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Artifacts of Work Done with The Achieved Objectives

1) To design an autonomous target detecting, locking and shooting robocar.
2) To provide an accurate technique to identify an unusual threat in the
environment using OpenCV and YOLO and destroying the target with
shooting assembly powered by Raspberry Pi and Arduino MEGA.
3) To design a product that is capable of defending from both land and
airborne attacks.
4) To develop a shooting assembly which can shoot targets accurately
within range of 3-5 meter.
5) To design a robust technique which can function even in bad lighting
conditions using 3D night vision camera.

1) To design an autonomous target detecting, locking and shooting robocar.
2) To provide an accurate technique to identify an unusual threat in the
environment using OpenCV and YOLO and destroying the target with
shooting assembly powered by Raspberry Pi and Arduino MEGA.
3) To develop a shooting assembly which can shoot targets accurately
within range of 3-5 meter.

OBJECTIVE – I – Autonomous car able to avoiding collisions while patrolling

in pre-programmed path and carrying on surveillance to search and eliminate
potential threats present in environment.
OBJECTIVE – II – Machine Learning algorithm capable of detecting and
differentiating between Enemy and friendly assets was developed using
TensorFlow Object detection api with configuration of YOLOv3.
Machine learning model so developed was optimised to make it suitable for
deployment on Raspberry 3, so to perform object detection on the go.

OBJECTIVE –III – Shooting assembly was developed with an autonomous gun

to eliminate the targets prevailing on ground or in air.
Shooting Assembly consists of a base stand, gun and 3 servo motors and an
Arduino module controlling the functioning of Shooting Assembly

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