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Nama:kineta hasna annabih

No absent:14

A. Choose a, b or c for the right answer! (pilihlah a, b atau c untuk jawaban yang tepat!)

1. Andi : Is there a library in your school?

Agus : Yes, …
a. there are
b. there is
c. there is not

2. There are … in my school.

a. toilets
b. classrooms
c. mosques

3. There are … in the library.

a. computer
b. newspapers
c. cat

4. The students find difficult words in the …

a. dictionary
b. novel
c. library card

5. Suara merdeka, Kompas, Solo pos are names of …

a. text book
b. encyclopedia
c. newspaper

B. Fill in the blank with the right answer! (isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar!)
1. We pray dhuhur in the mosque
2. Mrs. Nur is a librarian She works in the library. She helps the students to find the book.
3. Mr. Dimyati parks his motorcycle in the parking lot
4. Faiz is sick. He must go to the hospital
5. They play football in the field

C. Translate into English! (Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris!)

1. Perpustakaan di depan kantin = library in front of canteen
2. Masjid di sebelah toilet = mosque next to toilet
3. Ruang guru di antara kelas 6 dan uks = teacher’s office between classroom six and
school clinic
4. Kebun di belakang kantor guru =garden behind teacher’s office
5. Kelas III di sebelah kelas IV = classroom three next to classroom four


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