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Tarea Sustantivos singulares y plurales y artículo indefinido (a – an-some)

Escribe 4 oraciones describiendo tus objetos personales y favoritos, utilizando
sustantivos en forma plural y singular con el artículo indefinido.
 I have a car with three speakers
 my cell phone has a good camera
 I have a motorcycle with white lights
 my fish tank has one black fish and two orange
2.2. Tarea posesivos ‘s: con vocabulario de la familia.
Escribe un párrafo de 4 líneas mencionando los miembros de tu familia y
utilizando la forma posesiva de los sustantivos. Debes mencionar sobre tu familia
inmediata (padres y hermanos, y/o hijos), así como de tu familia extendida (tíos,
abuelos, primos, y sobrinos)
My family is composed for many members, some them are. My sister´s name is
Wendy, she is student, my father´s name is Bernardo, his job is heavy machine
operation, I don´t have mother, my grandfather´s home is in Guajira, he live there
together at my uncle Toly and my aunts Rubiela and Cecilia, they visit we in
Christmas every years.
2.3. Composición acerca de tu familia.
Ahora escribe dos párrafos, en el primer párrafo debes describir a tu familia y las
personas con las que vives, haz uso del vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales
aprendidas durante la unidad. En el segundo párrafo debes describir a tu mejor
amigo(a) y/o celebridad favorita, haz uso del vocabulario y estructuras
gramaticales aprendidas durante la unidad.
My family nucleus is composed for four members. My sister, she graduated to
school a year ago and now she is studying English. My father is living in Taraza
whit her. My girlfriend is studying marketing at the University of Medellin, I study
computer engineering at the North Catholic University Foundation, and we are
living in Medellin.
My best friend´s name is Camilo, he is 22 year old and live in city of Medellin, he
works in a telecommunications company, he is my friend since childhood and we
have many good memories together.
2.4 Composición acerca de tu ciudad.
Escribe un párrafo mínimo de 3 líneas acerca de la ciudad donde vives, su
ubicación, debes mencionar mínimo 5 lugares reconocidos de la ciudad. Debes
utilizar preposiciones de lugar vistas: between, on, behind, next to, close to, etc. y
adicionar algunas características usando adjetivos (beautiful, big, small, old).
I live in Medellin city, here there are many interesting places and some are located
near at Metro system, so are easy to visit. Parque de los deseos it is located near
the University station and it is a beautiful park, also we have Parque de Luces that
is between Alpujarra and San Antonio stations. However, one of most famous
places is Parque Botero it is next to the Parque Berrio station and here are many
art figures. Other of my favorites places is Pueblito Paisa that is close to
Expositions station, finally we have the Coltejer, and this is a big building located
on Junin Street, same that is very recognized for its old restaurants.

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