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Overengineeredcodpiece "Terran up the night" during mission
stroaksmolts 5,000 Minerals
smoldersbolds 5,000 Minerals and Gas
realmendrilldeep 5,000 Vespene Gas
StayClassyMarSara Access to all UNN Broadcasts
ypoonsvoicemail Disable defeat conditions
TookTheRedPill Disable Fog of War
mintmansoperator Disable food requirements
tyuhasleftthegame disable victory condition
HanShotFirst Disables Ability Cooldown
NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender Disables defeat conditions
SoSayWeAll Disables tech requirements
Qrotero Disables the time of day
reversingnazaire -or- basestarsprimative Fast Build
CatFoodForPrawnGuns Fast Build
fsbcomunicacion Fast Heal
ImADoctorNotARoachJim Fast Heal
sawnoutofmemory Fog of War disabled
whysoserious Gives 5,000,000 credits
DZMHairSpring Gives 5000 Custom resources
jaynestown Gives 5000 Terrazine
SpectralTiger Grant 5000 minerals
WhoRunBartertown Grant 5000 of each resources
Jaynestown Grant 5000 Terrazine
LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven Instant Defeat
WhatIsBestInLife Instant Win
terribleterribledamage Invincibility and increased damage
cadeasygoin Lose the current game
lyingpect Mission Select
eyeofsauron Opens cutscene menu
furabranchery Opens the UNN broadcast menu
= Re-enters the last cheat used
Bunker55AliveInside Remove the Supply Cap
wapboinkers Research points granted
moredotsmoredots Units/Structures no longer cost resources
LeaveYourSleep Unlock all missions
HoradricCube Unlock all Research options
IAmIronman Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1
cmethodfeedback Win current game

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