnormal metaphases (including and excluding gaps), cells with chromatid-type aberrations, cells with
chromosome-type aberrations.
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 35

subjects examined by Fu et al. [12] were on the aver- rats with Cd injected intraperitoneally [35]. Some
age younger than the workers studied by Forni [13]. experiments have indicated that cadmium may act as
It is also possible that the increased MN rate a co-mutagen in bacterial systems [36] and eukaryotic
reported by Fu et al. [12] is the results of a co-exposure systems (e.g. Hartwig and Beyersmann [37]) (for a
to another environmental agent acting as a complete review, see Hartwig [32]).
mutagen or in association with Cd or a chance finding Overall, Cd appears to have the capability of alter-
(small size of the control group). ing genetic material [38] but no consensus has been
reached yet on the mechanism of action of Cd com-
3.3. Application of causality criteria pounds. As suggested by Misra et al. [39], cadmium
ions accumulated in the cells may cause genetic dam-
Results of the selected studies can be evaluated age by three mechanisms: (1) direct damage by inter-
for causation by inference of criteria, i.e. consistency, acting with the chromatin to generate strand breaks,
coherence, specificity and temporality, strength of cross-links or structural alterations in DNA, (2)
association, dose–effect (response) relationship [31]. indirectly, by depleting antioxidant levels and thereby
increasing intracellular hydrogen peroxide and other
3.3.1. Consistency oxidants, (3) by interacting at metal-binding sites of
It appears from Tables 30 and 31 that study results proteins involved in transcription, DNA replication or
are not consistent even if single endpoints are consid- DNA repair. These authors speculated that low doses
ered. of cadmium might be genotoxic by compromising the
cell’s ability to accurately replicate DNA and/or cope
3.3.2. Coherence with DNA damage. At high doses, Cd ions might act
The conflicting evidence concerning cytogenetic by damaging DNA directly, or by stimulating the pro-
effects in humans reflects the mixed experimental duction of reactive intermediates which subsequently
results observed in vitro and in vivo. attack the genetic material.
In vitro, ionic cadmium is mostly not mutagenic When discussing the mechanism of action of geno-
in bacteria and effects in mammalian cells are rather toxic substances, it has to be reminded that in vitro
weak. In contrast, there are indications for indirect studies may be prone to produce responses by mech-
mechanisms of genotoxicity in both bacteria and mam- anisms that are not necessarily applicable to physi-
malian cells which may be due to an interaction with ologically relevant concentrations of the substance,
DNA repair processes [32]. Cadmium oxide, the main e.g. high levels of cadmium may affect base pairing
compound to which the cadmium workers are exposed or suggest alteration in polymerase error rates, but the
to, did not induce mutations in Salmonella. relevance of these phenomena to the in vivo situation
In vivo experiments conducted with cadmium may be questioned.
chloride were listed by IARC [8]: micronuclei and If cadmium acts as a co-mutagen rather than as a
chromosomal aberrations have been observed in mutagen, e.g. by decreasing fidelity in DNA synthesis
bone-marrow cells in several studies but not in others. or by interfering with DNA repair mechanisms, this
Inhalation exposure for several weeks to cadmium might also partially explain some of the conflicting
oxide did not result in an increased frequency of results of cytogenetic studies in human populations
micronucleated erythrocytes in peripheral blood of exposed to cadmium. If cadmium acts by inhibiting
male or female B6C3F1 mice (McGregor et al., 1990 the repair of DNA damage induced by other agents,
cited in NTP Technical Report [33]). More recently, chromosome aberrations might be increased in dif-
a single intraperitoneal treatment with cadmium chlo- ferent populations/subjects with different additional
ride was reported to induce a statistically significant occupational/environmental exposures (e.g. cigarette
(dose-dependent) increase in the percentage of periph- smoking, other heavy metals or medical irradiation)
eral erythrocytes with micronuclei. A dose-dependent as a result of unrepaired damage [17]. The fact that Cd
increase in the frequency of SCEs was also observed may act as a co-mutagen has not been considered in
at the two highest doses [34]. Single strand breaks the above human studies and interaction between Cd
were observed after acute treatment of male albino exposure and other potential sources of cytogenetic
36 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 37
38 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

