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After reading a few answers, I think instead of naming one cheat codes.

I’ll list several

cheat type instead.

 Character edits. Fairly common in RPG and simulation games such as the
Sims series. Basically the cheat could allow you to edit either the character’s
attribute or status, sometimes both. With Character edit I could easily boost my
attribute such as strength, speed, skills, or even health, making myself a God
possibly. I could achieve anything I want.
The cheat codes I would most want to use is:

1. Immortality: thus I can live forever! Or at least until I am killed or die if a

disease. It would be cool to live through the ages and see what occurs. The
only downside is that I would more than likely see my successors die before
myself, unless I am killed. To have to live with that is unimaginable.
2. Regeneration (like in Minecraft): any form of damage that does not result in
an instantaneous death, such as being a victim of a bombing or a gunshot to
the head, will be quickly healed. For example, if I were to fall off of a ladder and
break both of my legs, they would be healed rather quickly rather than
resulting in me becoming a cripple.
3. Toggle time: this does not mean I can just set the time of day, but exactly the
time. For example, I can take a plane to France and set the year to 1796. I can
live through the Napoleonic wars (like I’ve always longed for) as many times as
I’d like! As long as I don’t end up like the one carabiner at Waterloo who had a
cannonball rip through his chest-plate, I’ll be fine as I’m vaccinated for most of,
if not all modern diseases and such. If I get put in a tricky situation, just set the
time back to 2019! Kind of like a time travel perk…

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