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Md. Salah Uddin

SangWoo Lee
Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin



Ethnobotanical Database
of Bangladesh

Published by
International Biological Material Research Center (IBMRC)
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology (KRIBB)
125 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 305-806, Republic of Korea
I Foreword
Md. Salah Uddin, SangWoo Lee, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin II Preface

Editors III List of Photographs

Sei-Ryang Oh, Sangho choi, Changyoung Lee, Jinki Kim, Doo Young Bae, Jeong Kwang Park,
Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin
1 Ethnomedicinal Plants of Bangladesh
151 Photographs of Field Work
Md. Salah Uddin
153 References
May, 2016 165 Glossary of Medical Terms
Copyright Korea Research Institute of Bioscienc and Biotechnology 177 Index of Scientific Names
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical or by any information storage or retrieval systems 182 Index of Bengali/Vernacular Names
without prior permission of the authors.
188 Index of Tribal Names
Design & Printed by Cresseed co. Ltd.
Foor 1, Expo Science Park
194 Index of English Names
480 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34126 Republic of Korea 199 Index of Diseases
ISBN: 978-89-6709-067-8

Correct citation of this publication

Uddin, M.S., Lee, S.W. and Uddin, S.B. et al., 2016. Ethnomedicinal Plants of Bangladesh. In-
ternational Biological Material Research Center (IBMRC), Korea Research Institute of Biosci-
ence and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 204 pages.

Explanatory Notes
The efficacy contained in this book is refered to some references.
The use of plants must be followed by a medical doctor.
The Bengal Ethnomedicine with historical originated in ancient Indian Ayurveda and Unani medical system, has Plants used by the local people in certain area for curing different diseases are known as ethnomedcinal plants.
played an important role in the treatment of health care and cure the various ailments in the whole of Bangladesh. From the very beginning of human civilization, ethnomedicinal plants have played a pioneering role in healing
the disease and illness of human beings. About 75-80% of the world’s population relies on traditional medicine
The indigenous communities living within the richest biodiversity of Bangladesh have long been a source of made largely from plants for their primary healthcare needs because of their better cultural acceptibility, better
admiration as they possess a unique understanding of, and ability to utilize the plants around them. These make compatibility with human body and lesser side effects. Even in the developed countries, 25% of the prescribed
them rich in well known, traditional knowledge of ethnomedicine. drugs come from plant sources. Nowadays more people are increasingly turning to herbal remedies, especially
for treating minor ailments.
Over the past 5 years, we have pursued cooperative research to provide efficient information on biological resource
development, by collecting and analyzing Bangladesh plant materials and data based on research cooperation At present, most of the nations in the world are rethinking the uses of traditional medicine, particularly traditional
with the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology (KRIBB) and Ethnobotanical Database of herbal medicine as it is the major part of the indigenous systems of the medicine worldwide. Herbal medicine
Bangladesh (EDB). includes application of ethnomedicinal plants for therapeutic purpose or medicinal preparations from plant
sources. Traditional medicine has always played a major role in Bangladesh.Traditional medicine practices and
We expect to construct upon this cooperative research to expand the Bangladesh traditional medicinal plant
knowledge, including the use of ethnomedicinal plants, has been passed from one generation to the next via oral
knowledge base and conduct studies to develop health supplements and new medicines offering new possibilities.
traditions. Without systematic documentation of the role of ethnomedicinal plants in Bangladesh, we risk losing
It is our hope, this publication will serve to build a cornerstone for research flora of medicinal plants in Bangla- information about herbal medicine. In view of these documentation of the traditional uses of ethnomedicinal
desh and promote for sustainable development of medicinal plants based on joint research development between plants is an urgent matter and important to preserve the knowledge. This book serves to help record and docu-
both countries in the future. ment this important traditional medicine system.

We can fully appreciate many efforts of all researchers in both institutions for publication of “Ethnomedicinal The present publication is an outcome of project work implemented by Ethnobotanical Database of Bangladesh
Plants of Bangladesh”. (EDB) and Internationational Biological Material Research Center (IBMRC), sponsored by Ministry of Science,
ICT, and Future Planning in Korea.
The main objectives of this book are to provide detailed information about locally important ethnomedicinal
plants of Bangladesh and to preserve the traditional knowledge of herbal healers on medicinal plants uses. This
May, 2016 would help to increase understanding the value of ethnomedicinal plants in Bangladesh. This book describes
Sei-Ryang Oh, Ph.D. 150 ethnomedicinal plants along with digital photos of plants and voucher specimen images of the species.
Director, IBMRC
The ethnomedicinal plant details have been arranged in alphabetical order according to their latest scientific
names, so that readers may not have difficulty finding any particular plant. The scientific name is followed by
the family name, important synonyms, vernacular/Bengali names, tribal names, English names, brief botanical
description, ethnomedicinal uses, and distribution of the plant. All the enlisted scientific names of the plants have
been checked with the world’s updated “The Plant List ()”, a working list of all world plant species. At the end
references, glossary of medical terms and indexes have been included. Although no individual reference could
be cited for all the varied information given in this book, the major sources have been recorded in the reference
list. For quick access to identifying and checking any name, all the scientific names, vernacular/Bengali names,
tribal names and English names are arranged alphabetically in the index.

The information in this book is primarily for reference and education. It is not intended to be a substitute for the SL. No. Page No. SL. No. Page No.
advice of a physician. The uses of ethnomedicinal plants described in this book are not recommendations, and A 29. Carissa carandas  29
the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this 30. Cascabela thevetia  30
1. Abelmoschus moschatus  1
book. We sincerely hope that this book will be useful to the people who are interested in ethnomedicinal plants 31. Catharanthus roseus  31
2. Abroma augusta  2
of Bangladesh. 3. Acacia catechu 3 32. Ceiba pentandra  32
4. Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. subsp. indica 4 33. Cheilocostus speciosus  33
We wish to extend our gratitude to Dr. Kyu Tae Chang, President, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and 34. Chrozophora rottleri  34
5. Acalypha indica  5
Biotechnology (KRIBB), Korea for his profound influence and encouragement for publishing this book. We are 6. Acanthus ilicifolius  6 35. Cissus elongata  35
grateful to Dr. Choi Sang Ho Project Manager, KRIBB for his support in preparation of this book. We are greatly 7. Adiantum lunulatum  7 36. Cissus quadrangularis  36
indebted to the authorities of Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning in Korea Republic for generous grants 8. Aegiceras corniculatum  8 37. Cleome rutidosperma  37
of fund and continuous support to carry out the project work, which resulted in the publication of this book. It is 9. Allamanda cathartica  9 38. Cleome viscosa  38
hoped that this book will facilitate research on ethnomedicinal plants of Bangladesh. 10. Alpinia zerumbet  10 39. Clerodendrum thomsoniae  39
11. Amomum maximum  11 40. Clitoria ternatea  40
We are grateful to Tapash Bardhan, a resource person at ‘Banglar Gach Gachra’ who very kindly checked the 12. Amorphophallus bulbifer  12 41. Combretum indicum  41
total manuscript thoroughly and providing some photographs (Sl. No. 99, 112, 113, 119) of ethnomedicinal 13. Anacardium occidentale  13 42. Couroupita guianensis  42
plants. We would like to express our sincerest thanks to Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad, Mohammad Sajid Ali 14. Aquilaria agallocha  14 43. Crassocephalum crepidioides  43
Howlader, Khandakar Kamrul Islam, Noor Ahmed, Salma Ahmed, Nazmun Naher, and Farhanu Jannah for their 15. Argemone mexicana  15 44. Crinum asiaticum  44
kind and generous support. We greatly appreciate the cooperation and assistance received directly or indirectly 16. Artabotrys hexapetalus  16 45. Crotalaria verrucosa  45
46. Cyathula prostrata  46
from the researchers and staff of the EDB and KRIBB in carrying out this project work. Finally we express our
B 47. Cycas pectinata  47
deep sense of gratitude and thanks to the local people and traditional healers without whose cooperation the
work could not be accomplished. 17. Barleria prionitis  17
18. Bidens pilosa  18
19. Boehmeria glomerulifera  19 48. Dentella repens  48
20. Boerhavia diffusa  20 49. Desmodium heterocarpon  49
Md. Salah Uddin 21. Breynia retusa  21 50. Desmodium triflorum  50
SangWoo Lee 22. Brownlowia elata  22 51. Dillenia pentagyna  51
Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin
23. Bruguiera sexangula  23 52. Diospyros montana  52
24. Bryophyllum pinnatum  24 53. Duranta erecta  53


25. Caesalpinia pulcherrima  25 54. Eranthemum pulchellum  54

26. Calendula officinalis  26 55. Euphorbia cotinifolia  55
27. Callicarpa arborea  27 56. Euphorbia heterophylla  56
28. Canna indica  28 57. Euphorbia neriifolia  57

SL. No. Page No. SL. No. Page No. SL. No. Page No. SL. No. Page No.

58. Firmiana colorata  58 79. Laportea interrupta  79 104. Parkinsonia aculeata  104 132. Tabernaemontana divaricata  132
59. Flacourtia indica  59 80. Lathyrus sativus  80 105. Passiflora foetida  105 133. Tagetes erecta  133
60. Flacourtia jangomas  60 81. Lawsonia inermis  81 106. Peltophorum pterocarpum  106 134. Tamilnadia uliginosa  134
61. Foeniculum vulgare  61 82. Leonurus sibiricus  82 107. Pentapetes phoenicea  107 135. Tectona grandis  135
83. Lindernia antipoda  83 108. Peperomia pellucida  108 136. Tetrastigma angustifolium  136
84. Lindernia rotundifolia  84 109. Pereskia bleo  109 137. Thunbergia grandiflora  137
62. Getonia floribunda  62 85. Linum usitatissimum  85 110. Phyla nodiflora  110 138. Trema orientalis  138
63. Globba radicalis  63 86. Lippia alba  86 111. Plectranthus scutellarioides  111 139. Trichosanthes tricuspidata  139
64. Gomphrena globosa  64 87. Ludwigia adscendens  87 112. Plumeria alba  112 140. Tridax procumbens  140
65. Grewia asiatica  65 88. Ludwigia hyssopifolia  88 113. Plumeria rubra  113 141. Typhonium trilobatum  141
114. Pogostemon auricularius  114
H M 115. Polyalthia suberosa  115
116. Premna esculenta  116
66. Heliotropium curassavicum  66 89. Mallotus philippensis  89 V
67. Hemigraphis hirta  67 90. Malvaviscus penduliflorus  90 R
68. Heritiera fomes  68 91. Melastoma malabathricum  91 142. Vanda tessellata  142
69. Holarrhena antidysenterica 69 92. Morinda angustifolia  92 117. Rauvolfia serpentina  117 143. Vitex negundo  143
70. Hoya parasitica 70 93. Morinda citrifolia  93 118. Rauvolfia tetraphylla  118 144. Vitex peduncularis  144
71. Hydnocarpus kurzii  71 94. Mukia maderaspatana  94 119. Rhynchostylis retusa  119 145. Vitex trifolia  145
72. Hydrangea macrophylla  72 95. Murraya koenigii  95
73. Hyptis brevipes  73 96. Mussaenda roxburghii  96 S W

120. Salvia splendens  120 146. Woodfordia fruticosa  146

I N 121. Saurauia roxburghii  121 147. Wrightia arborea  147
122. Senna alata  122
74. Impatiens balsamina  74 97. Nelumbo nucifera  97
123. Sesamum indicum  123 X
75. Ixora coccinea  75 98. Nymphaea nouchali  98
124. Solanum sisymbriifolium  124
76. Ixora finlaysoniana  76 99. Nymphoides hydrophylla  99 148. Xylocarpus granatum  148
125. Sonneratia caseolaris  125
77. Ixora nigricans  77 100. Nypa fruticans  100 149. Xylocarpus moluccensis  149
126. Spermacoce exilis  126
127. Spermacoce ocymoides  127
128. Sphaeranthus indicus  128
78. Jasminum multiflorum  78 101. Ophiorrhiza mungos  101 129. Stephania japonica  129 150. Zephyranthes grandiflora  150
102. Ormosia robusta  102 130. Sterculia foetida  130
103. Oxalis corniculata  103 131. Suregada multiflora  131

E t h n o m e d i c i n a l P l a n t s o f

1. Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. 2. Abroma augusta (L.) L.f.


Family : Malvaceae Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, root, and seed. Family : Sterculiaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : An infusion made with the
fresh leaves and stems of the plant is taken for the
Synonym : Hibiscus abelmoschus L. Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the Synonym : Abroma alata Blanco, Abroma elongata
treatment of leucorrhoea, and dysmenorrhoea.
leaves of the plant is applied to the biting place Lam.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Bandherosh, Mushak- Leaves and stems of the plant are used to treat
twice a day for three days to treat snake bite.
dana, Kalokasturi. Bengali/Vernacular name : Ulatkambal, Ulut- menstrual disorders.
Juice extracted from the roots of the plant is mixed
kambal, Tambol. Infusion of fresh stems and leaves in cold water
Tribal name : Huney gach, Kunei gach (Chakma); with some salt then heat to purify and taken thrice
is used for the treatment of gonorrhoea.
Thur mui (Lushai); Fluma umaiejik, Fluma oijik, a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for three Tribal name : Gach chola (Chakma), Polumaoeba
Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is
Surma gach (Marma); Purnima gaith (Tanchangya). days to treat cough and fever. (Chak), Daiya (Garo).
taken three times a day (two tea spoons amount
Mucilaginous decoction prepared from the root and
English name : Musk mallow. English name : Devil’s cotton. each time) until the fever is cured.
leaves of the plant is recommended in gonorrhoea
The bark and roots of the plant are used to treat
Description of the plant : An annual, erect, and and venereal diseases. Description of the plant : A large spreading
stomachache, diabetes, and dermatitis.
branched herb, about a meter high or less, cov- A paste prepared from the bark of the plant is ap- shrub, or a small tree, with fibrous bark and ir-
ered with long hairs. Leaves are orbicular-ovate to plied to treat headache, cuts, wounds, and sprain. ritant hairs. It grows up to 2.5 m tall with hairy Distribution : This plant is found nearly in all the
Infusion, decoction, or tincture of seeds is used to branches. Leaves are alternate, ovate-oblong, districts under planted condition.
ovate, variously angled and 3 to 5-lobed or more,
pointed at the tip, broad or heart-shaped at the treat nervous debility, hysteria, and other nervous long-pointed, with a heart-shaped base, margin
base, toothed at the margin, hairy on both sur- disorders. unevenly toothed. Flowers are maroon, about 5
faces. Flowers axillary, solitary and in terminal The plant considered to treat bronchitis, asthma, cm across, solitary, axillary, pendulous. Sepals
clusters, large and corolla bell-shaped, yellow dyspepsia, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, flatulence, are lance-shaped, fused at base. Petals are 5,
and vomiting. which soon fall off. Capsule is papery, 5-winged,
petals, purple at the base inside. Fruit a capsule,
cut-off at the tip.
fulvous-hairy, pyramidal-oblong, acute, containing Distribution : The species commonly occurs
many musky seeds. throughout the country. Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, bark, and root.


3. Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. 4. Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. subsp.
indica (Benth.) Brenana

Family : Mimosaceae plant are taken with warm water thrice a day (one Family : Mimosaceae Juice extracted from the bark of the plant is given
pill each time) until the asthma and rabies is cured. for the treatment of tuberculosis.
Synonym : Acacia wallichiana DC., Mimosa cat- Synonym : Mimosa nilotica L.
Bark extracts of the plant appears to block the An infusion made with the bark of the plant is used
echu L.f.
body pain. Bengali/Vernacular name : Babla, Kikar. to take three times a day (5 ml amount each time)
Bengali/Vernacular name : Khair, Katha, Khadira, The bark of the plant relieves psoriasis, anaemia, for three days to treat diarrhoea.
Tribal name : Janum-daru (Munda).
Babul. and ulcers. Juice extracted from the bark is taken until the
The plant is used for the treatment of bronchitis, English name : Indian gum-arabic tree, Babul cough is cured.
Tribal name : Kalakot, Pagara kot (Chakma).
cough, cold, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, tree, Black babool. Bark of the plant is given for the treatment of
English name : Cutch tree, Black catechu. sores, skin disease, and leprosy. leprosy.
Description of the plant : A medium-sized, thorny,
Description of the plant : A medium sized de- Distribution : It is distributed in the northern dis- fast growing tree with spreading crown; thorns Distribution : Bogra, Faridpur, Satkhira, Khulna,
ciduous tree, bark reddish-brown, rough, cracked, tricts especially in Rajshahi, and Pabna districts. straight, 2-5 cm long, white. Leaves 2-pinnate, Jessore, Kushtia, Pabna, Rajshahi also planted
branchlets brown, thorny, stipuler spines in pairs. pinnae 6-12, leaflets small, 20-40. Flowers yel- by the road sides and embankments throughout
Leaves bipinnate, alternate; pinnae 40-80; leaf- low, in globose axillary heads. Fruits moniliform, the country.
lets 60-100, small ligulate. Flowers creamy-white compressed, constricted at the sutures between
or pale yellow in cylindrical axillary spikes. Pods the seeds.
strap-shaped, straight, brown.
Plant parts used : Bark.
Plant parts used : Bark, heartwood.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with
Ethnomedicinal uses : Extract prepared from the the barks of the plant is taken thrice a day (10 ml
bark of the plant is used for the purpose of gargling amount each time) until the dysentery is cured.
to relieve the problem of gingivitis. The bark of the plant is chewed to protect against
Pea-sized pills made with the heartwood of the scurvy.


5. Acalypha indica L. 6. Acanthus ilicifolius L.


Family : Euphorbiaceae (10 ml amount each time) until the cold, and cough Family : Acanthaceae treatment of leucorrhoea, and general debility.
is cured. A paste made with the leaves of the plant Decoction prepared from leaves and roots of the
Synonym : Acalypha chinensis Benth., Acalypha Synonym : Acanthus doloarin Blanco, Dilivaria il-
is applied to the infected skin once a day for seven plant is used for gargling to treat toothache, and
spicata Forssk. icifolia (L.) Juss.
days to treat scabies. sore in mouth.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Muktajhuri, Swetbas- A powder made with the roots of the plant is taken Bengali/Vernacular name : Hargoza, Hurkcuh, A balm made with the juice extracted from the
anta, Biralhatchi. with warm water twice a day (5 gm amount each Kotki, Harkuch kanta (Bengali); Kekanta (Sandwip). leaves of the plant and added mustard oil, after
Tribal name : Salik kushhom (Tripura). time) until the pneumonia is cured. warming it is used for massaging on the affected
English name : Sea holly, Holly-leaved acanthus,
A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is parts of the body thrice a day until the paralysis
English name : Indian acalypha, Indian nettle. Holly mangrove.
advised to take for the treatment of dysentery. is cured.
Description of the plant : A small erect herb, Powder or decoction prepared from the leaves of Description of the plant : A mangrove shrub. Syrup made from the leaves and roots of the plant
ascending branches are angled and velvet-hairy. the plant is taken to treat constipation. Leaves petiolate, with a pair of short basal spines, is administered for the treatment of dyspepsia.
Leaves long-petiolate, mosaically arranged, broad- Decoction of leaves is used as instillation for ear- thick, coriaceous, green and shining, oblong to A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
ly ovate, nearly triangular, crenate-serrate. Flow- ache. oblong-lanceolate, margin irregularly lobed, spini- plied to treat rheumatism, snake bite, and wound.
ers are stalkless, borne on erect axilary spikes, The leaves of the plant are mixed with turmeric, tipped. Flowers bluish-purple, in terminal inter- Decoction of whole plant is used to treat kidney
male flowers minute, clustered near the summit which used for acne. rupted spikes. Fruit a capsule, ellipsoid-oblong, stone, and pain.
of the spike, female flowers are solitary and scat- Poultice of the plant is applied to treat of rheu- seeds 4 per capsule. Distribution : It is found in the coastal areas of the
tered, each with a large and leafy bract. Fruit a matism, snake bite, insect bite, and headache.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. districts of Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur,
capsule of 3 minute, 2-valved, crustaceous cocci. Distribution : In fallow lands throughout the country. Barguna, Patuakhali, Bhola, Noakhali, Chittagong,
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with and Cox’s Bazar.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
the leaves and roots of the plant is used to treat
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from asthma.
the leaves of the plant is taken three times a day Roots of the plant boiled in cow milk used for the


7. Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f. 8. Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco


Family : Adiantaceae a day (two drops) for two days to treat ophthalmia. Family : Myrsinaceae of rheumatism, painful arthritis, inflammation,
Synonym : Adiantum philippense L. Decoction prepared from the fronds of the fern is and asthma.
Synonym : Aegiceras majus Gaertn.
taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) until
Bengali/Vernacular name : Biddapata, Kalijhant, Distribution : It is found in the Sundarbans, Chit-
the dysentery is cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Khalsi, Koilsha,
Filipino pakha. The fern is used as a lotion to reduce hair fall, tagong, and Cox’s Bazar (Chakaria Sundarban) dis-
Khulsa, Khalisa, Kasalong.
Tribal name : Bandar tala, Chikonjat bandartala and baldness. tricts.
(Chakma); Kobamoin phul, Kobamugo aso phul A fresh juice extracted from the frond of the fern is English name : River mangrove, Black mangrove.
(Marma). taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time) Description of the plant : A mangrove shrub or
to control the diabetes.
English name : Walking maiden hair fern, Philip- small tree, up to 5 m tall. Leaves obovate-oblong
Fresh juice extracted from the frond of the fern is
pine maiden hair. to obovate, pale green, margin entire, slightly revo-
taken three times a day (10 ml amount each time)
Description of the plant : A small and delicate lute, apex rounded-emarginate, base attenuate.
until the febrile convulsion (high fever) is cured.
fern. Stipes tufted, slender, dark brown, shining, Dried roots of the fern mixed with water are taken Flowers are small, 15-20 per inflorescence, white,
glabrous, 5-20 cm long. Fronds 15-30 cm long orally by women once during menstruation for in ball-like clusters. Fruit a capsule, like curved
and 7 cm broad, simply pinnate, often elongated sterility. bean pods, elongated, cylindrical, falcately curved,
and rooting at the apex; pinnae subdimidiate, the The fern is used for the treatment of asthma, reddish-brown, surrounded at the base by persis-
lower edge nearly in a line or oblique with the bronchitis, cold, cough, epilepsy, leprosy, ulcers, tent cup-like calyx.
petiole, the upper edge rounded; the rachis and fever, gallstone, jaundice, sore throat, skin disease,
both surfaces naked. Sori are oblong to linear, snake bite, and tumour. Plant parts used : Leaf, bark.
and as long as the lobes are broad.
Distribution : The species commonly occurs in the Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the
Plant parts used : Frond, root. Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Comilla, Cox’s leaves of the plant is given for the control of dia-
Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the Bazar, Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Saidpur, and Sat- betes.
fronds of the fern is given in the infected eye once khira in shade. The barks of the plant are used for the treatment


9. Allamanda cathartica L. 10. Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.)
B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm.

Family : Apocynaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh leaf juice is taken Family : Zingiberaceae Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of
twice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) cardiac weakness, and hypertension.
Synonym : Allamanda latifolia C.Presl Synonym : Zerumbet speciosum J.C.Wendl, Costus
for the treatment of malaria. An extract made with the leaves of the plant; hot
zerumbet Pers.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Alakananda, Ghanta A paste made with the roots of the plant is applied bath is advised to have with that extract once a
phul, Harkakra. to the body twice a day until the gout is cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Kuljon, Gandhamul, day until the skin disease is cured.
Leaf juice is administered for the treatment of Madhunikkon.
Tribal name : Tin thuppa annol (Chakma), Anu Distribution : It is cultivated throughout the country
diarrhoea, vomiting, and jaundice.
choiloi (Marma), Kadyo-shya-payn (Chak), Khaw- English name : Shell ginger. near homesteads, and in gardens.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
rung (Murang).
is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each Description of the plant : A perennial rhizoma-
English name : Yellow allamanda, Golden trumpet. time) for the treatment of hyperacidity. tous herb. Leaves petiolate, lanceolate to linear-
lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, broadly acute at
Description of the plant : An evergreen, scan- Distribution : The species occurs throughout the
the base, smooth on both sides with hairy margins.
dent shrub. Leaves are opposite, in whorls of 3 country under cultivated condition.
The flowers are white, tipped in pink, and borne
or 4, although the upper ones may be scattered,
in long pendant arches. In some varieties, there
lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 8-12 cm long,
is no pink in the tip. Fruits rounded, densely hairy.
2.5-4 cm wide, pointed on both ends. Flowers are
yellow and short-stalked; corolla about 7 cm long, Plant parts used : Leaf, rhizome.
tube funnel-shaped; calyx-teeth green, somewhat
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
spreading, lanceolate. Capsule almost globose,
the leaves of the plant used to take bath once a
unilocular; seeds numerous with a circular wing,
day for five days to treat fever.
without a tuft of hairs.
The fresh rhizomes of the plant are applied to
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. treat ringworms.


11. Amomum maximum Roxb. 12. Amorphophallus bulbifer
(Roxb.) Blume

Family : Zingiberaceae Family : Araceae The plant is used in boils, hemorrhoids, tumours,
cough, bronchitis, asthma, inflammation, and pain
Synonym : Cardamomum maximum (Roxb.) Kuntze Synonym : Arum bulbiferum Roxb.
of rheumatic swelling.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Barotera. Bengali/Vernacular name : Jongle-ol, Amla-bela,
Distribution : It is found in Sherpur, Mymensingh,
Description of the plant : A tall rhizomatous herb. Gazipur, Comilla, Habiganj, Maulvi Bazar, Sylhet,
Leaf oblong or long elliptic, base attenuate, apex Tribal name : Baghadumm, Chung-moro (Garo); Chittagong districts, and in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
caudate. The lovely white flowers appear in dense Banka (Koch); Kenra-kachu (Rakhaing).
clusters from compact inflorescences at ground English name : Devil's tongue, Voodoo lily, Corpse
level. Labellum white, yellow on each side of mid- flower, Snake palm.
vein, red striate at base, ovate, apex slightly revo-
lute, entire. Capsule purple-green, ovoid. Description of the plant : An annual herb with
large, depressed-globose, much-warted tubers.
Plant parts used : Rhizome. Leaves solitary, 3-partite, segments pinnatisect,
Ethnomedicinal uses : An extract made with the appearing long after the flowers. Spathe 15-23 cm
rhizome of the plant is applied to the affected part across. Spadix very stout; female inflorescence
of the body to treat abscesses. cylindric, male subturbinate, appendage dark-
A paste made with the rhizome of the plant is ap- purple. Berries ovoid.
plied to the affected part of the body once a day Plant parts used : Leaf.
for three days to treat mumps.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the very
Distribution : The species is found in Bandarban young leaves of the plant is applied to the biting
district. place twice a day for two days to treat insect bite.


13. Anacardium occidentale L. 14. Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.


Family : Anacardiaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Leaf decoction is advised Family : Thymelaeaceae Powder made from the dried leaves of the plant is
to take for the treatment of diarrhoea. taken twice a day (5 gm amount each time) with
Synonym : Anacardium microcarpum Ducke Bengali/Vernacular name : Agar.
Paste parepared from the seeds of the plant is water for three days to treat painful micturation.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kaju, Kajubadam, applied to treat skin infection and burns. Tribal name : Agar gach (Chakma), Mahaga A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
Hijlibadam. A decoction made with the bark of the plant is (Marma, Tripura). is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
taken three times a day (50 ml amount each time) three days to treat loose motion.
Tribal name : Kresenath gach (Chakma), Chieyong- English name : Agar.
caarah (Chak), Soh-liang (Khasia), Guestunut until the dysentery is cured. Distribution : The plant grows in Maulvi Bazar for-
The fruit of the plant is taken for the treatment Description of the plant : A large evergreen tree,
(Lushai), Senabadam (Murang), Guestunut (Pan- ests, cultivated occasionally by the Forest Depart-
of syphilis with straight bole. Leaves alternate, linear-lanceo-
gkhoa), Phang-thaw-tara-sthei (Rakhaing), Kaju ment in Sylhet region, Chittagong, and Chittagong
late to ovate-oblong. Flowers small, greenish on
dare (Santal), Keshna (Tanchangya). Decoction made with the leaves of the plant is Hill Tracts.
shortly peduncled umbels, arising laterally from
gargled for mouth ulcer, tonsillitis, sore throat,
English name : Cashew nut, Goa-almond. the younger branches. Capsules ovoid, densely
and in addition it is used for washing wounds.
Description of the plant : A small to medium- The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
sized, evergreen tree, with much spreading of eczema, psoriasis, dyspepsia, genital problems, Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, root.
branches which form a large crown. Leaves sim- impotence, bronchitis, and cough.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A powder made with the
ple, alternate, ovate, base round or blunt, margin An infusion made with the bark of the plant is used
dried stems of the plant is taken with cow milk
entire. Flowers are small, crowded at the tips of to treat diabetes, weakness, muscular debility,
twice a day (2 gm amount each time) for one week
the branches and yellow to yellowish-white, the urinary disorder, and asthma.
to treat cardiac weakness.
petals usually with pink stripes. Fruit a nut, ash-
Distribution : The species occurs in the forest areas Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is
coloured, kidney-shaped.
of Tangail, Chittagong, and the Chittagong Hill Tract taken twice a day (three tea spoons amount each
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, fruit, and seed. under cultivated condition. time) for one week to treat constipation.


15. Argemone mexicana L. 16. Artabotrys hexapetalus
(L.f.) Bhandari

Family : Papaveraceae ing of parturition pain. Family : Annonaceae The flowers of the plant are used to treat vomiting,
Decoction of roots is used in skin disease, blennor- biliousness, sweat, leucoderma, and heart disease.
Synonym : Argemone spinosa Gaterau Synonym : Annona hexapetala L.f., Artabotrys odo-
rhagia, inflammatory swellings, and toothache. 5
ratissimus R.Br. Distribution : The plant is grown in garden.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Shialkanta, Barashi- ml amount juice extracted from the stem is mixed
yalkanta, Kengrabiji, Siakanta. with 5 ml amount fresh cow milk, and then the Bengali/Vernacular name : Kanthalichapa, Kat-
Tribal name : Wekamthu-asi (Khumi), Sunk-kha- mixture is used for long time to treat leprosy. champa, Guichapa.
ray (Rakhaing). Sap of the plant is applied to the affected part of
English name : Climbing ylang-ylang.
the body to treat wound.
English name : Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly The latex of the plant is used for the treatment of Description of the plant : A large climbing ever-
Poppy, Prickly poppy. jaundice, and dropsy. green shrub. Leaves petiolate, oblong-elliptic to
Description of the plant : A glabrous, glaucous, A decoction made with the leaves and stems of the oblanceolate, dark green, glabrous, shining. Flower
prickly herb with spreading branches and yellow plant is taken four times a day until the malaria usually solitary, extremely fragrant, two whorls of
juice. Leaves sessile, thistle-like, stem clasping, fever is cured. three greenish-yellow or yellow petals, sepals in
oblong, sinuately pinnatified, spinous, vein white. Infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is one whorl of three; green. Fruit obovoid, yellow,
Flowers yellow, large, terminal on short, leafy advised to give in cough, and asthma. and fragrant when ripe, glabrous, 6-10 in a bunch.
branches. Capsule is spiny, obovate, or elliptic- Juice of the plant is rubbed on the body to relieve
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower.
oblong, opening by 4-6 valves. Seeds are spherical, rheumatic pain.
shining, black, and pitted. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
Distribution : The plant is available in most of the
districts in fallow lands.
the leaves of the plant is advised to give for the
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, root.
treatment of cholera.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Infusion prepared from A paste made with the plant is applied for the
roots of the plant is given to women at the begin- treatment of itches, and skin diseases.