effect has not (and given the limited size of the study with a mean U-Cd concentration of the last 4 years
population, could not) been examined properly in of 22.6 ␮g/l. However, no correlation with current
these studies. U-Cd (range 1.5–31.6 ␮g/l) or with current B-Cd was
Overall, because of the absence of consensus on the found. O’Riordan et al. [18] and Bauchinger et al. [25]
mechanism of action, the contradictory results and the found no association with duration and/or intensity of
few experiments conducted, it can hardly be decided exposure.
whether this criterion is sufficiently met. Available data do not allow to explain these con-
tradictory findings and various explanations are pos-
3.3.3. Temporality and specificity sible besides the lack of a genotoxic effect: limited
It should be emphasised that owing to the exposure range of the exposed subjects, presence
cross-sectional design, it is impossible to demonstrate of outliers and/or skewed distributions, fairly crude
a causal relationship between exposure and effect. univariate comparison of subgroups, unreliable Cd
Alike, it is impossible to know whether Cd was a measurements because of the lack of quality control,
marker associated with a genotoxic exposure or a use of B-Cd rather than U-Cd as an indicator of expo-
genotoxic agent per se. In this regard, it should be sure, presence of other genotoxic exposures (arsenic)
stressed that only a few information is available on and comorbid conditions (Itai–Itai disease), impreci-
previous exposure to occupational genotoxic agents sion of the estimates due to small subgroup sizes or
(e.g. arsenic). Concomitant occupational exposure to interindividual variability.
arsenic has not been considered as a confounder in
most of the studies where such an exposure might 3.4. Studies with the strongest design
be expected in regard to the type setting and/or pro-
duction processes [23–25,28]. Study populations with less than 10–15 persons
and numerous outcome measures are likely to be
3.3.4. Strength of the relation affected by chance findings. In addition to a suffi-
No consistent and strong trend towards an associa- cient population size, a detailed exposure assessment
tion between cytogenetic anomalies and Cd exposure including biological monitoring and quality control
appeared from these studies. A meta-analysis would and consideration of potential confounding factors
have helped estimate risk but was not considered (at least age, gender and smoking) constitute min-
meaningful because of the heterogeneity of the stud- imal requirements. No selected study met all these
ies regarding exposure definition, selected endpoint, conditions.
and consideration of confounders. The study by Cerna et al. [11] had the largest
power and included children and adults. U-Cd was
3.3.5. Dose–effect (response) relationship determined with a quality control, cytogenetic ana-
Regarding chromosomal aberrations five studies lyses were conducted blind and confounding
looked for a dose–effect (response) relationship. In through age and smoking was considered. No in-
environmentally exposed populations, the results of creased frequency of chromosomal aberrations was
Fu et al. [12] and Tang et al. [22] would suggest an found in this environmentally exposed population
increase in chromosomal aberrations above an U-Cd (adults: median U-Cd: 0.59 ␮g/g creatinine, range
of about 2.5–4 ␮g/l. Both groups of authors presented 0.005–10.7).
linear regression equations relating chromosomal In the occupational field, the study by Forni et al.
aberration frequency (%, year) and U-Cd (␮g/l, x): [28] had the largest power, a detailed assessment
y = 1.960 + 0.949x; r = 0.463, P < 0.001 [22] of present and past exposure, and considered con-
in whole study population and y = 2.884 + 0.490x; founders through matching but had no analytical qual-
r = 0.63, P < 0.01 [12]. ity control. U-Cd (in exposed workers only) ranged
By contrast, in the occupational setting, the results from 1.5 to 31.6 ␮g/l. No correlation between current
of Forni [28] suggest an increased percentage in chro- U-Cd and chromosome aberration rates was found
mosomal anomalies only for high-intensity and long- but an increase in chromosome abnormalities was
term occupational exposures, i.e. in the subgroup reported. However, this was mainly due to the small
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 39

