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A: Hi Luis

B:Hi geraldine, How are you? 

A: oh, i'm fine and you?

B: I’m so-so. 

A: what´s wrong? 

B:Yesterday was the gender change festival             

A:Oh the festival,  How did you celebrate?  

B:I organized a party in my house and invited my friends, after I had to change clothes with
my girlfriend. 

A: Seriously?, Well... apart from me, i had a good time at the festival, Oh I remember my
cousin told me he was going to your party, did you see him? 

B:Yes,I did,  he was wearing a red dress and he was drinking a lot.

A: and what else did you do at the festival?

B:mm, Well, I had to do the shopping for lunch and then I had to make lunch with my
father and my brother, while my mother looked at us and laughed. she also said that we
cook terribly. 

A:wow, that's amazing, I can imagine your mother eating the food you prepared

B:Yeap, and geraldine did you do something similar? 

A: Well in the morning I saw my mother preparing breakfast and then my mother told my 
father that he had to prepare lunch,, but before he had to do the shopping, it was really    

B: Oh, and did you have to change your clothes, to look like a man? 

A: Well ... my mother did not want to change clothes, but I did, and the clothes really
looked terribly, but I must admit that it was very comfortable.

B: wow,And did you do something at night?

A:Yes, I went to the party organized by our mayor at the stadium

B: Oh and what did you do there?

A: Well we danced and ate traditional food that other people prepared, and it was funny to
see how the women took the men out to dance.

B:What else was at the party? 

A:To celebrate this festival, people held two contests for both genders to participate

B: And what contests did they do?

A:Well they made a contest of the most beautiful man and the strongest woman

B: And do you know why this festival started? 

A: Actually, I'm not sure how this festival started, but I think it was because women saw
how men had more rights than women, so they decided to change roles so that women
knew what it is to be a man. and the men know that it felt to be a woman.  And Luis, do
you know where this festival originated?

B: It started in Palestine where women are not valued. 

A : and you know the story?

B: yes, The story is a little violent. this is about a girl who envied men.

A: Yeah? What’s it about?

B:a woman called Sasha was having money problems and couldn't find a job

A: Oh and what happened? 

B: one day she got a job but the pay was very low. and she realized that men worked less
and paid more.

A: Did the woman do something about it?

B:she cut  her hair and dressed like men and she realized that the treatment was very
different. finally when one day he was working, the boss discovered it was a woman was
imprisoned. xddd

A: wow that story was heartwarming, I agree with the woman's decision.

B:  Me too, she is a courageous  and responsible woman. well, It was nice talking to you. 

A:  Ok , bye , see you

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