17. Barleria prionitis L. 18. Bidens pilosa L.


Family : Acanthaceae milk is given in whooping cough. Family : Asteraceae ache, diarrhoea, dysentery, flatulence, and kidney
A paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is Synonym : Bidens alba (L.) DC., Bidens hirta Jord. problem.
Synonym : Barleria hystrix L.
advised to apply to the cutting place for three days A fresh juice extracted from the plant is taken
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kanta-janti, Katshar- Bengali/Vernacular name : Bidenlosa.
to treat bleeding from cutting wound. twice a day (25 ml amount each time) for 15 days
eya, Kurantak, Swarnajhinti. English name : Beggar’s ticks, Farmers friend. to treat diabetes.
A mixture made from leaf juice, honey, water, and
Description of the plant : A branched herb, hairy Decoction prepared from the plant is taken to treat
Tribal name : Kural gach, Bisalla koroni (Chakma); then it is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount
or glabrous. Leaves imparipinnate with a large jaundice, and rheumatism.
Bisailla kuruli (Tanchangya). each time) for three days to treat fever.
terminal pinna, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate, and The powder or ash from the seeds of the plant is
English name : Porcupine flower, Barleria. A paste made with the leaves and stems of the used as a local anesthetic and rubbed into cut.
coarsely toothed. Inflorescence a capitulum, dis-
plant is applied to the biting place once a day for coid to radiate, long-peduncled, involucre sparsely Decoction prepared from the plant is advised to
Description of the plant : A much branched shrub,
three days to treat poisonous insect stings. hairy at the base. Disc-florets yellow, many; ray- take for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea, and ir-
armed with axillary spines. Leaves elliptic to el-
The leaves, stems, and flowers of the plant are florets white to cream coloured, few. Fruits are regular menstruation.
liptic-ovate, narrowed, and pointed at both ends.
used for viral fever, toothache, inflammation, gas- achenes, black, long and slender, linear. Sap from the plant is put into the ear to treat ear
Flowers are yellow and axillary, with the upper
trointestinal disorders, and neurological disease. Plant parts used : Leaf, root, seed, and whole infection.Extract prepared from the plant is taken
ones in spikes. Bracts and calyx are green, with
Ash of the plant mixed with the honey is a rem- plant. to cure stomach and mouth ulcers.
the outer bract usually foliaceous. Corolla is about
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
4 cm long. Fruit a capsule, 2-seeded, beaked. edy for bronchial asthma. Juice extracted from Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the
plied externally to the snake biting place twice a
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, bark, flower, and the leaves and stems of the plant is given for the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (10 ml
day until the poison is eliminated.
treatment of spermatorrhoea. amount each time) until the malaria is cured.
root. Decoction made from the herb is taken in large
Extract prepared from the plant is taken to control
Distribution : It is found in Dhaka, Chittagong, Syl- doses to treat arthritis.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the high blood pressure.
roots of the plant is applied to treat boils, and het, Rajshahi, Natore, Jessore, Kushtia, Dinajpur, Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant Distribution : The species is found in Dhaka dis-
glandular swellings.The juice of fresh bark with and Comilla district in fallow lands. is taken for the treatment of cough, cold, head- trict.


19. Boehmeria glomerulifera Miq. 20. Boerhavia diffusa L.


Family : Urticaceae amount each time) until the dysentery is cured. Family : Nyctaginaceae (5 ml amount each time) until cough, and asthma
Synonym : Boehmeria malabarica Wedd. Pounded fresh leaves are used as poultice for Synonym : Boerhavia paniculata f. esetosa Heimerl is cured.
swelling pain. Infusion prepared from the plant is given in febrile
Bengali/Vernacular name : Borthurthuri. Bengali/Vernacular name : Punarnava, Gondha- convulsion.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Tribal name : Urmurpata (Chakma), Mrangna purna, Swetpurna. Cottonseed-sized pills made with the dried leaves
applied to the boils to treat it.
(Marma), Aruleng (Murang), Holemfry (Tripura). An extract made with the leaves of the plant is used Tribal name : Parengnawa (Marma), Perunoa and stems of the plant are taken thrice a day (one
English name : Malabar tree nettle. for having hot bath once a day until the hemiplegia (Murang), Krow-naa-row (Rakhaing). pill each time) for one month to treat impotence.
is cured. English name : Spreading hogweed, Pigweed, A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant,
Description of the plant : A large shurb or small after adding some water it is taken thrice a day
tree, about 4 m tall. Alternately spirally arranged Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Wineflower.
(10 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat
leaves are ovate-lanceshaped, tip long-pointed, is taken two times a day (5 ml amount each time) Description of the plant : A diffusely spreading, dysentery.
base rounded, margin toothed, velvety beneath, until the epilepsy is cured. laxly branched, smooth or somewhat hairy herb. Leaves and stems of the plant are given for the
with glandular stinging hairs, 3-nerved at base. An extract made with the leaves of the plant is Leaves are scattered, ovate, elliptic, or oblong, treatment of dyspepsia, tumours, and abdominal
Flowers monoecious, minute, greenish-white, in used for having hot bath once a day for three days sometimes wavy, pale beneath, with rounded or pain.
small axillary, sessile clusters along main branch- to treat fever. pointed apex, and usually rounded base. Cymes A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems
es. Fruit an ovoid achene, acute. A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, are very lax and panicled with slender branches. of the plant is taken twice a day for seven days to
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. after warming the juice is taken once a day (20 ml Flowers are minute, usually fascicled or subum- treat leucorrhoea.
amount each time) for two weeks to treat jaundice. bellate on the ultimate branchlets, pink. Fruits The herb is used for the treatment of epilepsy,
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the small, 5-ribbed, and glandular.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is taken fever, constipation, snake bite, headache, pain,
leaves of the plant is applied to the biting place
twice a day for two days to treat osteomalacia. Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, and root. hemorrhoids, jaundice, gout, roundworm, urethri-
to treat snake and insect bite.
tis, excessive menstruation, and insomnia.
A decoction made with the roots of the plant, after Distribution : The species is found in the forests Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the
adding some sugar it is taken twice a day (100 ml of Sylhet, Chittagong, and Cox’s Bazar districts. roots of the plant is advised to take thrice a day Distribution : It grows all over the country.


21. Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston 22. Brownlowia elata Roxb.


Family : Euphorbiaceae Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. Family : Tiliaceae

Synonym : Phyllanthus retusus Dennst., Breynia Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from Synonym : Brownlowia gamosepala (Turcz.) Burret
patens (Roxb.) Rolfe the stems of the plant is applied to the affected
Bengali/Vernacular name : Much gach, Mus,
eye three times a day (one drop each time) until
Bengali/Vernacular name : Chitki, Kantokushi, Moos.
the conjunctivitis is cured.
Akdana, Kantakoi (Bengali); Heza (Mymensingh); A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- Tribal name : Mos gach (Chakma).
Kamkoi (Chittagong). plied to the boils to treat it. Description of the plant : A lofty tree, branches
Tribal name : Taipak, Shukujja gas, Hamussa gas Distribution : The species commonly occurs in spreading. Leaves ovate, base cordate, apex acute,
(Chakma); Heja (Garo); Bobipui (Khumi); Fai-mong the forests of Sylhet, Chittagong, and Chittagong glabrous, white beneath, sometimes peltate, peti-
(Marma); Konku, Kongkoi (Tanchangya). Hill Tracts districts. ole 8-10 cm or longer. Panicle terminal, as long as
the terminal leaf; flowers yellow. Follicles obliquely
English name : Cup saucer plant, Cupped coral-
ovate, woody.
berry tree.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Description of the plant : A shrub or small tree,
much-branched, spreading, almost horizontal. Al- Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
ternately arranged leaves, 1-3 cm, broadly elliptic, leaves of the plant is applied to the biting place
obtuse, with a rounded tip. Flowers are unisexual, twice a day for three days to treat poisonous in-
in leaf axils, on filament-like peduncles. Male flow- sect stings.
ers 1-3 fascicled, yellow; female green; sepals 6, The plant is used for diarrhoea, and syphilis.
round. Fruit a capsule, depressed-globose, 13-17 Distribution : The species is found in Cox’s Bazar,
mm in diameter, faintly 3-lobed. Chittagong, and Chittagong Hill Tracts.


23. Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.) Poir. 24. Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken


Family : Rhizophoraceae Family : Crassulaceae leaves of the plant is used to treat sprain, eczema,
Synonym : Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. burns, and carbuncles.
Synonym : Rhizophora sexangula Lour.
Leaf juice is used for the treatment of earache,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kankra, Lalnatinga, Bengali/Vernacular name : Pathorkuchi. and ophthalmia.
Banduri, Rohinia. Tribal name : Jeos, Roah kapanghey (Chakma); A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is
English name : Upriver orange mangrove. Jeejak laua, Rokeya panko, Rokkapang bang, taken with some sugar twice a day (30 ml amount
Wakheponey (Marma); Samjangi (Garo); Rocha- each time) for one month to treat asthma.
Description of the plant : A mangrove tree, up to Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
bawn (Rakhaing).
30 m tall. Leaves petiolate, glabrous, yellowish, is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each
elliptic to elliptic-oblong, or rarely oblanceolate, English name : Miracle plant, Mother of thou-
sands. time) until the epilepsy is cured.
base cuneate to rarely obtuse, apex acute, stip- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
ules green or yellowish. Flowers solitary, yellow. Description of the plant : An erect, more or plied to treat wounds, bruise, boils, and insect bite.
Fruit a berry, more or less distinctly ribbed and less branched, succulent herb. Leaves simple, Juice of the plant is used in diarrhoea, dysentery,
enclosed in sepal. opposite-decussate, narrowly boatshaped, thick, and cholera.
succulent, and scalloped margin. Plantlets grow Decoction made with the leaves of the plant is
Plant parts used : Bark. along the notches of the leaf margins which can taken to control high blood pressure.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the bark develop while still attached to the plant or when A fresh juice extracted from roots of the plant is
of the plant is applied externally twice a day to the detached, a fascinating characteristic that earns taken four times a day (5 ml amount each time)
burning places until the wound is healed. The bark its name. Flowers are cylindric, and pendulous in for five days to treat cough.
of the plant is used to treat diarrhoea, and tumour. a large, terminal panicle, reddish-purple. Fruit a The plant is used for the treatment of diabetes,
follicle with many seeds. dysuria, jaundice, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.
Distribution : This mangrove species is found in
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
mangrove forests of Khulna, Satkhira, and Bager- Distribution : The species commonly occurs
hat districts. Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the throughout the country.


25. Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. 26. Calendula officinalis L.


Family : Caesalpiniaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction of flower is used Family : Asteraceae and cuts heal faster.
in sores, erysipelas, and inflammation of the eyes. The herbs are used traditionally to treat conjunc-
Synonym : Poinciana pulcherrima L. Synonym : Calendula eriocarpa DC.
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant tivitis and other eye inflammation as it helps to
Bengali/Vernacular name : Radhachura, Chotto- is taken twice a day (20 ml amount each time) for Bengali/Vernacular name : Calendula. reduce the swelling, and redness of eye infections.
krishnachura. seven days to treat dysuria. Cream prepared from the flowers of the plant is
English name : Pot marigold.
A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is used to treat acne, and hemorrhoids.
Tribal name : Magato mini (Marma), Radhachura
used in liver affections and as mouth wash and Description of the plant : An erect, hispidly pu-
gas (Chakma), Rummoth-phang (Garo), Sen-ri- Distribution : Cultivated all over the country as
gargle for mouth, throat ulcers.The leaves of the bescent, annual herb. Leaves elongate, sessile,
te-par (Lushai). ornamental plant.
plant are used to treat malaria, bronchitis, fever, minutely-toothed or entire, base cordate, upper
English name : Peacock flower, Paradise flower, jaundice, colic, flatulence, and malignant tumours. leaves lanceolate. Capitula heterogamous, 4.5 cm
Flower-fence, Dwarf poinciana. Infusion made with the bark of the plant is used for in diameter, yellow coloured, peduncled, solitary,
gargling thrice a day until the gingivitis is cured. terminal or axillary, hairy
Description of the plant : A shrub or small tree,
The seeds of the plant are used for the treatment
3-6 m tall, branches are armed with a few scat- Plant parts used : Leaf, flower.
of cough, chest pain, and breathing difficulty.
tered spines. Leaves bipinnate, 4-8 pairs of pinnae.
Decoction of roots used for intermittent fever. Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with flowers
Leaflet are stalkles, 7-11 pairs, elliptic, 1-2 cm
The fruits of the plant are used to treat diarrhoea, of the plant is applied to treat eczema, sprain,
long. . Flowers are red and yellow, or yellow, borne
and dysentery. wounds, snake bite, wart, and skin diseases.
on terminal, lax racemes, about 4 cm in diameter.
The tea prepared from the flowers of the plant is
Petals are crisped and clawed. Stamens are long- Distribution : This species is planted throughout
the country. advised to take for the treatment of cough, and
exserted. Pod is nearly straight, flat, smooth, 5-9
cm long, containing 6 to 8 seeds.
Ointment prepared from the flowers of the plant
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, flower, and root. is often applied to the skin to help burns, bruise,


27. Callicarpa arborea Roxb. 28. Canna indica L.


Family : Verbenaceae amount each time) for three days to treat fever. Family : Cannaceae abdomen twice a day to treat abdominal pain.
Synonym : Callicarpa magna Schauer An extract prepared from the leaves of the plant, A decoction prepared from the rhizome with fer-
Synonym : Canna occidentalis Ker Gawl., Canna
hot bath is advised to have once a day with that mented rice is used for the treatment of gonor-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Bormala (Bengalli); macrophylla Horan.
leaf extract for the treatment of epilepsy. rhoea, and amenorrhoea.
Koja, Khoja, Haja (Chittagong); Dhalahuja (Sylhet). Bengali/Vernacular name : Kalaboti, Shorbojoya. Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant, after
Tribal name : Jang gach, Banitak (Chakma); warming and adding some salt it is applied to of malaria.
Tribal name : Chudaw-payn (Chak), Diggi-walsun
Mashkhanchi (Garo); Lykee (Khumi); Lihid-pana the infected gum twice a day until the gingivitis A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
(Garo), Holabe phul (Chakma), Bawngkawr (Lus-
(Marma); Tara-mah (Marma). is cured. plied to treat boils, and tonsillitis.
hai), Tea-teng (Murang), Bawnkawr (Pangkhoa),
English name : Beautyberry tree. A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, Khom-lyru-dong (Tripura). Distribution : The species occurs throughout the
Description of the plant : A moderate sized tree, and then massage is done to the affected part of country under cultivated condition.
English name : Indian short, Canna lily, African
branches densely tomentose. Leaves are elliptic, the body twice a day until the rheumatism is cured.
oblong-elliptic, or ovate, leathery, densely yellow- An extract made with the barks of the plant is
brown velvety on the underside, dark green and used to treat diarrhoea. Description of the plant : A perennial rhizomatous
shiny above, base wedge-shaped to rounded, mar- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is herb, aerial stem light green to chocolate coloured.
gin entire. Purple flowers are borne in cymes 6-11 applied to the affected part of the body for the Leaves simple, spirally arranged, lanceolate to
cm across. Cymes are carried on 4-angled stalks, treatment of scorpion sting. ovate, caudate-acuminate. Flowers large, red, or-
longer than leaf-stalks. Fruit a small drupe, about Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is ange coloured, rather distant, in terminal spike.
2.5 mm in diameter, purple when ripe administered for the treatment of worm infestation. Fruit a capsule, warty outside.

Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, and root. Plant parts used : Leaf, rhizome.
Distribution : It is found in forests of Chittagong,
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Dhaka, Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml Mymensingh, and some Northern districts. rhizome of the plant is applied externally to the


29. Carissa carandas L. 30. Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold


Family : Apocynaceae A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Family : Apocynaceae to the forehead for relief of children’s ailments.
is taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time) A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Synonym : Carissa salicina Lam. Synonym : Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K.Schum.
until the epilepsy is cured. is applied into the infected eye twice a day (one
Bengali/Vernacular name : Karamcha, Karach, The bark of the plant is used to treat skin disease. Bengali/Vernacular name : Kolkephul, Holde or two drops each time) for three days to treat
Karanga, Karancha. The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment kolkephul. conjunctivitis.
of diarrhoea, dysentery, earache, soreness of the Tribal name : Goi phul (Chakma), Kaduk chapa- Leaf boiled water is used to wash biting place for
English name : Christ’s thron.
mouth and throat, syphilitic pain, malaria, and ing (Chak), Sakho-kazzeye (Khumi), Cherry-pawn the treatment of insect bite.
Description of the plant : A spinous, bushy shrub diabetes. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
(Rakhaing), Koilabi-khlom (Tripura).
or small tree, with milky latex. Leaves obovate, plied to the infected skin to treat leprosy.
Distribution : It is grown in most parts of the English name : Yellow oleander, Lucky nut, Mexi-
ellitpic or oblong, mostly widest above the middle, A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
cuneate at the base, obtuse at the apex. Flowers can oleander. to affected part of the body to treat body pain, and
white, in terminal corymbose cymes. Fruit almost Description of the plant : A large shrub or small inflammation.
2 cm long, reddish-purple when ripe. tree. Leaves 8-15 cm long, linear, narrowed at Distribution : The species commonly occurs
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, and root. both ends, spirally arranged. Cymes few-flowered, throughout the country.
terminal, peduncle very short; flowers yellow or
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from orange, occasionally white, funnel-shaped, 5 cm
the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (two long. The fruit is a drupe, smooth, green, shining,
tea spoons amount each time) until the stomach somewhat hard, rounded, and angled, 3-4 cm in
problem, and urinary disorder is cured. diameter.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Plant parts used : Leaf.
taken three times a day (50 ml amount each time)
until the remittent fever is cured. Ethnomedicinal uses : The leaf paste is applied


31. Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don 32. Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.


Family : Apocynaceae twice a day (2 gm amount each time) for seven Family : Bombacaceae is advised to take for the treatment of gonorrhoea,
days to treat dysentery. Synonym : Bombax pentandrum L. dysuria, and fever.
Synonym : Vinca rosea L.
Decoction prepared from the flowers of the plant Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Nayan tara. Bengali/Vernacular name : Swetshimul (Bengali),
is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) until after adding some sugar it is taken thrice a day
Burma shimul (Chittagong).
the asthma is cured. (50 ml amount each time) until the dysmenorrhoea
Tribal name : Chok phul (Chakma), Piyong (Chak),
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Tribal name : Bely-plow (Khumi), La-kung (Lushai), is cured. Infusion of leaves, onions, and a little
Kum-tluang-par (Lushai), Fra-pang-pao (Murang), Gawnja-bawn (Rakhaing).
is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for turmeric, used to treat cough.
Hri-hri-chene-bawn (Rakhaing).
seven days to treat menorrhagia. English name : Kapok, Ceiba, White silk cotton tree. Decoction of bark is used for the treatment of
English name : Madagascar periwinkle, Rose Infusion made with the leaves of the plant is given bronchitis, hypertension, abdominal complaints,
Description of the plant : An erect, medium-sized
periwinkle. for the treatment of indigestion, and dyspepsia. deciduous tree, up to 20 m tall. Leaves at the end diarrhoea, flatulence, constipation, and fever.
Description of the plant : A perennial, branched Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of of twigs, long petiolate, digitately compound, leaf- Warmed young leaves of the plant mixed with
hypertension, insomnia, dengue fever, skin dis- lets 5-8, cuneate, apex acuminate, margin entire. the palm oil are eaten as a prescription for heart
herb. Leaves opposite, oblong, rounded at tip,
ease, cancer, and dysmenorrhoea. Flowers are numerous large, appears at the ends problem.
pointed at base. Flowers are white, pink, or red
of the branches in clusters, fragrant, and creamy Decoction prepared from the bark of the plant is
coloured; comprising five petals spreading from Distribution : It is grown in many gardens as an
white. Fruit a capsule, 15-20 cm long, dehiscent. advised to take twice a day (50 ml amount each
a long and tubular throat. Fruit a cylindric follicle, ornamental plant and also cultivated for medici-
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, flower, and root. time) until the dysentery is cured.
2-3 cm long. nal uses.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, and root. Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with applied to the affected part of the body for the
the barks of the plant is taken thrice a day (10 treatment of swollen fingers, wounds, and sores.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction made with the ml amount each time) until the type II diabetes
leaves of the plant is taken three times a day (50 is cured. Distribution : The species is very common in Chit-
ml amount each time) to control the diabetes. Decoction of flower is used to treat constipation. tagong, Cox’s Bazar district, especially along the
A powder made with the roots of the plant is taken Powder prepared from the tap root of young plant Cox’s Bazar to Teknaf highway.


33. Cheilocostus speciosus 34. Chrozophora rottleri (Geiseler)
(J.Koenig) C.D.Specht A.Juss. ex Spreng.

Family : Costaceae Lip is white, suborbicular, 6-8 cm long, crinkled, Family : Euphorbiaceae
irregularly and rather finely toothed. Synonym : Croton plicatus Vahl
Synonym : Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm.
Plant parts used : Rhizome. Bengali/Vernacular name : Khudi okra, Khudi
Bengali/Vernacular name : Keu, Keumol, Ban-
duki, Kura, Tia tot. Ethnomedicinal uses : The juice extracted from phora.
the rhizome of the plant is given for the treatment English name : Turnsole.
English name : Spiral ginger.
of cough, diabetes, fever, asthma, bronchitis, and
Description of the plant : An erect herb with silvery
Tribal name : Fala chingey, Hodogi, Khedogi, rash.
hairs, lower part of stem is naked, upper part hairy.
Praing daing muk (Chakma); Cry tong mui, Kiloni Pea-sized pills made with the rhizomes of the
Leaves are hairy on both sides, ovate to circular,
gach, Koingdo pang (Marma); Moth gangath (Garo); plant are taken thrice a day (one pill each time)
with wavy margin. Flowers are small, yellowish.
Kramo-kujii (Khumi); Krah-dey (Khasia); Oal sup for one month to treat spermatorrhoea.
Male flowers petals ovate. Female flowers sepals
(Murang); Terpimungkhorol (Pangkhoa); Prein- A fresh juice extracted from the rhizome of the triangular, acute. Fruit a capsule.
taw-mey-bawn (Rakhaing); Pekhum (Tripura). plant is taken thrice a day (10 ml amount each
time) for three days to treat stomachache. Plant parts used : Leaf, fruit.
Description of the plant : An herb up to 3 m tall,
Stem juice is given in dysentery. Juice extracted Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
stem sub-woody at the base, spirally twisted.
from the rhizome of the plant is applied to the leaves of the plant is applied to the cutting place
Leaves are spirally arranged, oblong, 15-30 cm
infected skin once a day until the eczema and by tying with a piece of cloth once a day for three
long, with pointed tip, short stalks and covered with
scabies is cured. days to healing cutting wounds.
soft hairs on the lower surface. Flowers occur in
A fresh juice extracted from the rhizome of the Juice of the fruit is given in cases of cough and cold.
very dense, solitary spikes. Spikes are very dense,
plant is taken for the treatment of food poisoning, Decoction prepared from the plant is advised to
solitary, terminal, ovoid, 5-10 cm long; purple
and indigestion. take for the treatment of skin disease.
bracts ovate, 2.5-4.5 cm long. Calyx is flattened,
purple, 3-5 cm long, with 3 short, ovate lobes. Distribution : The species commonly occurs al- Distribution : It is found in Noakhali, Kushtia, Jes-
Corolla segments are white, oblong, 4-6 cm long. most throughout the country except Sundarban. sore, and Magura districts.


35. Cissus elongata Roxb. 36. Cissus quadrangularis L.


Family : Vitaceae are taken thrice a day (one pill each time) for one Family : Vitaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
month to treat spermatorrhoea. stems of the plant, then a plaster is made to the
Synonym : Vitis elongata (Roxb.) Wall. Synonym : Cissus edulis Dalzell, Vitis quadrangu-
Paste prepared from the leaves and stems of the fractured bone with that paste and binding tightly
laris (L.) Wall. ex Wight
Bengali/Vernacular name : Chemna lata, Dhemna. plant is applied for the treatment of skin diseases. it should be kept for 15 days to treat it.
Pea-sized pills made from the leaves and stems Bengali/Vernacular name : Harjora, Charkona Leaves of young shoots, dried and powdered, used
Tribal name : Warongkheya (Garo), El-lid (Chak-
of the plant are taken three times a day (one pill lota, Harbhangalata (Bengali); Haptabanga (No- for bowel complaints associated with indigestion.
ma), Honga (Khumi), Warongkheya (Marma),
each time) until the rheumatism is cured. akhali). Fresh juice extracted from the stems of the plant
Champuither (Pangkhoa).
is taken to treat asthma, malaria, and scurvy.
Distribution : This species occurs in Bandarban, Tribal name : Hatvanga daru (Chakma); Arang
Description of the plant : A large herbaceous Powder made from the stems of the plant is taken
Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Khagrachari, Rangamati, jura, Diggi-threngi, Moi-bhanga (Garo); Harsan-
climber, glabrous with leaf-opposed, twice bifid to treat diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and peptic
and Slyhet district. ga, Pyandhum (Marma); Hutam khang (Murang);
tendrils. Leaves palmately 5-foliolate, glabrous, ulcer disease.
Aroow-cha-sthei, Zejonglasa (Rakhaing).
petioles up to 10 cm long, leaflet ellitpic or ellip- A fresh juice extracted from the stems of the plant
tic-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, serrate. Cymes English name : Edible stemmed-vine, Veld grape, is taken with little amount of honey to treat men-
dichotomously branched, small umbels. Flowers Winged treebine, Devil's backbone. orrhagia.
small, 4-merous. Fruit a berry, elliptic, smooth, Distribution : This species occurs in the district
Description of the plant : A large climber with
black, 1-seeded. of Chittagong, Sylhet, Dhaka, and in the Shun-
succulent stem much contracted at the nodes,
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. quadrangular. Leaves fleshy, reniform, broadly darbans.
ovate, denticulate, and obtuse at the apex. Flow-
Ethnomedicinal uses : The leaves and stems of the
ers 4-merous, reddish. Fruit a berry, globose, red
plant cooked as vegetable and given as a remedy
when ripe.
for jaundice.
Pea-sized pills made from the leaves of the plant Plant parts used : Stem.


37. Cleome rutidosperma DC. 38. Cleome viscosa L.


Family : Capparaceae part of the body once a day for thirty days to treat Family : Capparaceae Juice extracted from the plant is applied (3-4 drops)
paralysis. into ears to relieve ear infection.
Synonym : Cleome ciliata Schumach. & Thonn. Synonym : Polanisia viscosa (L.) Blume
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant Distribution : The species commonly occurs
Bengali/Vernacular name : Begunehurhurey. is taken twice a day until the epilepsy is cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Halde hurhure,
throughout the country.
Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of Hurhuria.
Tribal name : Soto hurhuri (Manipuri).
convulsion, and spasm. Tribal name : Crachi (Chakma).
English name : Fringed spider flower.
Distribution : It is found all over the country. English name : Asian spider flower, Tickweed.
Description of the plant : A plant with spread-
ing and prostrate branches and leaves divided in Description of the plant : An annual erect herb,
densely clothed with glandular hairs. Leaves 3-5
3 leaflets. Flowers are small, violet-blue, 5 mm
foliolate; leaflets elliptic-oblong or obovate, acute
long, borne on long stalks from the leaf axil of the
or obtuse, the terminal the largest and reaching
flowering stems. Fruit is cylindrical and curved,
4.3 cm long. Flowers yellow, axillary, growing out
about 5 cm long, with numerous round, reddish-
into lax racemes. Capsule is cylindric, 4-7 cm long,
brown to black seeds, 1.5 mm diameter with barred
glandular-hairy, and narrowed above.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is applied to the navel region
leaves and stems of the plant is used to treat to treat stomachache.
earache. The leaves of the plant are used as remedy for
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the headache, wound, inflammation, and skin infec-
plant are applied after warming to the affected tion.


39. Clerodendrum thomsoniae Balf.f. 40. Clitoria ternatea L.


Family : Verbenaceae seven days to treat cluster headache; smoking is Family : Fabaceae from the leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day
prohibited during the period of treatment. (two tea spoons amount each time) until the meno-
Synonym : Clerodendrum balfourii Dombrain Synonym : Clitoria philippensis Perr., Clitoria par-
The paste prepared from the leaves of the plant pause is cured.
viflora Raf.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Hridoyhara, Hridoyk- is applied to the affected part of the body once a A decoction made with the flowers and salt, and
hora. day for 20 days to treat lipoma (tumour). Bengali/Vernacular name : Aparajita, Nil apara- then it is advised to take three times a day (10 ml
jita, Nila. amount each time) until the cough is cured.
English name : Bledding heart, Glory bower. Distribution : It is introduced and planted in gar-
dens in Dhaka city, and other urban areas. Tribal name : Apung fai (Chak), Amio (Marma), Seeds are burned for fume inhalation to treat
Description of the plant : A climbing shrub, up asthma.
Bay song kra (Murang), Kala ongey phil (Chakma),
to 7 m long, branches, and branchlets obtusely An extract made with the fruits of the plant is given
Ammai-noo-apang (Rakhaing).
4-angled. Leaves simple, opposite, broadly ovate,
in diarrhoea, and dysentery.
entire, shortly acuminate, sub-cordate to round at English name : Butterfly pea.
Warm leaf juice mixed with salt, and then it is
the base, minutely and sparsely pubescent below. Description of the plant : A perennial twining applied around the ears to treat earache.
Terminal clusters of inflorescence of odd "Bag herb with cylindrical and slender stem. Leaves Powder prepared from the dried roots of the plant
Flower" white calyxes from which emerge brilliant imparipinnate, leaflets 5-7, elliptic-oblong, apex is given in jaundice.
red "Bleeding Heart" corollas. Fruits drupaceous, acute, base obtuse or acute, stipules linear, stipels The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
glossy-black, with bright red aril within, uniting filiform. Flowers large, axillary, solitary; corolla of fever, piles, and smallpox.
the 4 pyrenes. deep blue with a white, yellowish, or pale blue cen- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
Plant parts used : Leaf. ter. Pods 5-10 cm long, beaked, with 6-10 seeds. plied to treat inflammation, leucoderma, leprosy,
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, fruit, seed, and skin disease, wound, insect bite, and snake bite.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
leaves of the plant is applied externally to the Distribution : The species occurs throughout the
forehead and kept from sunrise to sunset for Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted country under cultivation.


41. Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilipps 42. Couroupita guianensis Aubl.


Family : Combretaceae Roasted seeds of the plant are used in fever. Family : Lecythidaceae a day for five days to treat toothache.
A decoction made with the plant is given to treat The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
Synonym : Quisqualis indica L. Synonym : Couroupita peruviana O.Berg
flatulence. of alopecia, inflammation, fever, and malaria.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Modhumanjuri. Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, after Bengali/Vernacular name : Naglingom, Nagkeshor.
Distribution : This species planted in the gardens.
Tribal name : Payng-she-cha (Chak), Daway-ma- adding sugar, salt, and water, and then it is taken
English name : Cannonball tree.
apnag (Rakhaing). three times a day for five days to treat diarrhoea.
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the Description of the plant : A large evergreen tree
English name : Rangoon-creeper, Chinese honey- plant are applied externally for the treatment of growing to a height of 20 m. Leaves simple, alter-
suckle. boils, and skin ulcers. nate, shortly petiolate, oblong-obovate, and en-
Description of the plant : A large climbing, woody Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant tire to slightly serrate. Inflorescence is racemose,
shrub. Leaves papyraceous, elliptic or elliptic ob- is advised to take for the treatment of dysuria. arising from the trunk and other large branches.
long, apex acuminate, base rounded, margin entire. Flowers are reddish with a yellow tinge on the
Distribution : The species occurs throughout the
Flowers are fragrant, tubular, pendulous, showy, outside, fragrant, with stamens borne on an over-
country under planted condition.
first white, then becoming red, reddish-purple or arching androphore. Fruit larger than cricket ball,
orange, exhibiting the range of colours in clus- reddish-brown globose, 15-24 cm in diameter, with
ters, on the same flower stalk. Fruit is narrowly a woody capsule, seeds embedded in the pulp.
ellipsoid. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Leaf, seed. Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is used to treat skin disease.
leaves of the plant is applied to the forehead twice An extract made with the young leaves of the plant
a day until the headache is cured. by boiling in water is used for gargling four times


43. Crassocephalum crepidioides 44. Crinum asiaticum L.
(Benth.) S.Moore

Family : Asteraceae Decoction made from the leaves and stems of the Family : Liliaceae Poultice made from heated, pounded fresh bulb
plant is taken for the treatment of liver disorder. used for rheumatism.
Synonym : Gynura crepidioides Benth. Synonym : Crinum macrophyllum Hallier f.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems Juice of leaves, with a little salt is used to treat
Bengali/Vernacular name : Duubbecrepi. of the plant is advised to take three times a day Bengali/Vernacular name : Nagdaun, Barakanur, earache.
(two tea spoons amount each time) until the ty- Sukdarshan, Nagpata. Bulbs of the plant used for fever, headache, and
Tribal name : Teolang (Chakma), Prindey (Khumi),
Tong pa ma (Marma), Sampao (Murang), Baiunkasa phoid is cured. Tribal name : Makaclilum (Bawm), Koba raun swelling.
(Pangkhoa), Maa-khaw-daa-bawn (Rakhaing). (Chakma), Hoba rasun (Marma). A paste made with the leaves of the plant; bandage
Distribution : The species commonly occurs all
is made with that paste to the fractured bone and
English name : Redflower ragleaf, Fireweed. over the country. English name : Poison bulb, Crinum lily. kept for two weeks to treat bone fracture.
Description of the plant : An erect annual slightly Description of the plant : A perennial herb with Cottonseed-sized pills made from dried leaves of
succulent little-branched herb, up to 1 m tall. a large tunicated bulb. Leaves lanceolate, 150 the plant are taken thrice a day (one pill each time)
Leaves elliptic-oblanceolate, lyrately lobed, apex cm long, 12-15 cm in width. Flowers large, white with warm water, until the gastric ulcer is cured.
acute or acuminate, margin serrate-dentate. Flow- fragrant at night, in 10-50 flowered umbels. Fruit A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
er heads are cylindrical, green, with red florets subglobose, 3-5 cm in diameter. is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for
visible on top. Fruit a cypsela, oblong, pappus hairy. the treatment of oedema.
Plant parts used : Leaf, bulb. The plant is used for the treatment of arthritis, lep-
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. rosy, cold, cough, vomiting, and worm infestations.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Leaves with oil form a
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the useful application for inflammations at the end Distribution : The species commonly occurs
leaves of the plant is applied to the boils to treat it. of toes and fingers. throughout the country.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant A fresh juice extracted from the bulb of the plant is
is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each taken three times a day (three tea spoons amount
time) until the epilepsy is cured. each time) for two weeks to treat constipation.