subgroup (N = 8) with high-intensity and long-term conducted to examine whether a systematic approach
occupational exposures (mean U-Cd concentration of could provide useful clues for this purpose. It must be
the last 4 years of 22.6 ␮g/l). recognised that despite the intense research activity
An alternative would be the study by O’Riordan world-wide, the outcome of human cytogenetic studies
et al. [18]. However, it has no quality control and did on cadmium compounds is relatively disappointing,
not consider a potential confounding effect of tobacco conceivably because the research efforts were scat-
smoking or other simultaneous exposures. tered and insufficiently co-ordinated. It appears that
both environmental and occupational exposure studies
(Tables 2–29) share many common features. Firstly,
4. Discussion sample sizes are often so small that false-negative
(lack of power) and false-positive (chance findings)
First, it is important to assess whether our selection results are possible. Selection procedures and partic-
procedure excluded studies notably different from ipation rates may have contributed to spurious results
those meeting the eligibility criteria and whether as well but information regarding these issues are
there is some indication of publication bias. Two too scarce to allow definite conclusions. Secondly,
studies were not considered in this review because cadmium exposure was assessed with various and
they did not fulfil the language eligibility criteria non-interchangeable indicators and some essential
(Tang et al. [40] and Dziekanowska [41]). According information about concomitant exposure is lacking.
to the English abstract, Tang et al. [40] examined Such information on co-exposure may be specially
sister-chromatid exchanges. No difference between important since cadmium has been suggested to act
the exposed and control group (N = 38 and 9, as a co-carcinogen/genotoxicant. A quality control of
respectively) appeared and no correlation between biomarkers of exposure was very seldom carried out
sister-chromatid exchange rates and U-Cd was found. [11,19], which may explain in part why U-Cd seems
Whether this group is independent from the popula- unusually high in some control groups. Thirdly, some
tion examined by Tang et al. [22] is not known. The conclusions may have been suggested by the results
impact of the exclusion of this paper appears to be and many endpoints were examined the independence
very limited. Indeed, it has the same limitations as the of which is not clearly stated. Fourthly, insufficient
other studies: small subgroups with different sex ra- matching and lack of consideration of potential con-
tios (only two control women), cross-sectional design. founders may have distorted some results. The over-
According to IARC [8], Dziekanowska [41] reported all conclusion is that no single factor can explain
small increases in the prevalence of chromosomal the discrepancies among studies. Several factors are
aberrations in 11 exposed workers (8.91 ± 4.99%) likely to have confounded the results but their actual
when compared with 32 healthy non-smelter controls impact cannot be assessed with the available infor-
(6.66 ± 2.38%). However, no difference was found in mation.
the frequency of sister-chromatid exchange, conceiv- The second objective of this work was to formu-
ably because of the high values in the control group late recommendations for further research. Because
[8]. Exposure was poorly documented and it is not of the multiple regulations on cadmium compounds,
known whether possible confounding factors (smok- their industrial uses and further dispersion in the en-
ing, radiotherapy, chromosome damaging drugs) were vironment have now been significantly limited since
considered. Therefore, this study would hardly have the last 10 years. The number of workers potentially
modified the overall evaluation; its results are not exposed to cadmium compounds is notably reduced
more reliable and methods not better than in the other and effective reduction measures have been imple-
studies. mented; therefore, it is very unlikely that a new large
The characterisation of the genotoxic potential of and well-designed cytogenetic study in an occupa-
cadmium compounds is an important aspect for inter- tional setting could be carried out in the future. Since
preting the carcinogenicity data, especially in occupa- it appears that one of the most critical issue is to un-
tional settings where inhalation exposure is associated derstand whether and how cadmium compounds may
with an increased risk of lung cancer. This review was act as co-genotoxicants/carcinogens, it is clear that
40 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

experimental studies are needed to decipher its exact 1. Other publications on the same population
modes of action. The recent studies on the effect of Consider possible overlapping with other studies
cadmium on suppressor genes such as p53 [42] are in which included part of the same study population.
this regard very promising.
2. Time period and location
Time period
Acknowledgements Country/region/institution (selection bias !).
3. Purpose
This work has been conducted by order of the Min- precisely defined?
istry of Social Affairs, Public Health and Environment
(Belgium) within the scope of EC Council Regulation 4. Study population
(EC) 793/93, requiring the risk assessment of existing 4.1. and 4.2. Exposed and non-exposed subjects
• Size of study population, men/women, age. If
possible: socioeconomic class, smoking, alcohol,
Appendix A. Strategy of the literature search and other relevant factors in that context.
• Is the study population young?
1. All studies in humans cited in the following • Definition of the study population:
reviews (ATSDR [38], IARC [8,17], CRC [43], ◦ beginning of work at . . .
WHO [44]) and dealing with Cd genotoxicity/muta- ◦ end of work at . . .
genicity/cytogenetic effects were included and ◦ minimal duration;
evaluated. ◦ all workers presently working and exposed?
2. Medline search (time period 1966–2000): Retired and currently nonexposed workers? Time
2.1. with text words ($, truncation symbol): (chro- since last exposure?
moso$ or chromati$ or micronucl$ or cyto- Are workers previously diagnosed with poisoning
genet$) or Itai-It$ and cadmium; included?
2.2. with MeSH terms combinations: cadmium-
poisoning, cadmium-adverse effects, cadmium- 4.3. Final study population
poisoning-genetics, cadmium-poisoning-blood, • initial versus final study population (as a summary
cadmium-poisoning-complications; showing the lost cases and controls at each step
2.3. with text words: cytogenetics, micronuclei, of constitution of study population with the most
cadmium, cadmium poisoning. important data on age, sex, employability, and other
All MeSH terms were exploded and the litera- important variables in that context).
ture search was carried out again by the end of the • comparability of cases and controls as for: age,
redaction of the review. sex, socioeconomic group, education, and other
3. The search was completed by a careful reading of important variables in that context.
the bibliography of the papers and searching in the
database of the Unit for Occupational and Environ- 5. Selection, participation rate, representativeness
mental Health in Zürich, which is based on a man-
ual search in the Current Contents Life Sciences • eligibility criteria
and in the main journals for occupational health • selection procedure
since 1986. • participation rate
• representative sample?

