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VOCABULARY- 15/08/20

1. Raffish- Unconventional and unacceptable yet intriguing.

Synonyms- Rakish, jaunty
Antonyms- Well-bred, genteel

2. Stymie- Prevent or hinder the progress of.

Synonyms- Impede, obstruct
Antonyms- Unclog, aid

3. Disenchant- Cause (someone) to be disappointed.

Synonyms- Pull down, take down
Antonyms- Beguile, allure

4. Querulous- Habitually complaining.

Synonyms- Petulant, pettish
Antonyms- Affable, genial

5. Lambaste- Criticize (someone or something) harshly.

Synonyms- Castigate, chastise
Antonyms- Laud, extol

6. Lucre- Money, profits

Synonyms- Bucks, cabbage
Antonyms- Disbursement, outlay

7. Draconian- Excessively harsh and severe.

Synonyms- Ruthless, punitive
Antonyms- Benign, benignant

8. Cachet- The state of being respected or admired.

Synonyms- Stature, eminence
Antonyms- Puniness, infamy

9. Vituperate- Criticize harshly.

Synonyms- Assail, scathe
Antonyms- Commend, hail

10. Calisthenics- The practice of exercise.

Synonyms- Aerobics, toning
Antonyms- Standstill, inactivity.

Idiom of the Day-

Heads will roll => Used to say that people will be severely punished or will lose their jobs because of
something bad that has happened.

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