45. Crotalaria verrucosa L. 46. Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume


Family : Fabaceae impurities. Family : Amaranthaceae febrile convulsion.

A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied Synonym : Achyranthes prostrata L., Cyathula re- Decoction prepared from roots of the plant is given
Synonym : Crotalaria mollis Weinm.
to the infected skin twice a day until the leprosy pens Moq. in dysentery.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Jhanjhani, Bansan. is cured. Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems
Bengali/Vernacular name : Shyontula. of the plant is taken twice a day (10 ml amount
Tribal name : Salorok (Bawm), Kuduk jhunjhuni Distribution : It occurs in Chittagong, Khulna, each time) for one week to treat dysmenorrhoea.
Tribal name : Lebbeteaowi (Khumi), Haruan ludi
(Chakma), Moah soyaleh (Marma), Kan kung (Mu- Patuakhali, Rajshahi, and Sylhet districts. A decoction made with the leaves and stems of
(Chakma), Saing dacrilung (Marma).
rang). the plant is taken twice a day (15 ml amount each
English name : Pasture weed.
English name : Blue rattlesnake. time) until the asthma and cough is cured.A fresh
Description of the plant : An annual, branched juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the
Description of the plant : A much-branched herb herb, reaching a length of 1 m or more, with the plant is taken thrice a day (15 ml amount each
up to 1 m high, branches angled. Leaves simple, stems prostrate and creeping below. Leaves are time) for five days to treat cardiac weakness.
ovate to elliptic, 5-14 cm long, pubescent on sur- rhomboid-oblong, 2-8 cm long, and gradually ta- Powder made from the dried plants is taken twice
faces, apex rounded, and base cuneate. Flowers pering to an acute base. Spikes are terminal and a day (5 gm amount each time) with water until
bluish-purple in terminal or lateral 12-20 flowered axillary, slender, peduncles, and 5-20 cm long. the hysteria is cured.
racemes, 15-20 cm long. Pods shortly stipitate, Flowers are numerous, greenish, ovoid, and about Decoction of whole plant is used as wash for
3 mm long. Sepals are hairy. Fruit is an ellipsoid headache.
clavate-oblong, black when mature, hairy.
utricle, 1.5-2 mm long, thin-walled, hairless, one- A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Plant parts used : Leaf. seeded, surrounded by a stiff perianth. is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time)
Ethnomedicinal uses : Leaf paste is prescribed Plant parts used : Leaf., stem, root. after adding little amount of honey for seven days
to treat pneumonia.
in case of scabies. Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is given from the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day Distribution : The species is found in southwestern
to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspepsia, and blood (10 ml amount each time) for three days to treat and eastern parts of the country.


47. Cycas pectinata Buch.-Ham. 48. Dentella repens
(L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

Family : Cycadaceae plied to the navel region once a day for three days Family : Rubiaceae Distribution : It occurs almost throughout the
to treat irregular menstruation. country.
Synonym : Cycas dilatata Griff. Synonym : Oldenlandia repens L.
The juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Bengali/Vernacular name : Cycas. is given for the treatment of painful micturation. Bengali/Vernacular name : Bhuipat, Sada phuli,
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is Sada jabri.
Tribal name : Monirajphul gach (Chakma); Moi-
dya safai, Mraug bra saphen (Marma); Bardhoman applied to the biting place twice a day for three English name : Creeping dentella, Creeping lick-
gach (Tanchangya). days to treat poisonous insect stings. stoop.
The plant is used for the treatment of breast tu-
English name : Cycad palm. Description of the plant : An annual creeping herb.
mour, diarrhoea, hyperacidity, dysmenorrhoea,
Leaves narrowly elliptic or oblong, 1 cm long or
Description of the plant : An evergreen palm-like and stomachache.
less. Flowers axillary, in the fork of branches,
tree, up to 3.5 m tall, often forked. Leaves up to 2 Distribution : The species rarely occurs in the small, solitary, white. Capsule ovoid, crowned by
m long, recurved, petioles about 50 cm long with districts of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts and the sepals, hairy and many seeded.
a few small distant spines, leaflets linear, ending aslo rarely in the Sal forests of north Mymensingh.
in minute spines, margin entire, and dark green. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Megasporophylls densely tawny silky. Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted
from the leaves of the plant is taken to control
Plant parts used : Leaf.
high blood pressure.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
the leaves of the plant is mixed with little amount plied to treat eczema.
of water and it is taken three times a day (20 ml Crushed warm leaves are given for loose motion.
amount each time) for the treatment of asthma. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- used for poulticing sores.


49. Desmodium heterocarpon (L.) DC. 50. Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC.


Family : Fabaceae A paste made with the leaves and stems of the Family : Fabaceae from the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day
plant is applied to the fractured bone for making (10 ml amount each time) until the stomachache
Synonym : Desmodium polycarpum (Poir.) DC. Synonym : Hedysarum triflorum L.
bandage; the bandage is replaced five times with is cured.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Banmethi, Karpo modi. a new one at three days interval. Bengali/Vernacular name : Kalaliya, Kodaliya, Decoction made with the leaves of the plant is
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is Kulaliya modi, Tre-potrishak. given in diarrhoea, and dysentery.
Tribal name : Koo-shey-dung (Rakhaing), Harma
pada arsanga (Chakma), Turkimadan (Marma). used for massaging to the whole body once a day Tribal name : Ya re sur sah (Murang), Baa-thaw- Leaves of the plant are used in children to treat
for three days to treat hysteria. shaw (Rakhaing), Bormajal (Marma). indigestion, and convulsion.
English name : Asian tick trefoil, Carpon desmo- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
dium, Asian ticktrefoil. Distribution : The species frequently occurs in the English name : Creeping tick trefoil, Three-flower used for skin eruptions, wounds, and abscesses.
forest areas of the districts of Sylhet, Dhaka, Chit- beggarweed.
Description of the plant : An erect or suberect Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves and
tagong, Cox’s Bazar, Rangamati, and Bandarban.
undershrub, 0.5-1.5 m tall. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaf- Description of the plant : A much branched, mat- roots of the plant are taken orally thrice a day
lets obovate-oblong, obtuse. Flowers numerous forming creeping herb, with clover-like leaves. (one pill each time) until the tuberculosis is cured.
in racemose inflorescences 5-10 cm long. Flow- Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets, the lower leaves The leaves of the plant are used in blindness, and
ers pink to purplish red. Pods narrowly oblong, sometimes undivided. Leaflets are inverted-egg eye diseases.
4-8-jointed, 1-2.8 cm long. shaped, to inverted-heart shaped, rounded, and Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant
notched at the tip, less than 1 cm long, up to 9 mm is taken for the treatmnent of cough, and asthma.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
wide. The flowers are purplish, about 6 mm long, Distribution : The species commonly occurs
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with axillary, solitary or 2 to 3 together, with slender throughout the country.
the roots of the plant is given for the treatment pedicels. Pods 5-12 mm long, with 2 to 6 joints.
of cough.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
The leaves of the plant are used in women’s prob-
lem, fainting, and convulsion. Ethnomedicinal uses : The fresh juice extracted


51. Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. 52. Diospyros montana Roxb.


Family : Dilleniaceae blood dysentery. Family : Ebenaceae Distribution : It is planted along roadsides and
A decoction made with the bark of the plant is in the village groves in many districts, and near
Synonym : Dillenia minor (Zoll. & Moritzi) Gilg Synonym : Diospyros cordifolia Roxb.
taken for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery. Hindu temples.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Banchalta, Ajugi, Bark of the plant is used to treat tuberculosis, Bengali/Vernacular name : Tomal, Bangab, Mo-
Hargaza (Bengali); Ajuli (Dhaka-Mymensingh); fistula, sores, carbuncles, neuralgia, pleurisy, and hesh kanda.
Argeza (Chittagong); Ekush (Sylhet). pneumonia.
English name : Bombay ebony, Mountain ebony.
Tribal name : Hara (Chakma), Harjola (Marma), Juice extracted from the bark of the plant is taken
twice a day (5 ml amount each time) to control Description of the plant : A small tree, up to 15
Angje (Khumi), Zambrun (Mogh), Haza (Tripura).
the diabetes. m tall, twigs, and trunk with occasional spines.
English name : Karmal, Dog teak, Dillenia. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate-oblong, base
Distribution : It is found in Tangail, Sylhet, Chit-
Description of the plant : A large deciduous tree cordate, apex acute. Male flowers are borne in
tagong, and Chittagong Hill Tracts districts.
grows up to 40 m in height. Leaves are large, 20- 3-flowered clusters, and the female ones singly.
50 cm, alternate, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or Flowers are creamy white or greenish-white, tu-
acute, serrate. Flowers yellowish, fragrant, 2-3 bular, with 4 petals which are curved back. Fruit
cm across, arise from the nodes of fallen leaves, a globose berry, yellow when ripe.
on panicles. Fruits 2.5 cm in diameter, globose Plant parts used : Leaf.
contain single seed.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
Plant parts used : Bark. leaves of the plant is applied to the biting place
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from twice a day for four days to treat insect bite.
the bark of the plant is taken thrice a day (two tea The plant is used for the treatment of dysuria,
spoons amount each time) for two weeks to treat neuralgia, pneumonia, menorrhagia, and fever.


53. Duranta erecta L. 54. Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews


Family : Verbenaceae Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap- Family : Acanthaceae
plied to the biting place twice a day for four days
Synonym : Duranta repens L. Synonym : Eranthemum bicolor Schrank, Justicia
to treat insect stings.
nervosa Vahl
Bengali/Vernacular name : Duranto, Katamehedi.
Distribution : It is found all over the country.
English name : Skyflower, Golden dewdrop, He- Bengali/Vernacular name : Shukh murali.
liotrope bush. English name : Blue sage.
Description of the plant : A shrub with straggling Description of the plant : A much branched,
and drooping branches. Leaves are small, obovate- spreading shrub. Leaves elliptic or ovate-elliptic,
elliptic, 3-6 cm long, with pointed or rounded tips basally attenuate, prominently nerved, glabrous
and pointed base; the margins entire or slightly or more or less hairy on nerves beneath. Flowers
toothed. Inflorescence of axillary to terminal ra- blue, in terminal spikes.
ceme, 5-20 cm long, laxly many-flowered. Flowers
blue, lilac, violet, light violet or purple. Fruit fleshy, Plant parts used : Leaf.
ovoid, orange-yellow. Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
Plant parts used : Leaf, fruit. leaves of the plant is applied to the boils to treat it.
Decoction prepared from leaves of the plant is
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
used in aphthae.
leaves of the plant is applied to the boils once a
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
day for four days to treat it.
used to treat wounds, and ulcers.
The fruits of the plant are used to treat fever, ma-
laria, and intestinal worms. Distribution : It is founded as a garden plant.


55. Euphorbia cotinifolia L. 56. Euphorbia heterophylla L.


Family : Euphorbiaceae used to inhibit the growth of liver cancer. Family : Euphorbiaceae pain, stomachache, constipation, bronchitis, asth-
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- ma, and to expel intestinal worms.
Synonym : Euphorbia cotinoides Miq. Synonym : Euphorbia elliptica Lam., Poinsettia
plied externally to cutting wound once a day for Infusion of the plant is used as a wash to treat skin
heterophylla (L.) Klotzsch & Garcke
Bengali/Vernacular name : Tamat. five days to treat it. problem, including fungal disease, and abscesses.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Agni pata. Latex of the plant is applied to treat skin tumours.
English name : Caribbean copper plant, Mexican Distribution : The species is found throughout the
A powder made with the leaves of the plant is
shrubby spurge, Red spurge. country under cultivation. English name : Mexican fire plant, Japanese poin-
taken with water twice a day (5 gm amount each
settia, Mole plant.
Description of the plant : An evergreen shrub has time) for 15 days to treat gonorrhoea.
red leaves. It will quickly grow to 10-15 feet. Leaves Description of the plant : An erect herb, up to 1
Distribution : The species occurs in Dhaka district.
simple, petiolate, leaf blade ovate-rounded, apex m high, stems hollow with scattered hairs. Leaves
obtuse, base subtruncate, margin entire, both petiolate, alternate, ovate-elliptic to rhomboid,
surfaces red. The creamy white flowers look very base obtuse, apex acuminate, margin entire to
exotic with their red appendages and outsized subserrate. Flowers male or female in clusters at
seed pods. the top of the stems, each flower-head (cyathium)
with a solitary terminal female flower surrounded
Plant parts used : Leaf.
by male flowers enclosed in a cup-shaped invo-
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the lucre with a solitary conspicuous gland. Capsule
leaves of the plant is applied externally to rem- 3-lobed.
edy sores.
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
The milky latex is applied externally to treat in-
fected nails. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
Extract prepared from the leaves of the plant is the leaves and stems of the plant is given for body


57. Euphorbia neriifolia L. 58. Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br.


Family : Euphorbiaceae mours, piles, fever, and anal fistula. Family : Sterculiaceae ml amount each time) until the hysteria is cured.
Milky juice is used for the treatment of piles, leu- An infusion made with the barks and roots of the
Synonym : Euphorbia edulis Lour. Synonym : Sterculia colorata Roxb.
coderma, and inflammation. plant is taken thrice a day (50 ml amount each
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kanta-manasa, Man- Juice prepared from stems of the plant is admin- Bengali/Vernacular name : Huri, Chamri, Pisi, time) for seven days to treat jaundice.
sa, Mansasij, Patasij, Reng. istered as a care for cough. Deoudal, Naichicha, Samarri (Bengali); Hur ujal A fresh juice extracted from the bark of the plant
Fluid from roasted leaves used for earache. (Chittagong); Pata gota (Dhaka-Mymensingh). is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for
English name : Indian spurge tree, Hedge eu-
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Tribal name : Kra-sam-baing (Marma), Pithok five days to treat seminal emission.
phorbiaceae, Oleander spurge.
is used for asthma. (Chakma), Karasangban (Mogh), Bol-ajun (Garo). An infusion made with the barks of the plant is
Description of the plant : A succulent plant with taken thrice a day (100 ml amount each time) for
Distribution : The species occurs in most of the English name : Scarlet sterculia, Coloured sterculia.
twisting columnar branches. It is often mistaken 15 days to treat spermatorrhoea.
for a cactus. Leaves alternate, obovate to narrowly Description of the plant : A medium-sized, spread- Distribution : The species occurs in the forest ar-
oblanceolate, obtuse at the apex, attenuate at the ing, deciduous tree with fluted stem. Leaves eas of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Sylhet, Chittagong, and
base, margin entire, glabrous, fleshy. Flowers are crowded at the end of branchlets, 12-25 cm long Chittagong Hill Tracts.
small, yellow, like small buttons, alternating with and nearly as broad, palmately 3-5 lobed. Flowers
the thorns, all along the stem, arranged spirally. scarlet or orange-red, solitary or in clusters of 2-3
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, and root. short panicles from the axil of fallen leaves. Fruit
a follicle, oblong with acute apex.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made from the
roots of the plant and black pepper is applied to Plant parts used : Bark, root.
the biting place once a day for two days to treat Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from
snake bite.Juice prepared from the stems of the the bark of the plant is applied to the eyes once,
plant is used for the treatment of bronchitis, tu- at the same time juice is taken thrice a day (5


59. Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. 60. Flacourtia jangomas (Lour.) Raeusch.


Family : Flacourtiaceae to treat pneumonia. Family : Flacourtiaceae of the body until the paralysis is cured.
Dried leaves of the plant are used for the treat- Synonym : Stigmarota jangomas Lour. The fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
Synonym : Flacourtia sapida Roxb.
ment of asthma and bronchitis. is taken thrice a day (three tea spoons amount
Bengali/Vernacular name : Boiciful, Paniala, Bengali/Vernacular name : Paniala, Paniamala, each time) until the remittent fever, and vomit-
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is given
Lukluki (Bengali); Tokroi (Sylhet); Painnagola ing is cured.
Beuchi, Baicha, Katai, Dungkhar. to treat fever, diarrhoea, and indigestion
(Chittagong). A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Tribal name : Tamagry (Marma). Infusion prepared from the bark of the plant is
used as a gargle for hoarseness. Tribal name : Riamcha (Bawm), Painnya gula is applied to the whole body twice a day for 5 days
English name : Madagascar plum. (Chakma), Che-marang (Garo), Thingrong (Khumi), to treat poisoning effect.
The ashes of the roots are used for kidney ail-
Soh-k-noui (Khasia), Riam shang (Lushai), Ne- The powder prepared from the dried leaves of the
Description of the plant : A much-branched, de- ments.
re-shi (Marma), Puincha (Murang), Khoro gola plant is given for the treatment of diarrhoea, cough,
ciduous, thorny small tree. Leaves red or pink Distribution : It is found almost all over the country. (Rakhaing), Painna mola (Tripura). and bronchitis.
when young, ovate or elliptic, glabrous, apex ob- Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves of the
English name : Indian cherry.
tusely acuminate, base cuneate to rounded, margin plant are taken with honey thrice a day (one pill
crenate. Flowers white, about 5 mm in diameter, Description of the plant : A small tree, up to 15 m each time) for two weeks to treat tetanus.
axillary or terminating short branchlets, solitary or tall, is bearing compound spines. Leaves 5-10 cm An extract made with the roots of the plant is used
in pairs. Fruit is rounded, about 1 cm in diameter, long, oblong or ovate, acuminate, crenate-serrate, for gargling four times a day until the toothache
glabrous. Flowers small, unisexual, pale-yellow or is cured.
fleshy when fresh, smooth and purple or nearly
whitish, fragrant, in short axillary, sub-corymbose A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
black when ripe.
racemes. Fruit a globose berry, 1.2-1.8 cm across, plied to affected parts of the body twice a day for
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, root. dark-purple when fully ripe two weeks to treat urticaria.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A powder made with the Plant parts used : Leaf, root. Distribution : This species occurs in the forests
dried roots of the plant is taken with warm water Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, and the Chit-
twice a day (5 gm amount each time) for 15 days leaves of the plant is applied to the affected part tagong Hill Tracts.


61. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. 62. Getonia floribunda Roxb.


Family : Apiaceae ml amount each time) until the dyspepsia, and Family : Combretaceae is taken thrice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
flatulence is cured. two weeks to treat malaria fever.
Synonym : Foeniculum dulce Mill. Synonym : Calycopteris floribunda (Roxb.) Lam.
Powder made from the fried fruits is taken twice A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
ex Poir.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Mowri, Pan muhori. a day (1 gm amount each time) with water for 10 is applied to the biting place twice a day for three
days to treat worm infestation. Bengali/Vernacular name : Guichia lata. days to treat snake bite.
Tribal name : Deihnak (Lushai), Mitha jhira (Chak-
ma), Muring (Murang), Deinak (Pangkhoa), Misti A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant Tribal name : Chui-daw (Rakhaing). Distribution : It is common in greater Chittagong,
zeera (Rakhaing). is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
English name : Paper flower climber. Sylhet districts and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
seven days to treat urinary disorder.
English name : Fennel, Sweet fennel, Florence An infusion made with the fruits of the plant is Description of the plant : A scandent shrub, 2-4 m
fennel. taken twice a day (20 ml amount each time) for high, with drooping branches. Leaves ovate to nar-
Description of the plant : A biennial, glabrous, three days to treat abdominal pain. rowly elliptic, apex acuminate, base cuneate. Flow-
aromatic herb, up to 2 m tall. Leaves 3 or 4 times Hot infusion of fruits is taken twice a day (20 ml ers sessile, yellowish green, in fulvous-pubescent
pinnate, with very narrow, linear or subulate seg- amount each time) until the amenorrhoea is cured. terminal panicles. Fruits narrowly ellipsoid-oblong,
ments. Umbels rather large, of 15, 20 or more Paste prepared from the fruits of the plant, poultice obtusely 5-angled.
rays, more or less glaucous. Flowers small, yellow. has been used to relief breast swelling in nursing
mother. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Fruit ridged, very aromatic, oblong, or ellipsoid,
about 5 mm long. Seeds are somewhat dorsally Distribution : It is cultivated in Rajbari, Noakhali, Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice prepared from the
compressed. Tangail, Jamalpur, Kurigram, and Panchagarh leaves of the plant is taken for the treatment of
districts. diarrhoea, and dysentery.
Plant parts used : Fruit, root.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from plied to the skin for seven days to treat leprosy.
the fruits of the plant is taken twice a day (100 Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant


63. Globba radicalis Roxb. 64. Gomphrena globosa L.


Family : Zingiberaceae Family : Amaranthaceae in cough, diabetes, and hypertension.

Decoction of fresh plant used to wash sores.
Synonym : Mantisia radicalis (Roxb.) D.P.Dam & Synonym : Gomphrena rubra Moq.
Decoction prepared from the flowers of the plant
Bengali/Vernacular name : Botamphul, Golkamal, is used for inflammation of the eyes, difficulty
Bengali/Vernacular name : Ratkheya. Gul-makhmal. urinating, headache, and dysentery.
Description of the plant : An herb with annual Tribal name : Cheai-lo-par (Lushai), Dah-apayn The leaves of the plant are used for the treat-
aerial shoot, 40-60 cm tall, with perennial sub- (Chak), Ching-ringpao (Murang), Meilingper (Pan- ment of asthma, chronic bronchitis, and whoop-
terranean rhizome. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, gkhoa), Murrow-bawn (Rakhaing). ing cough.Paste parepared from the leaves of the
and long caudate. Inflorescence glabrous, 20- plant is applied to the forehead to treat headache.
45 cm long, arising before shoot or along with English name : Globe amaranth, Bachelor’s but-
Distribution : It is cultivated in almost all districts
shoot, peduncles subtented by 3 oblong, glabrous ton, Gomphrena.
as an ornamental plant.
sheaths. Labellum obovate, yellow, base cuneate, Description of the plant : An erect annual herb,
apex bilobed. up to 50 cm tall. Leaves 4-10 cm, elliptic, obovate-
Plant parts used : Rhizome. oblong or broadly lanceolate, base attenuate, tip
acute. Flowers are numerous, densely crowded
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the rhi-
in globose heads, the heads are white, pink or
zome of the plant is applied to the affected part
purple, solitary, peduncled, 1.5 to 2 cm in diam-
of the body for relief of body pain.
eter, subtended by 2 bracts. Capsule oblong-ovoid,
Juice extracted from the rhizome of the plant is
given for the treatment of hepatomegaly.
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower.
Distribution : It is found in Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar
and Bandarban districts. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction of leaves is used


65. Grewia asiatica L. 66. Heliotropium curassavicum L.


Family : Tiliaceae Juice extracted from the bark of the plant is taken Family : Boraginaceae after adding few drops of honey it is taken thrice
to treat tuberculosis, chronic respiratory diseases, a day (10 ml amount each time) for three days to
Synonym : Grewia hainesiana Hole Synonym : Heliotropium glaucum Salisb.
menorrhagia, and dysuria. treat cough.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Phalsa, Sakri, Pisla, An extract made with the leaves of the plant is Bengali/Vernacular name : Nona hatishur. A curry cooked with the young shoots of the plant
Pesondi, Datoi, Phepsia, Kapaija, Phuldamar, Na- used to wash the head once a day until the dan- is taken twice a day for ten days to treat anaemia.
English name : Salt heliotrope, Seaside heliotrope,
ris, Deogola, Sakri. druff is cured. Decoction prepared from leaves of the plant is
Wild heliotrope.
Tribal name : Tara fru (Marma). Powder prepared from the dried bark of the plant given twice a day until the asthma is cured.
is taken twice a day (4 gm amount each time) with Description of the plant : A glabrous, prostrate, Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, then
English name : Phalsa. water until neurological disorders, constipation, halophytic, perennial succulent herb, 30-80 cm the syrup is made with that juice, salt, water, and
Description of the plant : A shrub or small tree. and gastritis are cured. long. Leaves simple, lower opposite, and upper it is taken twice a day for seven days to treat fever.
Leaves broadly ovate or suborbicular, obliquely sub-opposite, subsessile, narrowly oblanceolate
Distribution : The species sporadically occurs Distribution : It occurs in coastal regions in Bhola,
cordate or rounded at the base, acuminate at the or linear-spatulate. Inflorescence simple or forked,
almost throughout the country. Satkhira, and Noakhali districts.
apex, margin crenate. Flowers are yellow, about a spike-like terminal, or dense cymes, 3-10 cm
2 cm in length, borne in densely crowded, rarely long, lax in fruits. Flowers white, female sessile,
solitary, axillary cymes. Fruit a drupe, edible, small bracteate, the middle nerve terminating below the
and round, purple to almost black when ripe. rounded apex.

Plant parts used : Leaf, bark. Plant parts used : Leaf.

Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from leaves
the bark of the plant is taken thrice a day (40 ml of the plant is applied to the infected skin twice a
amount each time) for three days to treat diar- day until the boils is cured.
rhoea. A fresh juice extracted from leaves of the plant,


67. Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T.Anderson 68. Heritiera fomes Buch.-Ham.


Family : Acanthaceae The leaves of the plant are chewed with betel leaf Family : Sterculiaceae to the affected part of the body to treat eczema,
for cure ulcer of the mouth. abscesses, boils, and scabies.
Synonym : Ruellia hirta Vahl Synonym : Heritiera minor (Gaertn.) Roxb.
The plant is used in jaundice and hepatitis.
Distribution : It is found throughout Bangladesh
Bengali/Vernacular name : Buripana, Borati gas. Bengali/Vernacular name : Sundori.
in fallow lands. Distribution : It is found in the forests of the Sun-
Tribal name : Mrawnna (Marma). English name : Sunder. darban, Chakaria Sundarbans, and other coastal
English name : Hairy hemigraphis. areas.
Description of the plant : A medium-sized man-
Description of the plant : A small prostrate, softly grove tree, 15-18 m tall, branches covered with
hirsute herb, up to 30 cm long, with white hairs. shining golden-brown scales. Leaves simple, 10-
Leaves ovate, crenate, obtuse, petiole very small. 16 cm long, alterrnate, elliptic-lanceolate, base
Flowers in small close terminal heads, pale blue. rounded, apex acute, glabrous above, adpressed
Capsule linear-oblong, yellowish-brown, with scaly beneath. Flowers small, unisexual, in axillary
short, and glandular hairs, 10-12 seeded. panicles. Fruit a cluster of woody, indehiscent,
keeled, or winged ripe carpel.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Bark.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Gargling is done with the
plant extract thrice a day until the sore in mouth Ethnomedicinal uses : The bark is used in relief
is cured. of pain and control diabetes.
Decoction prepared from the plant is given for the The bark of the plant is used for the treatment
treatment of ureterolithiasis. of gastrointestinal disease including diarrhoea,
An extract prepared from the plant is administered dysentery, and stomachache.
to treat shigellosis. Paste prepared from the bark of the plant is applied


69. Holarrhena antidysenterica 70. Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight
(Roxb. ex Fleming) Wall. ex A.DC.

Family : Apocynaceae amount each time) until the diarrhoea and hook Family : Asclepiadaceae ache, a piece of cloth can be used to fix the paste
Synonym : Nerium antidysentericum L. worm infestation is cured. properly.
Cottonseed-sized pills made with the dried barks Synonym : Asclepias parasitica Roxb.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kurchi, Kuruj, Kutess- of the plant are taken (one pill each time) until the Bengali/Vernacular name : Serapata hoya (Ben- is taken three times a day (100 ml amount each
hor (Bengali); Karach (Chittagong); Karas (Sylhet); gastric ulcer and hyperacidity is cured.
Indrajib (Dinaj). gali), Chera pata (Rajshahi-Khulna). time) until the paralysis and fever is cured.
A fresh juice extracted from the bark of the plant,
Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves of the
Tribal name : Kuruk gach (Chakma), Bol-dukhak- after adding some sugar it is taken twice a day (15 Tribal name : Fessya gach (Chakma), Seya-souchii
ml amount each time) until the abdominal pain, plant are taken with honey and goat milk thrice
ki-bipang (Garo), Krah-p-sen (Khasia), Lata baong (Khasia), Nui-bawn (Rakhaing), Faissa gaith (Tan-
(Marma), Punarcha (Murang), Lakhow-bawn (Ra- dysentery is cured. a day (one pill each time) for seven days to treat
changya), Chiki-phang (Tripura).
khaing), Kuruk (Tanchangya), Kuichiana-phang A paste made with the bark of the plant is applied rheumatoid arthritis.
(Tripura). to the infected skin for leprosy and boils to treat it. Description of the plant : An epiphytic, creeping The plant is used for the treatment of jaundice,
Decoction prepared from the dried barks of the plant. Leaves petiolate, glabrous, ovate-elliptic, tumour, leprosy, and diseases associated with
English name : Kurchi tree, Conessi tree, Bitter
plant is taken four to five times a day (5 ml amount lanceolate, oblong or elliptic, 10-16 cm long, fleshy, cancer.
oleander, Tellicherry bark.
each time) until the dysuria is cured. tips acute, base cuneate or obtuse. Cymes umbel-
Description of the plant : A small to medium- Decoction prepared from the bark of the plant Distribution : The species commonly occurs
sized tree. Leaves 10-15 cm long, petioles short, late, many-flowered, solitary at the nodes, flowers throughout the country.
is taken in empty stomach thrice a day (100 ml
ovate, elliptic, or elliptic-oblong, base rounded, amount each time) for three days to treat thread pearly white.
apex acuminate. White flowers appear in corymb- worm infestation. Plant parts used : Leaf.
like cymes, 5-15 cm across, at the end of branches. An extract is made with the bark of the plant;
Flowers have five white petals 2-3 cm long which gargling is done with that extract of the plant three Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
turn creamish yellow as they age. times a day until the sore in mouth is healed. leaves of the plant is applied to the affected parts
Plant parts used : Bark. Distribution : The species occurs very commonly of the body for seven days to treat gout.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from in the northern, central, and eastern parts of the Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
the bark of the plant is taken twice a day (20 ml country. applied to the forehead twice a day to treat head-


71. Hydnocarpus kurzii (King) Warb. 72. Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.


Family : Flacourtiaceae Distribution : The species occurs rarely in the Family : Hydrangeaceae
greater districts of Sylhet, Chittagong, and Chit-
Synonym : Taraktogenos kurzii King Synonym : Hydrangea maritima Haw.-Booth
tagong Hill Tracts.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Chalmugra, Chaul- Bengali/Vernacular name : Hydrangea.
mugra (Bengali); Dulmugra (Sylhet).
English name : Hydrangea.
Tribal name : Balgach (Chakma), Tanu panu (Mogh).
Description of the plant : A stout, dense, un-
English name : Chaulmugra. dershrub with rounded crown. Leaves simple,
Description of the plant : A medium-sized ev- opposite-decussate, elliptic to broadly-ovate, up
ergreen tree, 12-15 m high. Leaves thinly coria- to 20 cm long, coriaceous, apex acuminate, base
ceous, entire, 18-25 cm long, lanceolate or oblong- cuneate, margin coarsely serrate. Flowers are in
lanceolate. Flowers in axillary cymes; petals 8, large, terminal cymes; clusters up to 12 cm across,
in 2-rows, broadly ovate, ciliate. Fruit, size of an blue, pink, or white, with broadly oval sepals.
orange, tawny-velvety, pericarp reddish-brown.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Bark, seed.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml
bark of the plant, after warming it is applied to amount each time) for seven days to treat malaria.
the tumour once a day until the disease is cured. The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of
Juice extracted from the bark of the plant is ad-
enlarged prostate, prostate infection, bladder infec-
ministered for the treatment of fever.
tion, urethral infection, kidney stone, and hay fever.
Seeds yield chaulmoogra oil, which is used in
leprosy and other skin diseases. Distribution : It is cultivated in gardens.


