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1) Intro: Rosalind Wan Wong

1. When you love something dearly, it's hard to let it go. Decades of love songs talk about
unrequited love or lost love.
2) Thesis:
1. Today I want to share with you my personal commitment to be a good girlfriend. I'll show
you 2 reasons why I want to be a good girlfriend, and 3 ways I've demonstrated my ability
to be a good girlfriend.
3) Sig Statement:
1. I want all of you to go out of this room yearning to find your true love, because one true
love is infinitely better than a billion of flirts.
4) Reason 1
1. The first reason is: I want to reciprocate his love for me. Every relationship is about
reciprocal love or respect. He's held onto me for so long and we've been through so much. I
want to show him that his love is not in vain. I want to know that I know he is working hard
to keep me happy.
2. I feel happy to know he's there for me always.
5) Reason 2
1. It's a miracle we still exist: we met through my best friend at USC. They were neighbors. In
April, he started noticing me. Then, we had a total of 2 dates in May before we were
official. Since he goes to USC, school ended for him in May, and he went back to Hawaii,
his native home, and called me every single day throughout the entire summer. We would
spend at least 2 hours communicating with each other, our conversations never ran out. We
would sing to each other, or tell stories about our past- Everything you can ever imagine. I
figured, unless he was absolutely in love with me, he wouldn't do that.
2. I'm scared that one of these days, something might go wrong. So by showing him I'm a good
girlfriend, I hope he'll continue to cherish me.
6) Here are three actions that I've done to demonstrate my ability to be a good girlfriend.
1. We do things he likes. I went to the football game with him. I sat in the student section
behind enemy lines and cheered for the Huskies during the USC-Huskies game. I also
humored him by wearing USC attire. Also, it was for my own safety. We also watch movies
he likes. We recently watched Jackass 3d until I couldn't stand it any longer and we walked
out. In exchange, he'll watch Harry Potter with me this weekend.
2. We also play music together. He's a cellist and I'm a pianist. Cello is my favorite instrument
of all time! I'm accompanying him on a sonata that he's going to play in front of a panel of
professors at the end of the year. We also play improvisations, jazz... you name it! I'm also a
song writer so it's nice to have a little band, with him and just a few close friends. In
exchange, he'll perform with me at the Fowler Museum next quarter.
3. Another thing that I do is I try to include the family experience for him. His family is in
Hawaii, so things can get a little lonely here. I'd introduce him to all my friends and family.
I would cook for him and we'd picnic out by jan steps. I would also fold his laundry
whenever I get the chance to. I think I've actually only done it once, but I would do it
regularly if I had the chance. He wasn't there to see me fold it, so when he found out, he was
very touched.
4. I feel happy to know I can make life that much more exciting and fulfilling for him. He likes
it when I accompany while doing things he likes, or playing the cello, and I like taking care
of him. It makes him happy, which means it also makes me happy. His happiness is intrinsic
to my happiness. Again, it's reciprocal.
7) In Summary: I have shown you why I'm committed to being a good girlfriend. Because he loves
me, I want to show him that I love him. Because of our relationship has been wonderful, I want
to keep him by being a good girlfriend and not push him away. That's why I do the things he
likes, play piano for him, and also help him feel happy in other small ways.
8) There's no doubt in this room that I am personally committed to being a good girlfriend.
9) In conclusion: [ play Euridice] I love my boyfriend. If there are decades of songs dedicated to
unrequited love, then there are centuries of love songs dedicated to true love. He has often
asked me to write a song about him- and he didn't have to ask.

1. Not be nervous. 2. don't forget (memorize) 3. Pace and walk with direction.

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