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# +971 56 7144351
New York University Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, UAE
Bachelors of Science, Computer Science, GPA: 3.94 08/2017 - 05/2021
Courses: Machine Learning, Networks, Realtime Big Data Analytics, Parallel Computing

Software Engineering Intern, Modern Micrprocessors Lab (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 05/2020 - 08/2020
Developed a deep learning tool to identify code/data sections of binary executables with 92% accuracy by:
• Reverse engineering ARM executables using IDA Pro & Pillow library to create training dataset of 50k images.
• Performing semantic segmentation on images using Deeplab (Tensorflow) and creating a prediction model.
Software Engineering Intern, Microsoft (Seattle, USA) 06/2020 - 08/2020
• Offer rescinded due to Covid-19
Backend Web Developer, Online Services, NYU (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 07/2019 - 09/2019
• Created a web app with Laravel & SQLite to manage (track/promote) on-campus activities for ~2000 students.
• Implemented caching and a robust authentication system in 3 existing PHP based university web services.

Software Engineering Intern, Rilla Technologies (New York City, USA) 05/2019 - 07/2019
• Developed APIs with Node.js & Mongoose to store and retrieve .csv data.
• Integrated Google Analytics into the web app and rendered the results dynamically using Chart JS.
• Performed code optimization on React components resulting in a ~12% faster loading time.

Torrent Streamer 06/2020 - 07/2020
• Developed a web app using Node.js and Socket.IO which connects to BitTorrent peers and allows instant
playback of video torrents with seeking functionality and without the need to download.
Coronavirus Fake News Network Analysis (Class Project) 03/2020 - 05/2020
• Extracted ~10 million tweets using Hydrator and cleaned dataset using Hadoop Mapreduce.
• Performed fake news classification with Doc2Vec and created its network using NetworkX.
Travel Guide for Android/iOS 10/2019 - 11/2019
• A mobile app, built using React Native, Material library and MySQL, which allows users to post and browse
travel recommendations that are organized by cities/countries.

Experienced: Python, Pandas, Javascript, Node.js, Express, React, SQL, Mongo DB
Familiar: C, Mapreduce, Hadoop, Git, Tensorflow, Socket.IO, jQuery, AWS EC-2, Gephi, IDA Pro

World Distinction, O Level Physics Examination
160% Merit Based Scholarship, New York University Abu Dhabi
Teaching Assistant, NYU Courant 06/2018 - 01/2019
• Conducted lab sessions & held office hours to assist 250+ students with programming related queries

Co President, HackAD 06/2018 - 01/2019

• Organized 2 international hackathons for 100+ students & conducted technical workshops for 200+ students

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