73. Hyptis brevipes Poit. 74. Impatiens balsamina L.


Family : Lamiaceae plant is applied to the forehead twice a day for Family : Balsaminaceae The flowers of the plant are used for snake bite,
relief of headache. lumbago, intercostal neuralgia, and dysmenor-
Synonym : Hyptis acuta Benth. Synonym : Balsamina coccinea (Sims) DC.
A decoction made with the leaves of the plant, rhoea.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Gol tokma. after adding some sugar it is advised to give for Bengali/Vernacular name : Dupati, Dopatta.
Distribution : It is found in all districts.
the treatment of skin disease. Tribal name : Dhayn-payn (Chak), Thetra (Khumi),
Tribal name : Mrachi (Chakma).
Distribution : This species occurs in Chittagong, Zir-khuang (Lushai), Che-pan (Murang).
Description of the plant : An erect annual plant
Khagrachari, Rangamati, Bandarban, Cox’s Bazar, English name : Garden balsam, Rose balsam,
up to 1 m high with the typical square stem of a
and Sylhet district. Lady slipper.
labiate. Leaves coarsely hairy on both surfaces,
opposite, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, 5–7 cm Description of the plant : An annual herb, up to
long, up to 2 cm wide, cuneate at the base, the 80 cm tall. The leaves are spirally-arranged, 3-9
margins irregularly serrate. The inflorescence is a cm long, lanceolate, base cuneate, apex acute,
dense raceme, almost globose, 14 mm in diameter, serrate along margin. Flowers are axillary, showy,
2 to 3 cm long, usually pink, but forms with white,
axillary; flowers white.
red, purple, or variegated petals are also found in
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. cultivation. Capsules spindle-shaped, tomentose.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from Plant parts used : Leaf, flower.
the leaves of the plant is taken for the treatment Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
of diarrhoea and fever. leaves of the plant is applied to treat broken nails.
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is ad- Leaf juice is used for the treatment of warts. The
vised to take for the treatment of gastric disorder. plant is used to treat painful inflammation, joint
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the pain, carbuncles,


75. Ixora coccinea L. 76. Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.Don


Family : Rubiaceae amount each time) until the dysentery is cured. Family : Rubiaceae
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Synonym : Ixora grandiflora Ker Gawl. Synonym : Ixora findlayana B.S.Williams
applied for the treatment of eczema and boils.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Rangan, Lalrangan, A decoction made with the roots of the plant, after Bengali/Vernacular name : Sada rangan.
Ranjan, Rangan phul, Jhumka phul. adding some sugar it is taken thrice a day (50 ml English name : White ixora.
Tribal name : Shoita chu-payn (Chak), Kathangpo amount each time) until the dysmenorrhoea is
cured. Description of the plant : A small tree or shurb.
(Khumi), Kaya machaoi (Marma), Rabai (Mogh),
An extract is made with the roots of the plant by Leaves stipulate, stipules sheathing, acute, peti-
Shan-kran-paw (Murang), Kufuangper (Pangkhoa),
boiling in water is used for gargling twice a day oles short, lamina glabrous, coriaceous, elliptic-
Lakka-peyn-bawn (Rakhaing).
until the sore in mouth is healed. obovate, apex acute, base cordate. Inflorescence
English name : Ixora, Flame of the woods, Jungle The flowers of the plant are used to treat leucor- terminal corymbs, flowers white.
flame, Jungle geranium. rhoea. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Description of the plant : A branched shrub, about Decoction prepared from roots of the plant is ad-
vised to take for the treatment of nausea, hiccups, Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
2 m tall. Leaves sessile, elliptic, or obovate, 5-9 cm
and loss of appetite. leaves of the plant is applied to the boils twice a
long, obtuse. Flowers numerous, bright scarlet,
Decoction of leaves is used to treat wounds, and day for seven days to treat it.
in sessile, corymbiform, dense-flowered cymes.
skin ulcer. The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
Fruits globose, 7-8 mm across, crowned with calyx
of fever.
teeth, fleshy. Distribution : It is commonly cultivated in gardens A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, root. throughout the country. plied to the forehead two times a day until the
headache is cured.
Ethnomedicinal uses : The juice extracted from
the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml Distribution : It is cultivated all over the country.


77. Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn. 78. Jasminum multiflorum
(Burm.f.) Andrews

Family : Rubiaceae two times a day to treat paralysis. Family : Oleaceae of the plant with little amount of honey are taken
An extract made with the roots of the plant is used thrice a day (one pill each time) for one month to
Synonym : Ixora affinis Wall. ex Craib Synonym : Jasminum pubescens (Retz.) Willd.
to stop vomiting. treat impotence.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kuthi rangan. Bengali/Vernacular name : Meghmollika, kunda, Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant
Distribution : The species occurs in Chittagong,
Tribal name : Dikranga chuillya (Chakma), Rongma Kundaphul. is used for the treatment of asthma, cough, and
Cox’s Bazar, and Chittagong Hill Tracts.
(Marma), Bumma-raja (Rakhaing), Khuom-chung- bronchitis.
English name : Star jasmine, Downy jasmine,
kheng (Tripura). A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
Hairy jasmine.
externally to treat headache, leprosy, wounds, and
English name : Black ixora. Description of the plant : A scandent shrub. The skin disease.
Description of the plant : A shrub, up to 3 m tall. stems and leaves are covered with a downy pubes- Decoction of dried flowers is used as eye wash
Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-lanceolate, ob- cence (micro hair) that gives the plant an overall for eye redness and swelling.
lanceolate, 6-10 cm long. Flowers white, small, grayish-green appearance. Leaves simple, oppo- A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
few or numerous in sessile or peduncled brachi- site, 4-8 cm long, lanceolate-oblong to broadly is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
ate cymes, broader than long. Fruit globose, size ovate, acute at the apex, rounded at the base, seven days to treat urinary tract infection.
of a pea. margin entire. Flowers white. The roots of the plant are used for the treatment
of ulcer and insanity.
Plant parts used : Root. Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, and root.
Distribution : The species is found in Chittagong,
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from
Dhaka, Rajshahi, and Sylhet districts.
the roots of the plant is taken three times a day the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (two
(5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat tea spoons amount each time) for three days to
diarrhoea. treat fever and epilepsy.
A paste made with the roots of the plant is applied Cottonseed-sized pills made with the dried leaves


79. Laportea interrupta (L.) Chew 80. Lathyrus sativus L.


Family : Urticaceae Plant parts used : Leaf, root. Family : Fabaceae body once a day until the rheumatism and pa-
ralysis is cured.
Synonym : Urtica interrupta L. Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the Synonym : Lathyrus asiaticus (Zalkind) Kudr.
leaves of the plant is applied to treat muscular pain. Distribution : It is cultivated throughout the coun-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Bichuti, Chutra, Lal- Bengali/Vernacular name : Kheshari.
The leaves of the plant are applied locally for car- try as a winter pulse.
bichuti. English name : Grass pea, Chickling pea.
Tribal name : Aatran (Khumi), Gachsatta (Chak- Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant is
Description of the plant : A procumbent, much
ma), Mangjoigri (Marma), Kormai yearang (Tri- used to treat asthma and cough.
branched herb. Leaves alternate, even pinnate,
pura), Thawk-pui (Lushai). Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
leaflets 2-4, entire, linear-lanceolate, sessile, 5-7
plied to the boils to treat it.
English name : Hen's nettle, Hawaii woodnettle, cm long. Flowers axillary, solitary, blue, or purple
Stinging nettle. Distribution : The species grows all over the coun- with white keel. Fuit a pod, oblong, retuse, flat-
try as a weed. tened, dorsally winged, 3-5 seeded. Seeds globose
Description of the plant : A small, hardly branched,
or angled, white, brown, grey, or mottled.
slightly fleshy herb, bearing hairs which irritate
the skin, up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves are ovate, 5-15 Plant parts used : Seed.
cm long, with tapering pointed tips and broad Ethnomedicinal uses : Infusion prepared from the
rounded bases, toothed margins, with scattered seeds of the plant is taken for the treatment of
hairs on both surfaces. Inflorescence is narrow, constipation. 5 gm seeds of the plant are soaking
axillary, slender, up to 20 cm in length, of numer- in hot water overnight, next days this water is taken
ous, short paniculately arranged cymes. Flowers three to four times to releif vomiting.
are tiny, green, with most organs in 4 parts. Fruit A paste made with the seeds of the plant, after
is a heart- shaped achene. warming it is applied to the affected part of the


81. Lawsonia inermis L. 82. Leonurus sibiricus L.


Family : Lythraceae rhoea is cured. Family : Lamiaceae headache.

A paste prepared from leaves of the plant is applied The fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
Synonym : Lawsonia spinosa L. Synonym : Leonurus occidentalis Colla
to the head-skin once a day until the dandruff is is advised to take twice a day (5 ml amount each
Bengali/Vernacular name : Mehedi, Mendi, Sudi. cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Roktodron, Juma, time) for three days to treat fever. Juice extracted
Infusion made from leaves of the plant is taken in Jajura. from leaves of the plant is used for the treatment
Tribal name : Mintipada (Chakma), Dan-apang
(Rakhaing), Mendi bofang (Tripura), Mendi gach empty stomach once a day in morning for seven Tribal name : Mau-cco-deyn-pang (Rakhaing). of bronchitis.
(Marma). days to treat general weakness. The juice extracted from leaves of the plant is
An extract made with the leaves of the plant by English name : Motherwort, Honeyweed. poured in to ear to relieve earache.
English name : Henna, Indian privet, Mignonette boiling in water, gargling is done with that extract The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
Description of the plant : An erect, branched,
tree. thrice a day for seven days to treat sore in mouth. of rheumatism, dysmenorrhoea, psoriasis, scabies,
somewhat hairy, annual herb, up to 2 m tall.
Description of the plant : A much-branched shrub. A mixture made with the leaf juice and some sugar, Leaves are 5-10 cm long, pinnately or palmately and various skin eruptions.
Leaves opposite, small, 1.0-4.4 cm long, elliptic, then the mixture is taken twice a day (three tea 3- to many-parted; lobes are narrow and often Distribution : It is found almost throughout the
obovate, apex acute, base tapering. Inflorescence spoons amount each time) until the leucorrhoea incised, the upper leaves entire, linear and pale country.
panicle, up to 25 cm long. Flowers numerous, 1.3 is cured. beneath. Flowers are crowded, occurring in nu-
cm across, greenish-yellow or white. Capsule glo- Leaves powdered then the leaf powder is used for merous whorls, red.
bose, 4-6 mm in diameter. the treatment of boils and skin disease. Leaves
crushed and made into paste are applied to the Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
Plant parts used : Leaf. forehead for relief of headache. Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from Distribution : The species occurs throughout the the leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml
the leaves of the plant and mixed with some sugar, country under planted condition. amount each time) for three days to treat hysteria.
then the mixture is taken twice a day (two tea A paste made with leaves of the plant is applied
spoons amount each time) until the spermator- to the forehead twice a day for the treatment of


83. Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston 84. Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston


Family : Scrophulariaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the Family : Scrophulariaceae
leaves of the plant is applied externally to the boils
Synonym : Ruellia antipoda L., Vandellia veronicifolia Synonym : Gratiola rotundifolia L.
twice a day for five days to treat it.
(Retz.) Haines
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant Bengali/Vernacular name : Tan chapra.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Zai ghas, Sada pani is taken for abdominal pain.
English name : Baby’s tears.
ghas, Choto helencha. Leaf paste is applied for cut and wound healing.
The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment Description of the plant : A small, annual herb,
Tribal name : Junnihar (Chakma).
of biliousness affections and dysentery; in poultices up to 30 cm high. Leaves sessile, 5-18 mm long,
English name : Sparrow false pimpernel. for sores, ringworm, and itches. broadly ovate, base truncate, apex obtuse, glabrous
Description of the plant : A small annual herb with Distribution : The species occurs commonly on both surfaces. Flowers solitary in leaf axils,
stems erect or prostrate and then usually rooting throughout the country. bluish-white. Capsules ovoid-globose.
at lower nodes, 20-30 cm long, branched at base, Plant parts used : Leaf.
hairless. Leaves 1-4 cm long, variable in shape,
ovate-oblong, obovate-oblong, oblanceolate, base Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with leaves
cuneate, apex obtuse, margin with shallow to sharp of the plant is applied to the boils once a day for
serration or crenate-serrate, sometimes almost seven days to treat boils.
entire. Flowers in terminal or axillary racemes, Paste prepared from leaves of the plant is applied
pale violet or violet-blue to pale blue or white, oc- to the forehead twice a day for two days to treat
casionally pale purple. Capsules linear-cylindric, headache.
5-12 mm long.
Distribution : The species occurs commonly
Plant parts used : Leaf. throughout the country.


85. Linum usitatissimum L. 86. Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. ex
Britton & P.Wilson

Family : Linaceae with water then the mixture is taken to treat dys- Family : Verbenaceae day for three days to treat it.
uria. Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Synonym : Linum humile Mill. Synonym : Lantana alba Mill.
Infusion of seed is taken for the treatment of gas- is taken thrice a day until the cough is cured.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Tisi. tric ulcer. Bengali/Vernacular name : Pichas-lakri. Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves of
Tribal name : Krah-tisi (Khasia). the plant are taken with warm water thrice a day
Distribution : The plant is cultivated throughout English name : Bushy matgrass, Bushy lippia.
(one pill each time) until the bronchitis is cured.
English name : Linseed, Flax. the country.
Description of the plant : A gregarious, strongly A powder made from dried leaves of the plant is
Description of the plant : An annual herb, 60- aromatic shrub, branches erect, slender, obscurely mixed with water and juice, then the mixture is
120 cm tall, branches ascending towards the angled, can be easily broken, hairy. Leaves simple, given two times a day (10 ml amount each time)
apex. Leaves 1-3 cm long, alternate, sometimes opposite, 8-13 cm long, ovate-lanceolate or lanceo- until the stomachache is cured.
whorled, linear-lanceolate, acute. Flowers blue, late, serrate, apex acute, base cuneate, hairy. In-
Distribution : The species occurs all over the
2-3 cm across, in corymbose panicles. Capsules florescence axillary, cylindric, sub-capitate spikes.
ovoid; seed ellipsoid, reddish, shiny. Flowers sessile, light to rosy-pink, scented. Fruit
globose, 2 mm across.
Plant parts used : Seed.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
seeds of the plant is taken with warm water twice Ethnomedicinal uses : Infusion of leaves is taken
a day to relief cough, cold, and bronchitis. thrice a day until the hypertension is cured.
Seeds of the plant are soaking in water overnight, A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
next morning this is taken for the treatment of is taken twice a day for three days to treat diar-
constipation. rhoea.
A paste made with the seeds of the plant is mixed Leaf paste is applied to the cutting wound once a


87. Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara 88. Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell


Family : Onagraceae once a day for two days to treat snake bite. Family : Onagraceae for the treatment of gynecological disorder.
Extracted juice is given for curing dysentery. A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Synonym : Jussiaea adscendens L., Jussiaea re- Synonym : Jussiaea hyssopifolia G.Don
Paste prepared from leaves of the plant is used is given for the treatment of hysteria.
pens L.
as a poultice in skin disease. Bengali/Vernacular name : Zaikura, Panilong. Extracted juice is used for the treatment of tetanus.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Keshordam, Malcha, Paste is applied to the cut, injuries, and boils to Tribal name : Gangchuma (Chakma), Naikrang Distribution : The species commonly occurs
Mulsi. treat it. (Marma). throughout the country as weed.
Tribal name : Gangku maichya (Chakma), Gandu- Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant
is used to treat cold, cough, fever, and dysuria. English name : Seedbox.
pawn (Rakhaing).
Distribution : It is very common aquatic weed Description of the plant : An erect, branched
English name : Water primrose, Water dragon,
all over the country, found floating in ponds and herb, up to 3 m tall, stem angled. Leaves simple,
Marshy jasmine.
ditches. alternate, linear to lanceolate, narrowly cuneate
Description of the plant : A floating herb, rooting at the base, apex acuminate. Flowers yellow, axil-
at the nodes, and cluster of conspicuous white, lary, solitary, petals 4, free. Capsule linear, 12-25
spindle-shaped, pneumatophores at the nodes. mm long.
Leaves simple, 1-4.5 cm long, alternate, broadly
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower.
oblong-elliptic, obtuse. Flowers white, slightly yel-
low at the base, axillary, solitary. Capsule linear- Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from
cylindric. the flowers of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml
amount each time) for two days to treat stom-
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the Pea-sized pills made from the leaves of the plant
leaves of the plant is applied to the biting place are advised to take with a little amount of honey


89. Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll.Arg. 90. Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Moc. & Sessé ex DC.

Family : Euphorbiaceae The fruits of the plant are used to treat ringworms, Family : Malvaceae Distribution : It is commonly grown as an orna-
bronchitis, stone in the bladder, and scabies. mental plant in gardens.
Synonym : Croton philippensis Lam. Synonym : Malvaviscus longifolius (A. St.-Hil.) Spach
A decoction of leaves is administered for anorexia,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Sinduri, Kamalagu- diarrhoea, constipation, and dysmenorrhoea. Bengali/Vernacular name : Lanka joba, Morich
li, Kamela, Kingur, Punag, Tung (Bengali); Raini An extract made with the leaves of the plant is joba.
(Dhaka-Mymensingh); Rora (Dinajpur). used for having hot bath once a day for two weeks
to treat paralysis. English name : Pendulous sleeping hibiscus.
Tribal name : Kuruar gach (Chakma), Bol-thuthu
A paste made with the roots of the plant is applied Description of the plant : A shrub, up to 2 m tall.
(Garo), Nikhrow (Marma), Mounoajaya (Tanchangya).
to the affected part of the body until the rheuma- Leaves are lanceshaped to narrowly ovate, 6-12
English name : Monkey face tree, Kamela tree, tism is cured.
cm long, both surfaces nearly hairless or hairy,
Red berry. Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
base broadly wedge-shaped to nearly rounded,
Description of the plant : A small tree, up to is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each
time) until the spermatorrhoea is cured. margin toothed. Flowers occur singly, hanging
15 m tall. Leaves 5-15 cm long, ovate to ovate- from leaf axils, on 1.5 cm long stalks. Flowers
lanceolate. Flowers dioecious, small; the males Distribution : The species sporadically occurs are red, tubular, about 5 cm long.
clustered in erect, long, terminal spikes; the fe- almost all over the country.
males in short spikes. Capsules 8-10 mm across, Plant parts used : Leaf.
3-lobed, brick-red.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
Plant parts used : Leaf, fruit, root. leaves of the plant is applied to the affected area
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the to treat measles and boils.
leaves of the plant is applied to the infected skin Decoction of leaves is used for the treatment of cold.
twice a day for three days to treat wounds, cuts, Decoction made from the leaves of the plant is given
and skin disease. for the treatment of leucorrhoea


91. Melastoma malabathricum L. 92. Morinda angustifolia Roxb.


Family : Melastomataceae the soreness associated with thrush in children. Family : Rubiaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : An extract made with the
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- leaves and stems of the plant is used for having
Synonym : Melastoma candidum D. Don Synonym : Morinda squarrosa Buch.-Ham.
plied to the boils to treat it. hot bath once a day for three days to treat blisters.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Bontejpata, Datranga, Pea-sized pills made from the leaves are taken Bengali/Vernacular name : Banamali, Bonsak, A decoction made with the roots of the plant is
Lutki. with warm water thrice a day (one pill each time) Baroful, Daru haridra, Harinar phul. taken three times a day (50 ml amount each time)
Tribal name : Magapittungulu (Chakma), Ustal- for one week to treat gynecological complexity. Tribal name : Koba bena (Chakma), Aasu (Tripura), for three days to treat urinary tract infection.
lo-goh (Chak), Kakku-phang (Garo), Soh-lot-ot Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant Elingba (Mogh), Cheng rong (Garo), Krah-chermit Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
(Khasia), Masmatairum (Marma), Ak-mio (Murang), is used as mouthwash to relieve toothache or to (Khasia), Thachi (Marma). is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each
Koin-phey-bawn (Rakhaing), Khom-took (Tripura). treat epilepsy. time) for seven days to treat irregular menstruation.
English name : Thin-leaved morinda, Narrow-
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Pea-sized pills made from the leaves of the plant
English name : Indian rhododendron. leaved Indian mulberry.
is applied to the biting place twice a day to treat are taken with honey thrice a day (one pill each
Description of the plant : A much-branched bushy snake bite. Description of the plant : An evergreen shrub, time) for two weeks to treat tetanus.
shrub. Leaves 5-20 cm long, elliptic to lanceo- Young leaves are eaten to treat diarrhoea; pre- up to 6 m tall. Leaves 20-36 cm long, lanceolate, An extract prepared from the stems of the plant,
late, 5-nerved, slightly rough, and hairy on both mature leaves are taken in raw to cure dysentery. or oblanceolate, apex narrowly acuminate, base after adding some sugar it is taken thrice a day
surfaces. Flowers 5-merous, pink to mauve, or Powder of root is applied to the infected skin to caudate-acuminate, glabrous. Flowers 5-merous, (100 ml amount each time) until the jaundice is
purple. Fruit a capsule, dark purple. treat smallpox. Leaves are chewed up, pounded, white, sweet-scented, heterostylous, arranged cured.Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. and applied as poultice to cut or wound. on globose heads which gradually elongates as plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time)
a small compound fruit, hypanthium fused be- for three days to treat fever.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Pea-sized pills made from Distribution : This species is commonly found
low. Fruits turbinate, few fruits set in each head,
leaves of the plant are taken to treat body pain throughout the country, especially in the hilly areas Distribution : The species occurs less frequently
mostly free.
and flatulence. of greater Sylhet, Chittagong, Dhaka, Mymensingh, in the greater districts of Sylhet, Noakhali, Chit-
Juice extracted from roots is applied to lessen Tangail districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, root. tagong, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.


93. Morinda citrifolia L. 94. Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.Roem.


Family : Rubiaceae cured. Family : Cucurbitaceae. for seven days to treat dysuria. Extract prepared
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant from the leaves of the plant is taken to treat cold,
Synonym : Morinda macrophylla Desf. Synonym : Cucumis maderaspatanus L.
is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each cough, and fever.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Noni, Ach, Banach, time) for one week to treat irregular menstruation. Bengali/Vernacular name : Agmukhi, Bilari. A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
Barachand, Haldi kachu. to the affected part of the body to treat burning
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Tribal name : Medha tida (Chakma).
Tribal name : Ken-thug-blag (Khasia), Rimi owa is taken after adding some sugar thrice a day until sensation.
rih (Marma). English name : Madras pea pumpkin, Rough The leaves of the plant are used for the treat-
the jaundice is cured.
bryony. ment of asthma, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipa-
English name : Indian mulberry, Great morinda. A decoction made with the bark of the plant is
taken to treat fever. Description of the plant : A climbing herb; stem tion, ulcers, neuralgia, vertigo, dysuria, piles, and
Description of the plant : A shrub or small tree, tuberculosis.
Leaf juice is used for the treatment of rheumatoid scandent, much branched, sulcate; tendrils slen-
stem obtusely 4-angled, glabrous. Leaves are
arthritis. der, elongate. Leaves ovate to ovate-cordate, an- Distribution : This species is found in Chittagong,
broadly elliptic to oblong, 12-25 cm long, with
Heated leaves are applied to the chest and abdo- gular or 3-5 lobed, minutely denticulate, both Bandarban, Chuadanga, Dinajpur, Gazipur, Jes-
pointed or blunted tips. Flowers 5- merous, white,
men to treat cough and enlarged spleen. surfaces scabrous. Flowers yellow, 1 cm across. sore, Kushtia, Mymensingh, and Rajshahi districts.
in dense ovoid heads. Fruits compound, fleshy,
The fruits of the plant are used to treat dysentery Pea-sized fruits are green, turning to orange and
white, or greenish white, ovoid.
and leucorrhoea. then red, as they mature.
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, fruit.
Juice of over-ripe fruit used in diabetes. Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction of leaves is used Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is
for the treatment of diarrhoea. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
applied to relieve pain in gout.
Fruit juice used as a gargle for sore throat. the leaves of the plant is advised to take for the
A powder made with the dried leaves of the plant Distribution : It occurs in Bhola, Chittagong, Cox’s treatment of hypertension and bronchitis.
and then fume is obtained from the dried powder Bazar, Dhaka, Dinajpur, Manikganj, Noakhali, Ra- A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
inhaled four times a day until the anal blister is jshahi, and Tangail districts. is taken four times a day (5 ml amount each time)


95. Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. 96. Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f.


Family : Rutaceae is taken twice a day for three days to treat fever. Family : Rubiaceae is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) until
An infusion made with the leaves of the plant is the epilepsy is cured.
Synonym : Bergera koenigii L. Synonym : Mussaenda corymbosa Kurz
taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) until A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
Bengali/Vernacular name : Karipata, Choto ka- the vomiting is stopped. Bengali/Vernacular name : Chauri-chaonri, Sil- to the cutting wound twice a day for two days to
mini, Borosunga, Girineem, Bhatraj. Crushed leaves applied externally to relieve burn, chaonri, Silchauri, Sildaura, Raniratak. treat bleeding from cutting wound.
to cure skin eruptions, and leucoderma. The juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Tribal name : Shatley (Khumi). Tribal name : Sheodima (Chakma), Sichamba
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied is used for gargling once a day (before go to the
English name : Curry leaf. externally to treat the bites of poisonous animals. (Marma), Ranirtak (Tanchangya), Ranertago gaas
(Tripura). bed) for one week to treat pyorrhoea.
Description of the plant : A large shrub or small The plant is used for the treatment of piles; reduce
Pea-sized pills made with the leaves of the plant
tree, up to 6 m tall. Leaves imparipinnate, up to body heat, thirst, inflammation, itching, and blood English name : Himalayan mussaenda. are taken twice a day (one pill each time) until the
50 cm long, petiolate, leaflet 15-27, 2-6 cm long, disorders.
Description of the plant : An erect or suberect hyperacidity is cured.
alternate. Flowers small, white in much-branched, Distribution : The species is found in the forests
shrub. Leaves petiolate, oblong-lanceolate, 10- Distribution : The species occurs in Sylhet, Co-
many-flowered, terminal corymbs. Berry ovoid or of Kishorganj, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Kurigram, Pan-
20 cm long. Cymes very dense, many-flowered; milla, Chittagong, Khagrachari, Rangamati, Ban-
subglobose, purplish to black when ripe. chagarh, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Chittagong, and Dhaka
corolla silky, tube narrow, lobes very small with darban, and Cox’s Bazar districts.
Plant parts used : Leaf. filiform tips. Berries oblong or ellipsoid, crowned
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from in a head-like mass.
the leaves of the plant is taken as a cure for diar- Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, root.
rhoea and dysentery.
A paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
applied to the affected parts of the body to treat flowers of the plant is applied to the navel region
bruise. for seven days to treat abdominal pain.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant


97. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 98. Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.


Family : Nelumbonaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the Family : Nymphaeaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Flowers of the plant are
leaves is given in diarrhoea. used in the traditional system of medicine to treat
Synonym : Nymphaea nelumbo L., Nelumbo spe- Synonym : Nymphaea stellata Willd.
Pounded leaves applied to the body for the treat- diabetes.
ciosa Willd.
ment of high fever, mucous membranes, and skin Bengali/Vernacular name : Nil-shapla, Nilkomol, The roots of the plant are used to treat dysuria,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Padma, Shotodol, irritation, and over the forehead for headache. Nilpaddo. urinary tract infection, and leucorrhoea. Also, used
Komol, Raktapadma, Jolpadma, Poddo. Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is ap- for indigestion, heart diseases, stomachache, and
Tribal name : Bibalchak (Garo), Kra pao (Murang),
plied to treat skin disease and leprosy. cancer.
Tribal name : Padma phul (Chakma), Kraa-khaw- Sapla (Pangkhoa), Kraa-phru-bawn (Rakhaing).
Decoction of flowers used for premature ejaculation. Flowers are given for the treatment of gastroin-
lang (Rakhaing), Kodombo-chik (Tripura).
Juice extracted from flowers, flower-stalks are used English name : Blue water lily, Blue lotus. testinal disorders and jaundice.
English name : Lotus, Sacred lotus. in diarrhoea, cholera, liver complaints, and fever. Powdered root prescribed for piles as demulcent;
Description of the plant : A long-lived aquatic
Syrup made from the flowers used in cough, to also for dysentery and dyspepsia.A paste made
Description of the plant : A perennial, aquatic herb, with rootstock rooting in the mud. Leaves are
check hemorrhages in bleeding piles, menorrhagia, with the flowers of the plant is applied to the af-
herb with creeping rootstocks. Leaves are raised long-stalked and leathery, floating on the surface
and dysentery. fected area for the treatment of burning sensation
above the water, large, rounded, peltate, and 50-90 of water, ovate to almost circular, prominently
of the body.
cm wide. Flowers solitary, pink, red, or white, and Distribution : The lotus is found in many districts, toothed, slightly peltate, 12-15 cm across, with the
15-25 cm in diameter, standing out of the water. such as Dhaka, Khulna, Kishoreganj, Rajshahi, base deeply heart-shaped, and densely hairy be- Distribution : The species is commonly found
Mature fruit is formed by the enlargement of the Maulvi Bazar, Sunamganj, and Nawabganj. neath. Petioles are long, slender and submerged. throughout the country in lakes, ponds, and
spongy, cone-shaped structure in the center of Flowers 5-20 cm across; sepal entire, acute, usu- ditches.
the flower. Rich carpel (fruit and seed in one) is ally green, often marked with darkers dots and
about 13 mm long, with a black, bony, and smooth lines; petals oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute,
pericarp. light blue, dull yellowish-white, rose or purplish.

Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, seed. Plant parts used : Flower, root.


99. Nymphoides hydrophylla (Lour.) Kuntze 100. Nypa fruticans Wurmb


Family : Menyanthaceae bites to treat it. Family : Arecaceae A tooth powder made with the burning ash of the
Leaf paste is used in scorpion sting and snake leaves is used for brushing teeth twice a day until
Synonym : Menyanthes hydrophyllum Lour. Synonym : Nipa fruticans (Wurmb) Thunb.
bite to treat it. the toothache is cured.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Chand mala, Chan- A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the Bengali/Vernacular name : Golpata. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
dmona. plant is applied as a drop against in eye disease applied to the forehead for remedy of headache.
Tribal name : Ree-um-bawn (Rakhaing).
Tribal name : Krajeeng-kashey-pawn (Rakhaing). to treat it. Distribution : The species is found in coastal areas,
English name : Nipa palm, Mangrove palm.
Decoction prepared from leaves of the plant is especially in the Sundarbans.
English name : Crested floating heart. used as a wash for parasitic skin infection. Description of the plant : A monoecious palm,
Description of the plant : A floating annual herb, Powder prepared from the seeds of the plant is with stout, subterranean, trunkless rootstock.
given in worm infestation. Leaves are at the ends of the rootstocks, large,
with long branches, which reach the surface of
rosette and compound, 5-10 m long, arising from
the water, producing a node from which start a Distribution : It is common throughout the country the stout underground stem (rhizome). Leaflets
tuft of roots and a cluster of flowers. Leaves or- in lakes, ponds, and ditches. are numerous, rigid, lanceolate, up to 1 m long,
bicular, deeply cordate, and purplish with green
2-7 cm wide. Male inflorescence is brown, erect,
veins. Flowers densely fascicled at the nodes, co-
up to 1 m high. Female inflorescence is stout, 1 m
rolla white, yellow towards the base within, 2 cm high or less. Fruit is globose, nodding, up to 40 cm
across when expanded. Capsules broadly ovoid in diameter. Carpels are numerous, dark-brown,
or subglobose, 10-20 seeded. compressed, and irregularly angled. Seeds are
Plant parts used : Leaf, seed. hard, white, and as large as a hen's egg.

