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August, 2020

“Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction.
The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. (Psalms 103: 3-4 and 6)

Dear Friends,

It is incredibly comforting in uncertain times to be grounded in God’s word. Who will heal us from the
coronavirus and who will heal our land from racial injustice? These are questions being asked on the
evening news and the commentary often begins to feel hopeless. But the Psalmist declares who will
heal our diseases and who will bring justice and the answer is clear it is the Lord. So we should have
tremendous peace and security if we continue to put our trust in Jesus knowing that he works all these
things together for our good.

God is about healing, restoration and justice. As followers of Christ it is critical that we be about these
things also. I want to share with you about our work in Moldova caring for people in need of healing.
There are two different ministries that we are doing serving people that are in hospitals. All of these
people have a real physical need but also a spiritual need and our main desire is to share with them the
love of Christ which can heal their greatest need.

The first ministry I want to highlight is our work in the children’s hospital. In the hospital we work in 8
departments visiting each department for weekly Bible lessons, games, crafts and encouragement. In
all we see over 100 kids per week in this hospital.

Children in Hospital at Bible lesson working on a craft with our leaders, Valentina and Eugenia
This has been a great ministry because children and their parents have spare time between treatments
and we are provided an opening by the hospital to share God’s love and message with the children and
often their parents also. Recently our teachers even had the opportunity to share with a Muslim
mother who asked to attend their lesson in the hospital. Our leaders agreed to allow her to come but
were apprehensive not knowing the lady’s objective was and if she would undermine their message.
But she came multiple times and began encouraging other mothers in the hospital to not only bring
their kids but to attend the lessons themselves as she was hearing truths about Jesus and how he loves
her that she had never heard before.

Another ministry we are involved in is serving at a children’s hospital for Burn patients. Ministry in the
Burn Department is very different from the ministry in other children's departments. This hospital is
for children with severe burns and only very serious condition are admitted to the hospital. It is not
possible to have structured Bible lessons. Instead our focus is on encouraging the kids who are
conscious, encouraging parents and to pray, pray … pray with them and for them.

Child in burn unit with her mother, holding Valentina’s hand

One day, Eugenia and Valentina entered the medical ward, where they met a very badly burned girl
and her mother who was crying. They started to talk with the mother, encouraging her to trust mighty
God, because only He is able to heal her daughter, but for this, she must pray and believe. They
finished praying with the mother and left. The next time they came to the hospital the teachers did not
see the mother or the girl, but they continued to pray for them. After a month of not seeing the
woman they were approached by her and she asked, “Do you remember me?” They had not forgotten
and the mother had sought them out. She began to sincerely thank them for their encouragement at
that very difficult moment in her life. She said that from that moment, she constantly prayed for her
daughter, and God did a miracle. The daughter had a successful surgery, now they are in rehabilitation
and they are doing well. The teachers glorified God and told this mother that now she is an
encouragement for them.

God has truly blessed us with incredible opportunities to share his love to the people of Moldova. You
never know how God is going to move, is he going to open doors to minister to Muslim’s, is he going to
heal the severely burned. We don’t know what God will do but it is a blessing to be part of what he is
doing. He clearly calls us to do justice, to lover mercy and to walk humbly with our God. With your
help that is what we are seeking to do in all of our ministries in Moldvoa. Thank you for your continued
support and prayer for our ministry.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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