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At Peace with Pain

Date / Time So far today, have you brought kind awareness to your:
Thoughts? Heart? Body? None of the Above

A Comforting Visualization

As much as it may feel that your pain is something others can’t understand or fathom,
this meditation can help you realize that you are not alone. Being at peace with pain
doesn’t mean that you are resigned to pain or that you wouldn’t want things different
with all your heart and mind. But it does mean that you can rest in the peace of
mind and comfort that comes from the love and support of others.

The visualization here will let you be surrounded by the love of those who have cared
for you and supported you throughout your life—as well as those who you know would
offer their loving presence if they could be with you now.


1) Before starting, set the following intention: With this meditation, may I find peace of
mind with my pain through the love, support, and comfort of others.

2) Find a quiet, safe location where you will not be interrupted for at least 10 minutes.
Close your eyes.

3) Recall those persons who it feels good to be around. These are people from your
entire life who have held for you the simple wish that you be loved and well. These are
folks who have the warmest thoughts and feelings for you, and when you are in their
vicinity, you feel safe and good.

Picture those people, who could be called benefactors, because they care about your
present condition, and they wish the best for you. Who are these persons? This could
be a family member or a dear friend who made you feel safe and worthwhile. This
person could also be one of your grade school teachers, a kindly neighbor, or a camp
counselor who you think fondly of. There may have been strangers who have been
kind and who possessed a loving presence that you still recall. In addition, add to this
group those spiritual persons or mentors who have had your best interests at heart.
These could be historical figures, from Jesus and Buddha to Mother Teresa or anyone
who you know would have held the deepest wish for your well-being in their heart.
These evolved and spiritual beings fully understand your difficult situation, and they
would drop everything to be with you at this time—and to lend you support just by

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At Peace with Pain
being at your side.

Bring all of these persons to mind. Visualize them smiling and radiant as they surround
you—all the while sending you the warm glow of their deepest love and support. They
hold the wish for your happiness, safety, joy, health, and peace. They accept and love
you completely and unconditionally, just as you are.

You might experience their unconditional love and unlimited compassion for your
difficult situation and wish for your well-being as a soft glow, a warm light that bathes
you completely. Like a warm and sweet honeyed syrup, picture it flowing down from
the top of the head and spilling to the tips of your toes. Let this unconditional love
and concern for you seep down into every cell of your body. Absorb it with each breath
you take.

Allow yourself to open up in order to let in this support, compassion, and love. Should
you notice any skeptical or negative thoughts creeping into your mind, just release
these—again returning to the deep wish for your well-being.

If your mind wanders, simply notice that and gently return it to your group of caring
and loving supporters, or benefactors. Notice that their love and compassion is not
passive at all. It is like a deep, flowing river of energy that moves you and deeply
inspires you. How wonderful to be surrounded by so many loving persons . . .

4) Mentally say the following words for yourself,

May I rest in the very compassion, love,

and support that these individuals hold for me.
May I rest with a sense of abiding peace with my situation,
Knowing that I am always supported by my benefactors.

5) All things are inter-connected. And so, optionally, you can choose to mentally
dissolve the separation between yourself your benefactors. Right now, let yourself
merge with them as you come into a sense of unity with these persons.

As you come into feeling of union with these persons, know that all beings can be
benefactors for one another. We all want to feel this experience of compassionate
understanding, love and well-being.

To end this meditation, let yourself rest for a few moments in the peace of things as
they are. Just having the wisdom that comes from knowing that you can always be
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At Peace with Pain
surrounded by the warm compassionate gaze and loving support of benefactors, from
your past, your present, and even from those who you may encounter later today or

Lastly, send these benefactors a blessing that reflects your gratitude and appreciation.

Reflections: What was most surprising about this meditation for being At Peace with
Pain? What benefactors showed up for you?

How did it feel to have compassion for your situation? How did it feeling to be
supported by wise and knowing benefactors who understood your pain?

How could this meditation be incorporated into your life? How could it help you to find
benefactors or reach out to potential benefactors? How would you go about reaching
out or finding these benefactors?

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At Peace with Pain

thank you for your mindfulness practice

May I continue to look deeply into

my mind, my heart and body.
May I see things and meet things
and may this clear and sustained knowing free me



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