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Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (6-10) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H).

¿Cuál palabra (A-H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase de la izquierda (6-10)?

En las preguntas 6-10, marque la letra correcta A-H en su hoja de respuesta.



0. This is what your mom calls your dad.

Respuesta: 0 A B C D E F G H

6. This is the name your mother’s sister A. Mother in-law

B. Brother

7. This is how your father calls your mother’s mom.

C. Aunt

D. Neighbor
8. This is how you call the person that lives next to
E. Nephew

F. Sister
9. This is another way to call your mom.

G. Husband

10. This is what you call your sister´s son H. Mother



Complete las cinco conversaciones.

En las preguntas 11 – 15, marque A, B, o C en su hoja de respuestas.

11. I’ve got a headache

A. You should visit the doctor.
B. Use a hat.
C. It’s great!
12. I can’t find my keys.
A. Yes, I can.
B. Yes, there are.
C. Here you are.
13. You´re late.
A. I’m sorry
B. I’m twelve years old.
C. Yes, you are.
14. She’s smart, isn’t she?
A. Yes, she will.
B. Yes, she is.
C. Yes, she does.
15. I wonder why the dog is barking at the door.
A. It must be hungry.
B. Today is a sunny day.
C. Somebody is knocking.


Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 16-23, marque la letra correcta A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas


Hurricanes didn't use to have names. Forecasting hurricanes __0__ only beginning to
emerge in the (16)_____ 1940's. Only the (17)_____ severe ones were given names, it
was usually the place they did the most damage like the Galveston Hurricane of 1900) or
the time they hit (such as the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935).
During World War II, US meteorologists working in the Pacific Ocean began naming
tropical cyclones, because they were often tracking (18)______ storms at the same time.
It was quicker to name (19)_____ than to refer to each one by its specific location.
The first US unofficially named hurricane was George, (20)______ hit in 1947. The next
one given a name was named after the First Lady (21)_____ the USA, Bess Truman, in
1949. Meteorologists used different conventions, but in 1953, it is not clear why, they
(22)____ named after women, in alphabetical order. That year there were hurricanes
Alice, Barbara, Carol, Dolly, Edna, Florence, Gilda, Hazel, Irene, Jill, Katherine, Lucy,
Mabel, Norma, Orpha, Patsy, Queen, Rachel, Susie, Tina, Una, Vicky, and Wallis. This
went on until 1979, when men and women's names began to (23)____ alternated to name
the storms.

0. A. was B. were C. is


16. A. later B. late C. latest

17. A. more B. much C. most

18. A. many B. much C. more

19. A. us B. them C. him

20. A. who B. which C. where

21. A.of B. from C. in

22. A. was B. is C. where

23. A. is B. be C. Are

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas.

En las preguntas 24 – 30, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

The Nukak-Makú is a nomad tribe which has lived in the Amazon following the same customs and
traditions for centuries. They eat monkeys that they hunt with blowguns and berries they find on
the ground.
A few months ago and for some strange reason, about 80 of them have decided to come out of the
wilderness and declared that they are ready to join the modern world. They say they don't want to
go back; they want to stay near the town, plant their food and they're asking for help from the
town. The town they are talking about is San José del Guaviare, in the south of Colombia.
It is obvious that the Nukak's experience as nomads has not prepared them to live a modern life.
They have no concept of money, of property, of the role of the government; some do not even
know that Colombia is a country.
The Nukak are one of the very few indigenous communities that have lived in relative isolation in
the Amazon basin. In 2003, some of them left the wilderness and came to San José del Guaviare
looking for safety after Colombia's war had come to their reserve and forced them out. About 250
of them live in San José, which is the same number that anthropologists suspect are still living in
the jungle.
When asked about the reasons why they left the jungle, some of them said that the Green Nukak,
possibly the guerrilla, told them to leave. They told them they could not keep walking in the jungle
if they did not want trouble. Government officials think that farmers growing coca could also have
told them to leave. Another theory is that another Nukak clan pushed this one out. Since they claim
that the war forced them to leave their land, they are considered displaced people and the
government has to provide them with aid. The problem is that if they cannot go back to their
homeland for a long time, they will become dependent and they won't learn how to live in their
new world.
In spite of the difficulties, the Nukaks are very happy in their new home and they have no plans of
returning to the jungle. They enjoy the food they get, the pots, pans, shoes, caps and pants. They
love the matches, eggs, onions and soap, something they had never seen before. Now their feet
don't hurt because of the long walks of their jungle days.
The Nukak have plans to grow plantains and yuca, to take the crops into town and exchange them
for money and then buy other things. But first they need to learn how to cultivate crops. They just
want a spot to settle down. It has to be close to a town and on the edge of a forest. They do not
want armed men around, or cocaine. The spot must have nuts, monkeys and water. A place to call

0. Where is the Nukak- Maku- tribe from?

A. Amazon
B. The jungle
C. San José Del Guaviare


24. The Nukak –Maku tribe left the jungle because

A. they were ready to join the modern life

B. Colombia’s’ war forced them out
C. they didn’t like living in relative isolation

25. There are different theories about the reasons why the Nukak –Maku left the jungle, one of them is

A. they eat monkeys that they hunt with blowguns

B. their feet hurt because of the long walks of their jungle
C. another Nukak clan pushed this one out

26. What Nukak- Maku enjoy most living in a modern life is

A. the government has to provide them with aid

B. they have a spot to settle down
C. the food and clothes

27. In the Amazon region the indigenous communities have different ways to get food. The Nukak- Maku eat

A. monkeys and berries

B. eggs, onions and soup
C. typical food from San José

28. How many Nukak- Maku indigenous are living in San José del Guaviare?

A. 2003
B. 250
C. 80

29. THE Nukak- Maku would like to Exchange their food for

A. cocaine and water

B. animals and crops
C. money and buy other products

30. The dream of the Nukak - Maku is

A. to live near a town, on the border of the forest

B. to live far a town and near the forest
C. to live in a big city and sell their products

Lea el texto y las preguntas de la siguiente parte.