Ethnomedicinal uses : Leaves of the plant are Plant parts used : Leaf.
used for the treatment of fever and jaundice. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction of fresh leaves
Leaves are pounded with oil and applied to insect used for indolent ulcers.


101. Ophiorrhiza mungos L. 102. Ormosia robusta Baker


Family : Rubiaceae Juice extracted from the roots of the plant is ad- Family : Fabaceae
vised to take two times a day (5 ml amount each
Bengali/Vernacular name : Gandhanakuli, Ka- Synonym : Arillaria robusta Kurz
time) until the mental disorder is cured.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Ghorachokha shim.
Distribution : The species occurs in the forests
Tribal name : Kelarazi (Chakma), Maitu (Bawm).
of Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban, and Kha- English name : Horse-eye-bean.
English name : Mongoose plant, Snakeroot. grachari.
Description of the plant : A tree. Leaves odd-
Description of the plant : An annual herb or un- pinnate, leaflets opposite, stipules small, stipels
dershrub. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, absent. Flowers in terminal panicles, bracts small,
apex acuminate, base narrowed, puberulous. sepals 5, petals little exserted, shortly clawed.
Cymes corymbose, puberulous, peduncles up to Fruit a pod, bright-orange when ripe, somewhat
6 cm long; flowers white and smooth. Capsules hard and fleshy.
are pedicelled, 2-5 mm in diameter.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction of the bruised
Ethnomedicinal uses : Root decoction is used for
leaves is used in the treatment of stomachache.
the treatment of stomachache.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
Decoction prepared from roots of the plant is used
externally to the affected part of the body twice a
for wound healing, cleaning ulcer. Paste prepared
day until the rheumatism is cured.
from the leaves of the plant is used for the treat-
ment of snake poison, boils, oedema, and skin Distribution : It occurs in the forests of Chittagong,
disease. and Sylhet districts.


103. Oxalis corniculata L. 104. Parkinsonia aculeata L.


Family : Oxalidaceae tea spoons amount each time) for one week to Family : Caesalpiniaceae medicine by the local population and traditional
treat dysentery. healers for the treatment of hyperglycaemia.
Synonym : Oxalis minima Steud. Synonym : Parkinsonia thornberi M.E.Jones
A paste made with the plants is applied to the boils The leaves of the plant are used to treat epilepsy
Bengali/Vernacular name : Amrul, Amrul sak, twice a day until the disease is cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Belatibabla, Belari and stop vomiting.
Amboli, Chuka tripati. Leaf juice mixed with the water is taken to treat kikar, Nabina.
Distribution : It occurs in the Chittagong Hill
Tribal name : Marianthur (Bawm), Amilani (Chak- urination problem. English name : Jerusalem thorn, Mexican palo Tracts, Sundarban, also reported as planted at
ma), Mring blu (Marma), Kamduahung (Rakhaing). Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is verde, Horse bean. Lawachara in Maulvi Bazar districts.
applied for the treatment of itches, eczema, and
English name : Creeping wood sorrel, Creeping Description of the plant : A fast growing, thorny
oxalis, Yellow sorrel. bush or small tree, up to 4 m tall. Leaves alter-
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Description of the plant : A small creeping herb; nate, bipinnate, stipulate, stipules 2, forming short
taken to treat cold-fever and diarrhoea.
stems rooting. Leaves are trifoliate, with three spines, rachis broad, pinnae 2-4 pairs, leaflets
Poultice prepared from the leaves of the plant is
small heart-shaped leaflets, petioles 5 cm long tiny, linear to linear-oblanceolate. Inflorescence of
applied for the treatment of sprain, bruise, and
more or less, slender, pubescent, and sessile. axillary racemes, up to 30 cm long; flowers bright
poisonous snake bite.
Flowers are yellow, one to several on each pe- yellow, tubular orange center. Fuit a slender, ir-
The leaves mixed with onion and salt is taken to
duncle, subumbellately disposed, and nearly 1 cm regularly torulose pod, yellowish to dark brown.
treat stomachache.
long. Capsules 2 cm long, linear-oblong, 5-angled. A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Plant parts used : Leaf.
All parts of the plant are sour. is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
Plant parts used : Leaf. seven days to treat cough.
the leaves of the plant is given for the treatment
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from Distribution : The plant is found throughout the of fever, arthritis, and malaria.
the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (two country as a common weed. The leaves of the plant are used as traditional


105. Passiflora foetida L. 106. Peltophorum pterocarpum
(DC.) K.Heyne

Family : Passifloraceae water three times a day (one pill each time) for Family : Caesalpiniaceae The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment
30 days to treat asthma. of dysentery.
Synonym : Passiflora balansae Chodat, Dysosmia Synonym : Peltophorum roxburghii (G.Don) Degener
Infusion prepared from the leaves and roots of the An extract prepared from the leaves of the plant
foetida (L.) M.Roem.
plant is used for the treatment of hysteria. Bengali/Vernacular name : Konokchura, is used to wash the wounded place twice a day
Bengali/Vernacular name : Buno jhumka, Buno Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is Shwarnachura, Aurunjyoti. to treat bruise.
jhumka-lata, Gorakphal. taken twice a day (three tea spoons amount each
English name : Yellow gold mohor, Yellow flame Distribution : The species is planted throughout
Tribal name : Pokgula (Chakma), Fuck-shui time) for one week to treat menopause.
tree, May flower. the country, especially in cities.
(Chak), Thaplang (Khumi), Powmachi (Marma), A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
to the infected skin once a day for seven days to Description of the plant : A large, handsome,
Koapakrui (Murang), Poakfut (Pangkhoa), Ooma-
treat ringworm, skin diseases with inflammation. semi-evergreen tree, up to 35 m tall. Leaves com-
bawn (Rakhaing), Mathri gula (Tanchangya), Bu-
A paste made from the plant is applied to the fore- pound, bipinnate, stipulate, deltoid, rachis 10-15
lumgni pukki (Tripura).
head to treat headache. cm long, pinae 8-24 pairs, leaflets 12-30 pairs,
English name : Passion-flower, Wild passion fruit, A decoction made with the roots of the plant is opposite, sessile, apex obtuse, unequal at the
Love-in-a-mist. advised for the treatment of nervous anxiety and base. Inflorescence much branched, stiff, terminal
Description of the plant : A climbing or trailing epilepsy. panicles, up to 30 cm long, erect, rusty tomentose;
herb. Leaves alternate, base cordate, palmately 3-5 Distribution : The species occurs almost through- flowers golden yellow. Pod shield-shaped, flat,
lobed. Flowers pink, purplish, sometimes white. out the country. and reddish-brown.
Fruit a dry berry, yellowish to red, glabrous. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
Ethnomedicinal uses : The burning ashes of the
Ethnomedicinal uses : Pea-sized Pills made from leaves are used for brushing teeth twice a day for
the leaves and roots of the plant are taken with six days to treat toothache.


107. Pentapetes phoenicea L 108. Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth


Family : Sterculiaceae Bark paste is used to treat rheumatic swelling. Family : Piperaceae. Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves and
Synonym : Brotera phoenicea (L.) Cav. Synonym : Peperomia concinna (Haw.) A. Dietr., Ethnomedicinal uses : The juice extracted from
stems of the plant are taken twice a day (one pill
Piper pellucidum L. the plant is used for massaging on the whole body
Bengali/Vernacular name : Dupurchundi, Du- each time) for two weeks to treat dysmenorrhoea.
once a day for two days to treat allergy.
purmoni, Surjomoni, Kailata, Duporia, Bandhuli. A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant Bengali/Vernacular name : Luchi pata, Joldata,
Decoction of leaves is advised to take for urinary
is taken once a day (25 ml amount each time) until Peperomia, Pithapata, Shamoli ghas.
Tribal name : Dibujja phul (Chakma), Moidya koain tract infection. Fresh juice extracted from the
(Marma). the hysteria is cured. Tribal name : Drulturnah (Bawm), Samol-h-pang laeves and stems of the plant is taken twice a
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant (Garo), Tuiching (Murang), Aree-u-apang (Rakha-
English name : Noon flower, Mid day flower, Scar- day (10 ml amount each time) until the boils and
is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each ing), Chasherrow (Tripura).
let mallow, Copper cup. headache is cured.
time) for one week to treat menopause.
English name : Shiny bush, Slate pencil plant, Decoction prepared from the leaves and stems of
Description of the plant : An erect herb, 1-2 m A paste made with the leaves and stems of the plant
Pepper elder, Rat's ear, Silverbush. the plant is used for gout and arthritis.
tall. Leaves simple, alternate, linear-lanceolate, is applied to the biting place to treat snake bite.
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the
apex acute, base obtuse, margin serrate. Flowers The roots of the plant are used for the treatment Description of the plant : A branched, annual
plant is applied to the infected skin twice a day
are axillary, with 5 large, deep rose, and showy of fever, skin disease, and leucoderma. herb, shallow rooted, up to 40 cm high, with very
until the eczema is cured.
petals. Capsule subglobose, 5-valved, loculicid- Distribution : It is cultivated throughout the country. succulent stems; stems are round, often about
Decoction prepared from the plant is advised to
ally dehiscent. 5 mm thick. Leaves are alternate, heart-shaped
give for the treatment of fever, stomach disorder,
and turgid, as transparent and smooth as candle
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, root. rheumatic pain, and impotence.
wax. Spikes are green, erect, very slender, 1-6 cm
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems
Ethnomedicinal uses : Powder prepared from the long. Tiny dot-like flowers scattered along solitary
of the plant is used for eye inflammation.
dried flowers of the plant is used for killing hair and leaf-opposed stalk (spike); naked; maturing
lice, and advise people to smoke as tobacco for gradually from the base to the tip; turning brown Distribution : The species is found all over the
releif of headache. when ripe. Fruit drupe-like, minute, subglobose. country.


109. Pereskia bleo (Kunth) DC. 110. Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene


Family : Cactaceae Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is Family : Verbenaceae from leaves and stems of the plant, after add-
applied to treat boils. ing some sugar it is taken twice a day (two tea
Synonym : Cactus bleo Kunth Synonym : Lippia nodiflora Cham., Verbena nodi-
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant flora L. spoons amount each time) for two days to treat
Bengali/Vernacular name : Golap cactus phul. is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) until stomach disorder.
the diabetes is cured. Bengali/Vernacular name : Bhuiokra, Karoghas, A curry cooked with the leaves and stems of the
English name : Leaf cactus, Rose cactus. Bakkam.
An extract made with the leaves of the plant is plant is eaten with rice twice a day until the piles
Description of the plant : A deciduous, shrub- taken thrice a day (20 ml amount each time) for Tribal name : Shamtu bakor (Murang), Maro is cured.
by, tree-like plant with a height of 1–8 m. Young three days to treat hypertension. (Marma). Infusion prepared from leaves of the plant is given
branches are red and leafy and often bear 5–7 Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves of the in empty stomach once a day (10 ml amount) for
English name : Frog fruit, Turkey tangle, Creep-
black spines up to 1 cm in length. The leaves are plant are taken thrice a day (one pill each time) one month to treat hepatitis.
ing lip plant.
thin, oblong to oblanceolate, glossy, and succu- for two days to treat stomachache. Paste prepared from leaves and stems of the plant
lent, 6–21 cm long, and 2–7 cm wide. The flowers A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied Description of the plant : A prostrate, much is applied to the boils twice a day for seven days
are orange-red and grouped in 2–4 terminally and externally to treat inflammatory diseases such as branched annual herb, often rooting at the nodes, to treat boils.
dermatitis and rheumatism. up to 90 cm long. Leaves are numerous, nearly Root juice used for gastric problems. Decoction
laterally. The fruits are yellow, thick walled, fleshy,
sessile, obovate, 1-2.5 cm long, with blunt or prepared from leaves of the plant is advised to
and glossy and look like conical berries at maturity, Distribution : It is planted in garden as an orna- rounded tip and wedged-shaped base; margins take twice a day (50 ml amount each time) until
and containing black colour seeds. mental plant. on the upper half are sharply toothed. Flowers the asthma is cured.
Plant parts used : Leaf. are very small, pink, or white, crowded in ovoid Pea-sized pills made with the leaves of the plant
or cylindric spikes, 1-2.5 cm long, and about 6 are taken with warm water thrice a day (two pills
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh leaves eaten for relief mm in diameter.
cancer and gastric pain. each time) for seven days to treat bronchitis.
Leaves of the plant are taken for the treatment Plant parts used : Leaf, stem, root.
Distribution : The species occurs commonly
of muscular ache. Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted throughout the country.


111. Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R.Br. 112. Plumeria alba L.


Family : Lamiaceae to the forehead twice a day to treat headache; a Family : Apocynaceae is taken twice a day (5 gm amount each time) until
piece of cloth can be used to fix the paste properly. the tuberculosis is cured.
Synonym : Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth. Synonym : Plumeria revolutifolia Stokes
Decoction used as eye drops for ophthalmia and An extract made with the bark of the plant is used
Bengali/Vernacular name : Pathor-chur, Pata conjunctivitis. Bengali/Vernacular name : Kath golap, Gulachin. for gargling four times a day for seven days to
bahar. The leaves of the plant are used for the treat- Tribal name : Gulchi (Tripura). treat toothache.
ment of asthma, bronchitis, diarrhoea, epilepsy, Decoction prepared from the bark of the plant
English name : Common coleus, Butterfly coleus. English name : White frangipani, Noseay tree.
insomnia, and skin rashes. is used for the treatment of gonorrhoea, dropsy,
Description of the plant : An erect, branched, Description of the plant : A small tree. Leaves and dysuria.
Distribution : It is planted in garden as an orna-
fleshy, annual herb; stems are purplish and 4-an- simple, large, pubescent beneath, 25-30 cm long,
mental plant. Distribution : It is planted throughout the country.
gled. Leaves are variously blotched or coloured, linear-oblong, rounded at the base, apex acute
usually more or less hairy, ovate, rather coarsely or acuminate, margin revolute. Cymes terminal,
toothed in the margins; and in the most com- peduncles 30-35 cm long. Flowers white with yel-
mon form uniformly velvety-purple. Flowers are low centre, fragrant. Follicles linear.
purplish, numerous, and borne in lax, terminal,
Plant parts used : Bark.
simple or branched inflorescences, 15-30 cm long.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with the
Plant parts used : Leaf.
bark of the plant, after adding little amount of salt
Ethnomedicinal uses : Poultice of fleshy leaves and sugar it is taken once a day (50 ml amount)
applied to bruises and contusions. for three days to treat constipation.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is A decoction made with the bark of the plant is
given to treat dyspepsia and indigestion. taken twice a day until the gastric ulcer is cured.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied Powder prepared from the dried bark of the plant


113. Plumeria rubra L. 114. Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk.


Family : Apocynaceae treat anaemia. Family : Lamiaceae poultice with lime, then applied to the abdomen
Paste prepared from the bark of the plant is applied to treat abdominal pain.
Synonym : Plumeria angustifolia A.DC. Synonym : Dysophylla auricularia (L.) Blume
to the affected part of the body to treat burning A fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems of
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kath golap, Chalta sensation of the body, facial paralysis, and bone Bengali/Vernacular name : Aripachuli. the plant is applied into the eye twice a day (one
golap. fracture. drop each time) to treat hysteria.
Tribal name : Rixom payo (Marma), Paichungsa
Tribal name : Aungra-paing (Chak), Lingmei-kam- The juice extracted from the bark of the plant is (Chakma). A paste made with the leaves and stems of the
seng (Khumi), Angara (Marma), Mortam (Murang), taken thrice a day (25 ml amount each time) until plant, after warming it is applied to the stomach
the jaundice and piles are cured. English name : Tiger steam, Buntot pusa. once a day for three days to treat flatulence.
Angra-pay (Rakhaing), Gulchi (Tripura).
Distribution : It is commonly grown in throughout Description of the plant : An annual, hairy herb, Distribution : It is found all over the country.
English name : Temple tree, Frangipani.
the country 30 to 60 cm in height. Leaves 2-8 cm long, elliptic
Description of the plant : A small tree. Leaves to ovate, subentire to serrate, hairy. Flowers are
simple, large, 28-34 cm long, obovate, acute or small, pink, borne in whorls or hairy spikes.
acuminate at the apex. Cymes terminal, peduncles
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
up to 17 cm long; flowers dark red. Calyx 5-lobed;
corolla about 5-6 cm in diameter, tinged with pink Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
or purple at least on the outside of the tube, pink leaves of the plant is applied to the forehead to
with a yellow base. treat headache.
The juice extracted from leaves of the plant, after
Plant parts used : Bark.
adding little amount of salt it is taken thrice a day
Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with (two tea spoons amount each time) for three days
the bark of the plant is advised to take once a to treat diarrhoea.
day (50 ml amount each time) for one month to The leaves of the plant are pounded, alone or


115. Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thwaites 116. Premna esculenta Roxb.


Family : Annonaceae Family : Verbenaceae Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
is taken (10 ml amount each time) until the hys-
Synonym : Uvaria suberosa Roxb. Synonym : Gumira esculenta (Roxb.) Kuntze
teria is cured.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Barachali, Murmuri, Bengali/Vernacular name : Lalana, Lalong. The fume is obtained by putting leaves of the plant
Kukuriam. in boiling water, inhaled twice a day for seven days
Tribal name : Unarei (Bawm), Lelom pada
English name : Corky debbar tree. to treat leucorrhoea.
(Chakma), Kramuk kai-fung (Chak), Angkung-
Extract prepared from roots of the plant is taken
Description of the plant : A shrub or small tree gam (Khumi), Lamur (Marma), Kasobu (Murang),
twice a day for two days to treat over bleeding
growing to a height of 2-4 m. Leaves are oblong to Taw-mow-poo-chow-koo-mow-row (Rakhaing),
during delivery.
narrowly oblong-obovate, 5-11 cm long. Flowers Arai-blei (Tripura).
Cottonseed-sized pills made with the leaves of the
are solitary, yellowish-green; sepals and petals Description of the plant : A small, glabrous, plant are taken thrice a day (one pill each time)
are slightly hairy. Fruits are numerous, ovoid or branching shrub. Leaves simple, opposite, 10-20 for one month to treat oedema.
globose, 4-5 mm long, purple, fleshy and edible. cm long, obovate, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark. acuminate at the apex, base cuneate, sharply applied to the biting place twice a day for three
serrate at the margin. Inflorescence axillary or days to treat snake bite.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
terminal, compact, globose corymb. Fruit a drupe, Distribution : It is found in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar,
leaves of the plant is applied externally to treat
small, globose, 3 mm across. Sylhet, Dinajpur, Gazipur, Tangail districts, and
scorpion stings.
The bark of the plant is used for the treatment Plant parts used : Leaf. the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
of fever, high blood pressure, and respiratory
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
leaves of the plant is applied to the infected skin
Distribution : It is found throughout the country. for the treatment of eczema.


117. Rauvolfia serpentina 118. Rauvolfia tetraphylla L.
(L.) Benth. ex Kurz

Family : Apocynaceae of root powder is taken with water thrice a day is Family : Apocynaceae until the body pain is cured.
effective in relieving hypertension. Powder made from the roots of the plant is taken
Synonym : Rauvolfia trifoliata (Gaertn.) Baill. Synonym : Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacq.
One gram of powdered root can be taken twice a for the treatment of amenorrhoea, oligomenor-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Swarpagandha. day with 250 ml of goat’s milk for the treatment Bengali/Vernacular name : Gandhakuli, Bara rhoea, and dysmenorrhoea.
of insanity. chadar. Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
Tribal name : Bauma raja (Bawm), Bhomara
(Chakma), Pomanyrajafing (Chak), Do-grak-mi The root extract is given with salt for the treatment is taken four times a day (two tea spoons amount
English name : Be still tree, Devil pepper, Four-
(Garo), Braymaraya (Khumi), Kayamusiba (Marma), of cough and constipation. each time) until the chest pain is cured.
leaf devil pepper.
Thongclang (Murang), Kayamusiba (Rakhaing), One gram of powdered root can be administered Powder made from the roots of the plant is taken
thrice a day with milk until the hysteria is cured. Description of the plant : A small shrub. Leaves twice a day (5 gm amount each time) with water
Chan-dugma (Tripura), Bowmba raja (Tanchangya).
Root powder is taken with water for the treatment in whorls of 4 pubescent, short peduncle, 6-9 cm until the excessive menstruation is cured.
English name : Serpentina. of itchy skin. long, elliptic-lanceolate or obovate, cuneate at the Paste prepared from the roots of the plant is ap-
Description of the plant : An erect, glabrous, Pea-sized pills made from the root of the plant base, acute at the apex. Cymes terminal or axil- plied for the treatment of snake bite and scorpion
perennial herb, about 30 cm tall. Leaves simple, are administered for the treatment of pneumonia lary, flowers white. Fruits 5 mm in diameter, red, bites.
whorled, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, and abdominal pain. ovoid, pointed, turning shining black when ripe. Distribution : The species is found in Chittagong,
8-16 cm long, widest in the middle, tapering to Distribution : It occurs sporadically in Chittagong, Plant parts used : Root. and Rajshahi.
both ends, tip acute. The flowers are white, pinkish, Sylhet, Kushtia, Dhaka, Mymensingh, and Rajshahi
or red, clustered in axillary cymes, with slender Ethnomedicinal uses : Powder made from the
districts; sometimes also cultivated.
corolla tube and 5 spreading lobes. Its fruit are tiny, roots of the plant is taken twice a day (4 gm amount
oval, fleshy which turn a purplish-black when ripe. each time) with water until the control of high
blood pressure.
Plant parts used : Root.
The juice extracted from the roots of the plant is
Ethnomedicinal uses : Half a teaspoon amount taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time)


119. Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume 120. Salvia splendens Sellow ex Schult.


Family : Orchidaceae days to treat skin disease. Family : Lamiaceae

Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is
Synonym : Aerides retusa (L.) Sw. Synonym : Salvia brasiliensis Spreng.
administered for the treatment of asthma, tuber-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Shial leza orchid. culosis, and epilepsy. Bengali/Vernacular name : Shumo salvia.
Paste prepared from leaves of the plant is applied English name : Scarlet sage, Red salvia.
English name : Fox tail orchid.
to treat rheumatism.
Description of the plant : A stout epiphytic herb, Juice extracted from leaves of the plant is applied Description of the plant : An erect herb. Leaves
with long thick spreading roots. Leaves thick, to treat cuts and wounds. petiolate, ovate, serrate, acute to acuminate. In-
leathery, alternate, distichous, 15-20 cm long, florescence a terminal panicle; flowers bright red.
Distribution : The species is distributed through-
dense, linear, sharply-pointed praemorse at the Plant parts used : Leaf.
out the country but more abundent in hilly areas.
apex, sheathing at the base. Inflorescence long,
Ethnomedicinal uses : The leaves of the plant
drooping racemes, 32-41 cm long, axillary. Flowers
are used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
1-8 cm across, densely arranged, pinkish. Sepals
Paste prepared form the leaves of the plant are
and petals white with a faint pinkish tinge. Capsule
used to treat wounds and itchy skin.
long, oblong-obovoid, more or less ridged.
The leaves of the plant are used in cold, cough,
Plant parts used : Leaf. dysentery, and colic disorder.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Leaves of the plant are Distribution : It is widely cultivated.
used for the treatment of blood dysentery, men-
strual disorders, fever, and gout.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
is applied to the infected skin twice a day for three


121. Saurauia roxburghii Wall. 122. Senna alata (L.) Roxb.


Family : Actinidiaceae after warming it is applied to the infected skin twice Family : Caesalpiniaceae leaves and flowers of the plant is taken to treat
a day for three days to treat eczema. Synonym : Cassia alata L. cough, bronchitis, and asthma.
Synonym : Saurauia tristyla DC.
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Dalup. Bengali/Vernacular name : Dadmardan. plied to the infected skin, after washing twice a
is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each
time) for one week, at the same time leaf extract Tribal name : Delong pata (Chakma), Skly-asi day for three days to treat eczema.
Tribal name : Bhola kadam (Chakma), Baimu
of the plant is used to have a hot bath once a day (Khumi), Krah-kheyath (Khasia), Aicia-kung An extract made with the leaves of the plant is
maiya (Marma). (Lushai), Pui chi (Marma), Pley (Murang), Pailang used to wash the scabies and itches twice a day
for seven days to treat epilepsy.
English name : Singkrang. (Pangkhoa), Pui-bawn (Rakhaing), Dotlong (Tan- until the disease is cured.
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
changya), Khaichuani-bithi (Tripura). Leaf decoction is used as mouthwash in stomatitis.
Description of the plant : A large shrub or small is taken three times a day (two tea spoons amount
Leaves of the plant are used as cure for poisonous
each time) for three days to treat fever. English name : Ringworm senna.
tree, up to 10 m tall. Leaves simple, alternate, el- insect bite.
liptic, elliptic-oblong, oblanceolate, base acute or Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, Description of the plant : A fast growing, erect Boiled young leaves are eaten once a day (10 gm
cuneate, acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, after adding frew drops of honey it is taken once a shrub. Leaves paripinnately compound, leaflets amount every time) for three days to treat hook
margin obtusely or finely serrulate, glabrous above, day (two tea spoons amount each time) for seven 8-14 pairs, 5-15 cm long, oblong from an oblique worm infestation.
and tomentose beneath. Flowers in axillary cymes, days to treat piles. base, entire, obtuse. Leaflets gradually increase The leaves of the plant are taken internally to re-
white or pink. Fruit a berry, sub-globose, fleshy, in size from the base towards the tip of the leaf. lieve constipation.
Distribution : The species less frequently occurs
Inflorescence of racemes 15-30 cm long; flow- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
whitish. in the greater districts of Sylhet, Chittagong, and ers bright yellow, showy, bracteate. Pod 10-18 cm applied to the infected skin for three days to treat
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. the Chittagong Hill Tracts. long, oblong, wing with transversely crenulated ringworm.
margin, runing along the length of each valve, Infusion of leaves is taken once a day after adding
Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
turned blak when ripe. some sugar to treat constipation.
leaves of the plant is applied to the boils twice a
day for one week to treat it. Plant parts used : Leaf, flower. Distribution : It is found in most districts of Ban-
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with the gladesh.


123. Sesamum indicum L. 124. Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam.


Family : Pedaliaceae plied on the boils and wounds to treat it. Family : Solanaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Pea-sized pills made from
Leaves, which abound in the gummy matter, mixed the leaves of the plant are taken with warm water
Synonym : Sesamum africanum Tod. Synonym : Solanum sisymbriifolium f. lilacinum
with water to form bland mucilage used for infan- to treat hysteria.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Til. tile cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, catarrh, cystitis, A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kanta begun, Kan- is administered for the treatment of stomachache.
Tribal name : Goisshya (Chakma), Chaa-naw and strangury.
tikari. Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
(Chak), Katteyei (Khumi), Sarria (Pangkhoa), Ney- Decoction prepared from the seeds of the plant is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each
da-sha-bawn (Rakhaing), Gaishya (Tanchangya), is taken for the treatment of cough. Tribal name : Cow-kha-ray-pawn (Rakhaing), time) until the remittent fever is cured.
Nahaing pang (Marma). Oil extracted from the seeds of the plant, massage Karnophuli (Chakma).
Distribution : The species occurs frequently
that oil into the scalp, and leave it overnight for English name : Prickly brinjal.
English name : Sesame. throughout the country.
remedy of itching scalp and dandruff.
Description of the plant : An erect, annual, hairy Description of the plant : A densely prickly peren-
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant
herb, up to 1 m or more tall. Leaves oblong or nial herb. Leaves are up to 30 cm long, sinutely
is advised to take for the treatment of fever and
ovate, 3-10 cm long, the lower ones lobed, the lobed or deeply pinnatified, pinnae lobed. Leaves
middle ones toothed, and the uppermost sub- have thorns. Even the sepals are armed with yellow
A paste is made with the seeds of the plant is
entire. Flowers 3 cm long, solitary, axillary, and prickles. Star-like flowers are purplish or white,
applied on the forehead for remedy of headache. 1.6-3.5 cm across, with ovate petals, 1 cm long,
white to cream-coloured. Fruits are capsules, 2- or Powdered leaf applied to treat snake bite. 4-8 mm wide. Filaments are about 1 mm, with
4-celled, oblong, about 2.5 cm long. Oil extracted from the seeds of the plant is mixed prominent yellow lance-shaped anthers, about
Plant parts used : Leaf, seed. with ginger powder then it is massage over the 9 mm long. Fruit is a berry, looking like a small
area for relief from swelling in any part of the body. tomato, red in color, and finally turning yellow,
Ethnomedicinal uses : Roasted seeds are taken
1.2 cm in diameter.
with honey for remedy of constipation. Distribution : The species occurs in cultivated
Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is ap- condition throughout the country. Plant parts used : Leaf, root.


125. Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. 126. Spermacoce exilis (L.O.Williams)
C.D.Adams ex W.C.Burger & C.M.Taylor

Family : Sonneratiaceae to wash wounded place twice a day to treat bruise. Family : Rubiaceae to the affected parts of the body once a day for 15
Fresh juice extracted from the fruits of the plant days to treat rheumatism.
Synonym : Sonneratia ovalis Korth. Synonym : Borreria exilis L.O.Williams, Borreria
is advised to take for the treatment of fever.
repens DC. Distribution : The species is found in Noakhali,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Ora, Orali, Shouila. The juice of the flowers is used to treat urinary
Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Laksmipur, Maulvi Bazar,
tract infection. Bengali/Vernacular name : Butamphul.
English name : Apple mangrove, Crabapple man- and Sylhet.
grove. Distribution : The species is found in Barishal, English name : Pacific false buttonweed.
Chittagong, and Khulna districts.
Description of the plant : A small evergreen tree, Description of the plant : An annual herb. Stem
up to 15 m tall. Leaves petiolate, elliptic-oblong or decumbent, many branched, sparsely to densely
obovate, 5-13 cm long, coriaceous, mucronate at crisped puberulent in lines on the angles. Leaves
the apex, base cuneate, entire. Flowers solitary or opposite, elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 0.4-3.5
in few-flowered dichasia, red colours. The fruit is cm long, apex acute to rounded, base cuneate.
large, about 4 cm across, green, leathery berries Flowers few in axillary, dense, sessile clusters,
with a star-shaped base. white. Fruits oblong, compressed, 2-lobed, finely
transversely wrinkled, and very shortly pubescent;
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, fruit.
seeds oblong ellipsoid.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the
Plant parts used : Leaf.
halfripe fruits of the plant is taken twice a day (5
ml amount each time) until the cough is cured. Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from leaves
Pounded leaves are used for haematuria and of the plant is applied to the forehead twice a day
smallpox. until the headache is cured.
An extract made with the leaves of the plant is used A paste made with leaves of the plants is applied


127. Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f. 128. Sphaeranthus indicus L.


Family : Rubiaceae. transversely wrinkled, and very shortly pubescent. Family : Asteraceae plant is used as gargle in inflammation of the
Seeds chestnut-brown, oblong-ellipsoids. throat.
Synonym : Borreria ocymoides (Burm.f.) DC. Synonym : Sphaeranthus hirtus Willd.
Decoction of the plant is said to be active against
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Arunpata. Bengali/Vernacular name : Indisag, Murmoria, bronchitis, asthma, leucoderma, jaundice, and
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from Borokhulkurhi, Chagoldi, Chagal nudie, Mundi, scabies.
English name : Purple-leaved button weed.
leaves and stems of the plant is taken twice a Gorakh mundi. The juice of the plant is said to be useful in liver
Description of the plant : A weak erect, decum- day (100 ml amount each time) for seven days to and gastric disorder.
Tribal name : Mraa-shey-ammay (Rakhaing).
bent, or procumbent annual herb, well-branched, treat malaria. The paste prepared from the plant is applied to the
3-40 cm tall, with fine fibrous roots; stems with The fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems English name : East Indian globe-thistle, Indian affected part of the body to treat itching.
sparse to fairly dense crisped hairs on the wing- of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount sphaeranthus.
Distribution : It is found in Dhaka, Dinajpur, Sylhet,
like prominent angles. Leaf-blades elliptic to each time) for three days to treat cold and fever. Description of the plant : A much-branched Chittagong, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
elliptic-lanceolate, 0.4-3.5 cm long, 0.25-1.5 cm A fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems
herb, 12-35 cm tall, stem divaricately branched,
wide, rounded to acute at the apex, concavely nar- of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount
4-winged, wings irregularly and sharply toothed,
rowed into the petiole at the base, glabrous on each time) for three days to treat diarrhoea and
glandular and spreading, whitish pilose. Alternately
both surfaces save for short marginal hairs or dysentery.
arranged obovate-oblong leaves are narrowed at
pubescent on the main nerve beneath; petiole 0-8 Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
the base, dentate and serrate, 2-6 cm long. Flow-
mm long, with scattered hairs; stipules with base plied externally to treat eczema and skin diseases.
ers occur in purple spherical heads, 8-15 mm,
2 mm long. Flower clusters appear at the end Distribution : The species was recorded from Chit- consisting of numerous tiny flowers. Flowers are
of branches or in leaf axils. Sepals are narrowly tagong, and Cox’s Bazar. purple and the stamens pale-purple.
triangular, length variable on individual flowers.
Plant parts used : Whole plant.
Flowers are white, petals much longer than the
tube. Fruit oblong, 1 mm long, compressed, finely Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the


129. Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 130. Sterculia foetida L.


