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Josué Xajil - 200915032

“Boss vs Leader”


- Drives employees

- He has absolute authority over other people and so can take any
decision he wants

- Inspires fear to the workers because of his authority

-Thinks mostly in himself

-Blames others for the problems

-Only knows how things are done

-Uses people to do something

-takes the credit if something was well done

-Only gives commands without taking in count the workers availability

or opinion

-Only gives directions about what must be done


- Coaches employees

- His decisions are based on the other´s and proper well-being

- Generates enthusiasm to the workers

-Thinks on the whole team´s well-being

- Search for solutions if there is a problem

-Shows how something is done

-Helps people to grow and develop.

-Gives credit to those who deserve it

-Asks the employees about their opinion and availability

-Is always aware about what will be done and how is it being done

Personal Opinion:

I consider that being a good leader is the most important thing related
to a work environment, because a leader not only has authority over
other people but also knows how to get along with people and how to
encourage them to keep the moral high in order to enhance
productivity and so get better outcomes.

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