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Chorus Presentation – EVALUATION RUBRIC



First Performance
- Very organized. Group  to a  to a  to a  to a
clearly used the time necessary minimal moderate considerabl exceptional
to prepare for the assignment. degree degree e degree degree
- Voice is clear, articulate and
- Group uses a variety of choral
speaking techniques and
performs unison appropriately.
Movement: Exciting choices to  to a  to a  to a  to a
symbolize the text. minimal moderate substantial exceptional
Emphasized and connected well degree degree degree degree
to lines. Gestures are big and
powerful. Lots of variety in
levels and overall movement.
Vocal: Interesting choices in  to a  to a  to a  to a
emphasis, lots of variety in minimal moderate substantial exceptional
pitch, tone, volume, temp. degree degree degree degree
Choices made that suit the line
being said.
Variety: Group chooses a  to a  to a  to a  to a
variety of choral speaking minimal moderate substantial exceptional
techniques and chose degree degree degree degree
techniques that suite the line.
Unison: Group is always in  to a  to a  to a  to a
unison when reciting lines and minimal moderate substantial exceptional
showing variety in their degree degree degree degree
expression. Movement is
carefully synchronized with all
group members either in unison
or balanced.
Memorization: Poem is fully  to a  to a  to a  to a
memorized, and expression is minimal moderate substantial exceptional
carefully planned (not guessed degree degree degree degree
ADA101 Rehearsal Evaluation Rubric

 to a  to a  to a  to a
Stays committed to group and is actively
limited degree moderate substantial exceptional
involved in rehearsal process.
degree degree degree
 to a  to a  to a  to a
Always contributing to discussion, stays
limited degree moderate substantial exceptional
actively involved.
degree degree degree
 to a  to a  to a  to a
Original ideas, develops scene; contributes
limited degree moderate substantial exceptional
more than “yes or no” responses.
degree degree degree
 to a  to a  to a  to a
Understands task and works with group to
limited degree moderate substantial exceptional
produce a convincing situation.
degree degree degree

Example of a level 4:
Students who demonstrate all of the below criteria are a level 4 in rehearsal.
- Student who spends entire rehearsal time generating ideas with group.
- If a task in completed, he/she finds ways to get ahead to save rehearsal time later
- Is an active leader in the group
- If he/she does not understand something he/she asks Mr. Sephton
- Student is committed to putting on an amazing production, and demonstrates this by not wasting any
rehearsal time and staying focused.
- When group members are away student finds ways to enhance the performance in spite of the absence.
- Never gets off task.
Example of a level 3:
Students who demonstrate all or most of the below criteria are a level 3 in rehearsal
- Student who spends most rehearsal time (90%) generating ideas with group.
- If a task is complete he/ she moves on to the next task.
- Is an active member of the group
- If he/she does not understand something he/she asks Mr. Sephton
- Student is committed to putting on an amazing production, and demonstrates this by not wasting any
rehearsal time and staying focused.
- When group members are away student finds ways continues to rehearse the performance in spite of the
- If student is off task at all he/she gets back on task quickly and maintains focus.
Example of a level R (less than level 1)
Students who demonstrate any of the below criteria are a level R in rehearsal.
- Students spent a fair amount of time of rehearsal time not generating ideas with the group.
- When tasks are complete, he/she stops working and starts socializing
- Is inactive with the group (i.e. Most of the time, when Mr. Sephton sees the group he/she is either not with
them or is not actively participating in the rehearsal process)
- If he/she does not understand something, he/she simply avoids doing it.
- Student is only partially committed to the production and is more committed to other things
- Student wastes rehearsal time by chatting off-topic, listening to music, distracting other groups, leaving the
group, pursuing other objectives, or simply not offering anything to the group
- When group members are away student believes that he or she cannot rehearse because of the absence.
- Remains off task for extended periods of time

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