Family : Menispermaceae are taken thrice a day (one pill each time) for one Family : Sterculiaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
Synonym : Menispermum japonicum Thunb. month to treat impotence. the bark of the plant is used for the treatment of
A fresh juice xtracted from the leaves of the plant, Synonym : Sterculia mexicana var. guianensis Sagot
dropsy and rheumatism.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Akundi, Makundi, after adding some sugar it is taken twice a day (5 Bengali/Vernacular name : Jongli badam, Udal Decoction of fruit is used for blennorrhagia
Akandi manik, Nimulkha, Raj pathada. ml amount each time) until the leucorrhoea and
asthma is cured. badam. Decoction of leaves used as wash for skin eruptions.
Tribal name : Patalpur (Chakma), Ajing-kammu
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is used
(Khumi), Tung nah way (Marma), Mrein-noie (Ra- Tribal name : Yaa-hea (Chak), Hla-kho-dei (Ra-
taken four times a day (two tea spoons amount to treat skin disease.
khaing). khaing).
each time) until the chest pain is cured, at the
English name : Tape vine, Stephania, Snake vine. same time a paste made with the leaves is ap- Distribution : The plant is usually planted as road-
English name : Poom tree, Wild almond, Java
plied to the chest. side shade tree in Chittagong, and Mymensingh
Description of the plant : A slender wiry climber. olive, Sterculia nut.
Leaves peltate, thinly papyraceous, glabrous on the The roots of the plant are used for the treatment districts and other parts of the country.
surfaces, broadly triangular, ovate-acuminate, 3-12 of stomachache, dyspepsia, and urinary diseases. Description of the plant : A medium-sized to
cm long, and apex acutely acuminate or obtuse, Pea-sized pills made with the leaves of the plant fairly large deciduous tree, up to 40 m tall. Leaves
base rounded, margin entire. Inflorescences are in are taken with warm water four times a day (one
crowded at the ends of thick branchlets, digitately
umbels on peduncles 3 to 4 cm in length. Male and pill each time) until the colic is cured.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant compound, 5-10 foliate, leaflets 8-15 cm long, el-
female flowers are small, and pale yellow. Drupes liptic-lanceolate, entire. Flowers are malodorous,
is taken with some sugar thrice a day (two tea
light yellow to orange red, obovate, glabrous.
spoons amount each time) for three days to treat dull, yellowish to purplish, 2-2.5 cm in diameter,
Plant parts used : Leaf, root. diarrhoea and dysentery. and borne on panicles at the axils of the leaves,
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied appearing with new leaves. Fruit a follicle, smooth,
from the leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day to the infected skin once a day for seven days to
treat scabies. boat-shaped, woody, short beaked, red when ma-
(one tea spoon amount each time) for three days ture; seed black, oblong, arranged in two rows.
to treat fever. Distribution : The species occurs almost all over
Pea-sized pills made with the leaves of the plant the country. Plant parts used : Leaf, fruit, seed.


131. Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill. 132. Tabernaemontana divaricata
(L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.

Family : Euphorbiaceae plied to the affected areas to treat rheumatism. Family : Apocynaceae Root or root-bark chewed for relief of toothache.
The juice extracted from the barks of the plant Cottonseed-sized pills made from the leaves of the
Synonym : Suregada glabra Roxb. Synonym : Nerium divaricatum L.
is used for the treatment of sores and stomach plant are taken thrice a day (one pill each time) until
Bengali/Vernacular name : Ban-naranga, Ban- troubles. Bengali/Vernacular name : Bantagar, Jongli the abdominal pain is cured.
naringa, Maricha, Samloksree. Pea-sized pills made from the leaves of the plant tagar, Kathmaloti, Dudhphul, Rupa-tola. Powder of the leaves is administered to treat
Tribal name : Chasesii (Chakma), Fa choin da are taken with warm water three times a day (one Tribal name : Oiakte (Bawm), Hastadangar asthma.
(Marma), Soijja gaas (Tanchangya). pill each time) until the pneumonia is cured. (Chakma), Aungche paing fung (Chak), Aekachop An extract made from the leaves of the plant is
(Khumi), Boyomaa baajaa (Marma), Caney-pawn taken for the treatment of chest pain.
English name : False lime. Distribution : This species is found in Bogra,
(Rakhaing), Khom-tok-twi (Tripura). Milky juice of leaves used as drops for ophthalmia;
Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Dhaka, Mymensingh,
Description of the plant : A small to medium-sized also used as cooling application to irritable surfaces
Narayanganj, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Tangail, and the English name : Moon bean, Wax flower.
evergreen tree, up to 12 m tall. Leaves elliptic- and wounds to prevent inflammation.
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 15-22 cm long, acu- Description of the plant : A slender, bushy shurb, Cottonseed-sized pills made from the leaves of the
minate at the apex, cuneate at the base. Flowers dichotomously branched with milky latex. Leaves plant are given to treat tuberculosis.
diocious, yellowish, apetalous in pedunculate cor- opposite, glabrous, 5-12 cm long, elliptic-oblong, A paste made with the leaves of the plant is advised
ymbs. Fruit a globose capsule, obscurely 3-lobed, acuminate. Cymes peduncled, dichotomously to apply to the infected skin once a day until the
about 2.5 cm across, orange-yellow when ripe. branched, terminal or axillary, corymbose, flow- eczema is cured.
ers white. Follicles divaricate, up to 8 cm long, Distribution : It is found almost throughout the
Plant parts used : Leaf, bark.
fleshy, orange-red inside. country.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
the bark of the plant is administered for the treat-
ment of fever. Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction made from leaves
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- of the plant is taken for the treatment of cough.


133. Tagetes erecta L. 134. Tamilnadia uliginosa
(Retz.) Tirveng. & Sastre

Family : Asteraceae Decoction of flowers is used for colds, conjuncti- Family : Rubiaceae Distribution : It occurs in Bandarban, Cox’s Bazar,
vitis, mumps, and sore eyes. Mymensingh, and Rajshahi districts of Bangladesh.
Synonym : Tagetes patula L. Synonym : Gardenia uliginosa Retz.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
Bengali/Vernacular name : Gendaphul, Gand- is taken thrice a day (10 ml amount each time) Bengali/Vernacular name : Piralu, Pedalu.
haphul, Genda, Gadaphul. until the blood dysentery is cured. Tribal name : Monkala (Murang).
Tribal name : Khathpo (Murang), Darken (Pang- Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is used
for the treatment of boils, eczema, rheumatism, English name : Divine jasmine, Tamilnadia.
khoa), Assai-tara (Rakhaing).
and cutting wound. Description of the plant : A deciduous medium-
English name : French marigold, African marigold. Juice extracted from flowers of the plant is ad- sized tree, bark reddish-brown, shoot 4-angled,
Description of the plant : A ribbed, hairy, annual ministered to treat piles. pubescent. Leaves elliptic, obovate-oblanceolate,
ornamental herb, growing up to 60 cm or more. Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is 5-20 cm long, clustered at the end of short shoots,
Leaves pinnately divided, pinnae serrulate. Flow- advised for the treatment of earache. apex obtuse to slightly acute, base cuneate. Flow-
ers in terminal heads, colour ranges from a light Distribution : It occurs in cultivated condition ers solitary, white. Fruits ovoidal, yellowish.
yellow to a deep orange. throughout the country. Plant parts used : Leaf.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Ethnomedicinal uses : An extract prepared from
Ethnomedicinal uses : Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is used for the treatment of
the leaves of the plant, after adding little amount diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery.
of honey it is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
amount each time) until the diabetes is cured. to the acne twice a day until the disease is cured.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is
used for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. used for the treatment of urination problem.


135. Tectona grandis L.f. 136. Tetrastigma angustifolium
(Roxb.) Planch.

Family : Verbenaceae of cloth, the bandage to be replaced at three days Family : Vitaceae A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is
interval up to 15 days to treat it. taken thrice a day (50 ml amount each time) for
Synonym : Tectona theca Lour. Synonym : Cissus angustifolia Roxb.
Decoction of fallen yellow leaves used in anaemia. twenty days to treat liver cancer.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Shegun, Shegoon, Teak. Teak wood powder boiled in water then it keep Bengali/Vernacular name : Sarupati lata, Nekung A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied
for one hour to get upper clear extract and this riubi. to the infected skin twice or thrice a day until the
Tribal name : Saccon (Chakma), Segun (Bawm),
Sagunkung (Pangkhoa), Chyan-way-pawn (Ra- is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for septic sore is cured.
Tribal name : Langa appo (Chakma), Chagrey aik
khaing). the treatment of worm infestation. Cottonseed-sized pills made with the plant is taken
(Marma), Nekung riubi (Murang).
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant with warm water twice a day (one pill each time)
English name : Teak, The teak tree. is used as a gargle for sore throat. Description of the plant : A large herbaceous until the stomachache is cured.
Description of the plant : A large deciduous tree, Paste prepared from the teak wood powder is ap- climber. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflet elliptic-lanceo-
Distribution : The species occurs in less frequently
up to 50 m tall. Leaves opposite, broadly elliptic, plied to the forehead twice a day for three days to late, acute, base cuneate, tendrils leaf-opposed,
in the districts of Tangail, Sylhet, Chittagong, Cox’s
15-75 cm long, cuneate, margin wavy, entire, apex treat headache. slender, simple. Cymes usually nearly sessile, axil-
Bazar, and Rangamati.
acute to shortly acuminate. Flowers are numerous, lary; flowers almost sessile, yellowish-green, dioe-
Distribution : It is introduced mainly in the Chit-
white, short stalked, and arranged in large, termi- tagong Hill Tracts and also planted all over the cious. Fruit a spherical berry, bright red when ripe.
nal, much-branched panicles. Fruit a subglobose country roadside, road-dividers, gardens, and vil- Plant parts used : Leaf.
to tetragonally flattened drupe. lage thickets.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the
Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. leaves of the plant is applied to the face once a
Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction of fresh or dried day to treat facial paralysis.
leaves used for menstrual disorders. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is ap-
Paste prepared from the teak wood powder is ap- plied to the tumour once a day until the lipoma
plied to the fractured bone and tied with a piece (tumour) is cured.


137. Thunbergia grandiflora 138. Trema orientalis (L.) Blume
(Roxb. ex Rottl.) Roxb.

Family : Acanthaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : A decoction made with the Family : Ulmaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Decoction prepared from
stems of the plant is taken (100 ml amount each the bark of the plant is used for gargling four times
Synonym : Flemingia grandiflora Roxb. ex Rottl., Synonym : Trema africana Blume
time) after adding little amount of honey for seven a day for seven days to treat toothache.
Thunbergia cordifolia Nees
days to treat blood dysentery. Bengali/Vernacular name : Kapaisha, Kapashia, Bark infusion is drunk to control dysentery.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Nillata, Nol lata. Fresh juice extracted from the stems of the plant Jiban, Jigal, Chikan, Godorjiga, Banjiga. Decoction prepared from the bark of the plant is
is applied into the eye thrice a day (two drops each administered in hypertension.
Tribal name : Jaunghilang (Bawm), Deldi pata Tribal name : Shimutta (Chakma), Phakram
time) for three days to treat conjunctivitis. Bark of the plant is used as a poultice for mus-
(Chakma), Kaly-kholo-ajing (Khumi), Zawng-hawi- (Garo), Sai saw apang (Marma), Sukorsamila
Pea-sized pills made with dried stems of the plant cular pain.
leng (Lushai). (Tanchangya).
are taken twice a day (two pills each time) for 45 A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant
English name : Bengal clock vine, Bengal trumpet days to control diabetes. English name : Indian charcoal tree, Indian nettle, is taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time)
vine, Blue sky flower, Blue sky vine, Blue trumpet A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- Oriental nettle, Pigeon wood. for two days to treat stomachache.
vine. plied to the affected parts of the body twice a day Bark decoction is used for the treatment of cough,
Description of the plant : A small tree, 5-8 m
until the gout is cured. sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhoea, ma-
Description of the plant : A large climber. Leaves high, with elongated branches. Leaves alternate,
The stems of the plant are used for the treatment laria, and yellow fever.
opposite, 8-15 cm long, 4-10 cm wide, often an- ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 5-15 cm
of hysteria, malaria, ophthalmia, spermatorrhoea,
gular, sometimes ovate, uppermost lanceolate or long, base obliquely cordate, apex acute to acumi- Distribution : It is found in the forests of Chittagong,
and stomachache.
lanceolate ovate, acute to acuminate, base cordate, nate, crenate-serrulate, upper surface greenish, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Dinajpur,
entire or toothed. The beautiful 3 inch wide pale Distribution : It is found throughout the country. under surface densely silvery tomentose, nerves and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Also grows in the
blue or white flowers are cup-like with pale yellow 4-6 pairs. Flowers 5-merous, greenish, unisexual, villages all over the country.
to cream blue striped centers. Capsule 4-seeded, subsessile, minute in axillary cymes. Fruit a drupe,
globular. more or less globose, black when mature.

Plant parts used : Leaf, stem. Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, root.


139. Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. 140. Tridax procumbens (L.) L.


Family : Cucurbitaceae Ethnomedicinal uses : Pea-sized pills made with Family : Asteraceae. a day for seven days to treat hair fall.
the leaves of the plant are taken three times a Paste prepared from the leaves and stems of the
Synonym : Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam.) Voigt Synonym : Balbisia elongata Willd.
day (one pill each time) for seven days to treat plant is applied to the affected parts of the body
Bengali/Vernacular name : Makal. abdominal pain. Bengali/Vernacular name : Tridhara, Tridaksa. to healing wounds.
Leaf-paste of the plant is applied to the infected Tribal name : Bisalyakaroni (Munda), Mraa-praw The crushed leaves are applied to arrest bleeding
Tribal name : Mamalaru (Garo), Choim-chapray
skin to treat allergy. (Rakhaing). in bruises and cuts.
(Khumi), Caha-sthei (Rakhaing), Hedaphal (Chak-
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
ma). English name : Mexican daisy, Coat buttons. Distribution : The species occurs throughout the
is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for
English name : Indrayan. seven days to treat dysmenorrhoea. Description of the plant : An annual or perennial,
Pea-sized pills made with the leaves of the plant procumbent, hirsute, rarely slightly wooly herb.
Description of the plant : A large climber, 5-20
are taken thrice a day (one pill each time) for two Leaves ovate, lanceolate-oblanceolate, petiolate,
m long. It has strong, woody and grooved stem,
days to treat flatulence. apex acute, base cuneate, pinnatisect, usually
with trailing branches. Tendrils are divided into
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is tri-lobed, or coarsely incised-dentate to serrate,
2-3 parts. Leaves, 6-12 cm across, are broadly
applied externally to treat boils, rheumatism, and scabrid-hirsute on both surface. The small creamy
heart-shaped, but palmately 3-5 lobed. The leaf
snake bite. or white flower has five petals which are notched
margin is toothed. Flowers occur either singly or
in 5-10 flowered racemes, in leaf axils. Sepal cup Distribution : This species is found in Tangail, on the outer edges. The centre of the flower is
is tubular, 3-4 cm long. Flowers 4-5 cm, white, Chittagong, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. yellow. Fruit a cypsela, silky, truncate at the apex,
pappus of numerous, feathery bristles.
with 5 wedge-shaped petals with frilly margins.
Fruit is spherical, 4-5 cm across, red when ripe, Plant parts used : Leaf, stem.
streaked with 10 orange streaks.
Ethnomedicinal uses : : A paste made with the
Plant parts used : Leaf. leaves of the plant is applied to the head-skin once


141. Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott 142. Vanda tessellata
(Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don

Family : Araceae leaves of the plant is applied externally to the mouth Family : Orchidaceae to the affected area for the treatment of rheu-
of boils twice a day for three days to treat it. matism.
Synonym : Arum trilobatum L. Synonym : Vanda roxburghii R.Br.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied Powdered roots and flowers are used in bronchitis,
Bengali/Vernacular name : Kharkon, Ghetkachu,
to the burned skin once a day until the wound is Bengali/Vernacular name : Rasna. piles, and boils.
Ghetkul, Ghikul.
healed. Tribal name : Deli (Khumi), Sor-mok-lou (Khasia), Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is
Tribal name : Harbaj (Chakma), Sangfa sarakang A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant Chai-key-pawn (Rakhaing). applied to the body to bring down fever.
(Marma), Harbait (Tanchangya), Kalman (Garo), is taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time) The roots of the plant are used in nervous prob-
Alenda (Tripura). for 3 days to treat fever. English name : Checkered vanda, Vanda orchid. lems, dysentery, dyspepsia, and fever.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Description of the plant : A medium to large sized,
English name : Bengal arum, Lobed leaf typhonium. Distribution : The species is widely distributed
is taken three times a day (two tea spoons amount warm growing epiphytic orchid, with a climbing throughout the country except greater Chittagong,
Description of the plant : A small tuberous terres- each time) with water for three days to treat colic. stem. Leaves are linear, narrow. Raceme usually and Sylhet district.
trial herb. Leaves petiolate, petiole up to 25-40 cm Cottonseed-sized pills made from the leaves of the longer than the leaves, 2-10 flowered, terete, pen-
long, sheathing at the basal part, leaf blade usu- plant are taken twice a day (one pill each time) until dulous. Flowers 5 cm across, bracteate, pedicel-
ally deeply trilobed. Peduncle slender, up to 5 cm the dry cough is cured. late. Lip 3-lobed, lateral lobes white, middle lobe
long; spathe 15-18 cm long, tube elliptic, greenish The roots of the plant are used to treat piles, stom- twice as long, colour varying from purplish-blue to
outside, and purplish inside. Spadix erect, around ach complaints, vomiting, asthma, excessive ex- red, with white streaks or white with yellow streaks.
15 cm long. Female inflorescence short-cylindric, pectoration; sore throat, headache, gastric ulcer,
abscesses, and snake bite. Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, root.
about 7 mm long; male inflorescence 1.25-1.5 cm
long, rose-pink, situated above the female. Distribution : The species commonly occurs Ethnomedicinal uses : The leaf juice is used for
throughout the country. the treatment of certain inflammatory conditions;
Plant parts used : Leaf, root.
it is also instilled into the ear as a remedy for otitis.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the Paste prepared from roots of the orchid is applied


143. Vitex negundo L. 144. Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer


Family : Verbenaceae An extract made with the leaves is used for hot Family : Verbenaceae The fresh juice extracted from the roots of the
bath once a day for two days to treat fever. plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time)
Synonym : Vitex arborea Desf. Synonym : Vitex peduncularis var. roxburghiana
Infusion of seeds used for disinfecting wounds for three days to treat excessive menstruation.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Nishinda, Bara- and ulcers. A paste made with the bark of the plant is applied
nishinda. Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant Bengali/Vernacular name : Arsol, Awal, Boruna, to the affected parts of the body and kept for three
Tribal name : Niramisludi (Chakma), Soyin ma is applied to the whole body once a day for three Goda, Horina. days at a length by wetting with water in times to
pata (Tanchangya), Thoai bai gach (Marma). days to treat mania infantum. treat gout.
Tribal name : Ashmul gaas (Chakma), Ashhoi
Powder prepared from the roots of the plant is Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant
English name : Indian privet, Chinese chaster tree, (Garo), Kraktha (Khumi), Salong (Marma), Chi-
taken to treat dysentery. is taken three times a day (two tea spoons amount
Five-leaved chaster tree. lei-phang (Tripura).
The roots of the plant are used for dyspepsia, colic, each time) to treat anal fissure.The juice extracted
Description of the plant : A large shrub to small Description of the plant : A small tree, 5-15 m from the roots of the plant is used for massaging
rheumatism, worm infestation, boils, and leprosy.
tree, 8-10 m tall. Leaves digitately 3-5 foliolate, high. Leaves 3-foliate, rarely 4, petiole up to 10 cm to the whole body once a day for three days to
Decoction made from the leaves is administered
leaflets 4-12 cm long, lanceolate, acute to acu- long; leaflets lanceolate or narrow elliptic, 5-15 treat epilepsy.
for the treatment of cough, asthma, toothache,
minate at the apex, base cuneate. Flowers are cm long, entire, long acuminate, base cuneate. The fresh juice extracted from the bark of the plant
and ringworm.
numerous, blue to lavender, 6-7 mm long, borne in Flowers greenish-white, in axillary many-flowered, is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for
Flowers are used for diarrhoea, cholera, fever,
terminal inflorescences (panicles) 10-20 cm long. panicled cymes, 15-20 cm long. Fruit a drupe, 30 days to treat malaria.
and diseases of the liver.
Fruit is a succulent drupe, globose, black when black when ripe, 5 mm in diameter. Distribution : The species frequently occurs in the
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves is taken twice
ripe, about 4 mm in diameter. a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for two Plant parts used : Leaf, bark, root. forest areas of the northern, central, and eastern
Plant parts used : Leaf, flower, root. weeks to treat black fever. parts of the country.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A fresh juice extracted from
Ethnomedicinal uses : Pounded leaves are applied Distribution : The species occurs throughout the the bark of the plant is taken to treat anal fissure
to the forehead to treat headache. country. and diabetes.


145. Vitex trifolia L. 146. Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz


Family : Verbenaceae glandular tumours and breast cancer. Family : Lythraceae Juice extracted from the flowers is administered
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is ap- for the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery.
Synonym : Vitex triphylla Royle Synonym : Woodfordia tomentosa Bedd.
plied to the affected part of the body thrice a day Pea-sized pills made with the dried barks of the
Bengali/Vernacular name : Nil nishinda, Choto for three days to treat bruise. Bengali/Vernacular name : Dhaiphul, Rangkat, plant are taken thrice a day (two pills each time)
nishinda. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is Dhatriphul, Dhain. until the splenomegaly is cured.
Tribal name : Khupaninda (Chakma), Niramizhechi applied for the treatment of rheumatic pain, head- Tribal name : Japa-deli (Khumi), Se be gra (Mar- Flower juice is applied to the cutting wound until
(Marma), Chanpain (Rakhaing). ache, and skin disease. ma), Mricha (Murang), Agunitita (Tanchangya). the bleeding is stopped.
Powder prepared from the leaves of the plant is Dried flowers are used to treat liver disorder.
English name : Simple leaf chaste tree, Shrubby administered for the treatment of fever. English name : Fire-flame bush, Shiranjitea.
chaste tree, Three-leaved chaste tree. Distribution : It occurs in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar,
Distribution : It is found in forests of Cox’s Bazar, Description of the plant : A large shrub, about 2.5 Dhaka districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Description of the plant : An aromatic slender Teknaf, and other coastal areas. m tall. Leaves 5-14 cm long, lanceolate or ovate-
shrub, sometimes a small tree, up to 6 m tall. lanceolate, rarely falcate, more or less oblique,
Leaves simple, 3-foliolate, leaflets obovate-elliptic, apex acuminate, base rounded to subcordate,
sessile, puberulent, apex obtuse or blunt, base entire, very shortly petiolate or almost sessile.
rounded or cuneate, dark green above, matted Inflorescence axillary, short peduncled cymes, 3 to
closely with grayish tomentum beneath. Flowers 16-flowered. Flowers tubular, bright red. Capsule
purplish-blue, often leafy at the base. Fruit a drupe, ovate to elliptic.
5 mm across, ellipsoid, black when ripe.
Plant parts used : Bark, flower.
Plant parts used : Leaf.
Ethnomedicinal uses : A paste made with the flow-
Ethnomedicinal uses : Lotion prepared from the ers of the plant is applied to the infected skin for
leaves of the plant is used for the treatment of the treatment of skin disease.


147. Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabb. 148. Xylocarpus granatum J.Koenig


Family : Apocynaceae is taken three times a day (two tea spoons amount Family : Meliaceae diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery.
each time) until the asthma is cured. The leaves of the plant are used to treat malaria.
Synonym : Wrightia tomentosa Roem. & Schult. Synonym : Xylocarpus obovatus (Blume) A.Juss.
A paste made with the bark of the plant is applied
Distribution : It occurs in Khulna, Satkhira, Cha-
Bengali/Vernacular name : Dudh-koraiya, Dudhi, externally to the snake biting place twice a day Bengali/Vernacular name : Dhundul, Putar, Tutul,
karia Sundarbans, and other coastal areas.
Dudh-kuruch, Shet-kurchi. until the poison is eliminated. Karamphul, Karambola.
Tribal name : Bol-matra (Garo), Lak thok (Marma). Milky juice of the plant is applied externally to the
English name : Cannonball mangrove, Apple
cutting place twice a day to treat bleeding from
English name : Woolly dyeing rosebay. mangrove.
cutting wound.
Description of the plant : A medium-sized de- Description of the plant : A small to medium-sized
Distribution : The species occurs in the forests
ciduous tree with profound milky latex. Leaves evergreen mangrove tree, up to 20 m tall. Leaves
of Sylhet, Mymensingh, Tangail, Chittagong, and
tomentose on both surfaces, elliptic or ovate, abruptly pinnate, with pairs of leaflets which are
the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, base cuneate, elliptic or obovate, 5-15 cm long, apex rounded,
margin thickly undulate. Cymes terminal, cor- base cuneate. Flowers are small, white, 4-parted,
ymbose, tomentose. Flowers white, turning yel- borne on short terminal or axillary panicles. Fruit
low with unpleasant odour. Fruits 5-18 cm long, is very large, 15-25 cm in diameter, flattened-
cylindrical, pendulous. globose, pericarp woody, with a short pointed tip.

Plant parts used : Bark, root. Plant parts used : Leaf, root.

Ethnomedicinal uses : Latex of the plant is applied Ethnomedicinal uses : Paste prepared from the
externally to the infected nails twice a day for two leaves of the plant is applied for the treatment of
days to treat nail infection. inflammation.
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant The roots of the plant are used as a treatment for


149. Xylocarpus moluccensis 150. Zephyranthes grandiflora Lindl.
(Lam.) M.Roem.

Family : Meliaceae Distribution : This species is found in the Sundar- Family : Liliaceae
bans, Chakaria Shundarbans, and other coastal
Synonym : Carapa moluccensis Lam. Synonym : Zephyranthes rosea Hort.
areas of the country.
Bengali/Vernacular name : Passur, Ail. Bengali/Vernacular name : Golapi ghashphul.
English name : Cedar mangrove. English name : Pink rain lily, Fairy lily, Zephar lily.
Description of the plant : An evergreen mangrove Description of the plant : A bulbous perennial
tree, 6-20 m tall. Leaves abruptly pinnate, rachis herb, bulb up to 2 cm across. Leaves up to 35 cm
terete, petioles up to 10 cm long, leaflets 2-3 pairs, long, linear, appearing with flowers. Scape hol-
7-15 cm long, elliptic-oblong, apex acute to obtuse, low, spathe simple, 2 cm long, hyaline, tubular,
base cuneate. Flowers small, pinkish-yellow or 2-notched. Perianth funnel-shaped, segments 6
creamy-white. Fruits the size of orange, flattened- (rarely up to 8), rose or pink coloured, 3-4 cm long,
globose, 4-grooved, 7-12 cm across, valves woody. sub-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate. Fruit a capsule.
Plant parts used : Bark. Plant parts used : Bulb.
Ethnomedicinal uses : Juice extracted from the Ethnomedicinal uses : The plant is used to treat
bark of the plant is given in gastrointestinal disor- tumour and diabetes.
der such as diarrhoea, dysentery, stomachache,
and constipation. Distribution : It is widely grown in garden.
Decoction made with the bark of the plant is given
for the treatment of fever.
The bark of the plant is used to treat candidiasis,
scabies, and baby rash.



Picture 1
Voucher specimen preparation.

Picture 2
Author is taking photograph of
ethnomedicinal plant.

5 6

Picture 3 Picture 4 Traditional healers are talking about the ethnomedicinal plants.
Traditional healer is showing an Picture 5 An indigenous man is showing an ethnomedicinal plant.
ethnomedicinal plant. Picture 6 An indigenous man is showing an ethnomedicinal plant.



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Abdominal pain : Pain that occurs between the chest and pelvic regions. Biliousness : A term used in the 18th and 19th centuries pertaining to bad digestion, stomach pains,
constipation, and excessive flatulence (passing gas).
Abscess : A swollen area within body tissue, containing an accumulation of pus.
Black fever : Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as kala-azar, black fever, and Dumdum fever, is the
Acne : The occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition most severe form of leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoan parasites of the
characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers. Leishmania genus.

Allergy : A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, esp. pollen, fur, a particular food, Blennorrhagia : An excess of such discharge, often specifically referring to that seen in gonorrhoea.
or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
Blister : A small pocket of fluid within the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by forceful rubbing
Alopecia : The partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows; baldness. (friction), burning, freezing, chemical exposure or infection. Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid
called serum or plasma.
Amenorrhoea : An abnormal absence of menstruation.
Blood disease : A disease or disorder of the blood.
Anaemia : A condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting
in pallor and weariness. Boils : Also known as a furuncle is a skin abscess, acausedbybacteria;itisfullofpusanddeadtissue,often
Anal fissure : A tear in the lining of the anus and anal canal that causes pain during bowel movements
and bleeding from the anus. Bone fracture : A medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone.

Anorexia : A lack or loss of appetite for food. Bowel : The part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine.

Aphthae : A small ulcer occurring in groups in the mouth or on the tongue. Breast cancer : A form of cancer that affects the cells of the breast.

Arsenic poisoning: Also known as arsenicosis occurs when a person's body contains greater than nor- Bronchitis : Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes it typically causes broncho-
mal levels of arsenic. spasm and coughing.

Arthritis : Painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. Bruise : An injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rup-
turing underlying blood vessels.
Ash : The dried plant materials are put into fire and allowed for full combustion. After cooling, the ash
is taken out and applied with oil or water. Cancer : The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.

Asthma : A chronic disease of the airways that makes breathing difficult, there is inflammation of the Candidiasis : Infection with candida, especially as causing oral or vaginal thrush.
air passages that results in a temporary narrowing of the airways that carry oxygen to the lungs. This
results in asthma symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Carbuncles : A severe abscess or painful clusters of boils in the skin that are contagious typically infected
with Staphylococcus bacteria.
Back pain : The pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints, or
other structures in the spine. Catarrh : Excessive discharge or build-up of mucus in the nose or throat, associated with inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
Baldness : The condition of having no hair on the top of the head.
Chickenpox : An infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of red itchy spots that turn into
Beriberi : A disease causing inflammation of the nerves and heart failure, caused by a deficiency of inflamed fluid blisters, it is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children, who are af-
vitamin B1. terward usually immune.