En las preguntas 31-35, marque A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas


The Night of the Long Knives
On the night of June 30, 1934 German chancellor Adolf Hitler and generals Goering and Himmler
killed many important people in Germany who were opposed to Hitler’s dictatorship. Many killings
had happened before and including the death of that night, the number came near to 200. On
that night, many people who wanted to restore monarchy in Germany with the Hohenzollern royal
family were killed. This was only the beginning of the III Reich. Hitler was not a dictator yet..

September Night
Simon Bolívar was the liberator of five South American countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru,
Bolivia and Ecuador. As a dictator, in 1828 he suppressed the position of vice-presidency of Gran
Colombia and this generated the fury of General Francisco de Paula Santander. On the night of
September 25 of that same year, Bolívar was in the Palacio de San Carlos in Santa Fe de
Bogotá with his lover Manuela Saenz. There was an attempt at murder and he was saved by
Manuela who heard the men coming. He had to jump from a window and hide under a bridge all
night. He was very affected by this episode.

The Night of the Pencils

This Argentinean movie from the director Hector Olivera. The movie relates the cruelty of
the tortures that many people suffered and the disappearance of people in Argentina during the
dictatorship between 1976 and1983. During that time, people who disagreed with the regime
disappeared. Most of them were young and as a consequence many mothers who had lost their
children formed an association named Madres de la Plaza de Mayo to fight for the rights of the
people who disappeared and their families. A dictatorship is a country under the rule of a dictator,
who exercises absolute authority and control of the government, without free popular elections.
31. During Hitler’s times life was not easy for
A. the dictatorship sympathizers.
B. the opponents of the dictatorship.
C. the leaders of the dictatorship
D. the dictatorship collaborators.

32. From the text, we can infer that General Santander

A. was Bolivar’s best friend
B. never disagreed with Bolivar
C. had different opinions about Bolivar’s decisions.
D. used to agree with Simon Bolivar

33. The purpose of the association named “Madres De La Plaza De Mayo” was
A. to see their killed children again.
B. to claim for justice.
C. to disagree with the regime.
D. to commemorate the disappearance of their families.

34. Something that these three events do not have in common is that
A. all of them happened at night.
B. there were many people killed.
C. they occurred during a dictatorship.
D. they are remembered as bad experience.

35. The intention of the writer is to

A. criticize dictatorships around the world.
B. describe three different historical events.
C. tell three fantastic stories.
D. compare three different historical events.


Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 36 – 45, marque la letra correcta A, B, C, o D en su hoja de respuestas.


The first (0)______ electricity was available for cities like New York, Paris and London. It seemed
magical and mysterious to people. It was mostly used for illumination, gas and oil lamps or candles
(36)_______ no longer necessary. (37)______ light bulbs were produced. The network was not ready
yet for mass distribution.

Electricity presented some danger, because it could not be seen as it travelled through the wires,
(38)______ it was important to warn people about the hazards of this amazing new (39)______.

Thomas A. Edison (40)______ the first electrical current meter; it measured the amount of metal
deposited on a copper plate. Indicating how (41)______ energy had been used. An employee of the
electric company would go to the homes and take the reading for the company to charge the client.
(42)______, the meters also had a revolving disc that measured the energy consumption in
kilowatts/hour, or kilowatts consumed in an hour.

The light bulb too (43)______ gone through a series of developments. The concept was developed by
Thomas Edison, Joseph Swan and other scientists. They were called filament bulbs or incandescent
bulbs, because they had a very thin thread of graphite,(44)______ was heated by the electric current
until it glowed. To avoid oxygen from burning the filament, it was extracted from the bulb, creating a
vacuum. Today's light bulbs are basically the same, but the materials have changed. Now, instead of
graphite, the filament is made of tungsten. Much more heat-resistant (45)______ graphite.

Another type of lamps, the fluorescent lights, were generated by stimulating a substance with invisible
ultraviolet light.

Another type of lamps, the fluorescent lights, were generated by stimulating a substance with invisible
ultraviolet light.

0. A. time B. age C. weather D. century

36. A. was B. will be C. were D. is

37. A. However B. Even though C. Maybe D. Perhaps

38. A. so B. such as C. just D. too

39. A. machines B. solution C. invention D. relation

40. A. used B. invented C. worked D. proved

41. A. most B. many C. more D. much

42. A. Before B. Therefore C. Later D. Besides

43. A. have B. has C. had D. was

44. A. what B. who C. whose D. which

45. A. that B. those C. than D. these

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