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I have a stressful job; I work all day for 12 hours. I have a lot of obligations. Sometimes in my
work I couldn’t sleep because my boss let me many activities, also some days I din’t eat
anything during the day because I was too busy. It generated me a stomachache and all day I
felt exhausted. One day, I thought I need a change, so my cousin gave some advices for this
problem. The tips that he told me were:

You should turn to coworkers for support because If you have a support system at work can
help buffer you from the negative effects of job stress. When you take a break, for example,
instead of directing your attention to your smartphone, try talking your colleagues.

You should make time for regular exercise. The activity that raises your heart rate and makes
you sweat. It is an effective way to lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relax
both the mind and body.

You could create a balanced schedule. You try to find a balance between work and family life,
social activities and solitary pursuits, daily responsibilities and downtime. It was difficult in the
beginning but you could do it.

After following all these tips, my lifestyle improved. Now I feel full of energy and I haven’t pain.
However, my boss still leaves me with many tasks.

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