Cirrhosis : A chronic disease of the liver marked by degeneration of cells, inflammation, and fibrous Diarrhoea : A condition in which feces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.
thickening of tissue. It is typically a result of alcoholism or hepatitis.
Dysentery : Infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhoea with the presence of blood and
Cold : A common viral infection in which the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes inflamed, mucus in the feces.
typically causing running at the nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and other similar symptoms.
Dysmenorrhoea : Painful menstruation, typically involving abdominal cramps.
Colic : Severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen caused by intestinal gas or obstruction in the in-
testines and suffered esp. by babies. Dyspepsia : A vague discomfort in the upper abdomen or chest that may be described as gas, a feeling
of fullness, gnawing, or burning.
Conjunctivitis : Inflammation or infection of the membrane lining the eyelids (conjunctiva).
Dysuria : Painful or difficult urination.
Constipation : A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with
stools that are hard, dry, and small, making them painful or difficult to pass. Eclampsia : A condition in which one or more convulsions occur in a pregnant woman suffering from
high blood pressure, often followed by coma and posing a threat to the health of mother and baby.
Contraception : The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a
consequence of sexual intercourse. Eczema : A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that
cause itching and bleeding, sometimes resulting from a reaction to irritation (eczematous dermatitis)
Contusion : A region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise.
but more typically having no obvious external cause.
Cough : A sudden, usually noisy expulsion of air from the lungs, often involuntary.
Epilepsy : A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of
consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Cut wound : A wound is a type of injury in which skin is torn, cut, or punctured, or where blunt force
trauma causes a contusion. In pathology, it specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the der-
Erysipelas : An acute, sometimes recurrent disease caused by a bacterial infection, characterized by
mis of the skin.
large raised red patches on the skin.
Cystitis : Inflammation of the urinary bladder. It is often caused by infection and is usually accompanied
by frequent painful urination. Extract : Both the fresh and or dried materials are boiled in wide mouth earthen pot in water or alcohol
(1:20 ratio) and are reduced to about one third of the original volume. The extract is used internally and
Dandruff : The shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. may be preserved for 2-3 weeks.

Decoction : Both the fresh and or dried materials are boiled in wide mouth earthen pot in water (1:10 Facial paralysis : Loss of facial movement because of nerve damage.
ratio) and are reduced to about one fourth of the original volume. Sometimes a pinch of salt or honey is
added in it. The decoction is used internally and may be preserved for 2-3 weeks. Faint : Lose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to
the brain.
Dehydration : The excessive loss of body water, the body does not have as much water and fluids as it
should. Feces : Waste matter discharged from the bowels after food has been digested; excrement.

Dermatitis : A condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen, and sore, sometimes with small Febrile convulsion : A convulsion which associated with significant rise in body temperature suddenly,
blisters, resulting from direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or an allergic reaction to it. most commonly occur in children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years.

Diabetes : Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from Fever : An abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in
defects in the body's ability to produce and/or use insulin. severe instances, delirium.



Filariasis : A parasitic and infectious tropical disease caused by the presence of thread-like filarial Head lice : Tiny gray-brown wingless parasitic insects that affect only humans, they live by sucking blood
nematode worms, esp. in the lymph vessels where heavy infestation can result in elephantiasis. from the scalp.

Fistula : An abnormal or surgically made passage between a hollow or tubular organ and the body sur- Headache : Pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck.
face, or between two hollow or tubular organs.
Hemiplegia : Paralysis of one side of the body.
Flatulence : The accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal.
Hemorrhage : Any profuse internal or external bleeding from the blood vessels.
Fomentation : The fresh leaves, mainly latex bearing plants, are put on fire for about few minutes after
adding little oils. Then the leaves are allowed for cooling for about 1-2 minutes and applied externally
Hemorrhoids : A painful, swollen vein or group of veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus.
on the affected parts of the body.
Hepatitis : An inflammation of the liver, most commonly caused by a viral infection.
Fresh juice : The fresh plants or plant parts are cut into pieces and is crushed either in mortar like stone
or in between the two palms. Then the extract is made by squeezing. It is believed that the fresh juice
has the highest potency and is administered orally or applies externally. Fresh juice is always advised to Hepatomegaly : Abnormal enlargement of the liver.
prepare a new just before use every time.
Hepatosplenomegaly : The simultaneous enlargement of both the liver and the spleen.
Fume : The fume is created by burning the dried material or boiling dried or fresh material water. It is
inhaled by covering the part of the body with cloth. Hernia : A sac formed by the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum).

Gallstone : A small, hard crystalline mass formed abnormally in the gall bladder or bile ducts from bile Herpes : A sexually transmitted infection caused by HSV (herpes simplex virus). This virus affects the
pigments, cholesterol, and calcium salts. Gallstones can cause severe pain and blockage of the bile duct. genitals, the cervix, as well as the skin in other parts of the body.

Gastric ulcer : This is a sore in the lining of stomach. Hiccup : An involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the
glottis and a characteristic sound like that of a cough.
Gastritis : An inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
Hookworm : A parasitic nematode that lives in the small intestine of its host.
Gastroenteritis : Inflammation of the stomach and intestine.
Hyperacidity : A condition in which a person's stomach produces too much acid during digestion, caus-
Gingivitis : Inflammation of the gums (gingiva). It commonly occurs because of films of bacteria that ing gasiness, vomiting.
accumulate on the teeth - plaque; this type is called plaque-induced gingivitis.
Hyperglycaemia : An excess of glucose in the bloodstream, often associated with diabetes mellitus.
Goiter : A swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Hypertension : Abnormally high blood pressure.
Gonorrhoea : A bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI), involving inflammatory discharge from the
urethra or genital organ.
Hysteria : An uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality, laughter,
Gout : An extremely painful inflammation of joints, especially of the big toe, caused by a metabolic defect weeping, etc.
resulting in the accumulation of uric acid in the blood and the deposition of urates around the joints.
Impotence : Also known as erectile dysfunction an erection problem is when a man cannot get or keep
Haematuria : The presence of red blood cells in the urine. an erection that is firm enough to have intercourse. May be unable to get an erection at all. Or, may lose
the erection during intercourse. If the condition continues, it is called erectile dysfunction.
Hay fever : An allergy caused by pollen or dust in which the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose
are inflamed, causing running at the nose and watery eyes. Indigestion : Mild pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food.



Indolent ulcer : A defect in the cornea that is unable to heal due to a layer of denatured tissue on the Lumbago : Pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back.
surface of the eye.
Malaria : An intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite that invades the red blood
Inflammation : A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, cells. The parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions.
and often painful, esp. as a reaction to injury or infection.
Malnutrition : Lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the
Infusion : The dry materials, after cleaning, are cut into pieces and soak in drinking water about 1:6 ratio right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat.
overnight. The decanted water is used as medicine and taken orally. Sometimes a pinch of salt or honey
is added in the infusion is used internally and cannot be preserved more than once a day. Mania : Mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity.

Insanity : The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. Massage balm : The dried plant and animal produces are mixed with oil or butter or ghee by stirring for
hours. Then it is boiled for about 30 minutes to one hour. The massage balm is advised to use externally
Intermittent fever : A malarial fever in which feverish periods lasting a few hours alternate with periods and can be stored for a long time at normal temperature.
in which the temperature is normal.
Measles : An infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin, typically occurring in
Itch : An uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch. childhood.

Jaundice : A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of Meningitis : Inflammation of the meninges caused by viral or bacterial infection and marked by intense
the pigment bilirubin and typically caused by obstruction of the bile duct, by liver disease, or by excessive headache and fever, sensitivity to light, and muscular rigidity, leading (in severe cases) to convulsions,
breakdown of red blood cells. delirium, and death.

Leishmaniasis : A tropical and subtropical disease caused by leishmania and transmitted by the bite of Menopause : The point in time (typically between the ages of 45 and 50) when menstrual cycles perma-
sandflies. It affects either the skin or the internal organs. nently cease due to the natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging.

Leprosy : A chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium leproma- Menorrhagia : Abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation.
tosis that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves, causing discoloration and lumps on the skin.
Menstrual disorder : An irregular condition in a woman's menstrual cycle.
Leucoderma : White skin, medically known as Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder that causes de-pig-
mentation of skin. It causes discolouration of parts of skin forming patches due to gradual decrease of Mixture : This either the combination of the powders of dried materials or the combination of the de-
melanin from the dermal layers or when the skin cells known as melanocytes, which are responsible coctions and extracts of plant materials in a certain ratio. The mixture is used internally and may be
for the pigmentation of skin are unable to function. preserved for 2-3 weeks in tight mouth jar.

Leucorrhoea : A whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina. Mouth sore : A sore or open lesion in the mouth.

Lipoma : A soft fatty lump. It is a non-cancerous (benign) growth made up from fat cells that clump Mumps : A contagious and infectious viral disease causing swelling of the parotid salivary glands in the
together. A lipoma can occur in any part of the body where there are fat cells. face, and a risk of sterility in adult males.

Liver disease : Many diseases and disorders that cause the liver to function improperly or stop function- Nausea : A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.
ing. Abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), or abnormal results of liver function tests
suggest you have liver disease. Neuralgia : Intense, typically intermittent pain along the course of a nerve, esp. in the head or face.

Liverish : Slightly ill, as though having a disordered liver. Night blindness : Also called nyctalopia, the inability to see well at night or in poor light.



Oedema : Also known as dropsy is where there is an excessive build-up of fluid in the body's tissues. Psoriasis : A skin disease marked by red, itchy, scaly patches.

Oligomenorrhea : Light or infrequent menstrual periods. A woman who regularly goes more than 35 Pyorrhoea : The inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets and leads to pus formation and loosening
days without menstruating may be diagnosed with oligomenorrhea. of the teeth.

Ophthalmia : Inflammation of the eye, esp. conjunctivitis. Rabies : A contagious and fatal viral disease of dogs and other mammals that causes madness and
convulsions, transmissible through the saliva to humans.
Osteomalacia : Softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium.
Rheumatism : Any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue
Otitis : Inflammation of the ear, usually distinguished as otitis externa (of the passage of the outer ear), and other parts of the body.
otitis media (of the middle ear), and otitis interna (of the inner ear; labyrinthitis).
Ringworm : A contagious itching skin disease occurring in small circular patches, caused by any of a
Paralysis : The loss of muscles function for one or more muscles, inability to move (and sometimes to number of fungi, and affecting chiefly the scalp or the feet. The most common form is athlete's foot.
feel anything) in part or most of the body.
Roundworm : A nematode worm, especially a parasitic one found in the intestines of mammals.
Parturition : The action of giving birth to young; childbirth.
Scabies : A contagious skin disease marked by itching and small raised red spots, caused by the itch mite.
Paste : Both the fresh and dried materials, after cleaning, are made into paste on a stone and are used
both orally and apply externally. The paste is usually used fresh or can be preserved for 24 hours by
Scurvy : A disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the
adding honey or common salt.
opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished people.
Piles : Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings that contain enlarged and swollen blood ves-
Shigellosis : An infectious disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella. Symptoms of Shigella
sels in or around the rectum and anus.
infection include diarrhoea (often bloody), fever, and stomach cramps starting a day or two after exposure
Pill : The powder of the dried plant materials or paste of the fresh plant materials mixed with some to the bacteria.
edible gums, honey, maize or rice powder, which act as binding materials, are made into small round
pill and then dried in the sun. The pills are advised to take orally and can be preserved for a long time. Sinusitis : Inflammation of a nasal sinus.

Pimple : A small swelling in the skin caused by the blockage of a pore. Smallpox : An acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules that usually leave permanent scars.

Plaster : It is made from the pastes of fresh plant materials in a specific ratio, sometimes lime is added Snakebite : An injury caused by a bite from a snake, often resulting in puncture wound inflicted by the
to it. animal's fangs.

Pleurisy : Inflammation of the pleurae, which impairs their lubricating function and causes pain when Sore throat : Pain or irritation of the throat.
breathing. It is caused by pneumonia and other diseases of the chest or abdomen.
Sore : A painful wound, ulcer or skin lesion.
Pneumonia : Lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus
and may become solid. Inflammation may affect either lungs (double pneumonia) or only one (single Spasm : A sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement.
Spermatorrhoea : An involuntary discharge/ejaculation of semen without any sexual event or thoughts.
Powder : The dried materials are pounded and made into fine powder. The powder is used internally
and preserved for a longer period. It is believed that the medicine gets more potency with storage for a Spleen : An abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates
longer period. and forming part of the immune system.



Sprain : Wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) violently so as to cause pain Urticaria: A rash of round, red weals on the skin which itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swell-
and swelling but not dislocation. ing, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods.

Stomachache : A pain in a person's belly. Venereal disease : A disease typically contracted by sexual contact with a person already infected; a
sexually transmitted disease.
Stomatitis : A viral infection of the mucous membrane of the mouth, that causes small sore or ulcers and
inflammation. It is not a stomach problem. “Stoma” is a medical term referring to a “mouth-like” opening. Vomiting : The forceful expulsion of the contents of the stomach via the mouth or sometimes the nose,
also known of as emesis.
Strangury : A condition caused by blockage or irritation at the base of the bladder, resulting in severe
pain and a strong desire to urinate. Wart : A small, hard, usually painless growths on the skin caused by a virus.

Suppuration : The formation or discharge of pus. Weakness : The state or condition of lacking strength.
Swelling : An abnormal enlargement of a part of the body, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid.
Whooping cough : Also known as pertussis, a contagious bacterial disease chiefly affecting children,
characterized by convulsive coughs followed by a whoop.
Syphilis : The result of a bacterial infection of the genital tract by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. a
highly contagious disease spread primarily by sexual activity, including oral and anal sex. Occasionally,
Worm : Any of various invertebrates, as those of the phyla Annelida, Nematoda, Nemertea, or Platyhel-
the disease can be passed to another person through prolonged kissing or close bodily contact.
minthes, having a long, flexible, rounded or flattened body, often without obvious appendages.
Syrup : The powdered dried raw materials are soaked in drinking water and put in an earthen pot covered
Wound : An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, typically one in which the skin
with lids for 3-4 days. The contained is shaked for about 30 minutes every day. The decanted liquid is
is cut or broken.
then mixed with honey (4:1 ratio) is considered as syrup. The syrup is advised to take orally and can be
preserved for several months.

Tetanus : A bacterial disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles.

Threadworms : A very slender parasitic nematode worm, especially a pinworm which are tiny that hatch
eggs in and infect the large intestine of humans.

Tonsillitis : Inflammation of the most commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection.

Toothache : A pain in and around the tooth or teeth.

Tuberculosis : An infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the
tissues, especially the lungs.

Tumour : A swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth
of tissue, whether benign or malignant.

Ulcer : An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or
mucous membrane that fails to heal.

Urethritis : Inflammation of the urethra.



A B Cardamomum maximum (Roxb.) Kuntze 11 Cyathula repens Moq. 46

Abelmoschus moschatus Medik 1 Balbisia elongata Willd. 140 Carissa carandas L. 29 Cycas dilatata Griff. 47
Abroma alata Blanco 2 Balsamina coccinea (Sims) DC. 74 Carissa salicina Lam. 29 Cycas pectinata Buch.-Ham. 47
Abroma augusta (L.) L.f. 2 Barleria hystrix L. 17 Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold 30
Abroma elongata Lam. 2 Barleria prionitis L. 17 Cassia alata L. 122 D
Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. 3 Bergera koenigii L. 95 Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don 31 Dentella repens (L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. 48
Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. subsp. indica (Benth.) Bidens alba (L.) DC. 18 Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. 32 Desmodium heterocarpon (L.) DC. 49
Brenana 4 Bidens hirta Jord. 18 Cheilocostus speciosus (J.Koenig) C.D.Specht 33 Desmodium polycarpum (Poir.) DC. 49
Acacia wallichiana DC. 3 Bidens pilosa L. 18 Chrozophora rottleri (Geiseler) A.Juss. ex Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. 50
Acalypha chinensis Benth. 5 Boehmeria glomerulifera Miq. 19 Spreng. 34 Dilivaria ilicifolia (L.) Juss. 6
Acalypha indica L. 5 Boehmeria malabarica Wedd. 19 Cissus angustifolia Roxb. 136 Dillenia minor (Zoll. & Moritzi) Gilg 51
Acalypha spicata Forssk. 5 Boerhavia diffusa L. 20 Cissus edulis Dalzell 36 Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. 51
Acanthus doloarin Blanco 6 Boerhavia paniculata f. esetosa Heimerl 20 Cissus elongata Roxb. 35 Diospyros cordifolia Roxb. 52
Acanthus ilicifolius L. 6 Bombax pentandrum L. 32 Cissus quadrangularis L. 36 Diospyros montana Roxb. 52
Achyranthes prostrata L. 46 Borreria exilis L.O.Williams 126 Cleome ciliata Schumach. & Thonn. 37 Duranta erecta L. 53
Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f. 7 Borreria ocymoides (Burm.f.) DC. 127 Cleome rutidosperma DC. 37 Duranta repens L. 53
Adiantum philippense L. 7 Borreria repens DC. 126 Cleome viscosa L. 38 Dysophylla auricularia (L.) Blume 114
Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco 8 Breynia patens (Roxb.) Rolfe 21 Clerodendrum balfourii Dombrain 39 Dysosmia foetida (L.) M.Roem. 105
Aegiceras majus Gaertn. 8 Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston 21 Clerodendrum thomsoniae Balf.f. 39
Aerides retusa (L.) Sw. 119 Brotera phoenicea (L.) Cav. 107 Clitoria parviflora Raf. 40 E
Allamanda cathartica L. 9 Brownlowia elata Roxb. 22 Clitoria philippensis Perr. 40 Eranthemum bicolor Schrank 54
Allamanda latifolia C.Presl 9 Brownlowia gamosepala (Turcz.) Burret 22 Clitoria ternatea L. 40 Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews 54
Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm. 10 Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.) Poir. 23 Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth. 111 Euphorbia cotinifolia L. 55
Amomum maximum Roxb. 11 Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken 24 Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilipps 41 Euphorbia cotinoides Miq. 55
Amorphophallus bulbifer (Roxb.) Blume 12 Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm. 33 Euphorbia edulis Lour. 57
Anacardium microcarpum Ducke 13 C Costus zerumbet Pers. 10 Euphorbia elliptica Lam. 56
Anacardium occidentale L. 13 Cactus bleo Kunth 109 Couroupita guianensis Aubl. 42 Euphorbia heterophylla L. 56
Annona hexapetala L.f. 16 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. 25 Couroupita peruviana O.Berg 42 Euphorbia neriifolia L. 57
Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. 14 Calendula eriocarpa DC. 26 Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore 43
Argemone mexicana L. 15 Calendula officinalis L. 26 Crinum asiaticum L. 44 F
Argemone spinosa Gaterau 15 Callicarpa arborea Roxb. 27 Crinum macrophyllum Hallier f. 44 Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br. 58
Arillaria robusta Kurz 102 Callicarpa magna Schauer 27 Crotalaria mollis Weinm. 45 Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. 59
Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari 16 Calycopteris floribunda (Roxb.) Lam. ex Poir. 62 Crotalaria verrucosa L. 45 Flacourtia jangomas (Lour.) Raeusch. 60
Artabotrys odoratissimus R.Br. 16 Canna indica L. 28 Croton philippensis Lam. 89 Flacourtia sapida Roxb. 59
Arum bulbiferum Roxb. 12 Canna macrophylla Horan. 28 Croton plicatus Vahl 34 Flemingia grandiflora Roxb. ex Rottl. 137
Arum trilobatum L. 141 Canna occidentalis Ker Gawl. 28 Cucumis maderaspatanus L. 94 Foeniculum dulce Mill. 61
Asclepias parasitica Roxb. 70 Carapa moluccensis Lam. 149 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume 46 Foeniculum vulgare Mill. 61



G J Menyanthes hydrophyllum Lour. 99 Peltophorum roxburghii (G.Don) Degener 106

Gardenia uliginosa Retz. 134 Jasminum multiflorum (Burm.f.) Andrews 78 Mimosa catechu L.f. 3 Pentapetes phoenicea L 107
Getonia floribunda Roxb. 62 Jasminum pubescens (Retz.) Willd. 78 Mimosa nilotica L. 4 Peperomia concinna (Haw.) A. Dietr. 108
Globba radicalis Roxb. 63 Jussiaea adscendens L. 87 Morinda angustifolia Roxb. 92 Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth 108
Gomphrena globosa L. 64 Jussiaea hyssopifolia G.Don 88 Morinda citrifolia L. 93 Pereskia bleo (Kunth) DC. 109
Gomphrena rubra Moq. 64 Jussiaea repens L. 87 Morinda macrophylla Desf. 93 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene 110
Gratiola rotundifolia L. 84 Justicia nervosa Vahl 54 Morinda squarrosa Buch.-Ham. 92 Phyllanthus retusus Dennst. 21
Grewia asiatica L. 65 Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.Roem. 94 Piper pellucidum L. 108
Grewia hainesiana Hole 65 K Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. 95 Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R.Br. 111
Gumira esculenta (Roxb.) Kuntze 116 Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. 24 Mussaenda corymbosa Kurz 96 Plumeria alba L. 112
Gynura crepidioides Benth. 43 Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f. 96 Plumeria angustifolia A.DC. 113
L Plumeria revolutifolia Stokes 112
H Lantana alba Mill. 86 N Plumeria rubra L. 113
Hedysarum triflorum L. 50 Laportea interrupta (L.) Chew 79 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 97 Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. 114
Heliotropium curassavicum L. 66 Lathyrus asiaticus (Zalkind) Kudr. 80 Nelumbo speciosa Willd. 97 Poinciana pulcherrima L. 25
Heliotropium glaucum Salisb. 66 Lathyrus sativus L. 80 Nerium antidysentericum L. 69 Poinsettia heterophylla (L.) Klotzsch & Garcke 56
Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T.Anderson 67 Lawsonia inermis L. 81 Nerium divaricatum L. 132 Polanisia viscosa (L.) Blume 38
Heritiera fomes Buch.-Ham. 68 Lawsonia spinosa L. 81 Nipa fruticans (Wurmb) Thunb. 100 Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thwaites 115
Heritiera minor (Gaertn.) Roxb. 68 Leonurus occidentalis Colla 82 Nymphaea nelumbo L. 97 Premna esculenta Roxb. 116
Hibiscus abelmoschus L. 1 Leonurus sibiricus L. 82 Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. 98
Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roxb. ex Fleming) Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston 83 Nymphaea stellata Willd. 98 Q
Wall. ex A.DC. 69 Lindernia rotundifolia (L.) Alston 84 Nymphoides hydrophylla (Lour.) Kuntze 99 Quisqualis indica L. 41
Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight 70 Linum humile Mill. 85 Nypa fruticans Wurmb 100
Hydnocarpus kurzii (King) Warb. 71 Linum usitatissimum L. 85 R
Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. 72 Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. ex Britton & P.Wilson 86 O Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacq. 118
Hydrangea maritima Haw.-Booth 72 Lippia nodiflora Cham. 110 Oldenlandia repens L. 48 Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz 117
Hyptis acuta Benth. 73 Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara 87 Ophiorrhiza mungos L. 101 Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. 118
Hyptis brevipes Poit. 73 Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell 88 Ormosia robusta Baker 102 Rauvolfia trifoliata (Gaertn.) Baill. 117
Oxalis corniculata L. 103 Rhizophora sexangula Lour. 23
I M Oxalis minima Steud. 103 Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume 119
Impatiens balsamina L. 74 Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll.Arg. 89 Ruellia antipoda L. 83
Ixora affinis Wall. ex Craib 77 Malvaviscus longifolius (A. St.-Hil.) Spach 90 P Ruellia hirta Vahl 67
Ixora coccinea L. 75 Malvaviscus penduliflorus Moc. & Sessé ex DC 90 Parkinsonia aculeata L. 104
Ixora findlayana B.S.Williams 76 Mantisia radicalis (Roxb.) D.P.Dam & N.Dam 63 Parkinsonia thornberi M.E.Jones 104 S
Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.Don 76 Melastoma candidum D. Don 91 Passiflora balansae Chodat 105 Salvia brasiliensis Spreng. 120
Ixora grandiflora Ker Gawl. 75 Melastoma malabathricum L. 91 Passiflora foetida L. 105 Salvia splendens Sellow ex Schult 120
Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn 77 Menispermum japonicum Thunb. 129 Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) K.Heyne 106 Saurauia roxburghii Wall. 121


Index of Scientific Names Index of Bengali / Vernacular Names

Saurauia tristyla DC. 121 Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. 139

A Banjiga 138
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. 122 Tridax procumbens (L.) L. 140 Ach 93 Banmethi 49
Sesamum africanum Tod. 123 Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott 141 Agar 14 Ban-naranga 131
Sesamum indicum L. 123 Agmukhi 94 Ban-naringa 131
U Agni pata 56
Solanum sisymbriifolium f. lilacinum Kuntze 124 Bansan 45
Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. 124 Urtica interrupta L. 79 Ail 149 Bara chadar 118
Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. 125 Uvaria suberosa Roxb. 115 Ajugi 51 Barachali 115
Sonneratia ovalis Korth. 125 Ajuli 51 Barachand 93
Spermacoce exilis (L.O.Williams) C.D.Adams Akandi manik 129 Barakanur 44
ex W.C.Burger & C.M.Taylor 126 Vanda roxburghii R.Br. 142 Akdana 21 Baranishinda 143
Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f. 127 Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don 142 Akundi 129 Barashiyalkanta 15
Sphaeranthus hirtus Willd. 128 Vandellia veronicifolia (Retz.) Haines 83 Alakananda 9 Baroful 92
Sphaeranthus indicus L. 128 Verbena nodiflora L. 110 Amboli 103 Barotera 11
Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 129 Vinca rosea L. 31 Amla-bela 12 Begunehurhurey 37
Sterculia colorata Roxb. 58 Vitex arborea Desf. 143 Amrul 103 Belari kikar 104
Sterculia foetida L. 130 Vitex negundo L. 143 Amrul sak 103 Belatibabla 104
Sterculia mexicana var. guianensis Sagot 130 Vitex peduncularis var. roxburghiana C.B.Clarke 144 Aparajita 40 Beuchi 59
Stigmarota jangomas Lour. 60 Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer 144 Argeza 51 Bhatraj 95
Suregada glabra Roxb. 131 Vitex trifolia L. 145 Aripachuli 114 Bhuiokra 110
Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill. 131 Vitex triphylla Royle 145 Arsol 144 Bhuipat 48
Vitis elongata (Roxb.) Wall. 35 Arunpata 127
Bichuti 79
Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight 36 Aurunjyoti 106
T Biddapata 7
Awal 144
Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. 132 W Bidenlosa 18
& Schult Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz 146 Bilari 94
Tagetes erecta L. 133
B Biralhatchi 5
Woodfordia tomentosa Bedd. 146
Tagetes patula L. 133 Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabb. 147 Babla 4 Boiciful 59
Tamilnadia uliginosa (Retz.) Tirveng. & Sastre 134 Wrightia tomentosa Roem. & Schult. 147 Babul 3 Bonsak 92
Taraktogenos kurzii King 71 Baicha 59 Bontejpata 91
Tectona grandis L.f. 135 X Bakkam 110 Borati gas 67
Tectona theca Lour. 135 Xylocarpus granatum J.Koenig 148 Banach 93 Bormala 27
Tetrastigma angustifolium (Roxb.) Planch. 136 Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M.Roem. 149 Banamali 92 Borokhulkurhi 128
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K.Schum. 30 Xylocarpus obovatus (Blume) A.Juss. 148 Banchalta 51 Borosunga 95
Thunbergia cordifolia Nees 137 Bandherosh 1 Borthurthuri 19
Thunbergia grandiflora (Roxb. ex Rottl.) Roxb 137 Z Bandhuli 107 Boruna 144
Trema africana Blume 138 Zephyranthes grandiflora Lindl. 150 Banduki 33 Botamphul 64
Trema orientalis (L.) Blume 138 Zephyranthes rosea Hort. 150 Banduri 23 Buno jhumka 105
Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam.) Voigt 139 Zerumbet speciosum J.C.Wendl 10 Bangab 52 Buno jhumka-lata 105



Buripana 67 Dhalahuja 27 Ghorachokha shim 102 Huri 58

Burma shimul 32 Dhatriphul 146 Girineem 95 Hurkcuh 6
Butamphul 126 Dhemna 35 Goda 144 Hydrangea 72
Dhundul 148 Godorjiga 138
C Dopatta 74 Gol tokma 73 I
Dudhi 147 Golap cactus phul 109
Calendula 26 Indisag 128
Dudh-koraiya 147 Golapi ghashphul 150
Chagal nudie 128 Indrajib 69
Dudh-kuruch 147 Golkamal 64
Chagoldi 128
Dudhphul 132 Golpata 100
Chalmugra 71 J
Dulmugra 71 Gondhapurna 20
Chamri 58 Jajura 82
Dungkhar 59 Gorakh mundi 128
Chand mala 99 Jhanjhani 45
Dupati 74 Gorakphal 105
Chandmona 99 Jhumka phul 75
Duporia 107 Guichapa 16
Charkona lota 36 Jiban 138
Dupurchundi 107 Guichia lata 62
Chaulmugra 71 Jigal 138
Dupurmoni 107 Gulachin 112
Chauri-chaonri 96 Joldata 108
Duranto 53 Gul-makhmal 64
Chemna lata 35 Jolpadma 97
Duubbecrepi 43
Chera pata 70 Jongle-ol 12
Chikan 138 H
Jongli badam 130
Chitki 21 E Haja 27 Juma 82
Choto helencha 83 Ekush 51 Halde hurhure 38
Choto kamini 95 Haldi kachu 93 K
Choto nishinda 145 F Haptabanga 36
Chotto-krishnachura 25 Kailata 107
Filipino pakha 7 Harbhangalata 36
103 Kaju 13
Chuka tripati Hargaza 51
Kajubadam 13
Chutra 79 G Hargoza 6
Kalaboti 28
Cycas 47 Harinar phul 92
Gadaphul 133 Kalaliya 50
Harjora 36
Gandhakuli 118 Kalashona 101
D Harkakra 9
Gandhamul 10 Kalijhant 7
Dadmardan 122 Harkuch kanta 6 Kalke phul 9
Gandhanakuli 101
Dalup 121 Heza 21 Kalokasturi 1
Gandhaphul 133
Daru haridra 92 Hijlibadam 13 Kamalaguli 89
Genda 133 Holde kolkephul 30
Datoi 65 Kamela 89
Gendaphul 133 Horina 144
Datranga 91 Kamkoi 21
Deogola 65 Ghanta phul 9 Hridoyhara 39 Kankra 23
Deoudal 58 Ghetkachu 141 Hridoykhora 39 Kanta begun 124
Dhain 146 Ghetkul 141 Hur ujal 58 Kanta-janti 17
Dhaiphul 146 Ghikul 141 Hurhuria 38 Kantakoi 21



Kanta-manasa 57 Kingur 89 Meghmollika 78

Kanthalichapa 16 Kodaliya 50 Mehedi 81 Ora 125
Kantikari 124 Koilsha 8 Mendi 81 Orali 125
Kantokushi 21 Koja 27 Modhumanjuri 41
Kapaija 65 Kolkephul 30 Mohesh kanda 52 P
Kapaisha 138 Komol 97 Moos 22 Padma 97
Kapashia 138 Konokchura 106 Morich joba 90 Painnagola 60
Karach 29, 69 Kotki 6 Mowri 61 Pan muhori 61
Karambola 148 Kukuriam 115 Much gach 22 Paniala 59, 60
Karamcha 29 Kulaliya modi 50 Muktajhuri 5 Paniamala 60
Karamphul 148 Kuljon 10 Mulsi 87
Panilong 88
Karancha 29 Kund 78 Mundi 128
Passur 149
Karanga 29 Kundphul 78 Murmoria 128
Pata bahar 111
Karas 69 Kura 33 Murmuri 115
Kurantak 17 Mus 22 Pata gota 58
Karipata 95
Kurchi 69 Mushakdana 1 Patasij 57
Karoghas 110
Kuruj 69 Pathor-chur 111
Karpo modi 49
Kasalong 8 Kutesshor 69 N Pathorkuchi 24
Katai 59 Kuthi rangan 77 Nabina 104 Pedalu 134
Katamehedi 53 Nagdaun 44 Peperomia 108
Katchampa 16 L Nagkeshor 42 Pesondi 65
Kath golap 112, 113 Lalana 116 Naglingom 42 Phalsa 65
Katha 3 Lalbichuti 79 Nagpata 44 Phepsia 65
Katshareya 17 Lalnatinga 23 Phuldamar 65
Naichicha 58
Kekanta 6 Lalong 116 Pichas-lakri 86
Naris 65
Kengrabiji 15 Lalrangan 75
Nayan tara 31 Piralu 134
Keshordam 87 Lanka joba 90
Nekung riubi 136 Pisi 58
Keu 33 Luchi pata 108
Nil aparajita 40 Pisla 65
Keumol 33 Lukluki 60
Lutki 91 Nil nishinda 145 Pithapata 108
Khadira 3
Nila 40 Poddo 97
Khair 3
M Nilkomol 98 Punag 89
Khalisa 8
Madhunikkon 10 Nillata 137 Punarnava 20
Khalsi 8
Kharkon 141 Makal 139 Nilpaddo 98 Putar 148
Kheshari 80 Maknadi 129 Nil-shapla 98
Khoja 27 Makundi 129 Nimulkha 129 R
Khudi okra 34 Malcha 87 Nishinda 143 Radhachura 25
Khudi phora 34 Mansa 57 Nol lata 137 Raini 89
Khulsa 8 Mansasij 57 Nona hatishur 66 Raj pathada 129
Kikar 4 Maricha 131 Noni 93 Raktapadma 97


