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“It isn’t enough to simply talk about equality. One must believe in it.

And it isn’t enough to

simply believe in it. One must work at it.” were the last words of Meghan Marckle in her speech
at the U.N. Women's 2015 conference. During that address, she shared how she fought sexism
at 11 years old. Hearing this story of a young girl with concern for others, with awareness of
what’s happening around, and with courage to act for change is beyond empowering.These all,
becoming reasons to see Marckle as an inspiration for the young minds like me.

To begin, at her early age, she already had the social consciousness and sensitivity to the
condition of women in the society. This, being but one of the many reasons why I look up to
her. Her, standing up against discrimination among women made me realize that being young
isn’t an excuse to exclude ourselves in the eradication of such inequalites especially in the
gender mold.

As a youth, this is our wake up call for change—as the old adage by Rizal goes, “Kabataan ang
pag-asa ng bayan”. Like the young Markle, the youth of today should embrace an open mind
and a compassionate heart to break the whole gender stereotype of men being always superior
to women. The notion of women all simply belonging in the kitchen must be corrected. Because
while it is true that they can be that; it can never be doubted that they will always be worth a
whole lot more.

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