6. Exposure
Appendix B. Checklist used for evaluation
of the located studies 6.1. Specific aspects: exposed workers
Is the word “exposed” clearly defined (with res-
Check list: cross-sectional study pect to type, minimal intensity, duration, frequency?).
V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43 41

Observational period (if not mentioned under 4.; Relation between exposure period and intensity
important because of time-related changes of expo- (if reconstruction)?
sure intensity)? Previous poisonings? Exposure probability (if reconstructions)
• type: 7. Diagnosis
◦ general population or industry? Is the endpoint clinically relevant (predictive
◦ type of industry value)? Methods? Quality control?
◦ is “exposure” defined by occupation and/or indu- Blind review of medical records, slides?
stry, group of agents, agent? Are the groups spe- Panel review?
cific or very broad? Are concomitant exposures Other important methodologic aspects
8. Bias
• information on exposure frequency, duration, and
intensity: • may the selection exclude most ill or healthy sub-
◦ yes/no jects?
◦ only present exposure (strictly cross-sectional) or • preplacement examination
information on previous exposure (in this plant, • healthy worker effect
in the same occupation but in other plants, in all • is it clear that the endpoint is really an effect of the
occupations for the lifetime) exposure
◦ minimal intensity, duration, frequency: based on
exposure reconstruction or objective measures? 9. Interview and coding
◦ if exposure reconstruction: type of variable Blind interview/interview procedure/structure and
(dichotomous if exposed vs nonexposed, ordinal, content of the interview.
exposure score, etc.)? Blind coding of the answers/coding according
◦ if dichotomous classifications: is the cut-off to. . . (are criteria mentioned, credible, arbitrary).
clearly described, credible, arbitrary? Are min- 10. Laboratory
imal intensity, duration, frequency taken into Methods.
account to define the word “exposed”? Samples from controls and exposed workers
◦ if ordinal categories or exposure score: is the examined in the same series and quality control
classification/score credible, consistent? Is there (exposure assessment: see exposure). Are these units
any indication of the validity of the classifica- adequate and do they consider age- or sex-related
tion/score? differences?
◦ objective measures available? air sampling (area
versus personal, total vs respirable dust); biolo- 11. Design and statistics
gical monitoring (blood/urine/neutron activation
• design
analysis/X-ray fluorescence, etc.)
• control population: regional, other industrial work-
• samples from controls and exposed workers exam-
ers, office workers, low versus high exposure
ined in the same series?
• statistical methods
• quality control (exposure assessment)?
12. Confounding factors
6.2. Specific aspects: control workers
Age, sex, hospital, smoking, alcohol?
6.3. Summary If relevant: socioeconomic group, residence, gene-
Brief summary of the main aspects of the exposure tic/familial factors, ethnicity, race. Are these factors
assessment: duration, intensity, frequency, exposure clearly defined? If subgroups are used are these sub-
peaks, and peak exposures, skin, intestinal, pulmonary groups relevant?
exposure? Considerable sources of misclassification?
Concomitant exposures?
13. Results
Reliability of the measures regarding the examined
endpoint? 13.1. Results
42 V. Verougstraete et al. / Mutation Research 511 (2002) 15–43

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