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the communication skills are extremely important in many times of our life, and they must use

correct depends on get achievement , goals and objectives. In the work, this communication
between workers sometimes falls. but, these skills are highly demanded by companies and
must be able to be complemented with the hard skills that comprise the technical and
functional knowledge of a given position. Also are essential in sectors such as commercial or
training", where negotiation skills are required or constant interaction is required in work
teams. Also when you are looking for a job, social and communication skills are essential to be
successful in the different places of the selection processes. That is why you must know how to
use a correct comunication and efficient in different places and tests, such as when doing an
interview, presenting a topic and interacting with huge groups.

1. Don’t lose the objective : It is important to be clear about the purpose of your argument,
stating ideas directly and be bluntly.

2. Get organized: You have to structure what you want to tell correctly. In written
communication we must practice our writing, obtaining fluency and naturalness, in addition to
knowing the main formal structures such as: those of cover letters. In oral communication it is
important that you know how to "sell yourself." If you want to learn to sell yourself

3. . Adapt your comunication style :It is important that you make correct use of your
communication according to the place and the person with whom you are.

4. Remember that everything communicates: your posture, gestures, your gaze or your tone of
voice provide a lot of information. It is essential that you accompany with a good non-verbal
language so that you give a global image of security and serenity. If you want to learn how to
use your non-verbal language in the job interview, take a look at this webinar on: How to
persuade the interviewer with your non-verbal language

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