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Once upon a time there were three little pigs.

The first pig built a house of straw.
The second pig built his house with sticks.  
They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day . 
But the third little pig worked hard all day and built a very strong house with bricks.
You know what happened after that...... 
A biiiiiiiiiig wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played. 

The Wolf thought, ‘Yummmmmmmmmmm, I am going to have some good food


He ran towards the two pigs, 'I am coming..... I am eat you.


The pigs got very scared......Oh Nooooooooooooooo..Lets hide.

They ran and hid in their houses. Then the big wolf went to the first house and
huuufffffed and puuuuuffffffed and blew the house down. 

The little pig got scared and  ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks.
The big wolf now came to this house and huuufffffed and puuuuuffffffed and blew the
house down.

Now, the two little pigs got very scared and ran to the third pig’s house.......... that
was made of bricks. 
The big wolf again tried to huuuuuffffffff and puuuuuuufffffffff and blew to bring
the house down, but he could not. 

The wolf tried again and again and again.........

But the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. The wolf couldn't 
enter their house and couldn't hurt them. The wolf left. 
Hoorrraaaay!!  said the three little pigs. The three little pigs lived in their house of
bricks happily ever after.

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