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1. Edmister, Wayne C, 1988, “Applied Hydrocarbon Thermodinamics”, 2nd

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2. Jones. D. S. J, 1995,”Element Of Petroleum Processing”, Consultant Chemical

Engineering, Caglgary, Canada.

3. Kardjono, S.A, 2006,”Proses Pengolahan Minyak dan Gas Bumi”, PPT Migas,


4. Maxwell J.B. 1958, “Data Book On Hydrocarbons Application To Process

Engineering”, D Van Nostrad Company, Inc.

5. Mustakim, 1992,”Modifikasi Kilang Cepu Sebagai Sarana Pendidikan”, Cetakan

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6. Nelson, W.L, 1958,”Petroleum Refinery Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Book

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7. Watkins, Robert N, 1979, “Petroleum Refinery Distillation”, Gulf Publishing

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8. Winkle, Mathew Van.1976.”Distillation”. New York : Mc Graw-Hill Book

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LAMPIRAN 1. Grafik Prediksi Distilasi
LAMPIRAN 2. Grafik Konversi Distilasi ASTM ke TBP
LAMPIRAN 3. Grafik Konversi TBP 50% ke EFV 50%
LAMPIRAN 4. Grafik Konversi TBP ke EFV
LAMPIRAN 5. Grafik Prediksi SG 60/60
LAMPIRAN 6. Grafik Konversi TBP ke ASTM
LAMPIRAN 7. Process Flow Diagram HVU-II

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