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Lets Practice!

A. Complete the dialogues below!

• Tina : Hey, I win the poetry contest!
• Dio :…
• Tina :…

• Andi : Fantastic, your hard work paid at last!

• Nadia : …

• John :…
• Glen : Thank you, you saying tis means a lot to me.

B. Make the hopes form and congratulating form of the following statements!

1. He wants to be the leader of his class. (hopes)

Finally, the teacher chooses him as the leader of his class. (Congratulating)
2. They are joining a football championship. (Hopes)

They win the football championship. (Congratulating)

3. Anita wants to be an actress. (hopes)
Anita becomes the most popular actress in the world. (Congratulating)
4. I lost my books. (hopes)
I find my book. (Congratulating)
5. Shinta wants her mother to give her a new car. (hopes)

Shinta gets a new car. (Congratulating)

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