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Assignment in Purposive Communication

1. Definition of Communication
- Is an act of transferring information from one person, group, place to another. It consists of
a receiver and sender.
- Defined as transferring of information to produce greater understanding. It can be verbally,
written, visually and non-verbally.
2. Importance of Communication
- It allows others to understand information more accurate and quickly.
- To express ideas, thoughts, feelings
- To be able to educate the masses
- It enhances relations of people.
3. Communication Models
- Linear model
- one-way communication, used for mass communication, sender send the message and the
receiver only receive the message, No feedback, concept of noise.
Example: Sender- Message- Receiver
- Transactional model
- Used for interpersonal communication, sender and receiver interchange roles, context of
environment and noise, simultaneous
- Sender/Receiver- Message- Receiver/Sender
- Interactional model
- used for new communications such as internet, slower feedbacks, known as convergence
model, communication become linear if receiver does not respond
- Sender- Message- Receiver ; Receiver- Message- Sender
4. Communication Skills
- Speaking
- uses voice tone effectively in describing and to enhance expressions
- Writing
- uses written symbols, letters, signs, drawing etc. to be able to communicate or express self
in ways that do not involve speaking.
- Understanding/ Listening
- ability to comprehend someone’s non-verbal communication.
- Reading
- Ability to make sense of written communications of any kind.
5. Miscommunication
-uses of misaligned vocabulary, messy thinking, faulty definitions, false civility,

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