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In a Nutshell

1.) Divine law is the law which involves God’s commandments and the person’s will to follow it
while natural law is the law which involves the person’s understanding of good and evil. For
example is Death penalty. Killing someone is violating the Divine law because its in the Ten
Commandments but in Natural Law, killing someone who’ve done wrong such as murder is legal
just to be fair and to gain justice.

2.) State law is the law that involves human beings that has the power to disobey the law that is
enforced by the state or government while physical law is the law that addresses or involves to
objects that have no power to disobey the law that is enforced by science.

3.) A. as a rule of conduct - An example is when you found a wallet the right thing to do is to
surrender it in a lost and found section or in the police station. It’s basically knowing what shall
or shall not be done in that situation or you awareness of something.
B. as obligatory – An example is when the law requires you to wear mask when you go out. It’s
obeying what is in the law.
C. as promulgated by legitimate authority -

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