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1. If I could live anywhere in my city, I would live ...............................

in Paris because I
think it is the best place in the world to live and have a family
2. If I won a dream vacation in a competition, I would go cancun
because i think it is the place with the most beautiful beaches in the whole world
3. If I could choose any car that I liked, ...................... have a red Ferrari, they are cars that
run very fast and are in fashion
4. If I could choose my ideal job, it would be .... managing my own company, this would
be in charge of offering products that do not pollute the environment
5. If I had more time, I would learn ....................................... to operate a helicopter by
that I would like to see the jungle from the air
6. If I had to go abroad to work, I would go to the United States because it is one of the
most developed countries, my income would be high and I could start a business

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