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Waqas Qasim


BowZo was a new idea about learning violin introduced by Jim, a design engineer, and Larry, a violinist
expert in its techniques. They identified the opportunity as it was noticeable how for beginners it was
difficult to carry and balance the violin straightly for the music to be smooth. Secondly, the target market
was identified by studying how useful it would be to students and teachers, and the number of sales per
year. Moreover, the marketing of the product was done by introducing it to the students initially and
distributing for free, and also having and attractive tag line. Being an innovative device, BowZo helped
new violin learners to play more accurately; it combined the idea of moving violin strings in a way of
drawing a string for arrow bowing. This case study was helpful as it is a really good example of how
exchange of skills between a musician and an engineer could result in a new successful business. The
excellent team work help them to improve the business and quality of product. So we conclude that
Engineers and entrepreneurs are interchangeable when they see the need of market.

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