Index of Bengali / Vernacular Names Index of Tribal Names

Rangan 75 Sildaura 96
A Banitak 27
Rangan phul 75 Sinduri 89 Aasu 92 Banka 12
Rangkat 146 Sudi 81 Aatran 79 Bardhoman gach 47
Raniratak 96 Sukdarshan 44 Aekachop 132 Bauma raja 117
Ranjan 75 Sundori 68 Agar gach 14 Bawngkawr 28
Rasna 142 Surjomoni 107 Agunitita 146 Bawnkawr 28
Ratkheya 63 Swarnajhinti 17 Aicia-kung 122 Bay song kra 40
Reng 57 Swarpagandha 117 Ajing-kammu 129 Bely-plow 32
Rohinia 23 Swetbasanta 5 Ak-mio 91 Bhola kadam 121
Roktodron 82
Swetpurna 20 Alenda 141 Bhomara 117
Rora 89
Swetshimul 32 Amilani 103
Rupa-tola 132 Bibalchak 98
Amio 40 Bisailla kuruli 17
T 40
S Ammai-noo-apang Bisalla koroni 17
Tagar 132 Angara 113 Bisalyakaroni 140
Sada jabri 48
Tagar phul 132 Angje 51
Sada pani ghas 83 Bobipui 21
Tamat 55 Angkung-gam 116
Sada phuli 48 Bol-ajun 58
Tambol 2
Sada rangan 76 Angra-pay 113 Bol-dukhak-ki-bipang 69
Tan chapra 84
Sakri 65 Anu choiloi 9 Bol-matra 147
Teak 135
Samarri 58 Apung fai 40 Bol-thuthu 89
Tia tot 33
Samloksree 131 Arai-blei 116 Bormajal 50
Til 123
Sarupati lata 136 Arang jura 36 Bowmba raja 117
Tisi 85
Serapata hoya 70 Aree-u-apang 108 Boyomaa baajaa 132
Tokroi 60
Shamoli ghas 108 Aroow-cha-sthei 36 Braymaraya 117
Tomal 52
Shegoon 135 Tre-potrishak 50 Aruleng 19 Bulumgni pukki 105
Shegun 135 Tridaksa 140 Ashhoi 144 Bumma-raja 77
Shet-kurchi 147 Tridhara 140 Ashmul gaas 144
Shial leza orchid 119 Tung 89 Assai-tara 133 C
Shialkanta 15 Tutul 148 Aungche paing fung 132
Caha-sthei 139
Shorbojoya 28 Aungra-paing 113
Caney-pawn 132
Shotodol 97 U
Chaa-naw 123
Shouila 125 Udal badam 130 B
Chagrey aik 136
Shukh murali 54 Ulatkambal 2 Baa-thaw-shaw 50
Chai-key-pawn 142
Shumo salvia 120 Ulki 12
Baghadumm 12 Champuither 35
Shwarnachura 106 Ulutkambal 2
Baimu maiya 121 Chan-dugma 117
Shyontula 46
Siakanta 15 Z Baiunkasa 43 Chanpain 145
Silchaonri 96 Zai ghas 83 Balgach 71 Chasesii 131
Silchauri 96 Zaikura 88 Bandar tala 7 Chasherrow 108



Cheai-lo-par 64 Dotlong 122 arjola 51 Kamduahung 103

Che-marang 60 Drulturnah 108 Harma pada arsanga 49 Kan kung 45
Cheng rong 92 Harsanga 36 Karasangban 58
Che-pan 74 E Haruan ludi 46 Karnophuli 124
Cherry-pawn 30 Hastadangar 132 Kasobu 116
Elingba 92
Chieyong-caarah 13 Hatvanga daru 36 Kathangpo 75
El-lid 35
Chiki-phang 70 Haza 51 Katteyei 123
Chikonjat bandartala 7 Hedaphal 139 Kaya machaoi 75
F Kayamusiba 117
Chi-lei-phang 144 Heja 21
Fa choin da 131 Kelarazi 101
Ching-ringpao 64 Hla-kho-dei 130
Fai-mong 21 Kenra-kachu 12
Choim-chapray 139 Hoba rasun 44
Faissa gaith 70 Ken-thug-blag 93
Chok phul 31 Hodogi 33
Fala chingey 33 Keshna 13
Chudaw-payn 28 Holabe phul 28
Fessya gach 70 Khaichuani-bithi 122
Chui-daw 62 Holemfry 19
Fluma oijik 1 Khathpo 133
Chung-moro 12 Honga 35
Fluma umaiejik 1 Khaw-rung 9
Chyan-way-pawn 135 Hri-hri-chene-bawn 31
Khedogi 33
Cow-kha-ray-pawn 124 Fra-pang-pao 31 Huney gach 1 Khom-lyru-dong 28
Crachi 38 Fuck-shui 105 Hutam khang 36 Khom-tok-twi 132
Cry tong mui 33 Khom-took 91
G J Khoro gola 60
D Gach chola 2 Jang gach 27 Khuom-chung-kheng 77
Dah-apayn 64 Gachsatta 79 Janum-daru 4 Khupaninda 145
Daiya 2 Gaishya 123 Japa-deli 146 Kiloni gach 33
Gandu-pawn 87 Jaunghilang 137 Koapakrui 105
Dan-apang 81
Gangchuma 88 Koba bena 92
Darken 133 Jeejak laua 24
Gangku maichya 87 Koba raun 44
Daway-ma-apnag 41 Jeos 24
Gawnja-bawn 32 Kobamoin phul 7
Deihnak 61 Junnihar 83
Goi phul 30 Kobamugo aso phul 7
Deinak 61
Goisshya 123 Kodombo-chik 97
Deldi pata 137 K Koilabi-khlom 30
Guestunut 13
Deli 142 Kaduk chapaing 30 Koingdo pang 33
Gulchi 112, 113
Delong pata 122 Kadyo-shya-payn 9 Koin-phey-bawn 91
Dhayn-payn 74 Kaju dare 13 Kongkoi 21
Dibujja phul 107 H
Kakku-phang 91 Konku 21
Diggi-threngi 36 Hamussa gas 21 Kala ongey phil 40 Koo-shey-dung 49
Diggi-walsun 28 Hara 51 Kalakot 3 Kormai yearang 79
Dikranga chuillya 77 Harbait 141 Kalman 141 Kra pao 98
Do-grak-mi 117 Harbaj 141 Kaly-kholo-ajing 137 Kraa-khaw-lang 97



Kraa-phru-bawn 98
M Mrein-noie 129 Piyong 31
Krah-chermit 92 Maa-khaw-daa-bawn 43 Mricha 146 Pley 122
Krah-dey 33 Magapittungulu 91 Mring blu 103 Poakfut 105
Krah-kheyath 122 Magato mini 25 Muring 61 Pokgula 105
Krah-p-sen 69 Mahaga 14 Murrow-bawn 64 Polumaoeba 2
Maitu 101 Pomanyrajafing 117
Krah-tisi 85
Makaclilum 44 N Powmachi 105
Krajeeng-kashey-pawn 99
Mamalaru 139 Praing daing muk 33
Kraktha 144 Nahaing pang 123
Mangjoigri 79 Prein-taw-mey-bawn 33
Kramo-kujii 33 Naikrang 88
Marianthur 103 Prindey 43
Kramuk kai-fung 116 Nekung riubi 136
Maro 110 Pui chi 122
Kra-sam-baing 58 Ne-re-shi 60 Pui-bawn 122
Mashkhanchi 27
Kresenath gach 13 Ney-da-sha-bawn 123 Puincha 60
Masmatairum 91
Krow-naa-row 20 Nikhrow 89 Punarcha 69
Mathri gula 105
Kuduk jhunjhuni 45 Niramisludi 143 Purnima gaith 1
Mau-cco-deyn-pang 82
Kufuangper 75 Niramizhechi 145 Pyandhum 36
Medha tida 94
Nui-bawn 70
Kuichiana-phang 69 Meilingper 64
Kum-tluang-par 31 Mendi bofang 81
Kunei gach 1
O Rabai 75
Mendi gach 81
Kural gach 17 Mintipada 81 Oal sup 33 Radhachura gas 25
Kuruar gach 89 Misti zeera 61 Oiakte 132 Ranertago gaas 96
Mitha jhira 61 Ooma-bawn 105 Ranirtak 96
Kuruk 69
Moah soyaleh 45 Ree-um-bawn 100
Kuruk gach 69
Moi-bhanga 36 P Riam shang 60
Moidya koain 107 Riamcha 60
L Padma phul 97
Moidya safai 47 Rimi owa rih 93
Lak thok 147 Pagara kot 3
Monirajphul gach 47 Rixom payo 114
Lakhow-bawn 69 Paichungsa 114
Monkala 134 Roah kapanghey 24
Pailang 122
Lakka-peyn-bawn 75 Rocha-bawn 24
Mortam 113 Painna mola 60
La-kung 32 Mos gach 22 Rokeya panko 24
Painnya gula 60
Lamur 116 Moth gangath 33 Rokkapang bang 24
Parengnawa 20
Langa appo 136 Mounoajaya 89 Rongma 77
Patalpur 129
Lata baong 69 Mraa-praw 140 Rummoth-phang 25
Payng-she-cha 41
Lebbeteaowi 46 Mraa-shey-ammay 128 Pekhum 33
Lelom pada 116 Mrachi 73 S
Perunoa 20
Lihid-pana 27 Mrangna 19 Phakram 138 Saccon 135
Lingmei-kamseng 113 Mraug bra saphen 47 Phang-thaw-tara-sthei 13 Sagunkung 135
Lykee 27 Mrawnna 67 Pithok 58 Sai saw apang 138


Index of Tribal Names Index of English Names

Saing dacrilung 46 Tara fru 65

A Butterfly coleus 111
Sakho-kazzeye 30 Tara-mah 27 African arrowroot 28 Butterfly pea 40
Salik kushhom 5 Taw-mow-poo-chow-koo-mow-row 116 African marigold 133
Salong 144 Tea-teng 28 Agar 14 C
Salorok 45 Teolang 43 Apple mangrove 125, 148
Canna lily 28
Samjangi 24 Terpimungkhorol 33 Asian spider flower 38
Cannonball mangrove 148
Samol-h-pang 108 Thachi 92 Asian tick trefoil 49 Cannonball tree 42
Sampao 59 Thaplang 105 Asian ticktrefoil 49 Caribbean copper plant 55
Sangfa sarakang 141 Thawk-pui 79
Carpon desmodium 49
Sapla 98 Thetra 74 B Cashew nut 13
Sarria 123 Thingrong 60 Cedar mangrove 149
Se be gra 146 Thoai bai gach 143 Babul tree 4
Ceiba 32
Segun 135 Thongclang 117 Baby’s tears 84
Chaulmugra 71
Senabadam 13 Thur mui 1 Bachelor’s button 64
Checkered vanda 142
Seya-souchii 70 Tin thuppa annol 9 Barleria 17 Chickling pea 80
Shamtu bakor 110 Tong pa ma 43 Be still tree 118 Chinese chaster tree 143
Shan-kran-paw 75 Tuiching 108 Beautyberry tree 27 Chinese honey-suckle 41
Shatley 95 Tung nah way 129 Beggar’s ticks 18 Christ’s thron 29
Sheodima 96 Turkimadan 49 Bengal arum 141 Climbing ylang-ylang 16
Shimutta 138 Bengal clock vine 137 Coat buttons 140
Shoita chu-payn 75 U Bengal trumpet vine 137 Coloured sterculia 58
Shukujja gas 21 Unarei 116 Common coleus 111
Bitter oleander 69
Sichamba 96 Urmurpata 19 Conessi tree 69
Black babool. 4
Skly-asi 122 Ustal-lo-goh 91 Copper cup 107
Black catechu 3
Soh-k-noui 60 Corky debbar tree 115
Black ixora 77 Corpse flower 12
Soh-liang 13 W Black mangrove 8 Crabapple mangrove 125
Soh-lot-ot 91 Wakheponey 24 Bledding heart 39 Creeping dentella 48
Soijja gaas 131 Warongkheya 35
Blue lotus 98 Creeping lickstoop 48
Sor-mok-lou 142 Wekamthu-asi 15
Blue rattlesnake 45 Creeping lip plant 110
Soto hurhuri 37
Blue sage 54 Creeping oxalis 103
Soyin ma pata 143
Y Creeping tick trefoil 50
Sukorsamila 138 Blue sky flower 137
Ya re sur sah 50 Creeping wood sorrel 103
Sunk-kha-ray 15 Blue sky vine 137
Yaa-hea 130 Crested floating heart 99
Surma gach 1 Blue trumpet vine 137
Crinum lily 44
Z Blue water lily 98
Cup saucer plant 21
T Zambrun 51 Bombay ebony 52 Cupped coral-berry tree 21
Taipak 21 Zawng-hawi-leng 137 Buntot pusa 114 Curry leaf 95
Tamagry 59 Zejonglasa 36 Bushy lippia 86 Cutch tree 3
Tanu panu 71 Zir-khuang 106 Bushy matgrass 86 Cycad palm 47



D Goa-almond 13
J Mignonette tree 81
Devil pepper 118 Golden dewdrop 53 Japanese poinsettia 56 Miracle plant 24
Devil’s cotton. 2 Golden trumpet 9 Java olive 130 Mole plant 56
Devil's backbone 36 Gomphrena 64 Jerusalem thorn 104 Mongoose plant 101
Devil's tongue 12 Grass pea 80 Jungle flame 75 Monkey face tree 89
Dillenia 51 Great morinda 93 Jungle geranium 75 Moon bean 132
Divine jasmine 134 Mother of thousands 24
Dog teak 51 K Motherwort 82
Downy jasmine 78 Mountain ebony 52
Kamela tree 89
Dwarf poinciana 25 Hairy hemigraphis 67
Kapok 32 Musk mallow 1
Hairy jasmine 78
Karmal 51
Hawaii woodnettle 79
E Kurchi tree 69 N
Hedge euphorbiaceae 57
East Indian globe-thistle 128
Heliotrope bush 53 Narrow-leaved Indian mulberry 92
Edible stemmed-vine 36 L
Henna 81 Nipa palm 100
Hen's nettle 79 Lady slipper 74 Noon flower 107
F Himalayan mussaenda 96 Leaf cactus 109 Noseay tree 112
Fairy lily 150 Holly mangrove 6 Linseed 85
False lime 131 Holly-leaved acanthus 6 Lobed leaf typhonium 141 O
Farmers friend 18 Honeyweed 82 Lotus 97
Oleander spurge 57
Fennel 61 Horse bean 104 Love-in-a-mist 105
Oriental nettle 138
Fire-flame bush 146 Horse-eye-bean 102 Lucky nut 30
Fireweed 43 Hydrangea 72
Five-leaved chaster tree 143 P
Flame of the woods 75 Madagascar periwinkle 31 Pacific false buttonweed 126
Flax 85 Paper flower climber 62
Madagascar plum 59
Florence fennel 61 Indian acalypha 5 Paradise flower 25
Madras pea pumpkin 94
Flower-fence 25 Indian charcoal tree 138 Passion-flower 105
Malabar tree nettle 19
Four-leaf devil pepper 118 Indian cherry 60 Pasture weed 46
Mangrove palm 100
Fox tail orchid 119 Indian gum-arabic tree 4 Peacock flower 25
Marshy jasmine 87
Frangipani 113 Indian mulberry 93 Pendulous sleeping hibiscus 90
May flower 106
French marigold 133 Indian nettle 5, 138 Pepper elder 108
Mexican daisy 140
Fringed spider flower 37 Indian privet 81, 143 Phalsa 65
Mexican fire plant 56
Frog fruit 110 Indian rhododendron 91 Philippine maiden hair 7
Mexican oleander 30
Indian short 28 Mexican palo verde 104 Pigeon wood 138
G Indian sphaeranthus 128 Mexican poppy 15 Pigweed 20
Garden balsam 74 Indian spurge tree 57 Mexican Prickly Poppy 15 Pink rain lily 150
Globe amaranth 64 Indrayan 139 Mexican shrubby spurge 55 Poison bulb 44
Glory bower 39 Ixora 75 Mid day flower 107 Poom tree 130



Porcupine flower 17 Scarlet mallow 107 Thin-leaved morinda 92

Pot marigold 26 Scarlet sage 120 Three-flower beggarweed 50 Zephar lily 150
Prickly brinjal 124 Scarlet sterculia 58 Three-leaved chaste tree 145
Prickly poppy 15 Sea holly 6 Tickweed 38
Purple-leaved button weed 127 Seaside heliotrope 66 Tiger steam 114
Seedbox 88 Turkey tangle 110
R Serpentina 117 Turnsole 34
Rangoon-creeper 41 Sesame 123
Rat's ear 108 Shell ginger 10 U
Red berry 89 Shiny bush 108 Upriver orange mangrove 23
Red salvia 120 Shiranjitea 146
Red spurge 55 Shrubby chaste tree 145 V
Redflower ragleaf 43 Silverbush 108 Vanda orchid 142
Ringworm senna 122 Simple leaf chaste tree 145 Veld grape 36
River mangrove 8 Singkrang 121 Voodoo lily 12
Rose balsam 74 Skyflower 53
Rose cactus 109 Slate pencil plant 108 W
Rose periwinkle 31 Snake palm 12
Walking maiden hair fern 7
Rough bryony 94 Snake vine 129
Water dragon 87
Snakeroot 101
Water primrose 87
R Sparrow false pimpernel 83
Wax flower 132
Rangoon-creeper 41 Spiral ginger 33
White frangipani 112
Rat's ear 108 Spreading hogweed 20
White ixora 76
Red berry 89 Star jasmine 78
White silk cotton tree 32
Red salvia 120 Stephania 129
Wild almond 130
Red spurge 55 Sterculia nut 130
Wild heliotrope 66
Redflower ragleaf 43 Stinging nettle 79
Wild passion fruit 105
Ringworm senna 122 Sunder 68
Wineflower 20
River mangrove 8 Sweet fennel 61
Winged treebine 36
Rose balsam 74 Woolly dyeing rosebay 147
Rose cactus 109 T
Rose periwinkle 31 Tamilnadia 134 Y
Rough bryony 94 Tape vine 129 Yellow allamanda 9
Teak 135 Yellow flame tree 106
S Tellicherry bark 69 Yellow gold mohor 106
Sacred lotus 97 Temple tree 113 Yellow oleander 30
Salt heliotrope 66 The teak tree 135 Yellow sorrel 103



A Boils · 12, 17, 19, 21, 24, 28, 41, 43, 53, 54, 66, 68, 69, Cough · 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, 25, 32, 33, Epilepsy · 7, 19, 20, 24, 27, 29, 37, 43, 78, 91, 96, 104,
Abdominal complaints · 32 75, 76, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 101, 103, 108, 109, 34, 40, 44, 46, 49, 50, 57, 60, 64, 66, 78, 79, 85, 86, 87, 111, 119, 121, 144
Abdominal pain · 20, 28, 61, 69, 83, 96, 114, 117, 110, 121, 123, 133, 139, 141, 142, 143 93, 94, 97, 103, 117, 120, 122, 123, 125, 138, 141, 143 Erysipelas · 25
132, 139 Bone fracture · 113 Cut · 1, 18, 26, 83, 87, 89, 91, 119, 140 Excessive expectoration · 141
Abscesses · 11, 50, 56, 68, 141 Bowel complaints · 36 Excessive menstruation · 20, 118, 144
Cutting wound · 17, 34, 55, 86, 96, 133, 147
Acne · 5, 26, 134 Eye disease · 50, 99
Breast cancer · 145 Cystitis · 123
Allergy · 108, 139 Eye infections · 26
Breast swelling · 61
Alopecia · 42 Eye inflammation · 26, 108
Breast tumour · 47 D Eye redness · 78
Amenorrhoea · 28, 61, 118 Breathing difficulty · 25
Anaemia · 3, 66, 113, 135 Dandruff · 65, 81, 123
Broken nails · 74
Anal blister · 93 Dengue fever · 31 F
Bronchial asthma · 17
Anal fissure · 144 Dermatitis · 2, 109 Facial paralysis · 113
Bronchitis · 1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 25, 32, 33, 56, 57, 59, 60, 78,
Anal fistula · 57 Diabetes · 2, 7, 8, 13, 18, 24, 29, 31, 33, 36, 51, 64, Fainting · 49
82, 85, 86, 89, 94, 110, 111, 122, 128, 138, 142
Anorexia · 89 68, 93, 98, 109, 120, 133, 137, 144, 150 Falling hair · 7
Bruise · 24, 26, 95, 103, 106, 111, 125, 140, 145
Aphthae · 54 Diarrhoea · 1, 3, 4, 9, 13, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, Febrile convulsion · 7, 20, 46
Burning sensation · 94, 98, 113
Arthritis · 18, 44, 104, 108 32, 40, 41, 45, 47, 50, 51, 59, 60, 62, 65, 68, 69, 73, Fever · 1, 2, 7, 10, 17, 20, 25, 27, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42,
Burns · 13, 24, 26
Asthma · 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 24, 31, 33, 36, 40, 77, 86, 89, 91, 95, 97, 103, 111, 114, 123, 127, 129, 44, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 66, 70, 71, 73, 76, 78, 82, 87, 92,
46, 47, 50, 56, 57, 59, 64, 66, 78, 79, 94, 105, 110, 111, 134, 143, 146, 148, 149 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 108, 115, 119, 121, 125,
C Difficulty urinating · 64
119, 122, 128, 129, 132, 138, 141, 143, 147 127, 129, 131, 141, 142, 143, 145, 149
Cancer · 31, 36, 70, 98, 109 Diseases of the liver · 143 Fistula · 51
Candidiasis · 149 Dropsy · 15, 112, 130
B Flatulence · 1, 18, 25, 32, 41, 61, 91, 94, 114, 139
Carbuncles · 24, 51, 74, 79 Dysentery · 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29, 31, Food poisoning · 33
Baby rash · 149 32, 33, 40, 45, 46, 50, 51, 62, 64, 68, 69, 75, 83, 87,
Cardiac weakness · 14, 46 Fractured bone · 36, 44, 49, 135
Baldness · 7 91, 93, 95, 97, 98, 103, 106, 120, 123, 127, 129, 134,
Catarrh · 123 Fungal disease · 56
Biliousness · 16, 83 138, 142, 143, 146, 148, 149
Chest pain · 25, 118, 129, 132
Black fever · 143 Dysmenorrhoea · 2, 18, 26, 31, 32, 46, 47, 74, 75, 82,
Children’s ailments · 30 G
Bladder infection · 72 89, 107, 118, 133, 139
Cholera · 16, 24, 97, 123, 134, 143, 148 Dyspepsia · 1, 6, 13, 20, 31, 45, 61, 94, 98, 111, 129, Gallstone · 7
Bleeding · 116, 146
Chronic bronchitis · 64 142, 143 Gastric disorder · 73, 128
Blennorrhagia · 15, 130
Chronic respiratory diseases · 65 Dysuria · 24, 25, 32, 41, 52, 65, 69, 85, 87, 94, 98, 112 Gastric pain · 109
Blindness · 50
Gastric problems · 110
Blisters · 92 Cold · 3, 5, 7, 18, 34, 44, 85, 87, 90, 94, 103, 120, 127, 133
E Gastric ulcer · 44, 69, 85, 112, 141
Blood disorders · 95 Colic · 1, 25, 120, 129, 141, 143
Ear infection · 18, 38 Gastritis · 65
Blood dysentery · 51, 119, 133, 137 Conjunctivitis · 21, 30, 111, 133, 137
Earache · 5, 24, 29, 37, 40, 44, 57, 82, 133 Gastrointestinal disease · 68
Blood impurities · 45 Constipation · 3, 5, 14, 20, 32, 44, 56, 65, 80, 85, 89, Gastrointestinal disorders · 17, 98
Eczema · 13, 24, 26, 33, 48, 68, 75, 103, 108, 116, 121,
Blood pressure · 18, 24 94, 112, 117, 122, 123, 149 122, 127, 132, 133 General debility · 6
Body heat · 95 Contusions · 111 Enlarged prostate · 72 General weakness · 81
Body pain · 3, 30, 56, 63, 91, 118 Convulsion · 37, 49, 50 Enlarged spleen · 93 Genital problems · 13



Gingivitis · 3, 25, 27 Inflammation · 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 38, 40, 42, 57, 95, Loose motion · 14, 48
Glandular swellings · 17 105, 128, 132, 148 Loss of appetite · 75 Pain · 6, 20
Glandular tumours · 145 Inflammation of the eyes · 64 Lumbago · 74 Pain of rheumatic swelling · 12
Gonorrhoea · 1, 2, 28, 32, 56, 112, 138 Inflammatory diseases · 109 Painful arthritis · 8
Gout · 9, 20, 70, 93, 108, 119, 137, 144 Inflammatory swellings · 15 M Painful inflammation · 74
Gynecological complexity · 91 Injuries · 87 Painful micturation · 14, 47
Malaria · 9, 15, 18, 25, 28, 29, 36, 42, 53, 62, 72, 104,
Gynecological disorder · 88 Insanity · 78, 117 Paralysis · 6, 37, 60, 70, 77, 80, 89, 136
127, 137, 138, 144, 148
Insect bite · 5, 12, 19, 24, 30, 40, 52, 99, 122 Parturition pains · 15
Malignant tumours · 25
H Insect stings · 17, 22, 47, 53 Peptic ulcer · 36
Mania infantum · 143
Insomnia · 20, 31, 111 Piles · 40, 57, 94, 95, 97, 98, 110, 113, 121, 133, 141,
Haematuria · 125 Measles · 90
Intermittent fever · 25 142
Hair fall · 140 Menopause · 40, 105, 107
Intestinal worms · 53, 56 Pleurisy · 51
Hay fever · 72 Menorrhagia · 31, 36, 52, 65, 97
Irregular menstruation · 18, 47, 92, 93 Pneumonia · 5, 24, 46, 51, 52, 59, 117, 131
Headache · 1, 5, 18, 20, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, 64, 70, 73, Menstrual disorders · 2, 119, 135
Itches · 16, 83, 103, 122 Poisonous snake bite · 103
76, 78, 81, 82, 84, 97, 100, 105, 107, 108, 111, 114, Mental disorder · 101
Itching · 95, 128 Premature ejaculation · 97
123, 126, 135, 141, 143, 145 Mouth ulcers · 18
Itchy skin · 117, 120 Prostate infection · 72
Heart disease · 16, 36, 98 Mumps · 11, 133
Psoriasis · 3, 13, 82
Heart problem · 32 Muscular ache · 109
J Pyorrhoea · 96
Hemiplegia · 19 Muscular debility · 13
Hemorrhoids · 12, 20, 26 Jaundice · 7, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 35, 40, 58, 68, Muscular pain · 79, 138
Hepatitis · 68, 110 70, 92, 93, 98, 99, 113, 128
Hepatomegaly · 63 Joint pain · 74 N Rabies · 3
Hiccups · 75 Rash · 33
Nail infection · 147
High blood pressure · 48, 115, 118 K Remittent fever · 29, 124
Nausea · 75
High fever · 97 Respiratory problem · 115
Kidney ailments · 59 Nervous debility · 1
Hoarseness · 59 Rheumatic pain · 15, 108, 145
Kidney problem · 18 Nervous disorders · 1
Hook worm infestation · 69, 122 Rheumatic swelling · 107
Kidney stone · 6, 72 Nervous problems · 142
Hyperacidity · 9, 47, 69, 96 Rheumatism · 5, 6, 8, 18, 27, 35, 44, 80, 82, 89, 102,
Neuralgia · 51, 52, 74, 94
Hyperglycaemia · 104 109, 119, 126, 130, 131, 133, 139, 143
L Neurological disease · 17
Hypertension · 10, 31, 32, 64, 86, 94, 109, 117, 138 Rheumatoid arthritis · 70, 93
Neurological disorders · 65
Hysteria · 1, 46, 49, 58, 82, 88, 105, 107, 114, 116, Leprosy · 3, 4, 7, 15, 30, 40, 44, 45, 62, 69, 70, 71, Ringworm · 10, 83, 89, 105, 122, 143
117, 124, 137 78, 97, 143 Roundworm · 20
Leucoderma · 16, 40, 57, 95, 107, 128
Leucorrhoea · 2, 6, 20, 75, 81, 90, 93, 98, 116, 129 Oedema · 44, 101, 116 S
Lipoma · 39, 136 Oligomenorrhoea · 118 Scabies · 5, 33, 45, 68, 82, 89, 122, 128, 129, 149
Impotence · 13, 20, 78, 108, 129
Liver cancer · 55, 136 Ophthalmia · 7, 24, 111, 132, 137 Scorpion bites · 118
Indigestion · 31, 33, 36, 50, 59, 98, 111
Indolent ulcers · 100 Liver complaints · 97 Osteomalacia · 19 Scorpion sting · 27, 99, 115
Infected nails · 55 Liver disorder · 43, 146 Otitis · 142 Scurvy · 4, 36



Seminal emission · 58 Swelling · 19, 44, 78, 123

Septic sore · 136 Swollen fingers · 32 Wart · 26, 74
Shigellosis · 67 Syphilis · 13, 22 Weakness · 13
Skin disease · 3, 7, 10, 15, 16, 26, 29, 31, 34, 35, 40, Syphilitic pain · 29 Whooping cough · 17, 64
42, 71, 73, 78, 81, 87, 89, 97, 101, 105, 107, 119, 127, Women’s problem · 49
130, 145, 146 T Worm infestation · 27, 44, 61, 69, 99, 135, 143
Skin eruptions · 50, 82, 95, 130 Wound · 1, 6, 13, 15, 23, 24, 26, 32, 38, 40, 50, 54,
Tetanus · 60, 88, 92
75, 78, 83, 89, 91, 101, 103, 119, 120, 123, 132, 140,
Skin infection · 13, 38, 99 Thirst · 95
141, 143, 146
Skin irritation · 97 Throat ulcers · 25
Skin problem · 56 Thrush · 91 Y
Skin rashes · 111 Tonsillitis · 28
Yellow fever · 138
Skin tumours · 56 Toothache · 6, 15, 17, 42, 60, 91, 100, 106, 112, 132,
Skin ulcer · 41, 75 138, 143
Smallpox · 40, 91, 125 Tuberculosis · 4, 24, 50, 51, 65, 94, 112, 119, 132
Snake bite · 1, 5, 6, 7, 20, 26, 40, 57, 62, 74, 87, 91, Tumour · 7, 12, 20, 23, 39, 57, 70, 71, 150
99, 107, 116, 118, 123, 139, 141 Type II diabetes · 32
Sore eyes · 133 Typhoid · 43
Sore in mouth · 6, 67, 69, 75, 81
Sore throat · 7, 93, 135, 138, 141 U
Soreness of the mouth · 29 Ulcer · 78, 101
Sores · 3, 25, 32, 48, 51, 55, 64, 83, 131 Ulcer of the mouth · 67
Spasm · 37 Ulcers · 3, 7, 54, 94, 143
Spermatorrhoea · 17, 33, 35, 58, 81, 89, 137 Ureterolithiasis · 67
Splenomegaly · 146 Urethral infection · 72
Sprain · 1, 24, 26, 103 Urethritis · 20
Sterility · 7 Urinary diseases · 129
Stomach complaints · 141 Urinary disorder · 13, 29, 61
Stomach disorder · 108, 110 Urinary tract infection · 78, 92, 98, 108, 125
Stomach problem · 29 Urination problem · 103, 134
Stomach troubles · 131 Urticaria · 60
Stomachache · 2, 33, 38, 47, 50, 56, 68, 86, 88, 98,
102, 103, 109, 124, 129, 136, 137, 138, 149 V
Stomatitis · 122 Venereal diseases · 1
Stone in the bladder · 89 Vertigo · 94
Strangury · 123 Viral fever · 17
Sweat · 16 Vomiting · 1, 9, 16, 44, 60, 77, 80, 95, 104, 141



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